Can a Warhammer Total War player participate in such thread? I started playing AoS in last year, but I can complain about the good old days
Personally, I'd like to field a Dread Saurian, but this model is huuuuuuuge. I wish they redesign it. Make it a x2/x3 size of Carnosaur, it's still going to be a huge mini, but at least you will be able to carry and play it easily.
That would be funny! Of course! Playing Warhammer Total War made me realize how much of an Fantasy itch I had to scratch, it's what brought me to Age of Sigmar.
Yeah, me too. I bought the first game and played maybe 50 hrs or so. But then when they release Warhammer 2 along with Mortal Empires update I just can't stop playing(it's now over 900+ hrs on Steam). Tons of content, huge map and recently turn times update. And since, aside from Empire, Lizardmen is my favorite race in that game, so I decided to buy some minis. It's all started with a Saurus Guard box and a Stormcast paintbox (3 minis, 6 paints and a brush) and now I have a lot of minis. And I kinda scared to count how much they are cost in points
Yeah I was playing WHFB back in the day and was very veeery grumpy when they killed it off! Still have a decently sized Chaos army from 5th edition and a Dwarven army from 6th edition. Almost all of the Lizardmen I own are from 6th edition aswell, until after playing Mortal Empires I wanted to play them on the tabletop again, so I bought some new ones, well "new" the Saurus Warriors and Skinks still are from back in the day and I still adore them. I friggin love Lizardmen / Seraphon!
Would be pretty neat getting a Seraphon vs Sons of Behemet. Tiny Skinks vs the giants, I would guess that won't work out well though for the Skinks. The announcements can't come quick enough, I want to know when the Seraphon are coming Been wanting to get some more shelves for the cabinet but been holding out in hopes for the Seraphon drop.
I know you all are secretly hoping for a bigger update, but I just can’t see it coming, sorry to burst your bubble. Every other faction that had an older first edition tome (except Stormcast, but we know how much GW loved them) has had a bare-bones update, that is a new Battletome, Warscroll Cards and (it they’re lucky) Scenery, Endless Spells and a new character. Why, from GW’s point of view, should Seraphon be any different? Indeed Seraphon are actually more likely to get a bare-bones update than those other factions because they had a lot more different units to start with. Sorry to sound like the voice of doom, but I’m just telling you now that this is especially unlikely to reduce the disappointment later when GW inevitably reveal that Seraphon are getting a bare-bones update.
Sounds fun (Destruction haven’t had a new army release since Gloomspite Gitz last year, so about time) but how do you know Sons of Behemat isn’t going to be the name for High Elves 2.0? GW definitely confirmed High Elves 2.0 will be previewed at the Las Vegas Open here, and it’s very unlikely that they would preview two new armies together as they’ll both be big releases.
and we have grumpy slann up in general chat
That is interesting that both Seraphon and Sons of Behemat warscrolls have been identified. I’m pretty sure then that Sons of Behemat are going to be High Elves 2.0, and that they and Seraphon will be teased together.
Yeah, that may be. But hey its better then 5 years of nothing at all! Im currently playing a Path to Glory campaign with my Seraphon. And oh boy playing with two out of date books sure is kinda funky.
Absolutely it is better than nothing at all! I'm honestly hoping you chaps do get an update, because at the moment Seraphon are conjuring up memories of poor Bretonnia in Fantasy
Yeah, I have printed out the stuff from GHB2019, the pages from the Path to Glory book and all the warscrolls. All the others just carry their battletome. I feel like a Skinkpriest sifting through ancient plaques to decifer the information I need to play my army. Edit: You could say that adds a layer of roleplaying, if you want to see something good in that.