8th Ed. THE OLD WORLD - Poll: If GW were cutting back on TOW armies, which 5 would be the MOST expendable?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Dec 2, 2019.


If FIVE 8th edition armies had to be discontinued in TOW, which 5 would you eliminate?

  1. Beastmen

  2. Bretonnia

  3. Chaos Dwarfs

  4. Daemons of Chaos

  5. Dark Elves

  6. Dwarfs

  7. The Empire

  8. High Elves

  9. Lizardmen

  10. Ogre Kingdoms

  11. Orcs & Goblins

  12. Skaven

  13. Tomb Kings

  14. Vampire Counts

  15. Warriors of Chaos

  16. Wood Elves

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  1. Lium

    Lium Active Member

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    Bretonnia, Empire, High Elves, Dark Elves and WoC. They're just amongst the least interesting of the factions on that list in my eyes.
  2. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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  3. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    It is super interesting that people are gravitating towards similar picks. I went with (in no particular order):

    - Chaos Dwarfs. They weren't really around to begin with and if you are looking for stuff to cull, you don't need a second dwarf army.
    - Dark elves. Again if you are looking to cull armies, you don't need multiple armies of elves.
    - Wood elves. same as dark elves, a shame as their styles do differ, but I look at the state of 40k and it's the same, marines marines marines...
    - Tomb Kings. I think vampire counts have the whole undead thing covered.
    - Ogre kingdoms. Never been a fan personally. They are good for variety but in terms of how they look I don't think they fit thematically.

    I have chosen based on the mindset that if I was looking to get into the hobby from scratch and with the mindset that I know nothing about the rules or current play style as these can and will be changed with the release of the old world. Pretty much all the rest of the armies are so different in terms of how they look thematically, with very little crossover (except for brets and empire MAYBE). I wouldn't lose any sleep if the above were to go.

    It surprises me that Beastmen were voted so highly.

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