AoS Goldensprue Cup

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Putzfrau, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Hello fellow lustrians!

    I meant to get this done a lot sooner, but I had a work trip almost as soon as I got back from Goldensprue that delayed things a bit. I didn’t take a ton of notes, so I’ll do what I can from memory.

    Overall, Goldensprue was an absolute blast. Congrats to Sam Gould for taking first with his Kairos led Slaves to Darkness list. Some of you might remember Sam from his Adepticon winning Seraphon list. I ended up going 3-2, with my two losses against Sam in round 2 and Anthony’s beautiful DoK army. Anthony actually ended up falling to Sam on table 1 in round 5 and slipped to 3rd overall.

    Each round had a pre-chosen realmscape, and realm spells were in play.

    My list was my typical FoS list. 90 saurus, 10 skinks, Cogs, Vortex, Sunblood, Slann, Carno, Skink priest, and an astrolith bearer.

    Game 1 Focal Points:
    I played against Slaves to Darkness. The realmscape gave an additional wound to a chosen hero, which didn’t really come into play.

    My opponents list was: Nurgle DP, 2 sorc lords, a Nurgle Harbringer, warshrine, and then 25, 20, and 5 man warrior units. This was pre Nurgle nerf DP nerf, so he was rocking a 5+++, 6+++ on everything within range of the harbringer and shrine, and stacked the Nurgle DP command point on his big warrior unit.

    My army being a one drop was a huge advantage throughout the tournament. I deployed relatively centrally, knowing I wanted to take the middle objective turn 1 and hopefully never give it up. A big block of 40 right in the center, the second off to my right hand side. Priest, slann, and astrolith bearer were all central behind the 40 block.

    Turn 1 I banked some summoning points and teleported my 10 man saurus and skink unit 9 inches away from his army. In my movement phase I moved up, tagged the middle objective and summoned some more skinks in a screen around my slann, passing the turn to him holding my two and the center objective.

    On his turn he dumped 5 command points (gaining quite a few with aetherquartz) on his 25 man Warrior unit, threw out some buffs, and moved up. I was hoping to prevent the first turn charge with my screens but he rolled high and was able to get just a few warriors into my 40 block on the center objective. This ultimately ended up being his downfall, as I was able to keep his big block strung out by teleporting a skink unit on his other side and using pile in/coherency to my advantage. I was able to remove units and stay out of 1inch range with most of my army but still did 15 mortal wounds to myself off one 6 to hit in the ensuing combat.

    Over the next few turns I basically avoided combat wherever possible, kept his big block strung out, and was able to get my buffed up carno into his demon prince and take it off. My second 40 man stayed on the right side and kept his 20 man from getting into my objective. I used skinks in my backfield to keep him from teleporting behind me, and teleported a unit here and there up into his backline just to keep him honest. I only lost the center objective on turn 3 for half the turn, and was able to come out with a win. Keeping his big blocks strung out really helped me overwhelm the objectives with bodies, making it very difficult for him to ever take them from me.

    Game 2 Duality of Death:
    I matched up against Sam. I knew this was most likely a loss from the get go, but was beyond excited to match up against him. Sam is an incredible player, intimately familiar with seraphon, and I had some extensive discussions with him about the general vibe of my list.

    Sam’s list had Kairos, belakor, Nurgle DP, Sorc lord, a bunch of marauders and a 15 man warrior block, and some endless spells.

    Turn 1 I deployed a 40 on the right hand section with basically all my characters. On the left I dropped my skink unit and the other 40 man. After deployment I teleported the 10 man saurus over to the left hand side on the objective, and basically moved everything up.

    This game was a grind. By turn 2 he had ground through my righthand 40block (with literally the last attack available to him) with his warriors and a unit of marauders which meant I couldn’t inspiring presence the unit and score my points. Over the rest of the turns I ported my slann around and set up screens to avoid his teleporting marauders, and removed models to keep my saurus out of combat with his Nurgle DP cp buffed unit. I was able to hang on to the left-hand objective for another turn, but again he killed my second 40 man blob with the last attack available to him and that was pretty much game. There was a little cat and mouse between my characters, and his endless spells/marauder squad but he was able to get them all by turn 3.

    Between Belakor’s once per battle ability and his movement spell, my carno had a rough go and got caught out and cut down without doing much of anything.

    Game 3 Knife to the Heart:
    Game 3 was against Skaven, 100 clan rats, bell, seer, arch warlock, 6 stormfiends, 6 jezzails, and some endless spells.

    This game would have been a lot more brutal if it wasn’t on aqshy with the realm scape that makes terrain los blocking. I wish there was something more interesting to say here, but I essentially screened out with everything I had, blocked his gnawholes, and waited for him to stretch a little thin. On turn 2 I ported a 40 man block into his side, kept his other models distracted in the front, and mulched through clan rats with saurus until I got to his objective. His jezzails and stormfiends ruined my oldblood, but other than that I just abused the terrain rule and he couldn’t shoot anything. Vortex is a bitch, and Saurus with 2 damage (aqshy realm spell) absolutely obliterate clan rats when they swing first (if it needed to be said). I took his objective at top of turn 3 and won outright.

    It was my opponents first tournament, I think if he had been more aggressive with the fiends there would have been nothing I could do. He kept them really far back, which made them a pretty non-factor throughout the game.

    Ended day 1, 2-1 and felt pretty good overall with my performance. I was sitting at 4th place as the highest 2-1 attendant and knew I’d be playing Anthony round 4 who was on 3 wins.

    Round 4 Battle for the Pass:
    Anthony’s list had Morathi, a Medusa, a shrine, 20 snakes, 30 sisters of slaughter, 10 sisters, and 10 heartrenders in 2 squads.

    In deployment I put my slann off to the left of my objective, with one 40man surrounding that. I deployed the other 40man on the tip of the wedge. First turn I teleported my 10 man skink and saurus unit up in front of his wedge to screen (mistake 1), and moved my 40 to the left objective and my oldblood to the right. I didn’t tighten my two screening units, so on his turn he was able to get his snakes onto the objective my 40 man was on with a 9 or 10 inch charge into the screen, just barely taking it from. As soon as that happened I knew it was a problem. I couldn't afford to give up easy points like that early.

    On turn 2 I engaged the snakes with my 40 block and took off 7. I buffed the crap out of my oldblood and sent him into the strung out 30 man sisters of slaughter, hoping to do some decent damage to that big unit. No luck, even with +4 extra attacks I killed… 4 models. On his turn he obliterated my 40 man squad with his medusa stare and snakes, put a massive hurt on my old blood, and ultimately took both center objectives. By the end of turn 2, we were tied on 8 points, but I had already lost a 40 man blob, and he had morathi at full health, 13 snakes, and 26 sisters still ready to rumble.

    Turn 3 (maybe 2, can't quite remember) he dropped his heartrenders centrally to help pick off my oldblood, which let me free up my backline a little bit. I engaged the snakes with my other 40 man blob, taking another 6 off, but again lost the unit by bottom of 4 to a combination of the snakes, the heartrenders, and the stare. I made a huge mistake at my top of 4 by letting his strung out sisters pile into my skinks that I had snuck up and stole the right center objective with. I had the unit tagged at either end and was going to wary fighter up onto his objective for turn 5, but by giving up that objective i only scored 3 on turn 4, putting the game out of reach.

    2-2 going into 5, but my two losses were both undefeated playing on the top table so I felt pretty good about them.

    Round 5 Starstrike:
    My last game was against Fyreslayers and it was probably supremely boring for my opponent. Starstrike did me some favors by dropping a star right into my 40 man unit in the center of my deployment, and the other two were on opposite ends. I blocked him up all game (4 inch movement sucks), and just never gave up the central objective, and due to the way he deployed he was never going to move enough of his slow little dwarves over to the far right objective to fight me off it. We didn’t even engage until bottom of 2. I lost my oldblood to Gotrek and a 40 man unit to his block of hearthguard, but I just kept clogging him up with skinks and steadily scoring. I pinged off most of his heroes with mortal wounds by turn 3 and we called it by bottom of 4 as he had really only been able to hold one objective for two turns by then.

    Sorry for the long rambling mess, As mentioned was definitely hoping to get this together sooner while the games were still fresh. Definitely forgot some things, but overall I’m pretty happy with how the list is performing. The playstyle is unusual, but I really enjoy it. I might change cogs over to geminids, just for some extra mortal wound output/debuff action but other then that I never feel totally outmatched (unless its bonereapers.)

    If anyone had any specific questions about the match ups or my strategy i'll try to answer them. I'll keep better notes at the next one! Sorry no photos from my 2 and 3 games, dunno why just totally forgot to snap some photos.

    Attached Files:

    Imrahil, Nart, Aginor and 5 others like this.
  2. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    to be fair, a loose to morathi is pretty fair :D

    nice report and cool list, love to see other lists without shadowstrike
    Aginor and Putzfrau like this.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! Yeah, i'm trying to do something a little different so much fo what you see in the competitive space is shadowstrike or thunderquake.

    I still think when push comes to shove those are probably the more competitive builds, but this seems to be treating me well for now. Mostly I think people just aren't used to playing against this kind of seraphon list so it catches some people out.
    Nart likes this.
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    Your fyreslayer opponent must have been very new. gotrek is not competitive. he should have brought some rune smiters and hearthguard berzerkers… they can deepstrike to 9 inches and that charge will wipe a 40 man Saurus group... 2" weapon is a beast when it can do 2 mortals on a 6 to hit AND continue the attack sequence for an extra saveable damage
    Putzfrau likes this.
  5. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Yeah but im never gonna let him do that (or at least thats the plan).

    I will always have first turn and can put screens essentially 18 inches deep. He couldnt drop anywhere near me. He tried to do exactly wbat you described.

    A more competitive list would have surely been more difficult to beat but its not exactly like my list is on the bleeding edge of competitive either.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020

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