Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Both his scent and sound masked Quas kneels down unlatching his jaws and letting the mass of forming saliva slide down freely, the noise from the indistinguishable light rain all around.

    Heart racing with every movement the kroxigor shuffles forward, obscuring himself in a maze of undergrowth and branches before he looks out with wide eyes, It had been long since he had hunted… The other skinks wouldn't let him come out because of his Supposedly ‘Accidental’ Shouts and noises that would instantly spook any prey. ..The Squeal’s of the dying and wounded priced into the kroxigor like a bolt of lead… both Weighting him down with yet another life on his hands and slowly poisoning his emotions and mind…

    Similarly, Quas now lent down and dragged his large crocodilian body forward trying his very best to be quiet as he circled around the noise in front.

    He was making good progress until… Until his bulk and weight betrayed him as his leg suddenly slid down a small bank after snapping the few large branches that it previously leaned on.

    Within an instant, the bushes in front of him erupted with movement, and not that of Hakal… The already alert prey had been quickly revealed Quas’s location causing immedate panic. Rapid bleating and heavy grunts ricocheted past the kroxigors as a juvenile Parasaurus lept forth from the undergrowth, its large muscular legs pumping itself forward with extreme speed and agility allowing it to weave through the tree’s with ease. Within a flash another larger mother appeared, its equally agile pace was even faster as its lumbering from shoved ferns and low hanging branches aside. Before Either Hakal or Quas could react both creatures were kicking up dust in a frenzy of rapid movements fed by an animalistic instinct to survive.


    Upon seeing the two Parasaurus’s Hakal immediately pounced forward from his hidden position, the built tension and stress that had plagued his body for so long was released in a single burst of energy. Hands outstretched The kroxigor felt his sharp claws rake through the side of the larger Parasaurolophus second, dragging his talons along the beast's side ripping open new wounds like slicing through a ripe fruit with a knife Hakal felt his seemingly firm grip give way as his jaws snapped down on nothing but blood infused air.

    Instantly sliding back to his feet in a cloud of ash and leaves, Hakal’s eyes burned at Quas's struggles for but a flash before he turned to see the prey darting in between trees and weaving through bushes as the almost visible scent of blood and the sound of panic caused a primal and raw instinct to fill his body.

    Sadness and regret replaced with writhing anger as his legs perfectly moved forward without thought or control, each step sending rapid vibrations through his huge pumping muscles as an almost meditative ringing in his ears chanted to the noise of blood gushing through his throbbing veins in a perfect melody. Escaping from his own thoughts and accusatory mind Hakal was provided with much-needed relief and shelter as the normal storm of emotions that raged within his head repurposed themselves into a tornado of pure instinct and blank thoughts, Freedom at last, if only for a fleeting moment...

  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Tiq’s Inquisitive question toward Qelionxi Was soon answered with little more than a grunt and a stern motion towards ‘Talock’ The Saurian commander of the whole camp.

    Disregarding the normal saurus attitude The priest now asks the looming figure as he exists the meeting room. “Your Skinks are armed with blowpipes and agility, Skaven are cowards easily crushed with the lightest of hits. They rely on darkness, something removed at dawn. Any sign of the vile and report back to me, otherwise my saurus are occupied.” The saurus disappointingly replies, once again reminding Tiq that the saurus do not mean to be insensitive but instead house an intellect of intuition and knowledge…

    Before finally heading off with the fourth group Tik quickly discusses further detailed plans With Uykar who similarly had been ordered to deal with hunting both fish and beasts whilst also gathering the more heavy-duty Kroxigors for logging and other reparations.

    Now back in the jungle where he felt at home, Tiq was in his element, Ordering fresh parties of gatherers, Organising with the other leaders whilst simultaneously re-directing skinks carrying large baskets and containers filled with fresh yields of fruit and plants in plentiful supply.

    Having skinks behind mark out the location of primed gathering spots and particularly resource-rich areas after a reminder and new insight into the intricate techniques and practices of gathering he continued, improving his approach with every word of wisdom or line of advice from the more experienced and less hasty gatherers.

    Traveling deeper and further Westward Tiq found himself wandering from the group more and more, leaning down or reaching up to collect all sorts of weird and exotic remedies and other such materials.

    In his right hand the priest clutched a handful of newly collected Mango’s their rich colours slowly fading from a verdant green to a speckled red-brown. Feeling the weight and heft of the fruit Tiqoltiq couldn't help to sink his teeth into the fleshy, almost muscular texture of the mango, feeling the soft gentle juice mix and swirl with the thick saliva in his mouth in an almost bitter and unusual sweetness.

    In his left, he juggles several baskets containing a broad away of all wonderfully useful fruits and plants.

    The lush green of mint, its refreshing smell infusing the priest with a soothed concentration

    The rich amber yellow of ripe Banna’s their weathered wild surface containing a blend of delicious seeds and flesh within.

    The tree born ochre of wild nuts, wrinkled skin of seeds and beans mix in together, each and everyone promising a crunchy and nutritious meal.

    The shrivelled sheen of peppers glinting in the dawn light like the blood of a freshly slain sacrifice.

    The twilight blue of berries, their plump bulbous squishy shape oozing with a thick sweet juice that gently sizzles and froths on the tongue.

    The mysterious and rich smell of crude spices and other curious herbs tucked away inside concealing vessels of pottery that converts and hides the delicious powders and barks inside.

    Trying to not get distracted at his parties already substantial haul Tik hands a few of the gatherings to another skink to be brought back to camp before kneeling down to inspect a few blades of the ever so rare Quetzl grass, known for its cherished abilities in battle. Grabbing a handful Tiq stuffs it into his pocket quickly before he is called over by a fellow voice.

    Drawing towards the other gathered members of the group Tiqxoltiq angles his head giving him a glance at the almost glowing black purple mushroom hiding amongst the shadows of a huge jungle tree. Stepping closer the fungi’s features and appearance is further revealed hinting at why it has drawn so much attention… “Dusk shadow” Tik whispers under his breath as he remembers the sheer amount of toxin held within the small, unassuming polyp. If he wanted to collect such a deadly yet valued prize he would have to be careful about it... The mushrooms Tranquillzing properties can even be inhaled or draw in through the skin if touched...Which would Undoubtedly send him into an unconscious slumber.

    + 1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)
    Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.

    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Whistling soundlessly through his teeth, the priest wondered if he dared try to collect such a specimen as this. Carefully, he withdrew an odd section of bamboo from about his waist. Long and thin, the inch-wide tool was razor-sharp and fire hardened on one end, thin enough to slice into something yet light and strong enough to allow him to lift objects he otherwise would not wish to touch. Handing a waxed pouch to the other skink, he then pulled a length of spidersilk cloth from another pouch. Tiqxoltiq had been doing this kind of work for a long time, and was prepared for such tasks. To some degree, at least. Carefully, he wrapped a portion of the silk cloth about his muzzle, making certain to cover his nostrils, before doing the same for his helper. The silk wouldn't completely stop the effects of the toxins, but it would filter out the worst of it. They'd still be very sick, but they wouldn't be dead.

    Holding it in the taloned claws of one hand, Tik slid the special bamboo tool inward and pressed it gently against the mushroom's base. He took a breath to calm himself, gesturing to his assistant to hold the bag open. "Make certain your claws and hands are not inside the opening when I do this," he cautioned the other. A quick, deft motion sliced through the mushroom stem, allowing him to lift it on the end of his bamboo tool.

    Do I need to roll for this? I'll assume I do. I don't know how to take a screenshot of the roller thing, I got a 14 on a 1-20 roll. Assuming that worked correctly, Tik would then carefully move the mushroom to the pouch and drop it in, taking care not to touch the opening of the waxed pouch before tying it off and putting said pouch into a gourd with some cushioning moss for safe-keeping. The bamboo tool would then be shoved, point-first, into the soil, the used end broken off to prevent spreading the toxins to others.
  4. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Scent of blood made Quas stood on its feet again. He darted forwards as well. Navigating by nose and alternating his path with Hakal they carried on through the bushes, stones and fallen trunks, following their prey's desperate run, ready to pounce any minute the opportunity shows. Birds flew and small animals sprinted away from two beasts ravaging the jungle, occasionally removing a bush, or an old decayed trunk with their massive bodies. Adrenaline masked any signs of fatigue and Quas felt nothing but joy running through the forest-jungle.
  5. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal, running alongside Quas, dropped on all fours and with a burst of speed, caught up with the larger Parasaurolophus. His mind was fully submerged in a haze; the tress and ferns speeding past all around. He was fast - fast so much so, he was trailing just behind the Parasaurolophus he injured. His jaws opened forth, saliva sliding amidst the gusting wind.

    (-1 skill point for rolling an additional four)
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk and Nazqua like this.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Surging forward Quas crushes both fallen logs and branches under the heavy stomping of his feet as he was gaining on the Juvenile Parasaur.

    Letting out more and more desperate grunts the creature tried to signal out to its spooked mother as its limbs were beginning to falter causing it to stumble and trip with each exhausted step.

    Now within reach of the kroxigor behind the younglings grunts turn to screeches blocked out by both the sound of the wind gushing past as the pair ran, but also interrupted by the creatures rapid, uneven breaths as its mother disappeared further and further away, its chances of survival decreasing with every second.

    With a wide bellow, Quas opens his mouth drawing in great streams of air whilst also snapping at the Parasaur he chased. Outstretching one muscular hand he could almost feel his claws digging into the creature's flesh as its frantically waving tail once again slipped out his grasp causing the kroxigor to grit his teeth with both concentration and frustration.

    You may use a battle/strength point to strike or grapple the creature before rolling a D20.

    Meanwhile to his side, Hakal now also bounds forward on all fours with a burst of purpose and speed catching up with ease as gulps of air rush through his ecstatic system, every pulse of the heart, every pump of the legs not only driving him further but also clearing his mind of the sorrow it was so regularly trapped in. The surroundings became but a distant memory as they flashed past whilst the winds howled past the kroxigors galloping form.

    Feeling the brush of ferns or snapping scrape of twigs in his way only made Hakal feel more alive, as the larger Parasaur disappeared ahead into a thicker grove of tree’s leaving splatterings of blood in its wake whilst nearby the struggling juvenile was starting to fall behind.

    Hakal - Options:
    You may use a battle/strength point to strike or grapple the juvenile before rolling a D20

    Alternatively, Hakal could press onwards, giving chase to the larger mother with yet another D20 Speed check (Dice roll + Speed stat (3), Skill point may be used to add an additional 4)


    The words reverberate and rebound across the shattered pens and devastated camp, both their loudness and power elevated by the fleeting morning moon that stares down upon the oricle bolstering his actions.

    A gathering of Beast tamers stares upon Xolek, some in disbelief others in curiosity as he places his almost steaming hand onto the willing beasts head before a distant roar echoes from the far off jungle as if Itzl himself was amongst them.

    Within an instant of connecting Xo can feel a strange sensation of both unity and the shared instinct of Iztl wash over his mind and body as the light from his hand slowly fades…

    (Creature Status -
    The salamander is currently in an ‘ACCOMMODATIVE’ State, It will listen to small orders with its simple mind partially bonded to that of the controller, However, the creature will still fall back in its animalistic nature and remain with a lot of free will along with a high constraint over its own actions. This tenuous state can last anywhere between minutes and hours.)

    Allowing the oricle to withdraw his arm putting his trust into both his own ability and the salamanders now controlled urges to attack, resulting in the beast doing little more than coughing up another thick pool of corrosive sludge.

    In a similar fashion to before a small handful of younger, less experienced beast handlers gaze in astonishment whilst the others mumble before returning to their various tasks.

    To Xolek-Zi’s side, the skink that had been previously handling the beast took in a deep breath allowing both his body and mind to calm down before he approached the oricle forgiving for his harsh words and offering to help whatever it was that xolek had come for.

    Xolek - XP Gained: +1 Beast handling.
    1/2 Required to Upgrade.

    - Next Upgrade: +3% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.


    As Tiqxoltiq carefully prodded and poked the mushroom in order to sever it from its many winding, entangled roots clouds of toxic fumes filled the air, clinging onto both the moisture and the priests mask, its attempts to worm into the skink's vulnerable lungs thwarted by the strong silk woven cover.

    These sort of mask’s had been a technique used for centuries as another line of defence against noxious fumes and toxic air, Best known for their use within the Quaroc Quarry.

    Carved out from the raw, crusted earth east of Spektazuma is the largest and most notorious quarry in the whole of Lustria bar Subaturnn. Great artificial scars in the once lush landscape bore deep into the planet giving the lizardmen above access to rare stones and minerals hauled out from the steaming depths by a complex system of pullies and carts

    With In the dimly lit molten caverns below raw sulphur, chunks of coal and molten rock used to fuel the cities ever-expanding energy requirements is crumbled away by the hardiest of kroxigors and skinks, their sandy scales covered in a mix of simmering ash and thick layers of arid sludge. Whole-body buried all that remains are the pairs of stinging, resilient red eyes and the dazzling reflections of silk masks, which supposedly protect their lungs from burning and getting torn up by the baking dust swarming air infused with toxic chemicals.

    Glaring down upon the workers within are huge tower beams fitted with immense lenses that loom above. the crystalline glass carefully fitted inside is able to focus the sunlight into an intense beam strong enough to melt through solid rock, allowing the lizardmen to carve our more and more land as the ravenous mining operations claw away at the once verdant mountain landscape, leaving parts of it as smouldering husks of its former self.

    Feeling greater drowsiness starting to overcome him, Tiqxoltiq was forced to work faster, grabbing the Dusk shadow with precision before shouting at the others to stand back whilst he transferred the mushroom over the freshly prepared bag all whilst holding his breath.

    With yet another smooth motion, the singular fungi was placed into the wax-coated bag which was now immediately sealed tight returning the darkness that the mushroom longed for so greatly, both in its habitat amongst the shade of twisted trees or tucked away in deep cave’s but also in its ability to send those that inhale, touch or ingest it with the kiss of rest and delirious yet tranquil slumber…

    Ensuring this would not transpire, The priest quickly stuffed the bag into a larger gourd into a soft cushion of soaked moss for later use before quickly ridding the bamboo stick of any remnants of the toxin like the ones that caused his throat to tingle and eyes to sting…

    Tiqxoltiq - XP Gained: +1 Gathering.
    (1 Already gained from previous events) 2/3 Required to Upgrade.

    - Next Upgrade: +1 To all gathering Checks, This should be combined with your roll when taking a gathering check.

    + 1 X Dusk shadow (Material/Consumable)
    - Description: Elusive and rare, these renowned mushrooms are known for their deadly toxins. Hiding in the shadows and shade of trunks or caves the arrival and of these mushrooms often predicts and prophecies the soon death of the healthy tree, or even whole grove they Leetch off.

    Known to be carefully collected Dusk shadow’s renowned toxin can be refined and diluted into an undoubtedly potent tranquillizer that if ingested or admitted to the bloodstream can cause the recipient to fall unconscious within near minutes. If otherwise received in two high of an unrefined dose they risk falling into the never-ending slumber of death or even worse lapse into an unending Coma of twisted delirium.
    - Effects:
    Requires processing to be used.
    Contact, inhalation, Digestion should be avoided.

    Xolek-Zi - M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic, 0 Beast handling.


    Hakal - M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.8 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill point, 5 -MAX battle, 1 Strength


    Quas - M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill point, 2 battle, 1 Strength
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Shuddering and shaking from the effort of gathering the deadly fungi, Tik returned the now-shorter bamboo tool to his belt. A spare piece of silk was wrapped about his bare hand before using said silk to protect his skin as he removed first his own mask, then the mask of his helper. Both silk masks were flecked with purple spores of mold. Using a stick, Tik dug a hole in the ground and dumped the silk masks into the hole before burying them. "It is a waste of silk, but those cannot be re-used once contaminated with spores," he regretfully muttered. Glancing upward at the sun, he let out a tired sigh. "We should find a place to stop, rest for a bit, and eat something. Once done, we will return to camp. Hopefully we will wander across some Unicorn Vine on the way back."
    bOdziO Wolf, Sevesh, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A large sigh of relief washes over Xolek not only in his mind but also in his posture and then a exhale of breath. So focused on Xiuhcoatl the Oracle did not realize that a number of handlers were looking at him, and then he heard the mumbling and pointing of who he assumed were older skinks, their crests larger, some damaged from years of beast handling.

    "How does one simply reach out a hand? Reckless is what magic users are, especially Oracles" Xolek can over hear one saying which is soon followed by a few nods but then surprisingly hearing one of the larger more muscular skinks telling them to hold their tongues and to be thankful they did not have to get into the ring with the fire serpent. Soon those more experienced handlers disperse, some slowly turning as they eye and give unsavory looks of both jealousy and fear; Xolek now staring back could not decide which was more. The younger handlers however could not contain their amazement as a few jaws were drops and the crests of some vibrating excitingly.

    "Where did the light come from? Why is this Oracles tail different than the rest? Are those feathers?" At that moment Xolek felt a slight touch of his tail, looking over his shoulder he sees a very young skink gently running his hands through his feathers and then touching the orb on one of his ends. The orb not bright, but a dark bluish black obsidian hue, was cold to the touch, the young skink surprised as he had never felt something outright cold couldnt contain the smile on his face. Then embarrassment set in, and a waterfall of apologizes flooded out, Xolek couldnt do anything but laugh

    "It is ok young one, I do not even understand the mysteries of my own body, other than that the Old Ones willed it to be so" his tail curling around the young skinks hand in a gesture of understanding the curiosity of young minds.

    Soon the young handler which had originally been trying to corral Xiuhcoatl approached Xolek, head low at first until finally out of respect raising up to meet the Oracles gaze. Xoleks eyes for the moment a dark Feridian grey surrounded by black like the night sky, and oddly white specs within the black piercing into the young handlers own eyes.

    "Honourable Oracle, my words earlier were unjust and like Chotecs fury was out if anger. Without knowing your understanding of this creature I thought you would get us killed...*His crest reclined in a shameful display*...but it is clear that not only Sotek blesses you but Itzl, the great beast herder too looks down in favor with you. I am at your side if you wish in whatever endeavours you are here for. Mysterious are your spawn, but mystery is a gift of the Old Ones, no?" The skink slinks back awaiting a response

    Xolek thinks on this a moment, the other skink still touching his tail in wonder until Xolek gives him a look and then returns his gaze to the handler infront of him

    "We all at times jump to conclusions, it is how we respond to those conclusions that either bring honor to the Old Ones and our Slann or allow Chaos and division to fester. You have showed great honor in humbling yourself and allowing yourself to accept you were wrong. *he laughs* perhaps you are wiser than your overseers" Xolek says it loud enough that the remaining experienced handlers can hear, many of them turning around in anger

    "Walk with me and Xiuhcoatl, she will not harm you while I have this connection with her" Xiuhcoatl at that moment gives a slight hiss before looking at Xolek and then at the handler, a slight hungry smacking of her lips and a tongue whip, Xolek gives her a stern look before telling her calmly to behave herself, Xiuhcoatl's eyes blink as if to say "he lookssss deliciousssss, but okkkkk"

    Beginning to walk Xolek in his mind commands the salamander forward towards the pen before turning to the Handler who was following behind "we will need food for her, we dont want her adding to the already burned down sections of the camps", the young handler nods.

    "OW!" A loud scream pierces from behind them, the young skink who played with Xoleks tail let its curiosity get the best of him touching the sail of Xiuhcoatl's back sail, which radiated with heat that was released from it. Xolek turns around, anger in his eyes, "do NOT touch the sail! If you must touch, only touch her legs, they do not radiate more than a warm stones heat, as the ground absorbs the heat radiating in the legs, now go to the medical tent" but instead he feels a hand on his tail orbs once again, and slightly lightened up...the young skink raises his handx the burned seemed to be not healed but numbed as it was now cold as ice. Scared the young skink runs towards the medical tent [if this part is too much let me know and I'll remove it].

    Looking at the young running skink Xolek shrugs and continues to walk with the young handler and Xiuhcoatl and finally leading the salamander into the stone pen. The young handler signals a Kroxigor who then with his might closes the stone door to the pen, almost immediately Xiuhcoatl let's out a furious scream, as if being away from Xolek was painful, their beings seemingly becoming more attached each time their minds connect.

    Turning to the young Skink Xolek asks two more questions:

    "What is your name? Where was my belt with my bags put? I need what is in one of them for another handler, Xahanol"
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
  9. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After the councile has ended however it was still night so Kuoteq'eko climbed upon the highest platou of the temple. He shivered when he saw the might of the skies over him, but even more he felt in his bones the real purpose of this place : It was built to watch the stars. He wanted to grab his staff but it wasn't nearby and he remebered small bits of what happened :The Saurus, Tik and the colorful cloak that was bound at it. The Saurus must probably have taken it to a save place where they put all relics of the vault and guard it until Izqux gives them other commands. Kuoteq smiled and knew what he would do.
    When he ran through the destroyed camp he saw some Skinks how started to rebuild some buildings, but he couldn't see the two Kroxigors, Hakal and Quas. It was nothing to worry about , he did thought and so he arrived at the Saurus , who was guarding all things they had found , after a while. Kuoteq asked the Guard: "My Staff, could I have it back and all things that were bound to it?" The Guard turned around without a wors and gave him his staff but not everything what was bound to it. Kuoteq mustered the Guard, but finally he thuoght that maybe it was a command of izqux to stick it off the staff. He ran back to the observation platou and felt the winds of magic howling, pulling and pushing. Then he began to concentrate on the skies over him and the winds around him and began to meditate....
  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Cowering back, the light caused Xahanol’s eyes to water and sting as the slightest touch of heat caused his huge burn wounds to ripple with a fresh pain. Holding up his frail hand to block out the light the skink shuffled further into the corner of the room. The Memories that flickered and flashed within his mind like the flame set before him were put to an end as a great stream of noise stirred in the room. Many skinks, Zuztle among them surged into the room before splaying out to treat and check up on the decreasing lines of patients.

    Hope blossomed in Xahanol’s eyes as more and more of the wounded lizardmen were stitched or partially healed allowing them to leave the bleak, dim tunnels and re-enter the light to carry on their assigned roles.

    Mind partially at ease as he watched skinks gently talk or pace around the cavern the beast handler did what he could to ignore the licking torch flames until Zuztle himself eventually reached him...

    “X-Xahanol?” Zuztle questioned, his voice warm and friendly as he leaned over the skink laying out a small pack of tools and equipment before placing a handful of glass jars filled with strange ointments and powders with a sigh. “H-How are we doing Xahanol? “How are w-we doing? I will see to treating those larger wounds with t-the application of some lotion and stitches… Please, Please take this for the pain, I promise this won't take long...”

    As Zuztle started to grab an assortment of instruments to insect the larger of the wounds his concentration was broken off by another skink who rushed in Xahanol’s direction, his eyes wide with shock as he scanned across the handler’s burnt body, barely able to stutter out a sentence of mumbled words in between rapid breaths and deep gulps.

    Upon the sight, Xahanol croaked out “Yixolk?” In a similar yet welcome surprise at the sight of the fellow beast handler’s recognisable face...

    “X-Xahanol? I-i-is that you?”


    “Qul'toq was in search of a serpent, but this was no ordinary search, Ordered by both the Slann almighty and seemingly the star’s themselves he was sent looking for the serpent of Axtlotl… Such a thing is similar to time itself. A fleeting whisper on the wind, shrouded in foretelling mystery such is the seemingly lifeless city it supposedly comes from..."

    "F-for all the… for all the years I have known him Qul'toq never discussed his divine mission until the day… the day he was taken…”

    “Sky ablaze Druchii levelled our entire camp, Slaughtering and capturing any in their way until they breached our vaults… stealing every last plaque, every last artefact.” The seer's anger overcomes him as he can't help but slam down his fist onto the table, “They gave me this…” In Between seething words of pure hatred, Izqux gently removes a dull gold shoulder plate revealing a series of sharp puncture wounds, the old flesh that surrounds them a maze of veins and withered skin. “But they gave... They gave him w-worse...”

    Struggling to keep composure at the re-awakened storm of emotions and memories Izqux’s shivering hand reaches out to scoop up the light blue amulet that rested amongst a pool of watery tears on the table.

    Feeling the warmth emanate from it, Xlauax sees the seer clutch it gently before placing it back down with yet another sorrowful bow.


    Nodding in agreement with Tiqxoltiq the group followed without words, their limbs becoming tired and heavy at the thought of a much needed short rest.

    Soon the party of gatherers arrived at a smaller clearing encompassed by large tree’s, their scintillating canopies providing some shade from the low angled morning sun.

    Taking deep breaths Tiq slumps down leaning on a large wrinkled tree trunk, the scent of fresh fruit mixing in with the small amounts of smoke and low hanging mist in the air whilst the jungle orchestra only grows in sound and strength, a reminder of freedom and a connection to the old ones themselves, who listened to the same melodies when the world and stars were young...

    Letting his body calm down and the slightly induced slumber take a greater grasp over his mind the background conversations fade…


    Ignoring the first questions the young skink returns Xolek’s glances his eyes and expression turning worried at the mention of his fellow beast handler “Xahanol?” “I-I heard... I heard he was injured? The skink’s widen for a second as his crest stretches out, his whole body waiting for a response as the other skinks within the whole vicinity snap back around “Where is he?” “Is he okay?” assaulting the oricle with a fusillade of question marks after a sorrowful pause - and then a rapid-fire of glances…

    During the confusion, a wiser and more experienced handler nods and rushes off to grab the Oracles items from within the damaged building as the others crowd around him.
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    For the first time in in a long time, Xlauax felt connected with another of his kin. Izqux knew of Qul'toq and must have been a friend of his. Xlauax's mind kept racing with a jumble of confused thoughts, he had to figure out what Qul'toq needed of him. "Iz-Izqux w-where should I st-st-start? I am t-totally l-lost when it comes to p-plaque hunting and r-riddles. But if it is Q-Q-Q-Qul'toq's wish I will f-fulfill it.". After this Xlauax drew up the amulet once again and put it on while waiting for Izqux's answer.
  12. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The trailing smell of blood lingered in Hakal's nostrils. Bounding past bushes and the thorny branches, the kroxigor sped up, gaining on the parasaurus flank.

    With a lightening thought now departed in the haze that was his mind, Hakal leapt straight for its side, intent with grappling the beast.

    (-1 strength point)
  13. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    The warm and friendly voice calmed the fear, the pain in their mind. They tried to rationalize things away, they knew this hut was a place of safety, but the spikes of fear from the flames still came, the slight smell of smoke and ash underlying the strong smell of medicine still caused their heart to seize in fear. the questions gave them a moment. "Hurts..Will persevere. How..How long before I go back to the animals?" They asked Zuztle, until they turned to see Yixolk, They felt a slight bit self conscience, knowing by the change in the weight of their body the changes the fire has left on them, but they cared little, they had to get information. "Yixolk, i-it is me, are you okay? What of" They gave a frustrated click, memories swimming with dreams and fears. "What of the new beast brought, for Xolek, does it live? What of the beasts, did the fire reach them?" A million questions, they tried to get to their feet, pain be damned, they had to know.
  14. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Ongoing chase made Quas only hungrier for more. He leaped once more to grab the creature with his menacing claws and secure with his sharp teeth.

    (-1 battle point)
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Anxiety began to swell within Xolek, so many bodies surrounding him at once, he was used to being surrounded by jungle or ruins that he was meant to investigate or travel through. The jungle and ruins were almost always empty of lizardmen, bird calls and other animals noises comforting him in his journeys.

    Staring out into space with a blank look on his face Xolek began to remember his travels to the once great Temple City of Spektezuma, the Great Lensed City. Up against the mountain with her arms guarding the ruined city, he had entered through a side cavern, its once magnificent gate crumbled and broken, he walked a dark tunneled path from what was once a grazing area for Stegadons and other beasts of war or burden up to the opening that emptied on the east side just south of The Temple of Itzl. Looking down he could see rubble remains of Skink barrio sections, the central market area where the Temple of Uxmac still stood, though parts of it rubble from when the Demon Hordes ran the distance a bluish white light shown in the middle of ruins, near the what would have been the Slann Quarters in the Temple of Quetzl....

    The memory began to fade as the young skink tugged on the Oracles arm

    "Oracle, are you ok?"

    A dazed look crossed Xoleks face. "Yes, I'm sorry...what were you asking?"

    "Xahanol, is he ok?" The question asked again for what could have been the 10th time

    "Yes...Yes, I'm sorry, he is in the Medical tent with Zuztle, however very badly burnt. His crest almost unidentifiable, but I do not fear for his life but only his comfort as the burns do seem at a high degree like the fire he was caught in. I am here to retrieve my bags and belt, inside of them...." at that moment a sense of urgency came over the skink, at that moment he saw an older handler walking back with his bags, wading through the surrounding sea of skinks until finally Xolek was able to hold them.

    Going into a large Stegadon leather bag he opens up a smaller bag which has a flower in it, "Yes, this one will do" holding it up for all to see Xolek smiles before explaining what it is,

    "Blue Paradise" sweet orange and mint scent escaping from the bag and then from the flower itself, sending the nostrils all around to be filled with the flavor, "once captured by Amazons I was told I could either help with Skaven or die...I chose to help. Over time gaining the respect of their High Priestess I was allowed to gather some for my travels... but I feel now Xahanol will benefit from its both mental and physical numbing properties as he recovers" looking at his last flower Xolek smiles at the thought of Xahanol feeling little to no pain, if even for a moment in time.

    Remembering his dazed memory of Spektezuka Xolek looks into another bag and checks its contents, a light much like that created by his tail shines as the bag is open, a sigh of relief, he closes it back before too many eyes see the glow.

    Turning back to the medical hut he then tells the elder handler to take care of Xiuhcoatl while he is gone but that Xolek would be back to help train the beast and told the handler of his wishes to make the Salamander into a hunting animal for when Xolek inevitably leaves again....if he leaves again he thought to himself...a strange feeling washed over him just then. As if something within Kara itself tugged at him, much like other ruins before it did when something was amiss....

    He begins to walk down the path, footsteps behind him, the young handler who had pledged himself to the Oracle followed,

    "So what is your name?" Xolek asked again, not turning back to face him. Continuing to walking towards the medical hut as skinks around him went about various duties and large beasts of burden carried supplies for various projects Xolek waits for a reply, his tail swaying in a light breeze as his tail feathers dance in it.
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the skinks lounged in the sun, Tiqxoltiq let his mind drift off into slumber. He did not dream. He was too exhausted to dream. Instead, he drifted in and out of consciousness, his mind taking in the occasional flash of the scenery as his eyes opened and closed. After about an hour, someone touched his shoulder. Blinking awake, Tik looked up into the eyes of Tlakeke, who sighed and shook his head. "Wise one," the gatherer said softly, "you are tired, as are we all, but we should head back soon."

    Nodding, Tik roused himself from sleep and began to gather his belongings. "Yes, thank you, Keke." But the gatherer seemed nervous. "Is there something else?"

    "If you really need it, we found some Unicorn Vine."

    "Oh?" Tik grimaced, then let out a bitter sigh. "Oh. Yeah, I guess we had better gather what Zuztle needs. I hate dealing with that thorny crap, but the long, spiral-twist stamen from the flowers are necessary for some of the more powerful curatives we use. In particular, they are needed for a burn-salve we need for Xahanol's wounds." Shuddering, he gathered his wits and gestured to Tlakeke. "Take me to it, please."

    It was not a long walk. They soon found the Unicorn Vine, a parasitic, semi-magical crossbreed of kudzu, grapevine, and a particularly large-thorned species of wild rose. Bracing himself, he handed most of his pouches and the gourds he used for safe transport of rare herbs to Tlakeke and began to climb. He used his sickle as a kind of climbing hook, digging it into the steel-hard, foot-long thorns as he scaled the trees that were being choked to a slow death. High up in the canopy overlooking the jungle he found what he was looking for: a rose blossom the size of a Stegadon's bony head-shield.

    (Rolls: Climb check... 2... uh oh...)

    His climb almost came to a crashing end as the thorn his sickle was hooked over suddenly gave way! Giving a screech of terror, he slid across the vines towards the edge, a fall that would sent him falling over thirty feet to the jungle floor below!

    (Rolls again: 7.. that's a little better but still not good... um... ok)

    Flailing his arms, he managed to slow his descent, but in the most painful way possible. His wildly waving arm swung out, impaling his forearm on a six-inch-long thorn! Biting back a yelp of pain, he swung the sickle in his other hand, trying to catch himself before the thorn tore his arm in half!

    (Ow...: 10. Close enough.)

    He managed to hook his sickle into a dense mat of vines, pulling himself to a stop. Shuddering in pain, he assessed the damage. It wasn't good. His arm was bleeding freely, a deep puncture wound that was currently being plugged by the thorn's girth. Bracing his feet, he left the sickle hooked in the vines and rummaged around in his remaining pouches for a bundle of moss.

    (Healing check: 12+skill)

    Moss in one hand, he forced his arm up off the thorn (Roll: 1... fuuuuuuuuu) and screamed in pain. (Saving roll: 16. Yay, not unconscious). Shuddering, he somehow stayed conscious and jammed a wad of moss into each side of the hole before quickly wrapping the linen strip about his injury. Steeling himself, he tested the arm and swore. "Tlakeke? I am going to need your help! I cannot climb down with my arm like this! Can you toss a rope up to me?"

    As he waited, Tik retrieved his sickle and stepped carefully along the vine twists to the flower blossom he'd spotted. Luckily he knew how to harvest things one-handed. Pulling more of the silk he used for masks from about his waist and carefully wrapped it about the twisted stamen. A Bretonnian who saw it would have insisted such a thing could only come from the head of some mythical beast of legend. The Lizardmen of Lustria knew better. Unicorn Horns from the animal had some magical ability, but were not the cure-all everyone thought they were. This, however. This unusual-looking piece of vegetation? This was the real cure-all. Grabbing it as best as he could with his injured arm, he slid his sickle in next to the base of the stamen. A quick twist of his wrist...

    (15. Figures I'd have to get injured to collect the damned thing...)

    Gripping the plant's "horn" as best as he could in his bad hand, he made his way back to where three of the other skinks had climbed up to help him get down from the canopy. It took almost an hour to get him down with his injury, but they managed to get him back to the jungle floor. Tlakeke held onto his pouches though as they made the trek back to the encampment. While the others peeled off, taking the foodstuff to the kitchens, Tlakeke helped Tiqxoltiq. The old gatherer had a worried look on his face at the sight of the blood soaking his bandages and dribbling down his arm as they headed back to Zuztle and the infirmary...
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    At the sight of Tik, the old healer let out a cry of shock. Moments later, Zuztle and Tlakeke had Tik lying on a bed. While the old healer forced the blood-soaked bandages from about his arm, he had Keke grab some clean moss, a bottle of some powerful-smelling liquor, and a small jar from a nearby shelf. Motioning for Tlakeke to hold the priest down, Zuztle poured some of the bottle's contents into his wound. Tik had been on the verge of passing out, but when the refined pulque hit his injury Tik's eyes flew wide open and he let out a scream of anguish as the strong alcohol seemed to sear into his very being!

    "Is this really necessary, Zuztle?"

    "Th-thorns from the Unicorn V-vine are... not clean," the old healer mumbled. "It takes ex-t-t-treme methods to clean the infections from such wounds before they go s-s-septic." As the wound began to bleed more freely, the healer reached into the almost empty jar. Zuztle scooped up some fine, yellow powder with a clean spoon before sprinkling it into both sides of the hold, all the while telling Tlakeke to hold the priest steady. Tik was beginning to thrash weakly from the anguish in his arm, so Keke had his work cut out for him. For a moment, Zuztle let the blood run freely, staring intently at the color before suddenly stuffing clean moss in from both sides of the hole. The injury was then re-wrapped with fresh bandages. That done, Zuztle had Tlakeke help him bring Tik to an empty bed. Dosing him with a floral-scented tincture of some kind, Tiqxoltiq was soon unconscious.

    "Y-y-you should t-tell the Stars-s-s-seer what happened," the old healer mumbled. "He r-relies on Tik perhaps t-t-too much somet-t-times." Retrieving the Unicorn Horn from the silk wrappings, Zuztle looked it over and gave a happy sigh. "Ah, he g-got a fresh one for us!" Glancing over at the sleeping priest, he sighed sadly. "He w-w-works t-too hard, but he is good at what-t-t he d-does." Walking over to the makeshift bench he was using for mixing potions, Zuztle took a tiny file and scraped a small amount from the base of the 'horn' into a jar of rust-colored ointment. Stirring it with a bamboo skewer, he smiled as the rust tones lightened up to a brilliant, almost fiery orange color. "Ah, g-good. Now I can give Xahan-n-nol some relief from his burns."
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His attempts to persuade the immovable saurian were all but hopeless, every word and plea met with a stone-cold glare of stern eyes or a deep guttural grunt

    These saurus had surely been tasked with guarding the items under the order of both Izqux and Talock… Only through Kuoteq’Eko’s role as a priest was his staff finally granted by the exasperated guard.

    Finally laying his hands on the cool bronze handle a feeling of tranquillity came over him as the ashen breeze whipped around him, the saturated and heavy, hard the breath scent of smoke and destruction still hanging in the torn air.

    Relieved to be stepping away from the saurus the priest shrewdly bowed as a sign of respect, He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment even without the cloak he had come for…

    Walking back through the camp Kuoteq could see the once desolate plaza’s starting to be rebuilt by the heavyweight of kroxigors and quick dexterous skill of skink allowing a glimmer of hope to blossom inside him as he twisted through the knot of smoking lumber and defeated rubble.


    Xahanol desperately tried to pull himself up onto his feet, the questions rattling in their head danced like flames, burning away at their fragile mind as well as the shivering muscles that soon gave way, sending the skink back down onto the cold stone. Trying to hide his pain Xahanol gritted his teeth as Zuztle’s slow reactions finally caught up causing the frail skink to reach out in concern and croak out an answer. “W-w-we must f-first treat t-t wounds before considering t-t-that…”

    To his side, Yixolk now also looked with a similar strain “X-Xahanol… X-Xolek-Oricle’s beast i-is… is okay… t-the fire.. N-not so much...” He replied, his worlds struggling to come out as he steadied himself before continuing “T-the Oloq was as fierce as the S-salamander itself and as destructive as a herd of S-stegadons… We m-managed to evacuate the b-beasts befo-” Suddenly a thought snapped in Xahanol’s head as his vision faded for a mere second sending him spiralling back down. Slissix! The name battered against his skull as he hit the floor inducing flashes of multicoloured light so similar to the other frogs who’s fate had already unravelled…

    As soon as it had begun the lights faded as his blurred vision slowly returned revealing both Yixolk and Zuztle leaning over him ready to treat one of the largest burns before a strange, sweet but sour, bitter and salty taste frothed in his mouth causing the nerves and many cuts to ripple with an almost indescribable feeling.


    Brushing leaves and branches past Kuoteq once again reaches the temple, shivers run down his spine as the canopy subsides revealing a daybreak sky of stars, the morning sun rising from behind the temple. Its rays of serene light that flutter down twist and weave in with the moonlight bathe the ancient building in a golden silver sheen.

    Taking in a deep breath the priest continues forth further into the clearing allowing him to now also feel both the warmth of Chotec on his face and the smooth hum of the moon running down his shining scales.

    Getting closer the solitary silhouette of Quelionxi stands motionless guarding the shadowy passageway and entrance to the temple’s interior. The only sign that the saurian is still alive being his almost unnoticeable breaths and the glint in the warden's watchful wild eyes.

    Finally stepping onto the base of the overgrown building, Kuoteq’eko slowly ascends to the top, every huge step forcing the breath out of his lungs whilst his muscles burn.

    After countless breaths he finally arrives at the pinnacle of the temple, the heavens themselves greet him with open arms as he kneels down giving his eyes a chance to take in the surroundings.

    Such staggering beauty of the jungle fighting against the charred destruction of Chotec’s flames below. Such staggering beauty of Chotec’s warmth above fighting against the darkness of night above…


    Deep in concentration the priest crosses his legs and angles his head upwards, focusing to steady his breaths as the glittering stars fade, interwoven with the sunlight they try so hard to resist. Showering down with a new intensity the ancient worn stone bricks of the temple are provided with but a brief moment of warmth and respite against the most feared, ancient enemy of all… Time itself.

    The winds of magic gently swirling and flexing around Kuoteq’Eko’s staff his vision eventually fades. The sun and moon dance above spinning one thousand times a second as the temples memories flicker before him, It's imprisoned stone blocks forever standing, stuck in a cycle of eternity as the land around it changes in but a blink of an eye, those eyes being Kuoteq’s as they close finally turning everything into darkness as he slips into deep meditation

    Kuoteq’Eko: +1 Channeling/Meditation.
    1/2 Required to Upgrade

    - Next Upgrade: +10% Chance channelling provides caster with an additional magic point.


    As Tik lay silently among a sea of other patients Zuztle quickly directed Tlakeke with a mutter before attending to Xahanol. The priest couldn't help but subconsciously smile despite the stinging of his wounds… Not only had he helped the beast tamer but also restocked Quas’s supplies.

    Tlakekeke’s figure immediately began to pace out from the tunnels, the light still stinging his eyes as he arrived at the communal kitchen with the others.

    Basket after basket was placed down in a heap of fruit and scintillating spices, the scents fought for control against the lingering smoke and ash born from the burnt remains below.

    Many skink artisans and other workers were soon drawn to the battlefield, their inquisitive eyes prying at the kitchen as their mouth whimpered in anticipation.

    Although there was food in abundance, it would have to be savoured and rationed to ensure the whole camp and its beasts could at minimum get a taste or crumb… It was no feast, But at least the lizardmen’s hunger would be sated just a little.


    Subconsciously the handler mutters “Amazons-s-s” in Bewilderment as he tastes each syllable, his face reforming into an expression of anger for but a second before the skink's eyes are drawn down toward the flower gently cradled within Xolek’s hand, both its appearance and smell soothing his emotions back down.

    The petals were a utopia of Angelic blue, the twilight light they reflected felt soothing to the touch as an array of speckled white stars and constellations led down into a deep crimson centre, the colour itself like the fresh, dripping blood of a sacrifice…


    Shaking his head, Reality quickly snapped back as the question rung in his head.
    Causing his delayed response to be stuttered out in nervous fashion “Er-r I I a-am Xulhi of Tekuāntin…” As he darted forward catching up to the oricle as he entered the crowded tunnels...
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking at what would be considered a slower pace than most skinks, Xolek could feel eyes on him as Xulhi muttered the word "Amazons-s-s". Xolek knew that many Lizardmen had a sour taste about the Chosen Warmblood children of the Old Ones, the first born Humans. Those who Worship not only Rigg the Outcast but also the serpent, arguably not Sotek or Topek, but a different serpent that represented the mighty Anaconda of the might River Amazon and other native bodies of water. It is said even bigger snakes lurk under the surface ready to snatch almost anything up, even Sub Adult Carnosaurs and if very unlucky full Adults.


    Xolek came back to the reality around him as these thought melted away as the handler now was next to him, his light foot steps hardly being heard as the commotion of the tunnels began to radiate against the cavern walls.

    "I could sense your anger at the idea of befriending the Warmbloods of the Old Ones, has your village made battle with them?" Knowing it could be a sore spot Xolek tried to not press it much but his curiosity could not be contained

    "They are beautiful in battle...very agile like a leaf on the wind and almost invisible like a chameleon amongst the trees" at that last comparison his thoughts went to Xlauax the chameleon he had briefly met who had been questioning a Skavenslave. He then began to wonder if more Skaven were down in the ruins, a surge of anger rushed through him, uncontrollably Xoleks eyes and tail lit up like a Christmas Tree, blinding all those around him briefly, and in the same instant the light vanished. Startled by his own uncontrolled light show Xolek decided he needed to seek out the Seer, perhaps he would have answers to the questions he had been seeking...well, from since he was spawned.

    All he could remember was the sensation of hot and then frigid cold and then as if the tide it self washed over him he was washed up to the surface in the full glory of the moon, and then red eyes all around him...and then strange serpents silencing the eyes that pierced into his very being, feeming the corruption they brought...and then it was gone. After that all he remembered was running into the jungle, scared, and behind him a Slann and many Chameleon skinks but he did not turn back as his flight or fight response propelled him away.

    Memories pouring in he began to run, after what felt like hours he finally got to the makeshift medical ward, and there Zuztle looking over Xahanol. Walking up still shaken from what his refound memories brought Xolek showed the delicate flower to the healer, he then asked for a mortar and pestle. Usually Xolek would just break the flower up with his own hands and place them into his pipe, but such burns would require the blood red center, the most potent and valuable part of the flower.

    Zuztle moving slowly found what was asked for and handed it to Xolek,

    "What kind-d-d of flower is that?" The healer asked, unsurprisingly as most would not know of this flowers existence except through stories.

    Looking at the healer Xolek simply responds, "Amazonian Blue Paradise, it will help him not feel pain, any of it. He will feel a bit...euphoric....but that too will help the pain of the mind he surely has from such burns" Xolek said with sorrow in both his heart and voice.

    Just then it struck him, Xolek had never felt this way towards another save one. The emotion swelled inside him as he saw the burnt crest and body of his friend, anger with Chotec swelled inside the Oracle, again his eyes began to burn with a silvery-ferisian grey-white hue.

    "How is he?" The words came out softly like a child asking about a sick brother or sister on life support.

    And then another question, "did another handler come in, with a burn on his hand? I fear he may have injured himself on a Salamander Sail."

    Xolek looked back at Xahanol as he ground up the flowers center after carefully cutting it out, like the many times he had done this before for other injured lizardmen he had come across on his continental journeys. Finally the blood red center was a dark powder, he took his pipe out of his pipe bag and made sure it was cleared.

    Looking st the healer Xolek began to instruct him,

    "Do not let him eat this raw, it must be either placed in the pipe and lit with a flame or cooked into something for him to eat to allow the effects to enter his body that way. He must not eat it raw or he runs the risk of losing his mind to a constant Euphoria and then death. Only the Parasaurolphalus and other large creatures are able to eat the flower whole, as they're bodies are bigger and their minds more primitive, their minds not able to be lost in the same ways as ours" The Oracles eyes stern as he looked for some sort of response, and then a nod from the healer. "If he digests it the effects will be longer lived than if smoked, regardless your medical ward will be filled with the scent of orange and mint, and all will feel the relaxing effects of it" he then gave the sacred pipe to Zuztle and told him he would be back but that he had to seek out the seer.

    He had questions about the ruins, the Moon city and...looking down at the pouch that held the strange blue glow contained...he wondered if the Seer would have an insight to what he had found in Spektezuma

    Rising to his feet Xolek motioned for the younger handler to follow him, he still wished to talk to him about the Amazons
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  20. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    They stared blearily at both Yixolk and Zuztle, trying to piece together their own mind, as well as Xolek's words. Pain seared their thoughts, making it harder to concentrate than it normally would be, but the question burned in their mind. "Y-Yixolk, w-what of Slissix, what of my frogs? T-They were..they are safe yes?" There was a desperation in their voice, their attachment to the animals clear. At Xolek's question they looked back at Yixolk, as best they could at least. "T-They are here X-Xolek."

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