Newbie Questions

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Chahlie, May 26, 2010.

  1. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    Hello. I'm new to warhammer fantasy (I've played 40k for years) and wanna start with lizardmen. Is this a good choice? Also, I have some lingering questions I can't find a solid answer too, and I was hoping someone could help:
    * Do you take an armor save THEN a ward save, or one OR the other?
    * What is the difference between Immune to Psychology and Unbreakable?
    * Is being magical an advantage for a weapon in itself, or not? In other words, is their a difference between mundane flail and a magic weapon that has the same effect?
    * Do you get +1 attack for charging like in 40k?
    * Can a one wound mount be targeted separately from it's rider?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    -Armor save, then ward save. You indeed get both.

    -Immune to psychology means you ignore rules like fear and panic, whereas unbreakable means you never flee from combat.

    -Some enemies can only be harmed by magical attacks, so there is a slight advantage to having a magical weapon I would say.

    -No +1 attack for charging, instead the person charging gets to strike first in close combat.

    -No, only multiple wound mounts can be killed separately from the rider. Thus, a rider on horseback is basically a single entity.

    Lizardmen are a great army to start with, so have fun :meh:
  3. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    You're in the same boat I was a few years ago. When 4th edition 40k came out I had a falling out with Gdub and now 40k and I are no longer on speaking terms, haha. But I'm enjoying fantasy alot more. Lizardmen are a great place to start since they aren't fragile, they aren't overly complicated to use, and the uses they do have are straight forward and easy to manipulate to fit your playing style. Welcome aboard, hope you enjoy it!
  4. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I have one last question: Can a Slann wield magic Armor? I know the Hide of the Cold One is for saurus only, and the Stegadon Helm is skink only, but could a Slann use the Maiming Shield or the Shield of Mirrored Waters? I don't see anything that says that he couldn't.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    You need to be able to take the mundane version to be able to have the magic version when it comes to armour, this is in the main rulebook. So since the Slann can't take a shield or light/heavy armour, he cannot take magical armour. It is a bit of a general rule that wizards can't wear armour, Chaos and Vampires/Tomb Kings are about the only exceptions I can think of.

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