and teclis when released, since he's a god now... but that's kinda my point... only the gods themselves should be a challenge.. the right hand man is cake... Vegeta handling the ginyu force... but hten dyin to frieza
not sure if old world lore counts or not but compared to slann, teclis wasn’t even that strong in the old world. The elves didn’t have enough magic to do the things they wanted to do so the slann would secretly help them out. The elves never noticed because the slann were that much better than they were with magic. So the generic basic slann should be at teclis level. Even after his “godhood”
id have to disagree on a purely lore point. in MTG when a planswalker ignites their spark, they are infinitely stronger than before (especially the old spark, before the sundering) to think that "godhood" wouldn't be enough to make a single Elf on par to the other gods because of how strong he was prior... really is poor narrative reasoning.
even in mtg not all walkers were equal and some had way more power than others. Teferi was strong even with his old spark but urza and mishra were objectively more powerful. Then you had bolas and ugin vs the newer far weaker generations. I would totally argue that compared to the chaos gods and even the slann teclis was weaker and still is. godhood is subjective but in every literature version of gods a hierarchy does exist and some are just basic gods while others are omnipotent and omniscient
IIRC, didn't the Slann teach the high elves how to use magic? I think this is mentioned in either the 6th or 7th edition WHFB Lizardmen codex...
This doesn't even seem that unreasonable anymore. Hallowheart mages are dirty, mortal warmbloods and they vomit two spells a turn with up to +3 to cast. Our Slann have observed the collapse and reformation of entire worlds and are put to shame by old men with sticks.
This person clearly has information. How he acquired it should be learned so we can repeat the process. of all else fails we interrogate them until they give us the answers
I hope the Old blood becomes useful. And also the star seer can summon as well. That way I can make my own conversion and not have to own any fine cast models.
While a summoning starseer would go against the lore, a starseer with 2 spells would be a viable alternative to a Slann, if you wanted to save 100 points for a specific list.
Alright guys; here is an idea. Maybe GW will leak a new warscroll to us if we ask really nicely. We should probably draft up a long email or something and send it through one of their channels maybe customer service. If we are lucky we could find out specifics in dates, lore or warscrolls. Worst case means we don’t really lose anything. or maybe my fatigue is destroying my judgment
A release about that new chaos book and how it brings some new chaos allegiances. They are actually rather neat, and it's kind of off-putting that they're put in a seperate book for some reason. Imho that's one of the weirdest things that GW insists on doing, occasionally putting actual rules in seconday or tertairy sources (a random book, a random white dwarf, etc.). Especially in the case of for example tzeentch who literally got a tome mere weeks ago which is now somehow already incomplete.
i think it's so they don't have to update nurgle/khorn as they don't have sub factions and just got buffed with STD
They realised the new STD book was garbage so they had to fix it lol I know not really, but it feels like it
I wish Slann gets some way to draw spells from realm lists. It will be both fluffy and very helpful. Even if it is one basic spell from every realm of your choice, it could be a very nice boost.
i think thats a very lazy way to fix our terable spell lore but it's much better then what we have now