Archaon is very powerful, and especially resistant against spells and mortal wounds, so he is a pretty tough target to take down, and very capable of killing nagash or all Alarielle. Any screen caps? I don’t have Facebook and I would love to see the posts
Cool! Here's to hoping it includes new sculpts and not just an updated set of warscrolls. So, who wants to bet that Sons of Behemat is the hitherto unknown faction associated with the cobbled shield in the Rumour Engine?
Wait, hold up. We know from the slaves to darkness that the endless spells come from China and something else? Not sure what parts they make in the UK.
There was an astrolitic skyshrine leaked on a manifest awhile ago. Astrolitic pretty close to astrolith lol. Maybe that's our terrain piece
If we get a tome but no new sculpts, the tome better be damn near perfect. If they discontinue any of the finecast range without giving us something new in return I'll be pretty upset.
Models except endless spells and terrain. Edit: btw I more and more think they will give us the Beastmen treatment. Some surprise reveal followed by three days of info, then the release a few weeks later, with a terrain piece, maybe spells, and no new models but possibly some discontinued ones...
Oh boy, that sure is one rumor going around this time, way more hands on then any other before. I try not to get overly excited, to curb the dissapointment if it turns out to be nothing. We will see, shipped warscroll cards are a strong indicator that something is coming and GW pulled releases off that nobody expected before. The best thing about this is to see everyone acting like excited little Skinks again instead of grizzled old grumpy Slann!
Im still a slann untill we know what we are getting and i see that they didn't make a mess of our book
Fair enough and to be honest, maybe it's for the best, but nonetheless a small wave of positivity is still nice. And it cant be worse then the status quo can it? Edit: Also im a grumpy old Slann aswell, that's why my Eldar rot in their cases after Blood of the Phoenix.
A spawning Pool is so easy to build from scratch...they are better off making things that don’t cause customers to think “...£40?!? ...I could build that for $10...”