Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Gathering his wits about him, Tiqxoltiq ran outside and began shouting orders to any saurus and kroxigor nearby. "A fire break! We must make a fire break!" While at the same time thinking about the last 48 hours and about how none of them could seem to CATCH a break... "Quickly, chop down the trees nearest the encampment and make a gap in the canopy! We cannot stop such a blaze, but we can slow it down!" Turning to the other priests as they emerged, blinking, into the smoke and firelight, he cast them a look of sadness. "I have no spells that can stop this. If you have something to call rain or elementals of water to fight this, now would be the time to use such spells!"
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking about him as he runs towards the bank, the fire leaps faster than he can run, finally ahead of him the Oracle begins to realize he is nearly surrounded and cut off by the flame. Smoke and the heat begin to suffocate the skink as green leaves and recently wetted bark is engulfed as spider webs, unknown to be there to Xolek, begin to catch flame adding to the inferno. Visibility is non existent as soon Xolek-Zi loses visual of the last clearing.

    Quickly taking loads of cool wet mud the skink lays on generous portions onto his skin. Weighing him down but protecting his body from the heat, the mud acts as earthen body armor, though slowly baking due to the heat around him.

    First calling out to Chotec the Oracle receives nothing but stronger flames as the firestorm builds and builds, to Sotek the skink prays to next, no sign of deliverance is shown.

    For a Brief moment the moon shows, and in this moment Xolek looks up and above him a brighter moon than before shows, brighter than the flames themselves. Feeling a stirring in him he says a prayer to the moon, and in that moment his tail begins to feel cool, a weird sensation in the midst of a firestorm. Looking at this muddied feathered tail, Xolek noticed a cool Purplish-Blue glow coming from the orbs from his three pronged tail.

    Feeling the hot wind stir around him he feels out, his tail glowing as bright as the moon above the Oracle begins to channel the celestial body above and starts to create stronger gusts of wind until they sre so strong that the fire can do nothing but retreat in its wake. Eyes a Moonsilver and all his silver markings radiating out, the skink sees his opening, the bright moon above it like the north star guiding him....

    He moves towards it he uses gusts of wind to keep the flames back as much as he can, as he moves towards to opening which leads deeper into the jungle and

    (1 Magic Point, 0 Left)
  3. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "Whhaaaaaaaaaaaat... haaaaaaappeeeen?" - groaned Quas as the flurry of bodies running from place to place took the Kroxigor from his beloved sleep. Moving slowly, like a man after a couple cups of dwarven ale, he forced himself to sit and opened his weary eyes. "Whole forest is on fire!" - screamed the lizardmen, some in panic, some determined to wake everyone up - especially poor Quas, who had to be hit by a few kitchen accessories and a kick from a Saurus to finally stop snoring.

    Using his stove as a support he stood up reluctantly. He now was looking at the fiery scene on the horizon and sighed. Not wasting any more time he grabbed two large and empty buckets in his grubby hands and ran towards the nearest water source. Running through the water to fill the buckets more quickly was a chilling experience which allowed him to become more awake. Now running he was, towards the inferno, to help his people once again...
  4. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Buckets!" the priest shouted, his voice going hoarse as he screamed orders to the lizards around him. "Bring buckets, pots, anything that will hold water! We need to wet down the camp buildings or they will go up like straw!" Frantically, he tried to rack his mind, thinking if he knew any alchemy formulae that had a chance in hell of doing anything against a raging inferno like this...

    As lizards appeared, carrying buckets and pots - even a couple of skull-helmets with the holes plugged by wax - he began to organize a bucket chain to fight the fires. The first several buckets of water were flung upwards onto the camp buildings - especially the infirmary hut - but soon the defenders began to fling buckets of water outwards in a possibly vain attempt to stop the flames.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Skinks were the first to respond to Tik’s orders, becoming more organised with minutes. Many groups guided kroxigors to the forest edge whilst others began to hand out repurposed mining picks and axes to let the larger and stronger lizardmen do the hardest labour whilst they could direct the efforts and provide needed support.

    Soon many kroxigors armed with iron tools were cutting down tree after tree.

    utilising their strong muscles and power they could strike the tree’s down with ease, every wide arcing blow sending shattered bark flying and fresh sap oozing, the thick liquid sizzling when exposed to the sheer heat.

    Weaving between the kroxigors feet were hosts of skinks some pulling and tearing away at the undergrowth leaving a wide avenue of raw earth and dirt whilst others helped Saurus and kroxigors lift away fallen trees and wood from the fires rasping grasp.

    At the forefront of the swamp bay was Quas, lifting immense loads of water before dousing the ever-encroaching flames with artificial waterfalls, each haul paralysing the dancing inferno giving the skinks that swarmed at his feet carrying assortments of buckets, pots and containers to rush in and further assault the flames.

    Every bucketful, every drop of rain that fell from the smoke covered heavens above disappearing almost instantly causing huge swathes of scalding steam and smoke that bathed the area in an even intenser heat as the fire relentlessly advanced…


    Rallying the few unskilled spellcasters and minor priests within the area Tik ordered for them to focus whatever magic they could to slow the fire's approach.

    All now in Strenuous concentration the winds of magic swirled and contorted feeding portions of its power to the storm clouds above stirring them into further action, releasing fleeting torrents of rain down for mere seconds before the clouds would shrivel and fade.

    Meanwhile, other magic was persuaded into substantial gusts of winds able to clear more ground providing the workers below with an opportunity to escape the blinding heat and also advance forwards.

    But whatever ground the lizardmen gained was seemingly lost as the flames flanked around or managed to leap over the thin fire blocks, claiming more territory under its burning banner as it went.

    That was until their prayers were seemingly answered as a huge gust of cooling wind suddenly blows forth from the side, its strange silver qualities flowing back and forth like the tide as it cut out swathes and chunks of the flames but also parting the clouds and smoke above giving a chance for the moon to shine down. Its exaggerated rays of shining silver streaming forth to bathe the burning jungle, the light itself causing even greater portions of the inferno to sizzle and dissipate.

    Its creator stood in the far distance shrouded by both tree’s and a mysterious glow as he looked on in awe. the similar strange blue-purple light emanating forth from his tail and mud-caked scales parting the smoke and heat.

    With his magical ability fading Xolek used the mysterious chance to retreat further into the jungle in what he hoped was the camps direction as the moon’s light behind him was once again beginning to fade and suffocate.


    Feeling an even greater drastic change in the room temperature Xlauax was relieved to feel cool icy air clear from smoke circulate around his warm scales and rasping throat as he entered.

    Walking in, Xlauax could see Izqux now firmly situated in his palanquin whilst he spoke and provided counsel to a particularly large saurus draped in jade and gold ornaments and a shadowy skink chief, his features covered in a thick black fur cloak whilst his face was masked over by a large skull, the boney features and huge fangs concealing all but the characters passionate emerald eyes.

    “Uykar, I need you to return to the other beast handlers and prepare the Ahuatli. We have little time before the Ololoq claims not only more land but also lives…” Izqux motioned to the skink chief, his voice more stern and fast-paced than usual.

    Upon the last words, the skink chief had already left, his cloak trailing behind him wafting in the wind as he sprinted whilst a large previously unseen panther prowled from the darkness in pursuit.

    “We are already one man down. Sent to find skinks and not informed of his return. Must we continue?” The even louder and even sterner voice boomed, filling the room with a deep, ancient guttural tone that immediately painted and blasted over Xlauax’s rapid questions.

    In return, Izqux turned to the saurus continuing to ignore the chameleon. “One life is nothing when compared to that of a hundred... Tluxlec is strong in both will and muscle. I am sure he will not die on this day but many others will if we do not oppose these flames! I demand the dispatch of another unit immediately...” He barked even louder almost standing up, his exasperation becoming clear as his voice and statements became more emotionless and cold in order to face the rapid threat.

    “All units are already dispatched.” The saurus stared straight at the skink picking up on both the stress and urgency of the situation.

    “What DO YOU MEAN!?” The seer outbursts, before trying to calm himself and regain composure. “Right… Take another five men from the ruin team to fight the blaze… order the distancing of the Relic slann and other smaller artefacts away. Leave the gold and plaques, No fire is strong enough to harm them…”

    With a nod of both acceptance and respect the veteran warrior now also leaves the tent forcing Izqux to finally acknowledge xlauax.

    “What is it you need chameleon, Can you not see we are in a crisis!?” he speaks, signalling Xlauax closer before continuing. “We can require additional scouting of the fires size and further strength if you are willing. Signal the beginning of a full-scale evacuation if the inferno is too extensive and powerful, If you choose to do so many lives will now also rest on your shoulders...”

    Hakal - M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.8 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 1+ Strength


    Tiqxoltiq - M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic


    Xahanol - ???

    Quas - M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill point, 2 battle, 1 Strength


    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.95 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic ,1 Beast handling.


    Kuoteq'Eko - M5 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0. I4 A1 Ld5. 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic


    Xlauax - M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. +2 skill points, 1 battle, 2 blend

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Running as fast as his legs could carry him Xolek pushed aside branches and undergrowth, not looking back at the flames and smoke. He could feel the moons Ray's fading, the mud on him hard and brittle falling off with every stride of his legs.

    Escaping the flames temporarily for several minutes the Oracle begins to hear the calls of Kroxigor in the distance....and then sees more flame ahead of him, but also hear in the distance the crashing of trees.

    Seeing more flame he begins to channel the winds of magic in Hope's of being able to summon another powerful wind blast or to summon something greater to help stifle the flames....
  7. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    All around him, the skink saw them. The crawling legs, reaching out for him. Hissing their claim over their prey. The fear deep in his gut. Then fire, so much fire. It started at the edges of their horrid feet, licking up slowly, until the spiders are all a mass of fire. They formed together, and the fire still grew. There, he saw what he was taught, or what he knew since spawning more, the symbol of Chotec. He felt their heat, and he wondered if he had done the right or wrong thing there, to save the Saurus and himself. It mattered not, the judgement of Chotec was all he could see and feel, the roaring of flames in his ears, the searing pain of fire on his scales. If he was able to he would scream, but there was no oxygen for that. only Chotec.
  8. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax froze, many lives would depend on him? He remembered grimly the last time a life rested on him. He didn't know what to do or if he was qualified. He would have to scout out the size of the fire to see if it warranted an evacuation. He relapsed and saw the horror again, the calm look on Qul'toq's face as he breathes his last breath, he was so serene. But these would not be the same way, horror and fear would streak across their faces as the fire scorched them and melted through their scales. But, there were no other scouts he felt qualified to get the info fast enough. Xlauax would have to take this risk, even if it meant driving himself even more mad with grief. If he failed, he didn't know if his emotions could take it. But in the end, Xlauax knew he had to do this, Izqux was counting on him. "I will depart immediately, I will see the speed and size of this fire and come back as fast as possible to inform you if we need to evacuate. I hope we meet again Izqux.". After this Xlauax leaves the tent, a determined look on his face that washes away his awkwardness and replaces it with a inch stare, like the cool Lustria rivers in the winter time. He couldn't mess up this time, just as he would have to find all the Druchii scouts, he would have to survey the entire fire. If he missed a single scout, the camp and it's denizens could be pierced through the heart by a fiery bolt.
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Eyes wide in panic, Tiqxoltiq knew this was a battle they could not win. Faster than they could put it out, the fire was spreading. "The caverns," he muttered, thinking to himself. "That is the only way." Turning on his heel, he began to bark orders to the skinks nearby, redirecting their efforts. Some were ordered to help Zuztle and his patients, taking them down into the excavated ruins along with as many of Zuztle's medicines as they could bring and - above all - his medical texts. Another set of skinks were sent to gather anything irreplacable and take that into the caverns as well. Medications, scrolls of the old ones, equipment they would need to stave off the beasts, all were to be brought into the tunnels.

    The remainder of the skinks and those saurus who could be spared from transporting the wounded were ordered to delay the flames as much as they could. One runner was sent to the beast handlers, warning them of the impending evacuation. There was a lake nearby. If they could get the Anhuatli into the lake, they would be safe from the flames. They would lose some of the beasts, but if there was any chance of saving them it had to be done.
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal stared on in awe as the jungle trees crackled on fire. Flames and smoke bloomed overhead, as the fire still crept on towards camp. Even with all lizards running frantically around him, he knew this couldn't possibly be stopped. He ran all around camp, his mind in a confused haze, until he found the kroxigor, Quas, who offered him food earlier. Without even thinking, he asked a desperate question.

    "What now?"
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Soon the first line of huts were now also ablaze, their thick thatch roofs and wooden wall flickering with a simmering heat as the fire ate away at the sides of the structure, trying to break into their soft interior where it could feast.

    Now with the fire also clawing its way forward to Zuztle’s hut and into more valuable part s of the camp, Tik was forced to take the initiative, ordering several skinks and saurus to transport both the wounded and any other valuable items to safety surrounded by cold stone.

    Exiting the healer's hut was now a stream of skinks each one clasping handfuls of equipment and books whilst a saurus was holding a blackened and burnt skink, the lizard’s limbs limp and dangling.

    Breaking through the shouting and roaring of fire was also Zuztle’s surprisingly loud voice. “Wait!... Grab t-this one, We.. W-e need these as well!” who was rapidly darting from shelf to shelf pushing huge jars and piles of dusty apparatus into the skink’s already weighed down hands.

    Despite the heat becoming more and more unbearable Zuztle still desperately tried to save as much as he could until the skinks held him back and prevented him from entering. But even then he still managed to elude their grip and rushed back inside the soon to be collapsing building to retrieve one last load of beloved belongings, The huge jar of honey pot ants among them.

    Whilst many of the huts were being evacuated and salvaged Tik turned his attention to the hulking Ahaulti that had arrived on the scene minutes before carrying four huge wooden troughs of water and many buckets to help the efforts.

    Seeing two kroxigors pick up one of the troughs and pour it into the flames, only for the huge waterfall of water to instantly sizzle away and become little more than a huge blanket of heated steam Tik new that the efforts were surely hopeless.

    With the flames roaring with a renewed ferocity and power in the background and a mixture of both crackling and shouting threatening to drown out his voice Tiqxoltiq began to shout out towards the muscular skink chief who guided the beast, instructing him to not only withdraw with the Auhalti but to also head back and ensure the various other creature’s safety.


    With a determined and serious face, Xlauax began to dart through the chaos of panicking skinks, buildings ablaze and tree’s falling. Every scream, every cry pushing him further, causing his blood to flow faster and his breaths to increase as his feet below hammered the cobbles and dirt paths towards his resolute and unwavering task.

    Looking to the side the chameleon could already see the temporary firebreak becoming overrun as the flames barked and growled in unison as a swarm of angry animals clawing and biting their way closer and further into the camp's valuable interior.

    Unblinking, Xlauax continued forward using his vision of groups of skinks forced to break away and withdraw from both the heat and fear to fuel his advance towards the fire’s edge, the heat only becoming more formidable at every passing step.

    Gritting his teeth with concentration the chameleon blocked out all though, using his many years of anguish and hatred to make him even stronger as he looked out now atop a raised bank.

    Staring across the once dark landscape now illuminated in a flickering surge Xlaux was met with a horizon full of engulfing fire and smoke, the dancing blaze not only reflecting in his one remaining eye but also reflecting his passion and resentment as the sparks showered down like a storm Druchi arrows whilst the flames cut and stabbed like sharp swords and pointed spears.


    Slowly beginning to swirl around Xolek was a mixture of smoke, silver light and magic in a vortex of renewed magical energy as the oracle called out to the winds and summoned them to him.

    Still backing away from the flames, Xolek could feel the power once again reigniting within him providing him with renewed vigour and sense whilst the heat lessened a cooling wind surrounded him, not only reliving his sizzling scales but also saturating the air with magical potential...
    (+1 Magic point to Xolek, The magic within the area is beginning to become used resulting in a -20% Successchance on all spells)
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Feeling the magic swell inside him the Oracle looks around himself and tries to figure out what he can do, if anything, to halt the flames in front of him that he was sure was separating him from the camp.

    Looking to his south he sees the river that empties into yet another mangrove swamp, though unsure of its size. In a last ditched effort he runs to it, his tail pulsing with moonlight stronger as he gets closer to the water. Cursing the flames around him he jokingly says, "I wish this smoke was that of Blue Paradise!" Laughing to himself, "because this isnt any part of paradise!" Continuing to run Xolek cant help but nervously laugh, his scales feeling a tug of war between the heat of the raging fire and the cool breeze of magic around him.

    Reaching the water he jumps in head first. The water rushing over him. As he comes up he begins to rub hand fulls of mud all over himself. As he does such he begins to draw four symbols into the mud: earth, wind, moon and water. Running his hands in the water, his fingers like forks gliding through he Oracle again begins to chant, but this time to the moon and no other celestial entity.

    Total clear mindedness comes over Xolek, feeling like a leaf on the wind his hands glide through the waters that now sway with him. Like the moon controls the tides the Oracle begins to feel the water around him, a thick mist begins to form around him, slowly stifling out any flame around him. With a thrust of magical strength the skink attempts to dump the whole swamp over the flame towards and into the camp if necessary, mud water and all (- 1 magic point). Knowing this will strain him he begins to channel even harder, chanting, praying...sweat begins to pour from him as if Tzunki was making the Oracle into a living waterfall (-1 skill point to help the potency of the spell, 0 left). The moon still burning bright above, the Oracle feels something he cant describe. His eyes a pale bright silver, Xoleks scales begin to smolder with heat, but not from the fire.....

    Hoping to win favor with the star seer. The Oracle puts all his might into draining the swamp, as if he was the moon himself controlling the tides...
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2020
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Scrabbling frantically, Tiqxoltiq continued to guide the evacuation as swiftly as he could, wracking his brain to try and remember what else needed to be brought into the tunnels. Soon the healer's hut was emptied, and many other essentials had been moved as well. Seeing this progress, Tik felt the energy of the flames sap his strength and finally gave in to fate. Shouting as loudly as he could, he ordered the remaining defenders into the excavation tunnels! "Flee to the tunnels! The flames cannot reach us in there!" He continued to guide skinks, saurus, and kroxigor alike in the retreat as ably as he could, giving ground step by step as he, too, bid a retreat.

    But panic suddenly gripped his mind. "The STARSEER!" he suddenly screamed out in terror. Turning to the nearest saurus, he screamed up at his, eyes wide in horror. "We need to rescue the Starseer!"
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax stared out into the forest and saw a lone skink with some sort of magic around him. All of a sudden he relapsed into old memories. He was back in the Druchii camp and needed to kill the scouts so Qul'toq could use his spell inside the Druchii camp. It would be an easy enough mission.

    POV 3rd Person
    Xlauax dove into the burning forest and started running as fast as he could. Hacking branches down on his way, he races to Xolek with as much speed as possible. (Could he spend skill points to stay cooler? Or run faster?). A large branch fell in his way but he leaped over it nimbly. The forest was ablaze all around him and it was getting hotter ever second.

    POV 1st Person (How Xlauax sees it)
    Xlauax dove into the dark forest. He stalked along the trees for the unsuspecting Druchii scouts. He spotted one in the distance and ran through the trees silently. One fateful leap ended it's miserable life. Another one was patrolling not too far off. He sprinted through the trees using his camoflauge to conceal him. The Druchii walked right past him and Xlauax wasted no time in ending him, a sword through his throat. Many Druchii scouts fell beneath a flurry of blades as he ran around the camp.
    (Note to understand what Xlauax is thinking of read my new story posted in Xlauax the Forgotten)
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Silver eyes closed Xo focuses both his body and soul on the task at hand. His three-pronged tail gently swung as its orbs pulsated whilst his arms swung and waved in a fluid motion towards the fire as he steadied his feet and bowed his head as the newly drawn runes that run down his body shone in unison, unable to contain the light generated by the scales below.

    Mind clear like water, Body strong like earth, limbs fluid-like wind and scales shining like the moon Xolek-Zi’s gazed up at the sky for final seconds before even his breaths stopped and he unleashed the built-up power in a breathtaking flurry of actions.

    Opening his shuddering palms open the oracle was suddenly flung forward unable to fully control the water that moved with his body. Now sent spiralling into the blazing flames the waves surrounding him now also rode forward like the final ferocious charge of a saurus legion, Tzunki against Chotec, Moon against Ashax and Xolek against fire.

    Tumbling once again into the mud Xolek could feel the heat of flame across his body before he was consumed by the wave that followed him.

    As his limbs were inexplicably moved with the wave’s motions Xolek was now swallowing water as his feeble mind was shattered, unable to keep the concentration and skill required to harness such resolute force. Allowing the unharnessed power to surge freely, picking up the skink with ease before throwing the frail body into raging currents and a storm of mud… (-0.25 Wounds, leaving Xolek-Zi with 0.7 Wounds remaining)

    Xolek-Zi - XP Gained: +1 Tide casting.
    1/3 Required to Upgrade.

    - Next Upgrade: SPELL UNLOCKED - Tide call (1 Magic point) When bathed within the Moon’s light the caster gains the ability to call forth the tides as if they were themselves a celestial deity. Draining nearby water sources the caster may then shoot forth a strong swell of water, the wave knocking down nearby enemies within a medium range with extreme force and power

    Skinks frantically ran as kroxigors bound desperately behind grabbing whatever they could rescue leaving the last few saurus behind who ensured the safe escape of any remaining lizardmen.

    Looking out at the panic the thoughts of starseer rushed into Tik’s mind as did waves of water that now smashed into the flames flank, obliterating any and all in its path whilst consuming both heat and fire in clouds of steam and an exercise of force and power.

    Turned around the priest’s attention was incomprehensibly drawn towards the cliff’s that arched over the camp and ruins whilst both fire and water raged behind.

    Atop them where Tiqxoltiq’s vision was now drawn sat the starseer on his palanquin, the frail and ancient figure gazed across the landscape witnessing the waves dance with the flames, each motion both graceful like a swooping terradon yet chaotic and destructive like the charge of a stegadon.

    Upon seeing the waves sizzle and soon themselves become drowned out by the heat the seer used the opportunity and raised one shuddering hand, letting the wind course between his fingers and the magical field spark and flex weakly above his palm whilst his other hand reached towards his chest

    Izqux now bowed his head, closing his deep pitted eyes and taking a long deep breath before the hand at his chest jolted forward clutching a huge perfectly spherical crystal marble within, the ball’s chain tugged on the seer’s neck for a few seconds before the golden shackles fell loose releasing the prize they held so desperately.

    As the orb was and brought further out into the light, the image of flames flickered and reflected onto its surface masking the infinitely complex designs of planets, stars and galaxies that were somehow all impossibly fit and neatly portrayed within the handheld object.


    With a sorrowful and slow action, he now clenched his fist allowing the orb to shatter into countless glittering shards that rode the vortex of magical wind that erupted from the marble. Deep in concentration, a sparkling whirlwind of magical energy spun around the skink before thunder and lightning crackled above as the black clouds of smoke parted opening the heavens forth in a blinding shower of rain.

    a storm of droplets surged downwards, each carrying the current of lightning that weaved in and around the showers during which the starlight above swells. the overpowering luminosity generated by them beating back the light of both the moon and the flames as the stars form into shimmering shapes and alignments for mere seconds.

    Down below the fire is suffocated in an instant under the rain as a thick mist is born in the shape of a cradling palm, the starlight still shining through reflecting inside every individual droplet of moisture as a series of dazzling ray’s.

    As soon as it had begun it was over as the light dimmed and the mist faded, allowing itself to be guided and mixed in with both embers and ash that also rode the wind above the devastated camp which smouldered below, flickers of smoke slowly rising from the many defeated buildings.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax continued through the forest. Racing along towards what seemed like a huge wave that had formed. He wondered why Qul'toq would use a spell like that. Was he trying to give them away to the Druchii? He leaped through the air, dodging low hanging branches and slicing some in two as he does along. He spotted another scout who met his fate upon his Vengeance. Shortly after yet another fell to his Pain and Justice. Xlauax finally made it to Qul'toq before saying. "Hey Qul'toq follow me I know the way to the camp. Then you can cast your spell to kill the Druchii. I dealt with all the Druchii scouts. I don't know why you were summoning water but I'm sure you had a good reason, let's just hope it doesn't give us away.". After this Xlauax motions for Qul'toq to follow him towards the camp. (Yet again as a reminder this is Xolek-Zi he is talking to but he's relapsing into an old memory.)
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Awed by the magic unleashed, Tik walked solemnly over to the aged Starseer and bowed before him. "Once again, wise one, your skill and wisdom saves us all, if perhaps not the camp. We are all in your debt." Hesitantly at first, but with more confidence, he wearily returned to his tasks, guiding those still able to aid in setting up temporary shelters in the tunnels. "We will assess the damages to the camp in the morning. For now, we all need to rest..."
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Landing beyond 300 yards forward from where the swamp used to lay, Xolek struggles to get up, his mind completely disoriented and shattered while his body faired only slightly better. Fish gasping for air lay all around him as birds from the canopy and above fly down to feast, one large crocodilian beast skewered by large tree branches, and even bigger catfish hanging by just its tail as if being hanged out to dry in the humid night air. Soon all sorts of animals would be here, the smell of the dead and dying coupled with the sound of panic would draw predators from all around. Xolek knew he had to leave, but he could not figure out which direction he needed to go and the canopy above offered no night sky to show.

    These strange sights only continued to confuse the Oracle as he began to stand up he began to feel light headed, and at that moment touching his head he noticed he was bleeding, a rock must have struck him in the head while in the tidal wave he had created. Walking a sharp pain radiated through his left leg, looking down a large broken stick lodged into his leg, breaking itso making it shorter the skink leaves it in to allow less loss of blood, and stops a moment. Something catches his ears, looking around he can't pick out where the noise is coming from, the softest pitter patter...and there it was, a chameleon skink...swinging at, branches? "what is he doing?" Xolek asked himself, "is this some sort of traning exercise? In a raging fire? I have questions" the thoughts ran through his mind, until what seemed to be only a blink of an eye the one eyed chameleon stood in front of him.

    "Hey Qul'toq follow me I know the way to the camp. Then you can cast your spell to kill the Druchii. I dealt with all the Druchii scouts. I don't know why you were summoning water but I'm sure you had a good reason, let's just hope it doesn't give us away." the words come out but the meaning is lost to Xolek, giving the most blank and confused look at the skink towering over him, now noticing the deformed lower body as well. "How is he even still alive? who is Qul'Tog? Is this some sort of joke? Does he not know there was just a raging fire here?!? Druchii in these parts?" again thinking to himself, the words failing to escape his mouth until finally....

    "What?...." the simple word escaping the Oracles lips in a low chirp and click
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    "We must hurry the Druchii will see their missing scouts soon. You must summon the fire you said you could muster inside their camp. This is the way to the camp just follow me.". Muttering to himself Xlauax wondered how scatterbrained Skink Priests must be. If only they were as clear headed as him. Nonetheless Xlauax dove back into the forest, motioning for Qul'toq to do the same.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Still looking confused, blood still flowing slowly from his head and hardly able to walk with the pain, Xolek reluctantly follows...still questioning his decision as druchii are still talked about. Hobbling behind the oracle looks for his dagger, its missing...all that he has left is the carnosaur tooth. walking into seemingly untouched jungle save the ash on the leaves and in the air, Xolek can hear the mutterings of the Chameleon, but loses sight of him many times before Xlauax would reveal himself

    "we must hurry!" he would keep saying, "follow me, Camp is over here" he kept hearing faintly in the distance, as if some spirit was guiding him, but really just a confused chameleon skink who swung at branches and spoke of non existent things....thinking to himself again, "I hope we don't run into any real druchii out here...or anything other than a fellow cold blood....where is my pipe"

    continuing to follow Xlauax the oracle wonders where he is being led...

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