Yeah, that guy is usually a bad sign. That or he's a Tzeentch follower trying to corrupt you... you're not showing signs of any Tzeentch corruption, are you? Symptoms include: feathers, a beak, a desire to cackle maniacally while saying 'Just As Planned...'
Oof, pneumonia isn't nice. Get well soon fellow Lizard-brother, and hope you survive it buddy - the site just isn't the same without your like-bombs and 'children's' stories Just as an aside though, surely the 'Just for Laughs' thread isn't the right place to tell everyone you have an illness? Isn't that what the 'Random thread of Randomness' or 'Last Person to Make a Post Wins' threads are for?
So an explanation of the joke; WebMD is notorious for diagnosing lethal diseases from mild symptoms, in this case my fever and cough are thought to be pneumonia when in all likely hood it’s probably a cold, or worst case the flu. I do strongly encourage you to put in mild symptoms into WebMD, the results are hilarious
I had a fever not so long ago with a slight headache, and WebMD diagnosed me with Crohn's disease as the most likely culprit. Looking around that website and putting in various minor symptoms can really put you down a slippery slope of medical dread i have found out.
Don’t worry, I can do much scarier than that! Do you want to know how I found out I had blood cancer? A couple of nosebleeds and a weird rash on my leg - those were literally the only symptoms I had. We went to the doctor, and turns out I had Philadelphia Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia! So next time there’s some odd spots on your leg and you have a nosebleed or two, just remember that it could be a sign of having a life threatening disease! Sweet dreams everyone!