7th Ed. 2250 Magic Defense List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by entropolous, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. entropolous
    Jungle Swarm

    entropolous New Member

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    My general plan would be to spread the saurus a bit (keeping the close enough to support one another) To keep people from being able to avoid them. One character for each unit. One skink would screen Krox; the other three screening saurus, initially, before harassing on their own.

    Old Blood

    -Talis o Protect



    14 Saurus HW/S Full Command

    14 Saurus HW/S Full Command

    14 Saurus HW/S Full Command /Tepok

    14 SaurusHW/S Full Command /Tepok

    10 Skink Scouts /Blow

    10 Skink /Blow

    10 Skink /Blow

    10 Skink /Blow

    3 Krox

    3 Salamanders

    3 Terradon

  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Hi, welcome to the site :)

    Looks like a strong list. Those character will add punch to the saurus units which is good.

    Have you thought about making one of them the BSB? I think it would really strengthen your lines and be a great addition to your army :)
  3. divineskink

    divineskink New Member

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    Nice list :D like the idea of putting a character in each saurus unit that will give allot of punch.

    My only comment would be on your characters if you are gonna give them quetzl give them light armour/shield aswell. Also on your JSoD you dont really want quetzl sheild and light armour will serve you better. Check out the JSoD thread for builds.

    As stonehambey said a BSB would be good to. :D
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Welcome to the forum, I just have a couple comments for your armylist.

    Im assuming you have given your heroes light armor and shields where appropriate, but beyond that I have a couple comments. Firstly, the burning blade of chotec is extremely overpriced for what it does. Although you will not benefit from a shield, a great weapon does the same to armor saves, wounds on a lower score, and is a mere fraction of the cost. Your scar veteran will rarely be striking first anyhow, and you can simply put him in a corner of the unit if you are worried about enemy characters slaying him. Secondly, you might want to reconsider the sword of might. As the str bonus is not conferred onto the extra attack given by the maiming shield, and a scar veteran does not benefit nearly as much as the skink priest when it comes to the +1 str. Against most opponents you will be wounding on a 2+, and if you do the math a great weapon/+1 a.s. spawning will generally provide more kills (especially if you give him a ward as well).

    As people have said, a BS would be very useful, as a war banner will help to make up for the fact that none of your Saurus will have a full rank bonus.

    Speaking of rank bonuses, you should reconsider putting your JSoD in a 14 man unit of Saurus. As he should be running around for most of the game, as soon as he jumps out your unit will loose its rank bonus. Beyond that, you might want to consider finding extra points to make atleast one of your units scout. A lone JSoD and one unit of terradons will likely not be able to silence enemy firepower in a 2250 game alone.

    That said, do not always rely on 7 dd alone to get you through a magic phase, as at 2250 pts you can run into some horrendous lists (lvl 4 and 2 lvl 2s with 1/2 bound items comes to mind), and you might feel the lack of dispel scrolls at certain times during the game.
  5. entropolous
    Jungle Swarm

    entropolous New Member

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    Thanks for the welcomes

    I've edited the list in the first post

    Added a BSB w/6+ ward

    swapped the burning blade for a GW and Quetzl

    Dropped Quetzl on the JSoD

    still had 15 points to either add a saurus to the JSoD unit or to make one of the skink units scouts
    I went with scouts, because even if I add 1 saurus, all the opponent has to do is kill on saurus though magic or shooting to negate him. Plus it gives me more flexibility in placing characters at the end of deployment to keep them all at 14.

    (BTW all the character did have LA and shield where appropriate)

    My current main army is Dwarfs so I am well aware that 7 DD will not kill an enemy magic phase, but it will help nerf it quite a bit. plus with the terradon/JSoD combo I ought to be able to have some success at mage hunting should the situation call for it

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