yeah, the changehost is rather an obvious and hard counter for OBR. Loads of wizards, loads of spells, loads of bodies, loads of shooting. Not surprised those managed to outdo OBR.
Somewhere between a fly and a human. Everyone knows that lizard people run the world so they probably have invaded GW too #birdsaren'treal To guess GW's timeline is folly at best, and madness at worst. (AKA I have no idea, I just thought it would be funny to be overly philosophical )
Even so, it looks like the majority of OBR lists didn't do so hot. Someone earlier said the ones that got higher up included Nagash, but the ones without did 3-3.
If I'd have to make a guess they probably struggle at dealing with particular good players who know how to abuse the few weaknesses they have or players using specialised list that happen to focus on a counter to OBR (e.g. changehosts). Whereas mediocre players, or those using more generalist lists would struggle to actually deal with the OBR, so a 3-3 score is honestly not all that surprising.
With how long we had to wait to get something and (as far as we know now) without any new miniatures, I would say GW is the only place lizard people haven't infiltrated yet
Exactly. Thay are not half of top-10 like one particular well-known faction from 40k. They are just very strong, not Slaanesh/FEC/Skaven-level disaster. A bit of fixes here and there and they should be fine.
When GW said nothing about the book, I was angry. But now I'm worse, because I start counting minutes and I refresh the community page a lot, I need that book or at least know the new rules xDD -.- PS: I have a tournament at 15 of february I Hope that tournament were the last with the current book
Same here. I'm more antsy knowing it's coming. I also have a tournament, but this one is on the 8th! If preorders are on the 8th, I'm going to go hard with what I have currently and try to take 1st to make that book almost free. Lol. Then the week after a doubles I think I might go to.
My hope also rests on a release in mid Feb, starting a PtG campaign I want all the goodies it has to offer! Until then I work hard to get everything painted to a battle ready painting standard.
I find that Contrast makes Battle standard super quick, and makes getting to a well painted standard easier later on.
Its exactly what I'm doing right now. Overhighlighting with an Airbrush, Contrast Paints for the main colour, basecoating the rest with a brush, washes over the basecoat colours, base in one colour, matt varnish, done. Battle Ready.
What do you think about the Airbrush for adding the highlights? I spray mine from an angle with progressively lighter shades of the base colour. Is this the right way to do it? Can we see some examples of your battle standard?
Would like try some contrast, I have Hexwraith flame. Didn't think much of it. I resent the high price to go and buy more colours. I only use army painter paints now. Also I spray with airbrush and I find that pretty fast, and uses very little paint. And once you spray them the main colour, and base them and maybe paint a weapon, they look ok for table top imo, and can be added to later. From what I have seen, the Death Guard looked really cool painted in contrast. But the spaemarines I have seen so far look awful.
Hexwraith is basically a prototype contrast. Its not the best. I haven't had any issues with any of the colors Ive used, and have 7-8 different colors currently for various projects. As a note, contrast doesn't work well on flat surfaces. Hence why marines mark awful with them. I painted one up using contrast at my GW and ended up going back over it with several different layer paints to make it look decent.
Also with contrast paints. Really one thick coat is all you need. Often if I try to add another coat or go back to a spot that's already got paint on it, it will ruin the effect
Contrast is really neat for organic forms. It works for flat surfaces too, but not the way GW examples do it, and requires testing and careful application. The often mentioned "thick" coat isn't even needed a lot of the time, a "regular" coat will be perfectly fine. Sadly it's a bit blurry, but the Squigs and yellow cloth were all done with different Contrast colors. Took like 1 minute for each model for the respective colors, which is ridiculous considering how much time I spent on the other parts, lol (teeth, metal, etc.).
well looks like chaos is geting rules to run a new faction. "If you’re a fan Chaos, you’ll want to dig in to battletome-level content for the many and varied forces of Chaos, including new Warscroll battalions, traits, spells and artefacts for all-daemon Legion of Chaos Ascendant armies, and 13 new sub-factions for both mortal and daemonic armies. "
Here's the table of contents. There's about 5-6 pages of addressing the siege rules. Very interested into how these turn out. Also, that's a ton of new sub-factions at the end there!