Help Going to do "aftermath of forest fire" bases. Advice / Ideas?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Cageyblood, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    Hey all

    Want to do a bunch of terrain and bases with the location of a freshly extinguished forest fire covered in ash and soot for my fire nebulae seraphon, (current lore is a massive jungle in Aqshy that is in a constant cycle of burning and regrowth) and wondering if anyone has any ideas about making that work.

    Current Idea is as follows

    - Do my usual forest floor (dry italian spice flocking, various dark green washes and drybrushes to get a random assortment of earthy green tones)

    -Heavy dry brush of black over most of it, leaving spots of green sticking through

    - Increasingly light drybrushes of lighter shades of grey

    - Pick out a few spots and do small bright firey points for glowing embers

    - Grab some twigs and burn the ends with a lighter, and either place them horizontal or stick the bigger ones up as burnt trees

    - Add other assorted items (skulls, rocks, debris etc)

    My main concern is that the "ashes" effect is going to read like stone and not ashes because that is what people are used to seeing on a black and grey base. I very much do NOT want it to look like volcanic style bases (which are cool, just not what I'm going for) Would it be better to do the forest floor then lay down additional flocking of sand or something to sell the texture?

    I'm going to be experimenting this weekend but any ideas or advice are welcome to guide such experiments. Thanks!

    A few photos for reference, these are just some of the ones i'm using to guide me.
    ff 4.jpg ff2.jpg ff1.jpg ff3.jpg
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Much easier to find stuff for "lava bases" than this for some reason. Did find a tutorial though:

    burnt bases 1.jpg

    Also saw these in a random image search:

    burnt bases 2.jpg

    burnt bases 3.jpg
    Aginor, LizardWizard, Imrahil and 2 others like this.
  3. Cageyblood
    Temple Guard

    Cageyblood Well-Known Member

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    Very helpful warden, thanks. I'll post what I come up with here for interested parties sake
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.

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