Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Turning back around before be had left he looked at Xahanol, the skinks eyes barely open and then noticed the handler he had asked about

    Recoiling a bit from Xolek, he could see the fear and yet wonder in the young handlers eyes, his hands soft scales peeling a bit from the heat of the salamander burn.

    "Your...your-r-r, it was Cold..." the handler muttered before another young healer skink began to look at the skinks hand.

    Xolek looked at him and nodded, "Yes, and likely saved your hand from further damage" trying to not show his frustration and reminding himself that this is new for all involved. Looking at his own tail, the feathers a white with black highlights, the was all so strange was who he was and he had learned to embrace it over the past months and years

    Turning around he walked out into the busy tunnel out towards the once thriving camp, all around him ash and destruction as he and Xulhi walked towards the Seers Tent, along the way speaking of Amazons and Xoleks adventures with them, the young skink slowly seemingly ok with idea of their existence.
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Once again a flare of anger surged up the seer’s veins as he spoke out with reverence to Qul’toq’s name. “The Druchii claimed his life… So, in turn, we must claim theirs in the search of his reticent quest for the S-serpent of Axlotl who turns with time, its infinite coils choking out its own histories… Seemingly only the slann and fate know his true mission… Though we may still strive to fulfil its purpose, Our purpose”

    Izqux continued, An undeniable passion underlying his paced tone. “Only through the purge of all the anathema and the reclamation of this harsh world in the name of the Old ones shall Qul’toq finally be able to watch over us with but a spark of dim hope, hope that we may one day rise and reclaim all that is ours… The world that is ours…”

    Soon his eyes met exactly on with Xlauax’s, the blue gem’s reflection within fading as he closed them and clenched his frail fist, despite his bodies physical weakness and age it was clear that this skink held the true power of wisdom and foresight. “All Druchi will pay in time, however not again will we have our secrets ripped from us, Ancestry robbed and past stolen. Every plaque lost a wound of fate cut, Our empires f-future inevitably changed and warped, unable to stem the tide of time and Tzeentch’s dominion…”

    “B-B-But… t-there may not be another c-chance…” His expressions immediately relapsed back to a cold and calculating mask as he pushed back the sorrow and hidden thoughts manifested themselves within him

    Suddenly his clenched fist seemed to glow with a luminous, powerful white light as his eyes flashed open glittering like the water and stars he was spawned from “I-it will not be easy, i-it will not be forgiving but through strength, endurance and f-faith shall we honour Q-Qul’toq and seek to further the great plan by the protecting the artefacts uncovered with our life and preparing.. P-preparing a journey to the c-city…

    Standing tall the star seer’s hands reached up as did his crest in a proclamation. “I Izqux, Yuxa's hand and conduit speak forth now, we must enact the Old Ones w-will, and by extension m-my own will in a journey to the city of the moon, A j-journey to… A journey to Tlaxtlan… The singular word bounced around the chamber as the corridor leading up to it was flooded with a silver sheen as the moon withdrew from the battlefield that was the sky.

    You must spread the word Xlauax, I have spoken and my will is f-final only under that of the Slann. Inform the priests that we must start preparations immediately.. Instruct Talock to arrange the artefacts ready for the travel under my order and apprise Uykar above all others to begin mapping our route among other duties… I myself must do the same, once again attempt to contact the Slann. We will strive set out at first light in Three Cycles, T-three Dances of C-Choteq and Hunachi...
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  3. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Hunger driving him Quas leapt forward and shot out his huge arm which quickly latched onto the beasts writhing tail. Strengthening hos vice-like grip the kroxigor threw the creature to the side, sending the Parasaur’s exhausted body into the ground with a crunch, as the vegetation gave way allowing the rocks to absorb the impact.

    Lying stunned the creator knew that it was witnessing its own doom, able to produce little more than a shivering wheeze as its mother’s trail was blocked out by Quas’s huge body.

    Saliva dripping down onto the creature the kroxigor’s fury was unleashed in a flurry of swipes. The lizardmen’s sharp claws tore through the Parasaur’s body ripping open huge fissures that now unleashed a tide of blood trickled down and in between its once colourful scales like a web of crimson silk.

    Now Quas also shivered, not with fear but as the scent of blood hung thick in the air. A metallic sweet taste on his tongue as he looked up at the light filtering through the canopy before bellowing a prayer to Amyra and Itzl alike.

    With the safe passage of the Parasaur’s spirit guaranteed the kroxigor snapped open his huge jaws biting into beasts neck and jugular filling his mouth and snout with yet another burst of blood. (-1 Battle point, Leaving Quas with 1 remaining)


    Claws digging into thick hide and flesh the kroxigors extra weight drags the beast down as more blood splashes onto the ground below seconds before the parasaurolophus’s faltering feet crush the crimson-stained earth.

    In a frenzy Hakal slashes again and again, knocking the beast of course as he readies to take another chunk out of the creature with a bite of his jaws, gaping them wide he leans in only for the jaws to snap closed on his ribs sending him and the beast down. (-1 Strength point leaving Hakal with 0 remainings)

    Rolling down into the more dense ferns and plants Hakal could feel the burning wound of a blunt attack from the gnarled snarling branches that laced the path, the damage enhanced by the Parasaur’s matching strength and bulk.

    Shaking his head another wave of chemicals dispersed into the kroxigors rushing veins diffusing the pain and providing him with a swell of fresh vigour and energy allowing him to claw his way back to his feet as he puffed for air. (-0.3 wounds to Hakal, Leaving him with 2.5 remaining)

    Suddenly he is flung backwards, spiralling into the undergrowth as the beasts pained grunts are replaced with a ringing and the fading image of the Parasaurs recoiling leg flashes before him.

    Clipped in the side by the beasts kicking foot Hakal absorbs the impact generated from over a ton of raw muscle. Smashing into the ground his disobeying limbs flail wildly as he yet again gasps for air watching the mother limp into a patch of now blood-drenched ferns unaware of the fate of its juvenile. (-1 Wound to Hakal, leaving him with 1.5 remaining)


    The wonders of Spektazuma, his travels and the need to talk to Izqux buried in the back of his mind Xolek carefully watched as Zuztle picked apart the grains of flower with experience, placing them into an already prepared mound of rusted orange powder. Mumbling he then rushed back to his desk cautiously avoiding the small pack containing the Dusk shadow before grabbing a small chunk of gelatinous substance to mix in with the powders.

    Happy with the healer’s progress the oricle turned to both Xuhli and the other conversing beast tamer who complained about their burnt hand causing Xo to wonder... If a burn as weak as that one was able to create these effects, How much pain was Xahanol in? He had to be treated as fast as possible.

    Soon Xahanol also talked out in clear distress of both fighting the seared flesh’s pain but also the emotions that built up inside him as he looked up to the other skinks barely able to speak.

    Immediately Yixolk and Xuhli looked at each other before turning to the other distressed handler with an almost blank sorrowful expression… Xahanol’s speaking ceased as he realised.. He realised that his animal's fates were already sealed.

    “W-we… We are s-sorry…” they despaired, similarly collapsing down to their knees in sadness...


    M1 WS2 BS0 S4 T1 W1.5 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 0 Strength

    Active effects:
    - Stunned (-3 Movement, -3 Initative, -3 Toughness, -1 Weapon Skill) (Current duration remaining: 40 Seconds) - A roll must be taken to break out of the stun before its duration ends.


    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill point, 1 battle, 1 Strength



    M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic ,0 Beast handling.

    Item changes or additions:

    - 1x Blue Paradise (Consumable) (1 Remaining)
    - Description: Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills the air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding mainland, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.
    - Effects: (Duration 10-20 Minutes)
    -3 Initiative, Euphoric effects.
    - Highly sought out by herbivores



    M4 WS1 BS1 S0 T1 W0.4 I3 L3. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 0 beast handling

    - Your Characters Wounds are ‘Healing’. (+0.2 Health)

    Active effects:
    - 20% Chance to fail combat actions.
    - +1 Wounded state.
    - +1 Wounded state
    - -0.2 Max wounds.

    Unicorn vine: (Duration 3-4 Hours)
    - + Pain resistance
    - +50% Regeneration rate
    - +0.3 Max wounds
    - + Disease resistance


    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W0.7(Wounds lost In acquiring Unicorn Vine.) I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic

    Items changes or additions:
    + 1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)

    Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.

    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill

    + 1 X Dusk shadow (Material/Consumable)
    - Description: Elusive and rare, these renowned mushrooms are known for their deadly toxins. Hiding in the shadows and shade of trunks or caves the arrival and of these mushrooms often predicts and prophecies the soon death of the healthy tree, or even whole grove they Leetch off.

    Known to be carefully collected Dusk shadow’s renowned toxin can be refined and diluted into an undoubtedly potent tranquillizer that if ingested or admitted to the bloodstream can cause the recipient to fall unconscious within near minutes. If otherwise received in two high of an unrefined dose they risk falling into the never-ending slumber of death or even worse lapse into an unending Coma of twisted delirium.
    - Effects:
    Requires processing to be used.
    Contact, inhalation, Digestion should be avoided.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  4. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol's silence lasted. They had accepted their mistakes, they had accepted the pain of the burns as their punishment. The loss of their proud crest hurt, but it was fitting. This though? This was a pain they did not expect. It hit them hard, harder than even they had expected. They bowed their head, and made a mournful sound. It..wasn't unexpected, their area was closer to the center, and they would have been the only ones to really still was a wound that cut deep for them, and they had no real words in return for how it made them feel.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Before Signaling Xuhli to follow the Oracle looked back at the healer,

    "I am planning a journey back to the Isle for more flowers and other rarities from the Amazons in the next coming moons, is there anything you would need from my journey? I sense my path will lead me back here...the ruins of Kara feel tainted in my bones....I also seek the City of the Moon" Xolek waits for a reply before heading out to seek out the seer
  6. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After the spectacal of the fight of fire and shadow Kuoteq began to climb the temple down.

    (Rolled a 12 with RPG dice Wizard)

    On the first meters he was a bit unsure but it became better after time. At the half of his path down from the with weed and herbs covered temple, a Stone sliped away under his feet and he had to do something.

    (Rolled a 11 with RPG dice Wizard)

    Luckily for Kuoteq'eko he could rammed his staff fast enuogh in A near gap between two big stones and swing to a
    safe spot. Kuoteq grumbled about the bad condition of those burned stones and sat on the stone where he swung upon. He remembered that he experiences something familiar once and his thuoghts began to darken. But Kuoteq shove his thuoghts aside and began to climb the last part of the temple down.

    (Rolled a 15 with RPG Dice Wizard)

    On his last steps nothing hapened and so Kuoteq send his thanks to heaven. Then he began to retire to the saurus ,who guards the relics, again......
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax knew what must be done. He had eschewed his brethren for a long time after his torture, but now he must reunite with them once again with a common goal, to avenge Qul'toq. "Where can I find the p-priests? I will set out at once to inform then of our journey.". Waiting for Izqux's answer, Xlauax heads out towards the nearest priest to inform him, also searching for Uykar or Talock on the way.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    On the question Izqux returns to his normal posture with the new focus blazing in his eyes. “T-the priestss?” He shivers pushing any remaining sorrow for Qul'toq out of his thoughts “Tiqxoltiq has been sent out for gathering and reparation, He may still be out i-in the jungle but if not your s-should seek the k-kitchens perhaps within the central plaza may lie the other’s…”

    “T-talock s-Should be among the saurus barracks or vaults… The chiefs similarly scattered, Uykar in the beast tamers or hunting among others? I will return to my own hut, I can send Quelionxi to search w-with y-you for those that cannot be f-found... ”


    Watching Xahanol in despair Xolek felt as if he should leave and give the sombre skink a moment to calm down whilst he searched for the starseer… He would surely be in his tent?

    As he readied to leave Zuztle leaned in and sniffed the blue paradise, placing it down before realising Xahanol’s sorrow and motioning towards Xolek “W-Wonderful indeed… Such f-fascinating herbal knowledge these Am-amazons posses...Indeed, I could very much benefit from restocking my burnt shelves…” The mention of his burnt hut quickly turns him back to sadness as he focuses on the beast tamer.

    Setting off at once the oracle left the bustling tunnels, the noises of coughing skinks and the heavy rush of footsteps and speech dying down behind as he re-entered the blinding light that was so similar in intensity and power as his mysterious tail...


    Still slightly on edge from his near slip on the stairs Kuoteq’Eko carefully reaches the ground and makes the trek back through the jungle for what seemed to be the hundredth time, the buzzing sound of insects and the howls of far off creatures all now louder and clearer than before, whether due to his newfound concentration or an increase in activity as the sun rises is unclear.

    Taking a deep breath the priest can feel a new unity with the land itself, his sorrow for the burnt tree’s increasing as the air itself turns smokey as he gets nearer to the camp. Simultaneously the bustle of camp and what sounds like snapping wood begins to overlap onto the jungle orchestra…

    As Kuoteq continues the snapping sound only gets louder as he suddenly notices a chameleon skink nearby Izqux’s hut seemingly attacking the branches in a rage whilst murmuring the words “A-Avenge Q-Qul’toq! A-Avenge Q-Qul’toq!” at each swipe of his large blade or kick of his clawed foot.

    Seconds later the chameleon's eyes suddenly interlock with the priests as a spark of recognition glitters within as the skink notices Kuoteq’s face as the one within the ruins…


    Xolek slowly comes to a stop at the edge of Izqux’s hut regaining his breath from the walk, leaning down he quickly notices a chameleon skink and Kuoteq staring at each other with strange glances…

    Immediatel Xlauax similarly recognises Xolek, his one working eye swivels around brining the oricle fully into view as questions race through the chameleons head.

    A strange expression of both sadness and joy twists into shape on the chameleon's face, It w-was it the Qul’toq priest?? Had he already found two of the camp’s priests so quickly? He was ordered to inform all the priests and both of these were certainly dressed like them…

    eye darting in between the two Xolek feels a strange warmth as Kuoteq shuffles back at the twisted sight of Xlauax’s mutilated body.


    Meanwhile, Tiq Awoke, his wounds still stinging as he looked around the medical bay, the scent of fresh cloth and incense warming up his nose as he spotted Xahanol lying on the floor comforted by two of his skink handler brethren… Had the unicorn vine worked?
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax grew very excited. Two priests in one place! Xlauax quickly sheathed his Pain and Justice and approached the two, motioning then over. "I-i w-was informed b-b-by Izqux to-to in-inform you that w-we are to begin p-prep to leave for Tl-Tl-Tlaxtlan. It is u-u-urgent and we must d-depart quickly. I-i am also l-looking for the r-rest of the p-p-priests as w-well as Uykar and Talock. I-Izqux ssss-says we need a r-route mapped and t-the artefacts p-p-prepared.". After this Xlauax's eyes drop to his swords suddenly, almost alarming the two listening Skinks but then Xlauax slowly looks up and smiles.
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Slowly and stiffly, Tiqxoltiq tried to sit up. Pain lanced through his wounded arm as he attempted to put pressure on it, and he lay back down a little more quickly than he would have liked. Blinking back tears of pain, he tried again, this time using his good arm to lift himself. He let out a hiss of annoyance at the effort, then cast his gaze over to where Zuztle sat. The old healer looked up and smiled at him.

    "Ah, g-good, you are awake. H-h-how do you feel?"

    "My arm hurts, but otherwise I am fine?"

    "No b-burning feelings in your fing-g-gers? In your elbow?"

    "None, just a dull ache from the wound itself."

    "Oh, good! That m-means we got it cleaned out w-well enough!" Before Tik could ask, Zuztle clasped a hand onto his good shoulder and squeezed gently. "The Unicorn's Horn s-s-seems to be doing the t-trick. His burns are healing n-now, and not as inflamed. You d-d-did g-good, bringing it back so quick!"

    "I am sorry I could not do more," Tik rasped, his throat dry. Zuztle handed him a gourd full of clean water and waited as he drank, then nodded. "I was hoping to restock more than just a few medicines, but our supplies of food had been wiped out by the Olon."

    "And that had t-t-to t-take precedence, I understand. From what I h-hear, you d-d-did an excellent j-job. Would that all such t-tasks went as well." Frowning, the healer cast his gaze around the room. "There is a r-rumor that we will b-b-be leaving soon. N-not all of us, but many. Tlaxtlan," he muttered with a knowing nod. "The p-p-plaques m-must be safeg-g-guarded back to the vaults in the c-c-city."
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the Chameleon Xolek couldnt help but feel a sense of belonging, again the flash back of the chameleon skinks of Axlotol flood through his mind...

    Approaching the skink he again notices the mutilated form and the one eye darting in all directions, working over time at the loss of its watchful twin.

    "The S-seer plans a caravan to The City of the Moon-n-n....artifacts to be protected and brought there...demands all priests to go...a path mus-s-st be planned...Xolek, you have travelled much, you know paths in jungle well, report to the S-s-seer with the saftest path, I must find other priests-s-s-s...."

    The chameleon calling Xolek a Priest confused the Oracle... a Priest? He knew he was not of that station but did not question the words and accepted them as Part of The Great Plan.

    Simply nodding to Xlauax Xolek began to walk into the Seers hut, again the soothing atmosphere almost intoxicating as all the worries of the outside world melted away. Taking in a deep breath he could smell the remains of Blue Paradise in an incense holder, Xolek felt almost immediately relaxed.

    Almost immediately Xolek stops as he sees Izqux infront of him
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The smell of blue paradise wafts through the air Xolek steps further forward into the cool shade of the hut.

    Centred within the shadows in front is the star seer who clutches a large glass orb which magnifies out bright reflections of the night sky and constellations around the tent in one hand and In the other a small pipe.

    Such was the detail and intricacy of the pipe’s obsidian gold plated surface that could even challenge that of Xolek’s…

    Leaning forward Izqux breathes out immediately releasing a huge cloud of misty blue smoke into the room. The second the vapour hit the oracle he feels his mind almost slip as the sheer concentration sent him dizzy with euphoria. It was clear that the ancient star seer had built up a much greater resistance and fortitude to such things over his many years…

    Peering through the illuminated particles of fog Izqux spoke out in a slow ponderous voice “Xolek-Zzzziii… T-these last few days… I c-cant s-seem to catch a break…Hmm Maybe I am working down but one of Yuxa’s many pathsss…”

    "T-this blue paradise… Its-s-s respectable, Itss human creators not so much…. "

    “Wh-what isss it the oracle would need from Yuxa’s hand n-now?”
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
  13. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After meeting the two skinks Xlauax and Xolek in the jungle, Kuoteq´eko was a bit confused about what to do but he tried to follow the commands that he got from Xlauax. So he thuoght it would be best to stay in the camp with the others so he could overwatch their doings and be able to look out for some thingshe needed. He began to walk faster thruogh the jungle and almost to run , he jumped over some big burnt bark pieces ; but suddenly there was an huge crack in the ground and Kuoteq had to jump over the dark mercielesse abyss.

    (Rolled a 13 with RPG Dice Wizard)

    In less of an moment his body reacted and he jumped over the gap in the ground . Kuoteq´eko turned around and saw how deep he would have fallen and thanked the old Ones that they watched over him once again. Kuoteq recognized , when he wanted to go already , how wide the crack in the earth was and remembered one of his last Nightmares where he sawsuch big gaps too. His eyeswidened forone moment but then he telled him self again that this was just a bad dream no vision . With that in mind Kuoteq turned aruond again started to run to the camp thruogh the beautiful jungle. On his way he saw some dead and burned bodies of some spiders and hyeanodons. He shiveredwhenhe thought about the last fights with those creatures again. Back in the camp he saw how everyone packed things and razed the newbuild Houses again and he tried to make out where Talock was to ask him about getting the rest of his belongings what he really he needed : His bags.......
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek bows in a sign of respect, not only to his superiors position but also to the way the Seer was able to smoke. "So much control over his lungs and the flow of smoke, no coughing" Xolek thought to himself as he breathed in deeply to inhale the smoke himself. The tent filled with smoke the Euphoria began to take over, it seemed like days since Xolek had his own ritual; smoking each morning welcoming the sun rise and at night to see the Moon guard the night. Eyeing the beautiful pipe before him he began to become envious, the beauty indeed rivaled his own pipe.

    He thought of the Isle which he had harvested his first Blue Paradise, the gardens beautiful with ancient architecture within and around, vines of beautiful pink and red flowers all over the structures. Totem Guardians, the elite of the Amazonian warriors, much like the Wardens of the Slann, stood guard over the gardens. He wished to go back, but not yet...not of going to Tlaxtlan had spiked his interest. Perhaps there he could trade the Carnosaur tooth he held still, or maybe find answers there to his own origin.

    Stepping forward Xolek gazed at the Seer, "The paths we walk are often littered with thorns, it is a delicate business to figure out how to handle the thorns to get to the beautiful flower that Yuxa leads us to" Xolek says shyly, unsure if it was wisdom or euphoria that came out of his mouth

    Looking at the pouch that held the hidden glow, he begins to speak:

    "Great Izqux I do not know what the Old Ones have planned for me or the path they have laid before me, but in my very being I know there is more than I see." Slowly opening the bag he brings out what looked to be a elongated glass ornament, which shined brightly like the moon itself... indeed it was actually a scale, Xolek did not know this, continuing Xolek explains how he came to find it

    "I had found myself in the Great Ruined Temple City of Spektezuma, I had felt a disturbance there. Knowing the City had been long abandoned I went anyway incase warmbloods or worse had infiltrated its sacred chambers and temples. From the eastern mountain ridge, or the Great Eastern Arm, I noticed down below a bright glowing object..." reaching his arm out he begins to hand it to the Seer, "It was outside of the once mighty Slanns Quarters which was within the Temple of Quetzl. Before long I had gathered it up, and after investigating I did not see any other disturbances, however still felt a dread in my bones."

    Looking down, he again begins to speak, "Wise one, I seek answers to my origins to my spawn. I have looked to both the Stars and Moons, and they seem to dance with my eyes each time I look up to their beauty...while Sotek, the great serpent blesses me, I feel it is not him I belong" Xolek feeling shame in such a statement, him being an Oracle he was the harbinger of Sotek and was to invoke his will and wrath...but he felt another tug at his soul, if he indeed had one.

    "I was told of a journey to the City of the Moon...and I was called a Priest, I think it was a mistake I was told, but all things happen for a reason in accordance to the Great Plan. I wish to accompany the caravan, with your expressed permission as this is your camp and I will respect your voice" bringing his head up his eyes again were burning a bright Feridian Grey-Silver moon color, though his tail did not along with them.

    The smoke of the hut filling his lungs again Xolek struggled to Express his next feelings...

    "I feel there is more to Axlotol than has been revealed, my spawn place" Xolek says nervously, "I remember a Slann peering at me with a mighty group of Chameleon Skinks, along with dragonfly winged serpents....and as if his thoughts were mine he told me I would return one day. Why? Answers I have seeked all over the Continents, yet their secrets seem hidden to me" frustration began to swell within Xolek as his crest began to vibrate angrily

    Gaining his calm again Xolek then thought of the Amazons, "The the Warmbloods call them...have you had much dealings with them? I sense the anger when you mention them..."

    Looking at the Seer who now studied the object in his hands, Xolek waited for any indication of if the Seer knew of what he held or any that might and why his hatred for the warrior women of the Old Ones angered him so, or so it seemed to the Oracle.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2020
  15. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Having drunk enough blood of the fallen animal to quench his thirst and a tiny bit of hunger after the glorious run ended with a fatal blow, Quas rose his head in order to locate Hakal. Trail of broken branches and bushes, similar to the one he produced himself, was running perpendicularly and not too far away from him. Still breathing heavily, but surprisingly much less raspy than usual he grabbed the now dead dinosaur body and placed it on his shoulder with a quick and certain move as if the animal weighted nothing at all. Splash of blood marked his orange and light blue scales on the back as if a painter wanted to make some finishing touches.

    Adrenaline was still dominating the Kroxigor's mind, but feeling of happiness mixed in. Getting the beasts of the jungle down always made Quas happy. Not only he got first to quench his thirst and hunger, but he could make sure he gets the best meat to cook with.
    But the job was not finished and a larger prey was still on the run, distant voices and cracks marking its appearance. Perhaps Hakal got the second one? Is that was true, it would make a greater dinner than the Salamander, for sure. He happily ran towards the voice, his left hand securing the prize, his right allowing him to move faster.

    Sound of broken plants started to increase in amplitude much faster, meaning both the hunter and the hunted stopped running. A large thump followed by the voice of broken wood alerted him that the prey is fighting. Quas yawed to his left to potentially encircle the combatants and to use the bushes as a cover. This was to give him a benefit of surprise against the dinosaur that was almost his size.
    The sight of Hakal almost decimated by the massive feet of the animal was the signal to attack. He dropped the body he carried all the way and with the cleaver in one hand and augmented claw gauntlet in other he made a leap towards his prey...
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “M-My eyes too do dance to the star’s such is their beauty, P-perhaps Yuxa indeed does have other plans for your future, plans that will reveal themselves given the time and paths they require…”

    “Not even I can a-answer such q-questions, Though I to have my doubts of S-Sotek… Not that of the Slann but of something else… Something e-else...”

    Nodding the seer’s eyes unfocus as unseen thoughts and memories stream through his head...

    “S-Some say that on the clearest nights when the sky shines its brightest and the silvered one basks in full glory blocking out all that is evil that one can hear fate itself at work… Faint voices on the midnight breeze, The flickering of the star’s shimmering light tells you stories of the future as too does the whispering wisp of shadow and shade like the eternal battle of day and night, that of dark and light. Serpents, snakes, stars… Perhaps you have heard such whispers as too have I… “

    “One such w-whisper was of the city you bare… Axlotol…. ”

    Trying to take in everything Izqux is saying Xolek can't help but feel a slight twist in his stomach as the seer calmly whispers of ever watching fate, Something about it sends chills down his spine…

    “Axlotol’s name is not often heard among these days… Its meaning has changed so much over the millennia that it is but a single ray of light, the last of its kind from the star it once was…. Now faded and of ruin, the city’s history lies bare as do its lost plaques inscriptions which remain forgotten like the many secrets buried within the rubble and the many other fallen cities that share the same meaning, the same sorrowful reminder of what once was our empires unchallengeable glory.”

    “The city was twice cursed, Twice lost... As was our empire, Most cities stay dead but not this one…. This one of serpents and the stars is not only amongst the few reclaimed but also of something else so it seems….”

    His face filled with wonder Izqux seemingly drags his body down to the city as his vivid descriptions flicker in synchrony with the faint glow of simulated starlight.

    “ Yuxa’s light shines brighter above Axlotl’s lands, The wind dares not howl and the clouds over the city are not of the sky but of its history…There is far more buried beneath these ruined cities than we can comprehend... So much knowledge, So many lost secrets and hidden histories… In the same way Axlotol holds its secrets so does Kara itself… Our recent discoveries here are something far more than mere plaques…”

    “Time has taken the heaviest toll on both and all, Feared more than chaos… time itself cannot hesitate to strike down, None are safe from its grasp, Not even the seemingly eternal stone blocks we build from, Not even the gods or the star’s themselves…. Time’s immeasurable hunger will never be satisfied until the world is dust and the sky an empty void of fleeting whisperers soon to disappear, disappear like the flickering eyes of a chameleon skink keeping an ever-watchful vigil over Axlotol’s secrets as do the cities Slann. Ever watching the skies… Ever waiting…”

    “Perhaps they wait for our doom… or perhaps our salvation…”

    Closing his eyes and taking in a breath a slight sorrow underlies his wise voice as he continues.

    “A wise priest heralding from the city you speak of once told me… once told me that to question fate is to question existence, to question the Oldones… Anguish toward destiny shows weakness, Resistance towards it shows failure. Tree’s do not fight the wind and those foolish enough to do so are knocked down to wither and die, those that flow with it in not servitude but in defiance… they are the ones that flourish and grow… "

    "Some things are best answered by time, Wisdom can only do so much ...”

    Xolek can feel his mind slipping as the words of time and fate echo around his head as he struggles to take it all in.

    “And as for the amazons… They have k-killed our kind many a time… They have stolen from us and ever encroach on our land, Our jungle”

    His face’s expressions turn to anger as his fist holds the glass ornament tighter and his crest rises.

    “they twist our beliefs and mutate our temples to suit their own warped needs… they are no better than the Druchii scum that plague these lands with the other warmbloods… In fact, they are worse, T-to loot pillage and destroy is one thing… To defile and twist is a-another…”

    Such powerful emotion overwriting the euphoria he continues in burning eyes and clenched teeth.

    “The amazons are but sharp thorns in our side… They will all be burned out and returned to their rightful place in time, To say any less would be against the great plan…”

    Realising he had let his anger slip Izqux quickly changes the subject and allows the emotion to be replaced and fade.

    letting another cloud of blue paradise engulf him as he breathes out in gentle rings he further studies the glass ornament recently passed within his hands.


    Relived to be away from the strange chameleon skink Kuoteq’eko continued further into the jungle, looping his way around closer to the central plaza where he could make his way down to the Saurus he sought so badly.

    Thoughts swirling in his head the burnt tree’s caught his eye… Decades of beauty and growth burnt down in mere minutes… The priest couldn't help but feel sad as he passed through more and more of the scorched land.

    Thats when he suddenly felt his leg stumble on what was a dip in the ground… More than a dip in fact… Over the millennia of rain and weathering the flames had been the final push needed to break through into a small part of the hidden world below the camp and inner jungle. Kuoteq felt dizzy as he carefully walked around the newly created entrance into the tunnels and vaults below… The whole of Kara was known for its huge underground systems and the camp was no exception.

    It was clear that the topsoil had finally given way, crumbling down into the shadowy world of ancient cobbles and rock beneath…. Shaking his head the priest did his best push the memories of his last deluge into the tunnels only for them to be reawakened as he heard a shuffle from behind.

    Almost causing Kuoteq’Eko to collapse Xlauax revealed himself from the burnt tree’s. Surprised at the priest's reaction the chameleon quickly tried to reassure him with a warped and wicked smile… It wasn’t that Xlauax was following him but instead shared the same destination…


    His thirst quenched through the metallic taste of blood Quas quickly circled around in a desperate bid to surprise the larger still standing mother. Positioning himself directly onwards the kroxigor leapt forward toward the struggling prey…

    (-1 Battle point, Leaving Quas with 0 remaining, Note: Quas may choose to use another battle point in exchange for an Exhaustion stat.)

    Missing the initial blow the force of his attack sent Quas Sliding against the floor, his body tugging at the scraping thorns and ferns as a cloud of leaf litter and dust was kicked up in quick succession with his raked claw digging out ravines in the dirt.

    Despite the mother's wounds she had already made significant ground causing fresh anger to well up within the kroxigor, both at the prey’s refusal to be caught but also at the fact that the creature had also lashed out at Hakal. Using his leftover momentum Quas launches himself after the creature desperate to feel his claws rip through flesh for a second time.

    Panting for breath he leaves the other kroxigor behind and enters into the deeper jungle following the noise of desperate bleating and effortous grunts, the bleeding creature’s appearances and sound getting quieter as it puts more ground between itself and its hunter.

    Meanwhile, Hakal can only make out hazy blurred images as a scaled form rushes in front in an attempt to pursue the creature… Mind spinning the kroxigors mind fades in and out of consciousness as the world begins to spin with each wave of pain. (You may use a skill point to immediately exit the ‘Stunned’, Or will roll a D1-20, If your roll is above 10 your character is no longer stunned.)


    Wearily Zuztle motions over to Qelionxi who now leaves the room in search of others to inform before looking down at Xahanol, the immeasurable sorrow and sadness radiating from him dimming down the lights and causing the other two beast tamers to sit by his side gently trying to comfort him.

    “W-wounds hurt… But sometimes S-sadness can hurt even more it seems... ” Zuztle mumbles trying hard to not get affected by the grief around him.

    Wandering back over to the makeshift tool and equipment area the healer is suddenly reminded of something causing his solemn voice to increase in speed and pitch as he signals Tik over.. “D-Dusk shadow… W-what a f-find”

    S-Spektazuma you say? I have heard many a thing of the C-City of Lensesss…. ”

    Closing his eyes the starseer lifts his hand and hovers it over the scales surface “I too feel that there is more to this than meets the eye to this… this Glass…”

    Shuffling back again Izqux suddenly begins to chant, his voice’s tone and pitch’s sharp increase startling Xolek.

    “A-Azuhl Agshun Xuha Leindis, Hiqundi MAZUL!”

    Within an instant the seer’s hand bursts with light as the magic saturated air within the tent swirls around it. Holding one hand to his head Izqux presses down his hand firmly onto the object, causing its surface to reflect in a spiderweb of light as the seer concentrates…

    As he does so more and more magic pour into the scale causing it to glow a searing white that begins to burn the skinks hand. Snapping his eyes open Izqux quickly tries to jolt his hand back only to realise it is firmly stuck… Uncontrollably more of the room’s magic is drawn in and consumed only increasing the scales light to the point where Xolek can no longer see as his breath is stolen and the warmth of its heat reaches him.

    Not saying a word the seer continues to battle the scales grasp with complete concentration until he is suddenly overcome and pulled toward the scale jolting him out of his seat and onto the floor violently.

    Suddenly the white light grows to fill Xolek’s entire vision only then to shrink for a second before expanding again in quick succession… Within in an instant the oracles heartbeat starts to synchronise with the light for a few shivering seconds as his ears ring in harmony with the pulse…

    As soon as it had begun it was over, The storm of luminosity and magic surrounding the ornament was quickly drawn in and consumed by the object leaving Xolek stunned and speechless. Similarly dazed Izqux looked around, his hand burning hot and smoking as he shuffled away from the scale which had innocently returned to its normal appearance as if nothing had happened...


    M1 WS2 BS0 S4 T1 W1.5 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 0 Strength

    Active effects:

    - Stunned (-3 Movement, -3 Initative, -3 Toughness, -1 Weapon Skill) (Current duration remaining: 20 Seconds) - (You may use a skill point to immediately exit the ‘Stunned’, Or will roll a D1-20, If your roll is above 10 you character is no longer stunned.)


    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill point, 0 battle, 1 Strength

    (-Note: Quas may choose to use another battle point in exchange for an Exhaustion stat.)



    M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic, 0 Beast handling.



    M4 WS1 BS1 S0 T1 W0.5 I3 L3. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 0 beast handling

    - Your Characters Wounds are ‘Healing’. (+0.1 Health)

    Active effects:
    - 20% Chance to fail combat actions.
    - +1 Wounded state.
    - +1 Wounded state
    - -0.2 Max wounds.

    Unicorn vine: (Duration 3-4 Hours)
    - + Pain resistance
    - +50% Regeneration rate
    - +0.3 Max wounds
    - + Disease resistance



    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W0.7(Wounds lost In acquiring Unicorn Vine.) I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic

    Out of character talk I would like to tell you all about one of the various systems me and Deathbringer have been thinking about.

    I would like to implement a sort of more cleaned up and fleshed out level system where different perks can be chosen for a particular skill or profession as well as introducing a more specific XP system. This XP can then be spent on the level ups inorder to give your character additional abilities or passive effects:

    So far this is a list of what current ‘Tree’s’ Will be available, We will most likely add more as time goes on if necessary.

    Melee skill
    Range skill

    Beast handling



    Magic skill

    I thought this was quite exciting to show you all, this is an example of the beast handling tree going from level 1 - level 15, Each one taking a larger amount of Xp as you ascend the ladder. (Obviously since we have already been going for a while and your characters back grounds are considered when/if this system is implemented you guys will receive some points to spend immediately to spec into what you think would best suit your character ect)

    1 - 0/2
    +3% Chance on Taming

    2 - 0/2
    +3% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    Passive: Wild tongue I - rarely recognises animal call’s. Allowing them to know vague meanings

    3 - 0/3

    +5% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +30% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active: (Uses:1/3Day) Ability - Beast knowledge I (A very simple run down of a creatures default stat line and vague abilities.)

    4 - 0/4
    +8% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +40% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Wild tongue II - Recognises animal call’s somewhat precisely, allowing them to know general meanings.

    5 - 0/5
    +10% Chance on ALL beast handling. +8% Chance on Taming
    +60% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Calming Presence I - Creatures within your immediate presence are less inclined to attack with aggravation levels lowered.

    6 - 0/6
    +15% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +80% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active: (Uses:1/2Day) Ability - Beast knowledge II (A basic run down of a creatures default stat line and abilities.

    7 - 0/7
    +20% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +100% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Wild tongue III - Recognises most animal call’s with great precision, allowing them to know accurate meanings whilst also giving them the ability to vaguely communicate simple ideas with the animals around them
    Active: (uses 1/2 Day) Bestial connection I - All Positive creatures stats within the area receive a small buff for a short amount of time. (Duration?)

    8 - 0/8
    +25% Chance on ALL beast handling. +12% Chance on Taming
    +20% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active: (Uses1/1Day Ability - Beast knowledge III (A run down of a creatures current stat line, current effects and abilities
    Passive: Calming Presence II - Creatures within your general area are a lot less inclined to attack with aggravation levels significantly lowered.

    9 - 0/9
    +32% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +30% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Wild tongue IV -Recognises nearly all animal call’s with great precision, allowing them to know accurate meanings whilst also giving them the ability to communicate specific ideas with the animals around them

    10 - 0/10
    +40% Chance on ALL beast handling. +15% Chance on Taming
    +40% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active (Uses2/1Day) Beast knowledge IV - (A precise run down of a creatures current stat line, effects, abilities and risks.)
    Active: (Uses1/1Day) Bestial connection II - All Positive creatures stats within the area receive a decent buff for a medium amount of time. (Duration?)

    11 - 0/12
    Passive: Voice of Ghur I - Gain access to basic lore of Ghur traits and spells.
    Active: (Uses1/3Day) Jungle’s call I - The jungle listens, watches and waits for your command at which its many creatures will dance to your will for but a fleeting moment (Duration?)

    12 - 0/15
    +45% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +60% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active -> Passive: - Beast knowledge V (Beast tamer passive) (An accurate and precise run down of a creatures current stat line, effects, abilities and risks)

    13 - 0/18

    +80% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Calming Presence III - Creatures within your general area will not be inclined to attack with aggravation levels compellingly dropped.
    Passive: Voice of ghur II - Gain further access to lore of Ghur traits and spells.

    14 - 0/20
    +50% Chance on ALL beast handling.
    +100% Chance of gaining an additional beast handling point at the start of the day.
    Active -> Passive: Bestial connection III - All positive creatures stats within the area receive a significant buff.

    15 - 0/25
    ACTIVE: (1/4Days) Jungle’s Call → JUNGLE’S WRATH - I am the jungles fury made manifest, I am the jungles wrath and all shall bare witness to me!

    Creatures of the jungle heed your call without question You are at one with its beasts and Itzl themselves, Terradons dive down to your defence, Roaming herds stampede your enemies as the roar’s of Itzl’s can be heard all surround you. (Duration?)

    Obviously a lot of this stuff isn't fully worked out yet and is still in progress, but we thought it would be cool to share what we have so far.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Sighing, Tik looked over his injury and shook his head. "Yes, the Dusk Shadow." Shuddering as he thought about the contents of the gourd, Tiqxoltiq clenched his teeth and let out an annoyed hiss. "I dislike even being near that plant, but its usefulness is so important I could not ignore the opportunity when it was presented. I refuse to try doing anything with it at the moment, though. With my arm injured, I risk ruining the mushroom or killing myself on accident. It will only get stronger as it ferments in the gourd anyway." Gently, he probed the wound around the bandages. "Zuztle, truly you are a master of your craft. Any other healer, and I suspect I would have lost the arm." Shaking his head, he slowly got to his feet. "But I cannot rest, I have tasks I must be doing."

    Hesitantly, Zuztle tried to make him sit back down. "N-no, you n-n-need to rest! Your injury is v-v-very bad, and infection could s-s-still set in!"

    "I know, Zuztle," Tik replied sadly, "but I am needed. It is against my nature to rest. I will be careful and watch for signs of infection. If I think anything is changing for the worse, I will return here to your care."

    "I g-guess that is all I can ask for," the healer said as he admitted defeat. "D-don't go climbing any m-more v-v-vines though, all right?"

    Smiling at the older skink, Tik got to his feet and made his slow way back to the main part of the camp...
  18. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax smiled at the priest, a very rare expression to see on Xlauax's face. Both of them were headed towards the Saurus Caves where they would search for Talock to instruct him to prepare the artefacts for the journey.

    Xlauax thought back to what had occured at the meeting, he had seen and spoke to Qul'toq, and it wasn't anything like what he had experienced before. Occasionally Xlauax would seemingly spot Qul'toq's face in a shadow, or think he heard him over the wind, but he was never there. This time he was actually real, he spoke things that the Seer knew of, and there was no way Xlauax could have known them. Xlauax clutched the amulet and held it, the gem glowing slightly brighter, or was it only his imagination. Qul'toq was with him, the only true friend he had since his torture. He was developing a sort of bond with Izqux, the Seer seemingly knew Qul'toq and shared Xlauax's grief. Perhaps I should ask him how he knew Qul'toq, Xlauax thought. After that thought Xlauax could see the caves up ahead and remembered his mission. He would make the Druchii pay for their crimes.
  19. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    After a few seconds staring at each other with cringe, Kuoteq´eko started to ran to his original destination , Talock. He recognized that after a few steps Xlauax began to follow him on his way and was swing his blades around and throwing them in the air . When Kuoteq found Talock , Xlauax was still with him and doing dangeruos things , but Kuoteq tried do be not worried about that and not jump away from his blades . He waited until Talock looked like he wouldn`t be busy and then asked him aboit getting his bags back which he did forget to ask him about : Talock turnedaround without a gesture and went in the tent behind him and let Kuoteq alone with Xlauax . After a while Kuoteq´eko asked Xlauax : "Is this Amulet magical you have in your hand?" Xlauax flinshed and gasped for breath..........
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Trying to take his thoughts off the chameleon behind Kuoteq’Eko turned around, A malformed body bolstered by a missing eye not only inspires an unnerving fear but also forces the mind to question the stories behind such scars and wounds…

    With the camp disfigured like Xlauax behind and Burnt like Xahanol below it was harder than usual to locate the saurus barracks and vaults even with the priests experience…

    Eventually, Kuoteq made it toward the imposing structures, Those that took a more permanent form of defiant and strong stone, similar in nature to the warriors that would no doubt be situated nearby. The barrack’s themselves are seemingly quiet and unimpressive until one looks closer and can make out the many grottos and hollow chambers carved out into the solid rock of the cliff face, Almost all of the structure had been reclaimed from nature, Its impervious stone wall’s resistant from the age that had affected most of the other buildings, a clear symbol of its strength and worth to the camp's defenders and warriors even if its previous purposes had been forgotten and lost.


    The second the pair step into the area Talock’s presence is immediately made clear in a barrage of shouts. The commanders call’s were directed toward the several soldiers that lined the central vault door but also at the other four saurus which currently grabbed blades and shields from racks illuminated by both Chotec’s rage but also the huge Brazzers that mimicked the actions of a fighting saurus, the flames flick and spits like jabs from a spear.

    Approaching Kuoteq’Eko’s piercing glare is quickly deflected by Talock’s shielding voice, which blocks out the priest's immediate requests as he continues to command the other saurus.

    “Izqux’s orders are final, But the Skaven are pressing yet again. We will not allow them to gain access to these sectors of the tunnels.”

    “You Four, Tunnels now. Netzk, Illax No longer on vault duty, Arm quickly and support in Defensive.

    The saurus’s sharp, booming voice rings out like clashing blades and grinding metal, The harsh echo’s stirring the vigilant vault guards into action as they stride forward into the ruins, their Obsinite blade’s reflecting the morning sun in an array of beams as a trail of dust is kicked up in the wake of heavy stomps.

    His keen hearing picking up on the word ‘Skaven’ Xlauax can feel his pulse increases as blood gushes through his weary veins causing him to grip his blades with fervour. In the same small amount of time it takes for the warriors to react to their orders, Xlauax’s already malformed face twists into an expression of anger and rage, Such an expression that it was even able to match that of Talock’s as he stared at the two intruders.

    “What is it. Skinks.” The general spits out sending a shower of thick saliva so similar in viscosity and texture to that of blood down onto the skinks below as the looming figure steps forward.

    Almost forced to respect the priest's words Talock motions with a guttural grunt toward one of the saurus who motionlessly remains at his station guarding the vault, unfazed by the intimidating words that caused both skinks to flinch back. Kuoteq’Eko’s eyes dart between both Talock and Xlauax, both lizardmen’s appearances equally daunting, finally, the priest picks the chameleon and mutters out about the blue jewel so preciously preserved upon the skinks tortured, scar ridden neck.

    Meanwhile, the previously ordered saurus returns to his superior offering up a handful of Kuoteq’Eko’s leather bags and satchels before bowing his head in respect but also showing the other individual’s dominance.

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