Spoiler: Emotionally scarring the forumites of Lustria-Online Imagine how romantic Palpatine's love making would be... Remember that Episode 9 had a gazillion rewrites and re-shoots so there are a lot of stubs of subplots that went no where. The lady stormtrooper deserter that Lando was kind of chummy with and it was mildly creepy...that was actually Lando's long lost daughter, but that subplot got cut. They should have just cut the character out entirely. There are a lot of subplots like that. Test audiences didn't like Chewbacca and See Threepio dying so they cast reshoots to have them not die. In which case I would ask, why not entirely cut out the scene where they almost die. That's just cluttering the movie.
That is true. Lando's long-lost daughter was actually kind of forgettable as a character for me beyond her background as a deserting stormtrooper which, might I add, is a shtick that has never been convincingly portrayed throughout the sequel trilogy. As brainwashed tyke bombs, Finn and others ought to have been struggling with the deprogramming that followed shortly after desertion. The "Traitor!" scene from TFA would have had a very different feel to it had Finn been hesitant to fight his former squad-mate for that reason. At least LLLD and her fellow deserters had some time to deprogram by TRoS.
Yeah in Finn's case everything went just a bit too fast, which is a shame since I like the concept of the character a lot.
As much as Disney tries to show off their progressive credentials. They are oddly regressive when it comes to showing interracial couples in movies. It's almost as marketing data suggests such inclusion in movies hurts international box office sales...
Whatever it takes to sell to as large a market as possible. At least we have a purely universal copy in this instance, unlike say with Blizzard's Overwatch where the LGBT+ pandering is only featured in regions that tolerate that specific demographic.
I would actually prefer every nation get it's own personalized copy of everything. If we have universal copies it dumbs down the entire world to the lowest common denominator of censorship. Right now the lowest common denominator of censorship is the CCP. Personalized versions for each nation be used as a force for good and not just to avoid offending people or single party oligarchies. In Zooptopia there were minor variations in the TV newscasters. Several nations got to see localized animals presenting the news. Canadians got a moose anchor, Chinese a panda, Japanese a tanuki, Brazilians got a Jaguar and so on and so forth.
IIRC there were a few other minor differences in that movie that also amounted to localized easter eggs. The same can be said regarding the restaurant that Stalone's character in Demolition Man visits in the movie - some versions have it as a Taco Bell, others a Pizza Hut, and I think there was also a Burger King version as well. In the end however, it's cosmetic at best and really doesn't matter so long as it doesn't disrupt the flow of the plot. Similarly, merely rebranding Green Hornet as The Kato Show in Hong Kong without any actual changes to the cinematography worked because let's face it: Bruce Lee's character was easily the best part of the series anyway. My concern with the idea of making such a big deal about localizing a piece of media has nothing to do with censorship however; it's about what the consumer takes away from that localized copy, particularly if one or more major characters or plot points are changed in some way as a result. Bear in mind that this concern can also be levied towards the amount of content cut from a movie to produce any given theatrical release (i.e. how good movies like Kingdom of Heaven can be ruined at the box office by bad editing).
Bit late here but these are my thoughts: would’ve been better if some space marines showed up and murdered everything. Rey: *uses force* Astartes: WITCHES AND SORCERERS, THEIR FATE IT SEALED! scenario two Sidious: I am the emperor! Astartes: YOU ARE NO EMPEROR, HERETIC!!