AoS LVO Seraphon Battletome Reveal.

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Alex Walton, Jan 24, 2020.

  1. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    I think Coalesced is purely a flavour change, not anything different about the model. We know Seraphon lore works by Slann remembering them into being - they are formed from thin air via the power of the stars or something.

    So Coalesced would just mean they literally coalesced from the star-stuff into something more tangible and permanent - such that they will become flesh and blood. I suspect the battletome will probably have painting guides showing how to paint your model as a Coalesced vs how to paint it as a Star-forged or w/e the other version of them will be called.

    This is a smart business move because by doing absolutely nothing with new models they will encourage people to rebuy everything so they have both Star-forged and Coalesced models to mix and match in their battles (for those of us who actually play the boardgame). Like someone said above the Coalesced will probably lose the ability to get summoned and instead gain better stats or something else.

    Honestly I guess I'm of the opinion they don't need to update most of their range. As someone new-ish to this hobby I haven't had many complaints with the older models except for the ones below. In fact I have even enjoyed collecting some of the older discontinued models like Skink Priests and Scar-Vets.
    • Raptor Riders - derpy faces and weird hands - the Dark Elf Raptors look WAY better.
    • Salamanders & Razordons definitely show their age to my eyes
    There is only one model I would really like to get a new one of and that is the Slann. They are such an integral part of the Seraphon/Lizardmen army and yet they have only one monopose model. I think they should release a new dinosaur beast with a Slann mounted on top - like how Mazdamundi used to ride a Stegadon in the lore. And I would prefer that new dinosaur be a sauropod!
    Dragvindel and ASSASSIN_NR_1 like this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    2 guys in our group play Nurgle and they both have more DG than him

    The other video is impressive, indeed. But the real money there went to Forgeworld, not GW, so...
    samheim likes this.
  3. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, to me that looks like hell!

    I came to a point where I am probably going to start all over again, and sell up all my 40K and AoS armies.

    Do I want a big model collection? no! I would like a bigger paint collection, but even that runs into the same problem eventually.

    My plan now is to buy 2 start collection boxes of 2 different armies I like. And paint them 1 model at a time. I don't think I wasted my time, because I have learn about painting. Also someone else out there will probably get more use from my painted miniatures then I ever would.

    Having to many models, turns it into a full time job.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, you're right.
    Some year ago i would have said the same thing.
    Alas, i know so many compulsive accumulators of miniatures… :p
    samheim likes this.
  5. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The happiest I have ever been was as a middle aged man I received the First Strike box and 6 little tubs of paint and a crappy brush.

    It felt so wrong, a man of my age, who should be serious and have stick up the ass, and talk about news and mortgages.

    I had a great epiphany at that point! I never became the man my father was!

    I was this genuinely cool dude, who collected toy soldiers and played video games. I was care free, happy go lucky!

    Women I knew, laughed at me, and asked me what I was doing. I felt so powerful...

    It felt like I was showing them, what they had to offer me was worth so much less to me, then my space marines and pox walkers.

    Somewhere along the way, I got lost. I started to go on the AoS and 40k army builder. I had this stupid arbitrary number in my head of 1000 thousand points.

    I held off for a long time. A whole year, I just bought a few models at a time. It was fun. Then I tricked myself into bulk buying to save money.

    I must have 200 miniatures I bought in a year. And its really no fun anymore.

    The problem was, I got that thing, where you look at all the models you could never own as a kid. And now your sort of a man, and you have disposable income. And you can buy that carnosaur and that Dreadnought, hell you can buy that whole Khorne war band of 100 bastard marauders that will sit ominously in your cupboard for the next 10 years.

    I did, I messed up pretty bad. I have only myself's to blames.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    OK, i must hug you at this point.
    Cuetzpal Pilli, Carnikang and samheim like this.
  7. Oh_Man

    Oh_Man Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, main problem with this hobby at least for collectors is it takes too much time to paint the models, which must surely hurt GW because we'd all like to probably buy more models but don't because we know we can't paint them all. And at least for me I have no interest in collecting unpainted models, only painted ones.

    GW have tried to alleviate this problem with fast methods such as contrast paints but it still isn't quick enough.
    Erta Wanderer and samheim like this.
  8. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I mean, painting is always going to be a process. And if someone wants to buy models to only paint, they have as much time as they allow to painting. Skill and speed will grow as more models are painted, and if you're not interested in painting, I'm sure there are locals who have cheap prices for basic paint jobs for commission.
    samheim and Erta Wanderer like this.

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