You say that the user in question has ‘confirmed’ this, but is their source reliable? I’d say if the army is to be an Elf one, it’ll most likely be Kurnothi given GW have already teased them in Beastgrave. The first three make sense, but I hope they don’t make Daughters of Khaine any more powerful. I hope they’ll give them a bit of a nerf like they did Sylvaneth. Stormcast have had enough new models the last few years to last them the next five and do not deserve a new release given they’ve already got endless spells and stuff - please do not give GW any more ideas along that line. GW can at the very least release one or two updates for existing armies in early January as those only take a week each way (and if they released a battlebox they could update two armies at the same time). Historically January always had at least some proper AoS release in it, and I would hate to see them break that tradition just for rubbishy Sisters of Battle. Warcry releases are specialist games, and GW often release either a load of specialist games stuff together or release a little bit of it alongside something for one of their main games (especially as it’s only going to be the Spire Tyrants), so that will most likely arrive either with said early January army updates or Sisters of Battle rubbish.
i beleave we have a shiping lable which is what we had for the last few leacks im looking for it now oh no not like Sylvaneth we want a middle of the rode army not broken one i agree but this is GW there will be more storm cast i don't think we will be in january but it will be announced but im waiting for the Christmas announcements to be shur
Sounds like a wishilsting/blind guess to me. KO and Tzeentch is obviously getting update next year. DoK, ID and SCE obviously getting endless spells/terrain at some point. Why all of a sudden we'll get hysh elves, when we have Kurnothi and some rumor engine which fit their style. Since, there are lots of "guess", "expect" etc. words in the post, I wouldn't be taking it too seriously. What we really know for sure so far is that: 1) All battletomes gets and update by the end of next year; 2) GW almost did put out a battletome each month this year. What we can guess: 1) GHB2020 won't contain any faction rules, since all factions, except Seraphon did get an update already; 2) There are big chances that 1-2 battletomes come out in January-February; 3) Based on that GW could probably release all battletomes before Adepticon (which almost fits 1 BT per month schedule). These are pure speculations, but looks very probable for me. On the other hand, that "don't know what to do with Seraphon" rumor could mean that we are getting our BT far later than Tzeentch or KO. And even still have some rules update in GHB. This could mean a big update with lots of releases. Personaly, I would like just battletome and endless/spells terrain, since I'm contet with my collection of space lizards and would like to move to something else. But that's just me. I think, there is some kind of event on the first week of January, can't remember the name. Let's wait and see if situation becomes more clear. AoS main factions don't get model updates in warcry. And there is noth
My gut (pun not intended) is telling me that its ogors. I've not seen any other army use the metal sandals that they do. And it also has the same tooth shaped bits of metal on it that the gutplates do. My guess would be either a type of maneater or a new hunter model. Unless it's a new type of model all together for underworld.
I don't think, that this is a model for large game. Some limited stuff probably or UW/Warcry/Necromunda/Black Fortress. But I'm betting on Grombrindal/Red Gobbo style.
Hmm, makes me wonder on what I have been told then. How I discussed about Seraphon and buying other armies but wasn't sure. I got told to wait a few days and behold, the secret present appears after I did wait a few days. I just hope he is hinting right, he knows I have been going on about an update, including my wishlist of updated models like the Saurus Knights. Compile and improve the rules for the army.
I’d be interested in seeing it if you can find it. According to @Aginor, he classed Sylvaneth as middle-Tier rather than top-tier in his Age of Sigmar army rankings here, which is what I was going on when I made that statement. Perhaps Sylvaneth are just particularly good against Seraphon at the moment, given that Seraphon are in such dire need of an update, which would explain you referring to them as ‘broken’. How disgusting. Let’s hope it occurs later rather than sooner, as otherwise GW will have succeeded in boring me to death. I don’t think Seraphon will be in January either, I said that there should be at least some AoS release in January as GW have built up a tradition.
I’ve made enough 40K Ork models to know it’ll be one of them. It could be da Red Gobbo’s Christmas Ork master, or could even be a plastic Gazghkull, given that a plastic Gazghkull has been rumoured since Orktober last year, and that a Psychic Awakening supplement featuring Orks has definitely been teased (‘Saga of the Beast’).
sorry not broken good broken bad there book made them worse and just killed the army it can still compeat but it's on the low end of the curve and is tide with ogars for most disappointing battle tome i would also take issue with aginors rankings as amongst others he has BoC at mid teir and it's not that good
In that case, I was referring to Daughters of Khaine getting that treatment rather than Seraphon. I hope Seraphon get a really good tome (as long as they make Saurus competitive and offer list build options without Slann).
Indeed it's a Tzeentch Vs KO box. Back to waiting everyone. Our time will come and hopefully it will be glorious!
It’s true, January will still be featuring some AoS content! Kharadron and Tzeentch will both be getting an update very soon in a new boxed game, with these two new heroes: Not a fan of the Tzeentch hero (not avian enough) but the Kharadron one is absolutely brilliant. @NIGHTBRINGER what do you think, given that these factions are two of your faves?
as was foreseen (sigh) ah well it just gives me more time to get all the rest of my painting done before i have to worry about lizards again
mm, at least I like Tzeentch as well. Though I'm curious what's actually in the box. Even more tzaangor? I already have too many of those. personnaly more annoyed at the made to order dark vengeance box. I want the chaos cultists cuz you can't get those anywhere. But getting the entire box just for that is rather a waste of money... Would've liked it if the units were available seperatly.
New hero, 6 enlightened and 3 screamers. KO have new hero, 3 of each type of balloon boys and a small boat.