i could get behind that if it does happen the spells we get need to be fairly awsome to make taking them worth it but if they are then i can think of a few devastating combos
mwha, it'd not be a terrible solution. Especially seeing as currently we have a massive bloat of spells anyway where half do the same thing. Might as well just outright give us say "inferno blades" instead of giving us "seraphon blades" which does the exact same thing. Plus, the realm spells actually have some interesting buffs & debuffs in them. Given how many wizards we have it could be a very interesting way to shore up our weak stat-lines.
Just a thought here; seeing as they now have gotten the new everchosen book and pointy elves out of the way, also doing some stuff on warcry, we should start seeing some stuff for seraphon fairly soon, within the next couple of days presumably
if I'd have to make a guess, this or next weekend will probably see a faction focus/preview with the next week seeing pre-orders proper. Not much else to do in the mean time.
If we could get a faction focus this weekend, that would be awesome Also preorders would be pretty cool
I seriously hope we'll have the preorder next week so it wont fuck 'up my 2 next big tourneys because of lists submission is in 3 weeks
not quite they got stikers! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/31/stick-with-it-new-transfer-sheets-inbound/ and all of this https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/01/29/new-reveals-from-nuremberggw-homepage-post-1/
The next week is almost certainly PA5. The question is, could we have a parallel release. I won't bet on that, but it is very possible. There is also Sisters's stuff that is not yet released. Personally, I'm looking at early or mid February announcement.
Really hope it's announced on Sunday. Probably gonna be disappointed though. I think it's worse knowing the book is coming lol. Just wanna see some rules
Well they decided to delay any seraphon news for this chaos prick https://www.warhammer-community.com...-the-first-prince-of-chaosgw-homepage-post-2/ On the bright side it also probably means that most of the chaos crap is mostly wrapped up. Hopefully we should start seeing stuff soon
Do they usually preview either AoS or 40K? Because like Nart said, I really think next thing out of the gates will be PA5 for T'au, GSC and Astra. They've been drip-drip-dripping that book for quite some time now.
Almost; the preview is after the preorder announcement, but before the preorder itself. Typically goes; preorder announcement for the following weekend, then as the current week progresses, they preview the rules/warscrolls/models to build hype and interest for the upcoming preorder. I always thought it was weird they'd say, "Hey! Here's what you can preorder next weekend!" but I get it now...and it works lol
Its also way better than not even knowing something is about to be released like 5-6 years ago.... The rumor mill was so unreliable and hectic then.