Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Taking his gaze off the Saurus Xolek turns around, his face softening and revealing a smile and then a laugh of his own in the form of chirps.

    "That you did, you rest I am going to go get you more relief."

    Turning back to the Saurus in again a stern voice,

    "Well?" His voice shaking slightly for a moment before finding its footing again, his tail swaying behind him, the orbs giving off a soft glow without Xolek realizing it
  2. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax was ecstatic, he had surveyed a fire, saved a life, and gained to respect of a Saurus Warden in the same day. This day couldnt get any better! Well aside from some Druchii to kill...
    Xlauax pulled out a whetstone from his small pouch at his side and started sharpening his Pain and Justice. He pulled his Vengeance off his back and held it in his lap. He pulled out the cartridge of ammo and looked over the 5 bolts inside. One seemed a little bent but he gently bent the lean wood back into shape, it would fire well. He thought about his new acquaintance Xolek-Zi, a Skink Oracle. He remembered his flashback he had earlier, he was convinced Xolek-Zi was Qul'toq. He missed Qul'toq and it painted him to remember him. He had spent seven years trying to wipe the horrid memory from his mind just to relapse right back into it. He saw the broad rays of Chotec's fire breaking through the thin veil of the night. And knew he was expected at the meeting soon. He released his Vengeance and sheathed his Pain and Justice and set out towards where he would meet with the Council.
  3. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal looked up in awe as his heart raced ferociously. He couldn't fathom how the waves came to be, or even how the rampant fires were now defeated. All that remained was the smoldering ruins of whatever was consumed by the flames, and the lizards limping all about, gathering their bearings and deciding what to do next amidst the blinding smoke.

    Just then, Hakal heard a roar pierce throughout the air. It carried a sense of dread, and yet, it felt enraged. The kroxigor reached the source of the bellowing sound, and found Quas weeping. the crying lizard's space was piled high with ash, the kitchen and its stock all gone along with it.

    Hakal placed a considerate hand upon Quas' shoulder, nudging gently, "Sorry."
  4. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Calm voices of his brothers gave Quas a little warmth. He murmured a quiet "Thanks" and sat down in the darkest corner with his head hidden in his giant hands. Exhausted and sad he stayed in there and didn't want to move anywhere.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “The salamander was within the hands of my brothers. I was ordered to track and return both skinks whilst the others took the beast away…” The saurus meets Xolek's glare unwaveringly, his stern gaze only moved when he signals towards another nearby warrior and calls him over.

    “Salamander?” The second saurus grunts approaching over from his guard position with heavy steps. “We transferred to the beast handlers with Tiqxoltiq before fire. It is within their care.” He explains before returning to his once again silent vigil protecting one of the darkened tunnels leading ever deeper into this sprawling maze of rock and stone.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Meeting the Gaze of the Saurus, Xolek puts a clawed hand up as a sign of respect,

    "Thank you honorurable warrior"

    Without thinking to ask Xolek starts to hobble out of the medical hut. All around him were skinks busily moving supplies from the camp, making make shift areas of rest, eating and even a small market area.

    Walking through the crowds Xolek asked a older looking skink in which direction the beast handlers were being kept, the skink points and then continues on. Xolek begins walking that way, carnosaur tooth still clasped in his tail, the cool tunnel air sweeping over his body producing a slight chill.

    Damp and dark when torch light wasnt present the tunnels werent the most beautiful but when light wasnt around, bioluminescent plants and bugs would show, a cool teal color, the nature around him though limited made Xolek feel more at ease.

    Finally after some time he came to the beast handlers area, stone holding pens everywhere that there wasnt wooden holding pens. Xolek thought about how quickly they made this area, then again the animals are invaluable. Large and Small animals were all around him, finally a sign was given, a small blast of flame followed by a brief scream of surprise and black smoke.

    "There she is" says Xolek to himself as he walks towards the back corner where the stone pens were.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Breathing in the smoky scent of destruction Xlauax couldn't help but smile as he made his way through columns of burnt huts until eventually reaching Izqux’s tent.

    Despite the thick blanket of ash that had covered every available surface the large cerulean tent was almost untouched as it seemed to produce its own light inviting the chameleon closer.

    Seconds, before he glances inside Xlauax’s attention, is suddenly drawn away as Qelionxi signals at him whilst walking past with what seemed to be a partially wounded priest and another frail and old skink trailing behind. No doubt more members of the imminent council…

    Looking up to the sky now partially clear and littered with clusters of dawn colour and cloud Xlauax heeded the saurian’s call and followed him and the other skinks past Izqux’s hut and into a maze of ruined stone buildings and overgrown rubble all in shadow due to the thick and lush canopy above lucky to have survived the flames.

    As they travelled further and further into the undergrowth the already scarce sounds of camp were fully replaced with the emphatic jungle cacophony. In uniform with the change of sound the air became thicker and oppressive as the plentiful moisture clung to the lizard men's skin and throat.

    Traveling for a few minutes the strange feeling of being watched stalked its way into the chameleon's mind as he looked around to see both shadows move and dimly lit eyes gleaming back at him before their owner revealed themselves, Slinking out of the dense plant growth was a large recognisable panther. It's emerald eyes gleaming as it flexed its muscles and stroked against Qelionxi’s side seconds before the creature's master rushed past from behind the group.

    Cloak flapping behind him the skink chief darted past the others in a blur of motion as he lept and sprinted over roots and rock with extreme expertise and skill revealing his skull covered face for a split second before he disappeared into the distance, both the panther and a newly revealed golden jaguar trailed behind kicking up even more clouds of dust.

    “Uykar… Speed and stealth cannot outmatch raw strength and power” Qelonix grunts under his breath now motioning at the lizardmen behind to speed up…

    Following the path for a little longer, the tree’s now open out into a large opening of grassland and ferns that encompass a large dilapidated pyramid that basked in the dawn light causing its ancient stone blocks laced in vines to glow with a warm gold shine. Which reflected in the shimmering clear water that gathered around its feet in small pools and streams.

    Centered within the staircase of the almost crumbling structure was a large arched doorway flanked by two flickering lit torches that gently danced illuminating the infinite corridor that led further inside…



    Kneeling against the wall Xlauax was forced to take in a few deep breaths after the short trek and climb up the many stairs before following in pursuit of the warden who had already ascended the pyramid, seemingly immune to such fatigue and exhaustion that plagued the skinks below.

    After regaining his energy the chameleon continued through the arched doorway and deeper into the structure feeling the friendly grip of the sunlight warmth loosen as a chilled cool air replaced it.

    Soon the stone corridor opens out into a carved out chamber lit up by many glowing braziers that filled the air with strange exotic aroma’s that not only soothed the lungs but also the mind.

    Centred within the room was a singular circle table engraved with ancient writings and symbols that reflected the many stone chairs that encompassed it. Many already filled with a mix of skink and saurus who had gathered under the orders of Izqux who was also seated at the very pinnacle of the circle…

    Hearing both the grunts of saurus and chirping of skinks somewhat silence as the latest arrivals entered Xlauax nervously twitched as he felt many pairs of eyes burning into him. Struggling to hold back the thoughts of scout councils and meeting that had once taken place during his previous life the chameleon’s eyes darted around to find a space to sit...
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    When a friendly hand shook him awake, Tik had no idea how long he'd been asleep. Not long enough, that was certain. His jaws opened wide in a tremendous yawn and he blinked back his exhaustion as he tried to ready himself for the council meeting. Tik had no idea what was on the agenda for the meeting, and he really didn't want to be there, but deep down he knew communication was important. No matter how much he preferred the solitary life of an herbalist, exploring the jungle and collecting interesting specimen, he still had a deep-rooted respect for those in charge. Pulling himself to a sitting position, legs crossed under him, he tried to focus his attention on the Starseer...
  9. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal stood and watched Quas still weeping as the darkness drowned his senses. Though he felt immense dread, he was compelled to stay, however it may help with his friend. He couldn't see his friend's face, but felt the pain clearly.

    With a deep rumble, Hakal sat down himself, opposite of Quas. His form slid down and he dozed off to another world.
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax nervously looked around the room, there were so many people. Their eyes burned into him as he was passing by causing Xlauax to start twitching a bit. Xlauax searched for a seat and luckily found one a bit farther off from the others which he slowly lowered himself into. Sitting down Xlauax started to calm as many of the eyes were off of him. He remembered scout meetings just like it, in fact there may have been one here during a DRUCHII incursion. He vaguely remembered entering this very room, he laid his boltspitter on the very same table in the center of the room. And sat down in the center to instruct his Chameleons of their plan. This had to be the same temple because he saw the large crack in the table where an angry Kroxigor guard burst in because his brother took his steak. Those were such good times.

    Xlauax reached into his pouch and pulled out a small amulet with a light blue gem inside. It was given to him by Qul'toq before he died. As he touched it suddenly he felt strange, he saw a massive blur as if he was being pulled at extreme speeds. Suddenly he was standing in the council chamber of Tlaxtlan, a large green Slann sat on a pedestal in the center of the room, hundreds of Skinks priests were gathered around in an intense argument. He heard cries of "The moon is out of orbit! We must act quickly!". Suddenly a deep booming voice interrupted the yelling, the Slann started to speak "QUIET! We must not be alarmed, the Great Plan has dictated that this would happen. Qul'toq step forward!". Suddenly Xlauax felt himself moving forward before the Slann said "I have received a message from a fellow Slann who sits upon the pillars of Axoltol, he has instructed me that a new being is being researched and that we must find plaques belonging to the Serpent of Axoltol, they hold the answers you seek.". After this I felt myself start to speak in a voice that was not my own saying "Yes Great Lord Ph'rogg, I will depart immediately.". After this the vision faded, but it was not over.

    Suddenly I was standing in a blinding white light. I saw nothing as far as I could see around me, until a figure appeared before me, a familiar figure. "QUL'TOQ! YOUR ALIVE! But how, I watched you die?". "Hush my friend I do not have much time, manifesting myself like this is very draining and I have urgent news to share. The vision you just saw was one of the Great Council's of Tlaxtlan. As you heard I was sent to retrieve the plaques of The Serpent of Axoltol. As you know I perished but more plaques remain. You must find these plaques before it's too late. I will try to help you as much as I can but I cannot manifest myself freely. The amulet I gave you is tied to my soul. As long as you posess it I will be near. Goodbye my friend, listen to this meeting and the tell Izqux about this meeting, he will know what to do.". Suddenly Qul'toq vanished and the white light faded. I was back in the meeting room once again, and I saw a strange movement beside me.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Somewhat hesitant Kuoteq’Eko takes a seat, his scales gently brush the cold stone as the priests flickering shadow is cast onto a nearby wall, the light-producing it devised from a large hanging brazier that filled the crisp air with a strange azure vapour.

    Looking around he can see the empty seats quickly filling up as Qelinoxi blocks the tunnel entrance with both towering shield and threatening halberd in hand.


    Meanwhile, Xlauax sits next to Tiq trying to calm his frantic and dazed mind after the vision. His attempts undoubtedly collapse as he notices a large golden jaguar lounging on the floor behind his seat. it's well-groomed fur soaked in the strange light as the creature got to its feet and stretched its body in a large yawn, revealing its huge teeth, those that had been chipped replaced with a shining metal only further highlighted by its animalistic amber eyes

    Intimidated Xlauax hisses and jolts back as he notices the jaguar, feeling his racing heart suddenly bolt as a hand lightly touches his shoulder causing the chameleon to flick around bringing the skink into view.

    Immediately Xlauax recognises him, it was the so-called Uykar that had rushed in front minutes before… now closer and stationary the chiefs sleek muscular features became clearer as too did the huge jaguar fur cloak that wrapped around the chiefs back and draped along the stone floor.

    The chameleons surprised gaze now met with Uykar’s two deep navy eyes that were surrounded by the intimidating jaguar skull that concealed his face, the many smooth symbols and painted lines seemingly producing a dim light before the chief spoke out.


    Huancli, mētstli tlawīli; is as calm as the midnight breeze, Cholequi, tlawīli tlētl; dawn's flame as a lazy torch. They won't harm you... ”

    Uykar speaks in a sharp guttural yet quiet tone, using his tongue in almost sharp and aggressive clicks whilst the jaguar, Cholequi strolls over, brushing against Xlauax’s scaled side. The creatures soft fur begging to be stroked whilst its tail coils and curls in the air like a serpent's tongue, or a licking flame before it wraps around one of the chameleons daggers and tugs it away from his belt.


    Looking down at the newly presented dagger the chief continues. “I have killed many Druchi in my time, as so too has Choleque.” He says before revealing a small belt hidden beneath his cloak, the belt is covered in straps and pouches many of which grasp all manner of weapon, Another similar Druchii danger packed in between two huge jade talons which were similar in pattern and texture to the claw that dangled from Uykar's neck.

    “I will let you know that those of Huanchi smell the fear in their prey before striking, but alas that is not something that you shouldn't concern for … that's if you're with us, and well.. If your not then Huancli is but a fleeting shadow, a whisper on the night air whilst Cholequi a frenzy of searing talons, a roaring inferno akin to the one which our camp has come to face... ”

    Suddenly the conversations within the chamber cease before Cholequi slinks away back into the shadows as Uykar glances at Xlauax one last time before following with the other lizardmen who now turn around towards The starseer.


    “We gather here in council to discuss both the past present and future, let the old ones witness this council and its proposals through the furthering of our many plans… Let us begin.”

    Now stirring Izqux reforms his face ridding it of both sorrow and emotion as he looks out towards each member of the council who now all gently nod back at the starseer.

    “As we all know, Ololoq has assailed our land and our camp in a flurry of flickering flame… We have many wounded and have lost all manor of building with but a swipe of Chotec’s claw and unending wraith…

    "We must first begin by assessing the damage… Zuztle, We need a wounded count. Tik, what buildings are damaged? which are repairable. Xlauax, What is the extent of the fires, How much untamed jungle has been razed…”

    “Plans to rebuild will need to be put into place as will supplies to be regathered before we can continue our tasks among Kara… Uykar, Beasts? Zalock" Firing out a round of questions Izqux’s normally calm voice is authoritative and urgent as he turns to skink and saurus alike…

    “W-wound… Wounded, There are many scorched but few injured.. We-e are doing our best to treat those most urgent.. Eur-r to answer your question w-we have 19 Burnt, Kroxigors among them… Only two seriously harmed. As of yet, Ashax has not claimed any.. B-but we fear for the w-worst” Zuztle slowly replies in a shower of vague mutters and nervous nods well aware of those who would be needing his own attention as he talks before glancing around as Uykar glares at him.

    Fear Zuztle is something we should not have... the only fear worth fearing is that of talon and claw... that of Beasts... but yes Izqux, our fellow creatures are all but favourable and unharmed due to our beast handlers intuition and ability to manoeuvre them away from the flames with little turbulence. Our Ahuatli is primed for whatever task you require as to am I…” Uykar hisses, his quiet yet intense voice somehow able to break through the other conversations only ending as a saurus stands up from his chair and deafens the skink out.

    Five units, Two assigned to the recently recovered artefacts, two of the tunnels and wounded and one of reconstruction... 26 In total, One wounded, one missing …

    “Ahh yes... The artefacts…” Izqux ponders before responding “Dispatch a unit from the tunnels and reassign to reconstruction, Gather every last artefact with another thorough check of the tunnels, ensure all is reclaimed and the rat spawn are crushed, obliterated ki-.. the rat spawn are denied…” The seer speaks out his fervent eyes flaming with not only anger but also a burning intensity whilst one of his hands tightly clutches the now broken necklace once around his neck.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
  12. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax stood in a daze before realizing that Uykar was speaking to him, he showed Xlauax many weapons and assured him that his pets would not harm him. Xlauax listened intently, almost forgetting the vision after the mention of Druchii, but shortly after Uykar had taken a seat it all flooded back to him. He slowly took a seat while still holding the amulet. Izqux started the meeting and was assessing the damage, when he called upon Xlauax for an estimate of the damage. Xlauax rose to his feet, still shaking from to vision he saw and replied "Ab-about the ss-size a large herd of St-stegadons could eat in a d-d-day, the fire sp-spread very fast due to the c-close l-leaves of the t-trees in this r-r-region.". (3.5-4 KM) Izqux nodded towards him for the report , a pained expression on his face, and Xlauax slowly sat back down now shaking more erratically. What did that vision mean? What was he supposed to do? He wasn't qualified to hunt for plaques, that was a job for Priests. Uykar gave him an inquisitive look at his shaking and the panther walked over and laid by his feet, nuzzling against his leg to calm him down. Xlauax slowly reached down and began petting the soft creature which calmed him down a little bit. He must speak with Izqux after this meeting, Qul'toq said he would know what to do.
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Slowly getting to his feet, Tiqxoltiq bowed on tired legs to the Starseer. "Buildings, yes. Most of the above-ground structures made of materials other than stone were damaged or destroyed, at least in the area facing the flames. Some of the buildings on the far side of our camp got away with no more than damaged roofing, others like our cooking area have naught but their stonework remaining. I will assess the damages fully and bring you a more detailed list by tomorrow."
  14. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The smell of rocks permeated throughout Hakal's nostrils as he stomped on in a cave. He was accompanied by a throng of skinks, their faces an unrecognizable fuzz. They trudged together closely, yet never acknowledged the other with talk or gesture.

    Amidst the darkness up ahead, a deposit of ore shimmered. Skinks stopped and chirped their excitement.

    "Copper! Copper! Come on now, Hakal, we brought you along just for this occasion!"

    Hakal's pick-axe thrust upon the ore until it was able to be hefted in his arms. He then hugged it and tried lifting, yet the mass of rock and ore never budged.

    Confused, Hakal pulled again and again, soon finding his arms stiffer than the rock he tried hefting. Skinks all around hissed.

    "Useless, just useless... honestly, Hakal, what purpose for the Great Plan do you serve?"

    Just then, the entire rocky floor beneath him collapsed. His entire bulky form crashed through layers of the earth, his mind a confused mess from the shattering question. Time seemed a never-ending torture as he tried setting himself right and preventing himself from falling further, but never could.

    Soon, a sea of molten hot lava appeared before Hakal. Its crackling flames ebbed and flowed with violence; its flares caressing upon his scales until the fire enveloped everything.


    Hakal's head shot up; heart racing fiercely. He checked his hands and arms urgently, but never found any fire. He saw he was in a hut, and that Quas was sitting across from him...
  15. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas couldn't sleep this night. Not much longer he heard the sudden movement of the Kroxigor before him. Slightly raising his head from his hands so that he could see he noticed the scared look of his spawn brother and asked: "What... happen?"
  16. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    "Nothing... nothing at all," Hakal solemnly said, grasping his stomach, "But i hunger, i feel hungry..."
  17. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "Mee... too..." Quas realized as well. The whole firefight was exhausting and it is bound to impossible for a Kroxigor like him to recover on an empty stomach. He continued after a while moaning with anger - "Food... gone. With fire. We need hunting" - he extended his shaking hand towards Hakal - "You 'elp me?"
  18. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    "Hunt?" Hakal asked, questioning the last time he had ever hunted. The memories were awash like a murky swamp, though the basics stuck to him. The nightmare shuddered him from within, for its meaning was something so far removed - so incomprehensible, thinking of it brought pain. The only thing that made sense now was his rumbling stomach.

    "Sure... Camp get food too," Hakal said as he held Quas' hand tight in agreement.
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax felt almost disoriented and dizzy, feeling a strange nausea shiver its way down his body as his mind numbed for what felt like minutes but in actuality was mere seconds whilst the starseer’s gaze lingered on him. Izqux’s face became completely blank as unknown emotions, unforeseen thoughts and forgotten memories flicked through his wrinkled face.

    Ensnared Xlauax felt his eyes meet with the skinks for mere moments. During which the seer’s burned with a strange intensity causing the chameleon's vision to become hazy and out of focus until Izqxu moved on after what seemed like an eternity

    In a heavy silence, Izqux’s face turned back to a slight sorrow before he gently turned back around to address the room.

    “I-it is in these m-moments of seeming desperation and sorrow in which we must strive to endure in defiance of anguish... May we only ever become more focused and ever devoted to the great plan through these unsparing times, Not for ourselves, Not for our camp but for our brothers, for our species. And for the old ones who surely gaze down upon us!”

    The starseer’s emotions begin to leech through his mask as his whole form burns with a reignited passion causing the many gathered lizardmen to now all become silent before giving a gentle nod.

    “Some is all we need to begin our recovery Tiqxtoltiq, Those huts that are repairable should be reclaimed as should the cold stone of rubble and ruin be utilised, With little work and time we can first begin by scavenging what we can from the already destroyed, our few Emergency supply stocks should be brought forth... ” Izqux continues, advising minor priests and skinks in between breaths as he focuses his attention onto Tik

    “S-scourched jungle, withered trees and mounds of ash are of no use to us, no use to us at all… Must our Scavenging parties hunt deeper and further? Foraging efforts are otherwise fruitless... ” Uykar sternly interrupts Izqux amongst a storm of other chatter from other similar skinks.

    “The jungle has always been relied on, and in these times this reliance only further grows. As you say… We must send out parties deeper, but also in more number… More foragers to feed the wounded... More gatherers to collect supplies… Uykar, Can our Ahuatli be prepared? We first need more inspection of the damages before Tiqxoltiq should gather kroxigors and Talock Withdraw more saurus for the cause...” Izqux replies, his eyes darting from skink to saurus as his speech echoes throughout the room, the recent mention of the wounded causes Zuztle to stand up, his breaths rapid as he is permitted to leave the room in order to attend the many that undoubtedly need his help...

    “Must I take men from the artefacts for gathering?”

    “N-no, No… The artefacts should be further guarded and protected. We will not lose yet anot… w-we must protect them at all costs until further food, and resources can be gathered...” Izqux replied to the Saurus's simple yet effective questions

    “Our primary Excavations must be ceased until recovery… Kuoteq’eko, How many chambers did you uncover? Must we send down yet another party? Only after every item has been reclaimed and the resources required we must undoubtedly begin the preparations f-for T-Tlaxtlan... ”

    The cities words still reverberating from the walls with the sound of a gentle hiss, Uykar and other skinks now glance at each other before looking up at the seer in anticipation as too did Xlauax, the singular word sending his mind back into a relapse of memories and past...


    Taking a deep breath of the smokey air Xolek glances around, The beast tamer’s bay had seen better days… But despite that, the building still stood tall in ignorance of its injuries and broken, burnt wooden beams. Luckily most of the area had been scavenged in order to construct many makeshift pens which held an array of distraught beasts and a cacophony of screeches and grunts.

    The already hard and intensive job of the beast tamers only became more evident as the noise of commotion blasted from around the corner, taking the form of a cloud of fresh, blazing smoke.

    “Xiuhcoatl” Xolek whispered turning the corner, his words carried away on the wind, riding the smoky fumes as both the salamander and a desperate skink handler came into view.

    Unnoticing of the oricle, the handler was attempting to move the beast into one of the outside pens with the use of a handling stick and an array of tools all seemingly useless as the beast whipped around in a frenzy, pulling the skink down causing him to frantically doge its ferocious attacks... Unnaturally active it was as if the presence of flames and smoke had reinvigorated the salamander into new heights of energy and aggressiveness which only stopped for a mere second as the animal noticed Xo.

    Flicking around yet another time, the handler’s attempts of regaining balance were swiftly ended by a swing of the tail before the beast stood distracted, its eyes mesmerized by the oracles presence. With each step closer, the now faint handprint embedded within the creatures face almost flashed in a dim spark of azure blue...
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding his agreement, Tik bowed to the Starseer. "Yes, wise one. I shall see to getting both repairs and foraging parties organized." Raising his voice, he called about the chamber. "Would the heads of the artisans please come find me when we are done with this convocation? I shall need their help with salvage efforts and making whatever structures we deem usable safe and halfway comfortable. I would like the hunters and gatherers to join me as well for their orders..."

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