I do wonder what they have in store for Tzeentch as for KO we can possibly counter by baiting them out, and they dropping in dinosaurs on them and sending them to a world of pain
I guess another point is that with KO players in general will have to get better at defending against movement shenanigans... Quite a few of my wins have been capitalising on a mistake with a teleport.
Doubt they will be doing anything soon with elves, unless they give us the middle finger and update DoK next instead of us
meh it could be a rumour engine for the new aelven stuff made by tyrion that'l be coming eventually. Plenty of rumour engines that take half a year or longer to resolve anyways. But yeah, I doubt this will end up being released soon.
Or more Kurnothi stuff. Thankfully the first appearance was not that long ago, I highly doubt they will a release before our new tome.
But a sheath with a possible grail icon? It could even be something for LoTR. Still, it doesn't say "Seraphon". Watch them put out elves before any lizards...
The tree makes me think of the pokemon Torterra. A tree sitting atop a large battle tortoise would be cool.
I agree with the people of Facebook in that I want it to be seraphon. It could be a thunder lizard, to have trees growing on would mean it is colossal, bigger than even the dread saurian.
That just means that my theory is well supported . Mini's that would be that large are more Forge World's expertise, and GW only show rumor engines for miniatures they themselves release. But keep dreaming, something like that might happen someday.
i don't know about you but i don't wright well when people are throwing bricks threw my windows. we want this to be good so instead lets kidnap their loved ones