AoS First 500 points battles with Seraphon

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by samheim, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes I saw the wraith mongers, they look nice. But in real money they are expensive, for 5 men's.

    The model I would think about adding, would be a blood thister, because although its expensive in real money. I can justify it because it looks so awesome and is huge centre piece.

    The only thing is, I don't think that a blood thirster in the lore would be a general. I think the Demon prince is really the general, even over the mighty lord of khorne.
  2. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Played a 1000 points gift from the heavens game today.


    5 evocotars

    15 sequitors

    6 castigators

    1 celestia balista

    Knight incantor



    Scar Vet on Carnosaur

    Scar vet on cold one

    Saurus Old blood

    20 x Saurus warriors

    10 x saurus knights lances

    5 x saurus knights clubs



    Had to leave game at turn 3.

    Was going ok as Seraphon.

    Didn't think anything I had could stop the Evocators so try to tar pit them with Saurus knights.

    The knights managed to do 1 mortal wound on charge. Half were deleted in the first turn and then in 2nd turn the rest were destroyed. The Evocators then went on to auto delete the Scar Vet on cold one.

    The evocators are super powerful, they are hammer and anvil. They can deal with horde or big monsters with the mortal woulds. The 10 knights cost 160, but in my opinion should cost 2 sheets of toilet paper.

    The surprise was the Scar Vetran on Carnosaur. He actually kill 8 Sequitors! 40% of them ran away from his scary roar :/

    Trogladon kill 4 castigaotors and the balista.

    But 1 unit of sequitors kill all 20 saurus warriors only suffering 1 wound in return.

    Again 180 points for 20 Saurus. Sequitors 130. When they channel into shield, very little chance for saurus.

    Final thoughts, Saurus army is not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Battle line is garbage tho.
    Schwaaah likes this.
  3. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Oh dayum, looked at the Drakespawn knights warscroll. They are even more horrible then the Saurus knights.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure I agree. At worst, I'd say Drakespawn Knights are about the same as us. But, all things being equal, I actually think they might be better. They're faster. They have better base saves. They have similar melee attacks, although the 3+ to hit means more potential wounds. And if they charge (which is quite possible due to a higher move) those lance hits that wound are auto death due to -2 rend and 2 damage.

    The Drakespawn Knight's biggest disparity is that they are virtually twice the cost of Saurus Knights.

    Honestly, as I've thought about updating Seraphon, I think I would prefer a higher rend/higher damage charge as opposed to a 6+ moral wound chance.
    Canas, Erta Wanderer and samheim like this.
  5. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Right. What I do know is that chainrasp horde is much better then Saurus knights, for same points. What really hurts the knights, is they don't have hero's who can buff them.
  6. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    literally every saurus hero buffs em.
    And the skink priest & starpriest as well.
    And the slann as well.

    Even the EoTG technically buffs them (the heal & 18+ effect) though he's unreliable.

    Even the starseer buffs them, though he only has mystic shield available, so that's fairly underwhelming.

    but yeah, literally every single hero we have has one buff or another they can apply to the knights that benefits them.
    samheim and Erta Wanderer like this.
  7. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Chainraps get really nice buff though. They get + 1 to hit and + 1 to wound. They start off with 2 attacks as well. They have small base size, meaning you can get more into combat. And they have 5+ ethereal save! and if within 6 inch of your general when they die, on a 6+ they come back to life.

    The Scar veterans buff's all cost command points or are spells. And the Scar veterans buff's are pretty lame in comparison.

    1 attack for cold one or on a 6 one more attack.

    The only good passive buff I found was on the old blood on foot. Reroll to wound within 5 inch's.

    Still not as good as the nighthaunt with the spirit torment wholly within 12 or the guardian of souls within 9.

    Bloodreavers are also far better, though not as good as chainrasp imo. They are the same speed with a horn blower. They have 1 attack with a re roll failed ones. And with blood secrator it's easy to get them up to 3 attacks.

    What I would like is a way to get more attacks on the Saurus knights lance. Hit on 3's, wound on 3's. Mortal wounds on 5+ and 3 attacks.

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