Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Alright fore anyone who hasn't voted to keep going you have till 8pm standard time, before I write you out of the story. Hope to see more then 3 people continue on.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    hey this seems prety cool, ill read through the entire thread to get to grips with it but sounds good, ild like to be the kroxigor warrior xapati'tli
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  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Sounds good. I'll work you into the plot, looks like the group will need the muscle. I want to make sure you can post nearly everyday first before you make the commitment though. ))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    yeah i should be fine with logging on at least once a day and updating and continuing the story, i normally work evenings 3 - 11 at night so ill post before i go or when i get home,but yeah it souns interesting so im in :), ill work on back story and post today
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  5. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    ((cant believe it i wrote a long back story for my character xapati'tli, xap for short but i timed out and when i went to post it didnt and i lost evrything i wrote grrrrr. so just doing a basic one))

    a solitary spawning with no prophetic markings xapati'tli was a hulking kroxigor with dark purple skin and even darker scales he came into this world with a single word echoing through out his skull SEARCH even while the skinks tried to bind weapons to his huge arms xap grew even more restless the more time spent here the less time there was too search, with huge gold chains wrapped round his arms xap rose and walked out of the temple city into the dense jungle to see if he could find the meaning to his word, his purpose.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Ready, willing and anxious to get this story rolling again!
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  7. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    just realised what will my stats be i found krox has 4 battle 1 skill couldnt find the stats though,
    my krox doesnt have great weapon yet he left before they bound one to him so hes just got big teeth and claws and flailing gold chains
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  8. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I'm in on this too!
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  9. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys, sorry had car troubles today. Got home 4 hours later than I expected and I got a throbbing migrain, so I will post when I get up tommorow.

    Xapati'tli- Kroxigor - 1 Skill/4 Battle
    M6 WS2 BS0 S4 T4 W2 I1 A2 Ld 6
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  10. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Last post)) The group had nearly forgotten about the other skink, who was quietly minding his own business. When he did finally speak up, he told the story of how he had got to this point. He was returning from the vampire coast, his name was Krek-Zeko. He had been scouting that region for a while, avoiding zombies and ghosts. But he saw something that distressed him, undead lizardmen, a large group of them. Quickly he made his way back to the temple, to return the news, however he was abducted along the way by the chaos worshiping humans.

    The skink was sent back to the temple city. Distressed by the news, the Lizardmen knew they must continue their path to the Vampire coast, the Saurus though they followed the party they looked as though they were in some sort of trance like state. Only Ax-rodriq seemed to be more responsive, though he rubbed his head and eyes a bit, when he first seemed to come out of the trance. The group moved down the temple into the woods, they walked for some time till it grew dark, and very cold. The jungle howled, and there was rain, lots of rain that felt like ice. The group took shelter under the canopy of a large tree, that is except. Xa and Hzutli, the stood in the rain, when they where told to come with the rest they gave an odd look of confusion. Suddenly Xa charged at Tzuhil, which happened to be the closest skink to him, he cracked the spiked end of his mallet into the chest of Tzuhil, tossing him through the air back to Hzutli. Stil in the air, Hzutli swung and the flailing Tzuhil and cut him in two, the blood and guts lay on the jungle floor as Tzuhil's body quiver and lost life. The two saursu then turned on each other, the charged each other biting and chopping into each other. The maddness could be felt, it was cold and tense in the air. The saurus began chopping limbs and parts from each other, till they both collapsed. In bloody heaps, the water came tumbling down washing away the blood.

    The group stared forward horrified at the quick, inexplicable act. Just then more horror the bodies began to wiggle and move. The half skink came forward at the group, and the shredded saurus stood on wobbly frames. The came towards the group jaws snapping as they closed the distance.

    WS 2 - Strength 3 - Kill a saurus zombie - 5 battle
    WS 2 - Strength 4 - Kill a saurus zombie - 4 battle
    WS 2 - Strength 5+ - Kill a saurus zombie - 3 battle
    WS 3 - Strength 3 - Kill a saurus zombie - 3 battle
    WS 3 - Strength 4 - Kill a saurus zombie - 2 battle
    WS 3 - Strength 5+ - Kill a saurus zombie - 1 battle
    BS 2+ - Using a blowgun - Can't wound zombies as they are currently immune to your ammunition (you'll need your ammunition blessed)
    BS 2 - Using javalin - Kill a saurus zombie - 5 skill
    BS 3 - Using javalin - Kill a saurus zombie - 4 skill
    BS 4+ - Using javalin - Kill a saurus zombie - 2 skill
    Magic kill a saurus zombie - 2 magic

    WS 2 - Strength 3 - Kill a skink zombie - 4 battle
    WS 2 - Strength 4 - Kill a skink zombie - 3 battle
    WS 2 - Strength 5+ - Kill a skink zombie - 2 battle
    WS 3 - Strength 3 - Kill a skink zombie - 2 battle
    WS 3 - Strength 4+ - Kill a skink zombie - 1 battle
    BS 2+ - Using a blowgun - Can't wound zombies as they are currently immune to your ammunition (you'll need your ammunition blessed)
    BS 2 - Using javalin - Kill a skink zombie - 4 skill
    BS 3 - Using javalin - Kill a skink zombie - 2 skill
    BS 4+ - Using javalin - Kill a skink zombie - 1 skill
    Magic kill a skink zombie - 1 magic

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Tlax I couldn't fit you in this post but I will send you what you where doing Via pm. Then I'll fit you in on Monday's post))
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  12. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc was horrified by the sight of the two Saurus whom had not only massacred one of their skink brethren but then each other. Just to Huaroc's horror, after thinking that nothing else would make the night more terrifying or crazy the three bodies shift and rose to attack the rest of the group.

    Huaroc had seen much in recent weeks. He recovered quickly from the scene and scooped up the fallen skink's javilin. Utilizing it as easily as he would any other skink weapon he flexed his sinuous(sp?) arm and accurately impailed the skink through the eye socket at close range with a powerful throw.

    Running over to the fallen body Huaroc snatched the Javlin's handled end and began prying it out of the skull, soft and squishy sucking sounds emminating from the business end as brain and bone matter were moved around as the obsidian tip ripped free. Huaroc, now behind the two Saurus, jumped upon the other half of the dead skink and thrust the javlin's tip deep within the head there as well to ensure that half wouldn't rise as well.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(:) Ok...ready to fire things up again. But, I have some small requests to our mighty DM *cough*...
    Who's in our group? As-Rodiq, Huaroc, Xap and me?
    Secondly, could you write the number of enemies when we have to fight. It would make things a lot clearer for me. That way, I don't have to scan the post for the number of enemies, with a margin for error.
    And, as a Dutch comedian once said (Hans Teeuwen): There is no fun pumping lead into a dead body, is there now?
    That's it for now, I'll wait before firing my magic untill you, oh Almighty DM *cough*, reply.

    The Hunted
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  14. Tlax

    Tlax New Member

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    ((no probs so ill wait till monday to post anything or shall i post what you sent me))
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  15. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I could be wrong but I believe there are two zombie saurus left. I'd post right away as if I see that if the two saurus are left by the time I'm done playing D&D Huaroc is gonna have to show up a little....

    Don't want anyone to get mauled by our former own kind.
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  16. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Group list is:
    and soon Xapati'tli

    There are 2 saurus zombies left after Huaroc killed the skink zombie

    Last one not quite sure teh question so I will reserve an answer for now.))
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  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    OOC(:) The last remark was a joke, not a question :p. Guess that's Dutch humour.

    Ilok watched the two saurus zombies spartling towards him.
    He was startled, how could this land do such a thing?

    Before he could answer that question, he had to take care of these beasts.
    Ilok cast a simple spell, blessed by the heavens themselves and fired.
    A bright white stream of light erupted from his hands incinerating the two zombies.

    Fortunately, taking care of zombies wasn't the problem. It was the fact that his powers were low and that there would be many more.

    Ilok cast a minor spell to check his party members. They seemed ok.
    With that, all that Ilok wanted was to move on.

    The Hunted
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  18. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc examined the "dead" skink zombie. He wasn't a healer by any stretch of the imagination. Besides the fact that he knew next to nothing of why the saurus and skink companions would suddenly change and attack, then after death rise again.

    "This must be the work of some foul magics and chaos!" He hissed from deep in this throat.
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  19. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec moved to react to the zombies, but his partners moved quicker, destroying all of the zombies before he could join the fray. He moved to examine the bodies and figured that some dark magics must be at work here. He tasted the air, it tasted of magic and hate, the group would have to prepare themselves well for the upcoming battles.
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  20. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq stepped over to the fallen bodies. Fearing they might rise again, he began hacking them into small pieces with his sword. Soon, nothing remained of his former comrades but chunks of flesh that even the flies dared not settle on. He motioned to the group that they should leave this area with all haste.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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