7th Ed. Lizardmen Vs. Dwarves, Fluff

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Scaper, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    So anyone that's been reading my posts knows that I"ll be fighting against a lot of Dwarves. As far as the world goes it's hard to imagine why these two races would butt heads. From what I"ve read they tend to stay out of eachothers way. There is mention of the lost Dwarven stronghold of Karak Zorn in the Southlands, there was supposedly a war there thousands of years in the past. Beyond that I really haven't been able to find anything. So as far as conversions go maybe a looted Anvil of Doom or some empty Dwarven helms or something. Anyone have any ideas as to what would isnpire them to fight?
  2. Arklite

    Arklite New Member

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    treasure, we dwarves love our treasure. gold too! we work as mercanary's for that one :D
  3. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    It's hard to create conflicts for a group of people who have no concept of material wealth. That being said this is my justification for Dwarves vs. Lizardmen. The Southern "Lost" hold of Karak Zorn was the closest hold the Dwarves had to the Lizardmen. While the Dwarves are one of the races cultivated by the old ones the LIzardmen can't really coexist around them well because the natural Dwarven hatred of Magic messes with the Slann's ability to use their own powers. The Slann do not like this, they want the Dwarves to do their part in the old ones plan but they don't want their own abilities to be stunted.

    The Lizardmen attack the Dwarven hold at Karak Zorn in an attempt to drive the Dwarves out of Lizardmen lands and keep them at bay. During this battle the Lizardmen forces are able to capture many Dwarven artifacts and tools including an Anvil of Doom. Now the Lizard men have overran the keep or at least convinced the Dwarves not to move any further south. Meanwhile the Slann and the Skinkpriests begin studying the Dwarven runes trying to figure out how they work along with the epitome of Runic Lore, the Anvil of Doom. So this younger Slann is trying to figure out Runes. Flash forward a few thousand years.

    At some point there is a Dwarven effort to discover the fate of Karak Zorn. In this process they are able to get their hands on the book of grudges and maybe even some diaries or something detailing how the Lizardmen sacked the hold after the battle. The Dwarves are able to report back to Karak....Dwarf HQ and it's on. This Slann wants to figure Runes out and the Dwarves want revenge and the return of their stuff.

    What does this mean for my army? It means I"m going to try and tactfully put an an Avil of Doom with my Slann and that my Old Bloods, Scar Verterans and possibly Spawning Champions will be using DWarven Runic gear. I don't know if it would work for them and obviously it won't affect game play but I think it'll give them a sense of character. Oh dont forget Dwarven heads and what not either. Anyone have any ideas on that? I know it's a bit long...
  4. Bleyden

    Bleyden New Member

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    The easy way to fluff this conflict is to make the Dwarf Army a raiding force that has sailed from Karak Varn (or whatever its called) to Lustria in search of treasure. This means that fluffwise you dont need to take a Southlands list.
  5. Scaper

    Scaper New Member

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    Well between you and me and everyone on the internet I was going to concoct some half baked excuse about the Slann teleporting this army around with those Stargate thigns that are inside some of the temple cities. That being said, maybe the Slann that's in charge of this host is kind of like the "crazy" Slann. Like all the other Slann are always telling him to stop screwing with that Anvil of Doom or he'll lose an eye or something. Just a thought. Anyway thanks for the reminder that a Southlands army would have been mostly Skinks, but really I just wanted to do something a little different with my Lizzies. Converting is a big part of army building for me and I've had these damn guys for two years, ... I just couldn't come up with anything.

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