AoS Anti-Wishlist - What is your worst nightmare about Seraphon update?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Nart, Dec 18, 2019.

    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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  2. Seraphandy

    Seraphandy Well-Known Member

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    1st Worst = Merged into Stormcast army

    2nd Worst = Cancelled
  3. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Coming back to warhammer after a 10-year hiatus (couldn't stand 8th ed), Im looking to rebase and repaint my old LM models as soon as the new book drops. Im really hoping Saurus Warriors don't become the new power house of the book and optimized armies fielding 3x30 blocks or similar. The Saurus models really show their age and they are way too static in their poses to look good in AoS "skirmish" formations.

    I also desperately hope they change the summoning mechanics, I always loved the Slann because he was a badass caster that could wreak absolute havoc with crazy destructive spells. I never understood why they would force you to not cast spells with him in order to perform optimally.... maybe its a carry over from the old summoning mechanics when summoning where actual spells. Either way, taking a Slann to do anything but melt face with powers of the arcane is pretty...anti-fun.
  4. Scurvydog

    Scurvydog Active Member

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    Worst fears that might just have me sell the army would be:

    1. No new miniatures at all. We have seen how proper saurus look, both in the carnosaur kit and also now the bloodbowl team, give them to us!
    2. Unlike some other, I fear Saurus being kept in a bad spot and skinks still being the main force of the army.
    3. Summoning mechanic remaining largely unchanged and Slann is just a summon battery. This not only breaks the idea of the Slann being a powerful spell caster, but also seems to keep all the warscrolls in a rather poor state.
    4. The Carnosaur still doing less than half the average damage of a mangler squig.

    Now I really doubt all these will come to pass, most new books have been quite decent, but it is more a question of direction than the power to win games I am thinking about.
    ChapterAquila92 and Nart like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I missed this thread and i don't want to delve into it, so forgive me if some of these are already being said.

    1. nerf of LoSaT. it's our most powerful tool, the one that gives us our main way for battlefield control.

    2. no changes to summoning. Currently we are forced to play a Slann and forego the spells, if we want to be competitive. I would like to be able to play something different, or to have a Slann that can actually cast something, other than act as CCPs battery.

    3. no significant changes to our big dinos. Or Temple Guards.

    4. A buff to saurus warriors that makes them mandatory to be played in hordes. I want to play them and i want them to be competitive, but i don't want to see us forced toward playing 90-120 sauri (mostly because i hate hordes: on paper they are super fun, so i play them once, then i don't want to have them around for 3-4 months. To move hordes without movement trays is a pain)

    5. keeping the vague, bland fluff of "the slanns summon the seraphon from their memories".
  6. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The worst would be a Skaven style update.

    A battle tomb and an exclusive hero, released in sold out box set.

    The Kharadon overlords book, showed that GW are still capable of ruining good factions with awful battle tombs.

    I thought Skaven being such an iconic faction would get an overhaul. Instead they added the Osiach bone reapers, which I have to say...

    Suck balls!

    The best thing, would be if they divide Seraphon, the same way they did Orcs.

    The reason is, the horrible summoning and teleportation mechanics. Skinks are obscene, with faster movement thing Saurus knights?
  7. Duo Sonata

    Duo Sonata Active Member

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    Worst fear: Our only new release being all skink models redone to match the blood bowl design

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