Out of curiousity what are some of y'alls favourite units to use? Doesn't have to be effective just fun. I've been playing more and more lately and I'm loving the Sunblood, out damaged my Old blood on Carno in a match against Skaven. Probably gonna make the Sunclaw Starhost when I get the chance because of it.
The Bastiladon I think. It was what instantly appealed to me when I first browsed through the GW page picking an army to collect.
Actually really looking forward to using Krox myself. Love the idea of them, except from what I've heard around here
Skink Starseer. I wish the model was worth putting on the table. I also really like Chameleon Skinks.
This! Back when he was Tetto’Eko, I played him in every single game. I have such weird feelings about the Starseer now. From my absolute favourite to literally our worst points for value scroll.
I love the Carnosaur, but it just always disappoints. Still going to keep fielding it. Even if it can't fight its way out of a wet paper bag.
I have two favorite units to use, and several aesthetically. Kroxigors and the Troglodons are great for fun, and I have gotten a surprising amount of use out of them in 'competitive' games locally. Otherwise, I'm a huge fan of the big dinos overall. the redesign back in 8th edition WHFB was a godsend for me, as I still liked the old sculpts, but these new fangled plastic monstrosities were alluring.
Oldblood on carnosaur is probably my favorite. Kroq-Gar was definitely one of my favorite characters in Fantasy, and it's still one of the best-looking models. I also really like the troglodons, they just look cool. Other than that, I actually really like the terradons, particularly with the fire bolas As for game play, I haven't played much but the bastiladon, sunblood and scar-vet cold one rider have all performed really well for me so far. Slann and Oldblood on carno are probably my favorite units in game, though.
I can hardly decide on a favorite so I'll give a "list of favorites in no particular order" - Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek. A giant armored turtle that assembly lines out a bunch of snake to nibble the ankles of your foes. What isn't to love here? While I haven't had much success with it in battle, even bs horde armies, it still makes opponents feel uneasy seeing this epic dinosaur charge towards their lines. - Saurus Warriors. Salwart defenders of the Great Plan. The cold blooded frontline of the Seraphon forces. What they lack in armor and technology they make up with being ferocious fighters. Always fun to play, especially in large numbers. - Salamanders. Fire breathing dinosaurs that destroy armor. Yes. - Carnosaur with Oldblood or Scar Veteran. A dinosaur riding a dinosaur. Every opponent that sees this monster on the table immediately second guesses their move. They've seen Jurassic Park and know how it ends, with the T. Tex on top and the little warm bloods running for their lives. I don't care if its not worth the 240 point cost, it's so much fun to just summon in half way through the game. - Lastly, Blot Toad. Enough said.
It's hard to pick a favourite - all of the big dinosaurs are collectively my favourite units, even though their stats haven't aged well. I have a soft spot for Stegadons, because thematically I love the idea of a pure Skink army with as many big Stegadon lynchpins possible. In a perfect world they would be headed by a hero variant of a Troglodon, which comes close to being my favourite Warhammer model in general.
I think of 3 units - Bastiladon, Skink Starpriest and a Saurus Guards. I love how Bastiladons are looking - they just pure Lizardmen energy to me. Sturdy looking creatures, shrugging off wounds, carrying a BIG FOOKIN' SPACE LASER. Decimating enemies from afar, punching them with a massive tail. Love it! The other 2 are my favorite combo. In the beginning I underestimate these two, but every time I field them they punching hard. 10-15 Guards with Starpriest right next to them, buffing them (even better if he's a general - take him with a Master of Star Rituals, basically lets him become Skink StarPRIEST) - they basically becoming immortal, unless there is a serious threat with high mortal wound output. And if you take SG with Eternity Warden boy oh boy. But still I hope they will have some love in new battletome, they're still very vulnerable to MW, but they can easily take objective from everything and hold it - 3+ save with rerolling (thx StarPRIEST). I once put 10 SG with SS on the obj, whilst playing against Slaanesh in Meeting Engagement and I hold it throughout the game. He's just loosing units around my 10 SG buffed by SS. In the end only 1 SG left alive with SS left with only 1 wound, but since then I get a huge respect for them.
Let's see, in no particular order: Bastiladon. This is what i call a living tank. From a visual pov, it embodies perfectly the concept of "hard to kill". Saurus on Carnosaur: a pity that with the current meta it's failing horribly, the model it's the perfect representation of our primeval maximum power. Martial prowess, desctructive rage, the control of the lizardmen over the killing power of a continent. Skink starseer / Tetto 'Eko. Once an auto-include, now the current rules are garbage... but not only it's one of our most beautiful models, in the Old World it was exceptional, fluff-wise: the only skink that was worth of a Slann-palanquin. Saurus Guards. They guard eternally. They won't fail. Oxyotl. the fluff is just great.
My 2 favourite models are the Troglodon, i always try to fit one in my lists, and the Bastiladon (ark of Sotek).