Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Uykar’s gaze meeting Xahanols he speaks out, his voice quick and tongue sharp yet calming.

    “Through the pain, through the suffering all that is Itzl’s strives to become stronger, those that are unworthy of his breath removed and left to face Cauxtan. As all living beings endeavour to become stronger so too does our camp. An opportunity to rebuild a new, our foundations improved, huts rebuild better and defences reinforced for the threats that seek to oppose us, oppose our eternal mission, Chotec’s wraith included.”

    “Your animals were not taken from you. Your animals were but guided by fate through Potec’s hand. Potec wills that they instead tread the unseen paths, instead become the ever watching shadows, their voices of the gentle breeze, Their Hisses and croaks the rustle of leaves.

    Let their spirits guide you further to fulfil Itzl’s will and to become at one with the Kyaxa and by extension, the beast your soul now pursues, The Mikoapāhtli Tekuani.”

    “Evident at the pain you endure your will is strong, but the poisons of such a beast are stronger… The tool’s of Angaz (Metal) I can give you will only take you so far, The true tools are those of the mind, let your determination and sorrow compel you in your quest forward.”

    Continuing to talk the skink lifts up a side of his cloak revealing a sea of handling tools and weapons strapped to the side. With a swift action Uykar retrieves a handling stick, offering it to Xahanol.

    Clutching the stick with both hands Xahanol can feel the cool, smooth wooden surface fighting against the hot burning of his cracked skin. At the tip of the tool he can see the freshly polished and sharpened head reflecting the light like the fire of passion which burnt in both the handlers eyes. Deep in the concentration of purpose and thought Xahanol suddenly notices mētstli tlawīli, Midnight breeze Uykar’s panther at his side. soon the felines soft fur strokes against his side causing his burns and wounds to tingle as the creature's master continues.

    “The rest of what we could scavenge from the Oloq is around the back… As for further supplies, it would be foolish to come unprepared without an antivenom and a Tranquilizer among other herbal concoctions, The knowledge and experience of many being out of my immediate domain... It would be best for you to consult the gatherers, Zuztle could provide you with the immediate knowledge but he has other priorities… I will send Choleque and Huancli to search out others, Tiqxoltiq included."

    At but a motion the black panther lets out a yawning grumble and begins to slip away, its soft paws gently padding against the burnt ground as another jaguar seemingly materialises from the nearby tree’s having heard Uykar’s orders and voice.


    “Yuxa… Yuxa speaks through you with a vision….” Izqux whispers, listing with intent as his wide eyes and keen ears soak in the knowledge and words in a similar way in which the scale had absorbed the magic and light...

    “D-Daemons… You, t-they speak of Deamons…” The seer’s wise intellect picks out pieces from a storm of information, his eyes turning blank as he too lives unseen memories.

    “Before in times immemorial when Chaos assailed us the moon was torn asunder like the personalities of the Deamon warriors… "

    "Qul’toq… As to did he wear a necklace not of Sotek, Not of Tepok but of indeed of another… Qul’tqo’s serpent, Axlotls serpent’s will is not of them… As is the will of Axlotls slann ” Nostrils flaring thoughts flash through the starseers mind…

    "T-tThe emotionless slann made worried…”
    At the talk of the scale Izqux scrambles it off the table, inspecting it with a new intensity before placing it back down and drawing out his frail hand toward the glass ball centred within the cold stone.

    Letting a thick silence blanket the room Izqux’s hand hovers above the crystalline glass, the few residual particles of magic and humidity swirling in the air around the pair of skinks, clouding the surface of the ball as unseen shapes and images form within…

    “These are… these are serpents of the stars..” The seer mutters as the mist within the ball is suddenly cleared by a blinding pale light that causes Xolek’s eyes to squint and water. The silvered one itself is revealed to take the mists place, filling the whole orb for but a split second before it waxes and wanes into a smaller form, its light stretching out across a valley of jungle tree’ s. Hanging above its light then illuminates a teradon rider soaring down, the skinks face torn with emotions. Glowing silver strapped behind the skink is a plaque and a scale. Both of their surfaces reflect the heavenly light of the city behind as flames gash into temples and buildings, more and more daemons blazing in the purifying star fire continue to flood in from all angles.

    As the obstinate pillars of eternity crumble down showering the battle below in a rain of rubble the terradon suddenly begins to veer down. The blazing bolt stabbed into its left wing sending it spiralling into the tree’s whilst the skink's body can be seen plummeting down to follow it, the plaque and scale disappearing into the void beneath them as the images fade.

    “Serpents… Serpent of the stars… Serpent of the Silvered one... “ Izqux’s eyes snap to meet with Xolek who’s body glows with a faint pale light…

    Suddenly the room is flooded by a new voice as Talock bursts into the tent, his eyes stealing Izqux’s glare as he barks out interrupting the visions and seer’s speech.

    “Skaven have overrun another chamber.”

    “We need urgent support to hold the outer tunnels.”

    Immediately reality snaps back to Izqux sending him spiralling onto his feet. As words of the serpent, of Skaven ring in Xoleks ears...


    Squinting his eyes, Tiqxoltiq tried to regain his composure only to fail dramatically as a frustrated shout rattled out “WHERE ARE THEY” as the skink supervisor scrambled onto his feet, his face fuming red whilst his companions quickly turned around trying not to draw his attention to their laughing faces.

    Tik once again lapsed into a bout of laughter only for him to be interrupted by the sound of light footsteps…. Anticipating for the supervisor to stomp around the corner the priest dropped down pretending to study the stonework of a nearby ruined building, only for the owner of the footsteps to be revealed as a large golden jaguar. Immediately the creature was recognized as Dawns flame, Choleque both due to Tiqxoltiq’s previous experiences with helping Uykar but also the fact that any wild jaguar within would have been no-doubt scared away from the laugher…

    Relived the priest looked into Choleque’s wild eyes which burnt with purpose in such a similar way to that of their owners. Catching his breath in between chuckles the priest gets to his feet, the jaguar greeting him with a grunt allowing the skink's hand to glide down his golden coat before signalling at the priest to follow him with a head motion and an extended low rumble.

    Current Stats, Equipment, Effects and other such notes:

    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.5(-1.5) I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 0 Strength (Recovering from stun)
    Weapon/tools: Mining pickaxe
    Hyenadon Necklace: (Item)
    - Description: A small crude string of bloody canine teeth Mixed in with two preserved hyaenodon Paws still covered in serrated claws. (Crafted)
    - Effects:

    +6% Accuracy against BEASTS.

    2x Basic Bandage (Consumable)
    - Description: Woven from thin layers of stripped bamboo and other plant fibres these types of basic bandages can be easily made or bought, crudely fulfilling their role as shabby dressings and plasters.
    -Effects: (During or After combat)
    Decreased chance of disease
    Bleeding temporarily reduced
    50% Chance to regain the receiver with 0.1 Wound.

    Active effects:
    (Recovering from stun)

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic
    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    1x Fireroot (Consumable),
    -Description: Found all across Lustria these elusive and rare plants can be found usually at the base of withering trees. Said to be born of Chotec, these root like plants suffocate and cut off a tree’s supply from its roots, effectively killing it in a burning iron grip. Once collected and ground into a fine powder, the ember like particles of this plant can be ingested, providing the user with waves of fresh heat, energy and aggressiveness.
    -Effects: (Duration: 10 Minutes)
    +Cold resistance
    10% Chance of an additional battle point.


    + 1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)
    - Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.
    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    - Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill

    + 1 X Dusk shadow (Material/Consumable)
    - Description: Elusive and rare, these renowned mushrooms are known for their deadly toxins. Hiding in the shadows and shade of trunks or caves the arrival and of these mushrooms often predicts and prophecies the soon death of the healthy tree, or even whole grove they Leetch off.
    Known to be carefully collected Dusk shadow’s renowned toxin can be refined and diluted into an undoubtedly potent tranquillizer that if ingested or admitted to the bloodstream can cause the recipient to fall unconscious within near minutes. If otherwise received in two high of an unrefined dose they risk falling into the never-ending slumber of death or even worse lapse into an unending Coma of twisted delirium.
    - Effects:
    Requires processing to be used.
    Contact, inhalation, Digestion should be avoided.


    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:
    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.

    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.

    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    M2 W2 BS0 S3 T3 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld5. 0 skill points, 1 battle, 1 Strength (+1 Exhausted state)
    Weapon/tools: Meat cleaver
    Talon of fangs (Item/Weapon)
    -Description: Created by a skilled and old skink artisan this trusty weapon is yet to taste its first battle, the malicious and serrated series of fangs and blades that protrude from the fist frame thirst for a drop of blood
    - Effects: -50% Range (Just means that using this weapon will significantly lower the user's effective strike range compared to that of a spear or traditional weapon). +10% Critical chance against small foes.

    0x Hyaenodon pelt (Destroyed by fire)

    Active effects:

    M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic ,1 Beast handling.

    Weapons/tools: Carnosaur tooth, Crude whip, Sacrificial dagger (Lost), Blowpipe
    Beasts Charm: (Item)
    - Description: This small metallic charm of mysterious origin is bent into the shape of a sharp dog like paw inside a small curved moon, the paws claws sharp enough to draw blood and the moon almost luminous with a strange, ghostly glow
    - Effects:
    +5% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.


    Silver scale: (???)
    - Description: Thirsting for magic this scale gently pulses with silver light, bathing all those near it in a sheen of luminosity so similar to that of the stars and moon.


    1x Hyenadon meat (Consumable)


    4x Hyenadon claws/teeth (Material)


    1x Fates Felicity (Consumable)
    - Description: This rare emerald pink fine powder is known to be the pure extract of The lesser emerald lotus, Supposedly one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in all the jungle. Many creatures are often attracted to its strange scent where they stand mesmerised by the huge flower suspended on a thin pad that gently drifts on the water. Some legends even go as far to say that the animals attracted to it often wade too deep into the swamp waters in a trance, resulting in their untimely demise. The Emerald Pools of Itza teem with many beautiful and rare water lilies such as this one…
    - Effects: (Duration: 3 Minutes)
    +3 Initiative
    +1 Skill point


    1(-1)x Blue Paradise (Consumable)
    - Description: Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills the air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding mainland, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.
    - Effects: (Duration 10-20 Minutes)
    -3 Initiative


    1x Sunray Flower (Consumable):
    - Description: Thought to be a blessing of Chotec onto this world, these plants flower a beautiful red-orange with white accented flower. Naturally gives energy to those affected allowing faster strikes or faster dodging, this is a flower Xolek uses before battle, a ring of smoke dancing around him as he does a ritual dance that soon turns into a fury of obsidian. They grow on trees as their vines stretch upwards, strengthening the bark it touches.
    - Effects (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +3 speed
    +20% Chance to dodge incoming attacks.


    2x Purple Moon (Consumable)
    - Description: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near riversides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often covet by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavour from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.
    - Effects: (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +1 Magic point
    -10% miscast chance

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:
    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.4 I4 A1 Ld(Intimidated) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic (1 Impaired state)

    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    Active effects:
    - Due to the nature of your injury, you may only use one arm.
    - Your character is currently intimidated

    Spells Unlocked:
    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.

    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.

    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. 3 skill points, 1 battle, 2 blend
    Weapons/tools: 2x Druchii dagger, Darkshard crossbow.
    1x ?Crystalline fragment? (Item)

    Active effects:

    M4 WS0 BS0 S0 T0 W0.5 I3 L3. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 1 beast handling (+2 Wounded states)
    Weapons/tools: Handling stick (Destroyed/lost), Blowpipe - Darts = Poisoned.
    Lingering Injuries:

    Horrible Disfigurement: Your characters have burn scars to the extent that can’t be easily concealed as well as losing their crest, One of the skinks many ways to communicate and Identify… You will have permanent disadvantage on Persuasion checks and -0.2 Max wounds.

    This status may be partially healed only through the use of extreme divine magic.


    Minor Neuralgia: Your character experiences a somewhat constant and painful nerve damage over a portion of the body. Whenever you attempt an action in combat you have a 20% Chance to fail all actions automatically.

    This effect will heal after 3-5 Days unless healed through the use of divine magic.


    Arachnophobia/Pyrophobia: Your character has an extreme fear of both Arachnids and Fire, You will be extremely impotent to standing within the presence of them… (You will get a notification when these fears are in play and the effects will be decided by an array of factors)

    Your character will feel an uncomfortable fear upon seeing flickering flames whether this takes the form of a torch, candle or campfire.

    You may eventually overcome these fears through future experiences and calming exposures.

    Active effects:
    - 20% Chance to fail combat actions.
    - +1 Wounded state.
    - +1 Wounded state
    - -0.2 Max wounds.

    Unicorn vine: (Duration remaining: 70 Minutes)
    - + Pain resistance
    - +50% Regeneration rate
    - +0.3 Max wounds
    - + Disease resistance

    - Your characters wounds are ‘Healing’
    - +1 Beast handling point regained.

    So as I previously discussed, the tree system is coming on, I have done a lot of work for the healing routes as well as jewellery among others, Very excited to implement it once completed. (Obviously, some of the stuff is subject to change ect)


    1 - 0/2

    40% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)

    2 - 0/2
    +20% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Medicinal Knowledge I - minimal perception of how to cure disease, heal with crude technique in a slow process.

    3 - 0/3
    +30% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    40% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)
    Skill: Defence of the Mind I (Cost 2 skill points) - Select an Ally (Or yourself) Within sight before Imbuing them with +2 Leadership and +3 Intuition (Duration: 5 Minutes)
    Passive: Ward the wary I - All nearby allies gain +10% Regeneration rate, 20% Chance to Ignore Exhaustion. (Upon an Exhaustion check)

    4 - 0/4
    +40% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    Passive: Medicinal Knowledge II - a medium perception of how to cure disease, heal with minimal technique in a medium time.
    Skill: Divine Comfort I (Cost: 3 Health Skill points) - Select an Ally (or yourself) Within reach before rolling a D4. The amount of wounds shown will be divided by 10 and then healed onto the chosen individual's stat line. If a one is rolled the skill backfires, causing the ally’s body to take one D4 divided by 10 worth of wounds.

    5 - 0/5
    +50% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    +40% Chance of gaining a beast handling point at the start of the day.
    50% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)
    Passive: Ward the wary II - All nearby allies gain +20% Regeneration rate, 30% Chance to Ignore Exhaustion. (Upon an Exhaustion check)
    Skill: Defence of the Mind II (Cost 2 skill points) - Select an Ally (Or yourself ) Within sight before imbuing them with +3 Leadership and +4 Intuition (Duration: 8 Minutes)

    6 - 0/6
    +60% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    20% Base disease cure chance (Of removing one non-permanent disease from a patient)
    Passive: Herbal Healing/Curative Broths I - Reduces XP cost of brewing/gathering by -1 from levels 2-8
    Skill: Divine Comfort II (Cost: 3 Skill Points) - Select an Ally (Or yourself) within reach before rolling a D4. The amount of wounds shown will be divided by 10 and then healed onto the chosen individual’s stat line.

    7 - 0/7
    +80% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    30% Base disease cure chance (Of removing one non-permanent disease from a patient)
    60% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)
    Passive: Ward the wary III - All nearby allies gain +30% Regeneration rate, 40% Chance to Ignore Exhaustion. (Upon an Exhaustion check)

    8 - 0/8
    +100% Chance of gaining a skill point at the start of the day.
    40% Base disease cure chance (Of removing one non-permanent disease from a patient)
    Skill: Divine Comfort III (Cost 2 skill points) - Select an Ally (Or yourself) within reach before rolling two D4’s. The amount of wounds shown will be divided by 10 and then healed onto the chosen individual’s stat line.
    Passive: Medicinal Knowledge III -good perception of how to cure disease and how to identify it, heal with specific technique in relative speed.

    9 - 0/9
    70% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)
    Skill: Defence of the Mind III
    Option 1 -> Skill: Defence of the mind [III] (Cost 1 skill point) - Select two allies (Yourself included) Within sight before imbuing them with +3 Leadership and +4 Intuition (Duration: 10 Minutes)

    Option 2 -> Skill -> Passive: Defence of the mind {III} - All allies within 6 meters receive +2 Leadership and +1 Intuition.

    10 - 0/10
    +20% Chance of gaining an additional skill point at the start of the day. (Ontop of the other additional)
    50% Base disease cure chance (Of removing one non-permanent disease from a patient)
    Passive: Medicinal Knowledge IV - high perception of how to cure disease and how to identify it, heal with precise technique in fast speed
    Skill: Invigoration of the soul I (Cost 3 skill points) - all nearby allies have a 30% Chance to gain an immediate skill point.

    11 - 0/12
    +30% Chance of gaining an additional skill point at the start of the day. (Ontop of the other additional)
    100% Base healing chance (Of healing back one wound on a patient)
    Passive: Ward the wary IV - All nearby allies gain +40% Regeneration rate, 50% Chance to Ignore Exhaustion. (Upon an Exhaustion check)
    Skill: Sanctified Restoration I (Cost 2 skill points) - A chosen nearby ally with immediately become un-stunned as well as having a 40% Chance to remove all non-permanent debuffs.

    12 - 0/15
    +40% Chance of gaining an additional skill point at the start of the day. (Ontop of the other additional)
    Passive: Medicinal Knowledge V - extreme perception of how to cure disease and how to expertly identify it, heal with decisive technique in a rapid speed.

    13 - 0/18
    Skill: Divine Comfort IV
    (Cost 2 skill points) - Select an Ally (Or yourself) within reach before rolling two D4’s. The amount of wounds shown will be divided by 10 and then healed onto the chosen individual’s stat line. In addition the individual will also receive an increase of 0.5 Max wounds for a 10 Minute duration.

    14 - 0/20
    +50% Chance of gaining an additional skill point at the start of the day. (Ontop of the other additional)
    Skill: Invigoration of the soul II (Cost 2 skill points) - All nearby allies have a 40% Chance to gain an immediate skill point.

    15 - 0/25

    Skill: Sanctified Restoration -> Transcendent Atonement
    (Cost 3 skill points, 5 Day cooldown. ) - Your stinging veins pulse to the rhythm of my beating heart. Your mind clears to the soothing speech of my voice. Your soul burns in my presence, I am awash in the light and favour of our creators!

    Wounds knit at my command, scars hide and diseases struck down with bolts of zealous lightning. The holy flame I wield cleanses the evil within denying harm, which is to deny adversity itself.

    -Heals all non-permanent disease.
    -60% Chance to remove each individual lingering injury
    -Removes all debuffs (Including Conditions)
    -Both the user and the chosen target of the ability instantly heals D4 wounds.
    -Chosen Individual becomes UNBREAKABLE.

    -User may choose one previous ‘Healing’ Ability and instantly use it for no cost.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Anger began to swell through Xolek, not only at the mention of Skaven overrunning tunnels of such a holy site, or any Lizardmen sight but also at the fact that the Seer's vision within the orb had been inturupted. The answers he seeked, infront of him, stolen from him even if only for a moment, made him energized with adrenaline and wrathful rage. Immediately the Oracle looks at his whip that was wrapped around his side and neck and soon in his tail he put the carnosaur tooth yet again, armed for battle. Looking at the scale Xolek takes it into his hand and clenches it tightly, so tight that death itself would have to fight the skinks grip to rid him of it. As his anger swelled so did the light that radiated out from not only his tail's orbs but his eyes, pale white turned into Silvered Feridian Grey as the hut was illuminated even more. Looking into his bag of herbs he begins to dig through the smaller bags within it while voicing his anger:

    "S-skaven? Those Filth, the most unclean, they have no right to breath let alone enter these sacred tunnels and chambers. Who knows what ancient relics they have already stolen!" exclaims the skink, thinking to himself about the unrest he felt about Kara and this must be it, a swelling of Skaven under the surface, interrupting the leylines and geometric web that ran through this ancient place.

    Turning to Talock the skinks asks what entrance would be safest to enter, and then turns to the Seer, "Your vision will not be interrupted in Vain"

    Talock looks the skink over, not once but numerous times, slowly he finally lets out the words the Skink seeked, "To enter from the entrance where the water of the swamp's exiting brook enters in from. It would allow close proximity to the first overwhelmed chamber without being heard as the water breaking over the rocks will cover your footsteps. They have moved on from that first chamber now, not many should be left behind and easy to rid of"

    Xolek lets out a grin, "Hua Ataxa Xa'kota Qu'itt Huan Xa" ("I go Hunt for the cursed skaven, for sacrifice for the Moon and revenge I go forth", Loosely...if someone is better with Saurian than I am, please feel free to help me get a closer translation)

    Finally finding what he looked for Xolek takes out a dried flower in his free hand and looks at it, a beautiful red-orange with white accented flower: The Sunray Flower, Chotec's blessing made manifest in yet another way inside the jungle itself. "I must go get my pipe, battle should not begin without it" the Orcale says to Izqux

    Before leaving he gives out a thoughtful expression, his anger still radiating like the light that beams from him, "Serpent of The Silvered One?" a soft voice amidst the rage echoes out.... and in that instant something inside him changed, as if meaning had finally found him....this was the serpent he longed for, the God he would make his sacrifices to, the God he would proclaim to be more than just a lost myth. The orbs on his tail looking like the moon in the darkest of nights, it all began to make sense to him...his spawning, the Slann of Axlotol...the Chameleon skinks...Xlauax suddenly came into his mind, he should seek out the Chamelon skink before going into the Tunnels...and perhaps it was time to unleash Xiuhcoatl on the skaven below...he let out a sinister grin at the thought of the Xa'kota burning in unending flame.

    "Great one" speaking to Izqux, "Do you have any instructions before I start the hunt?" Xolek waits before leaving back to the makeshift medical
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As he took in the sight of the golden jaguar, Tik managed to regain some of his composure. "Hello, Choleque," he said, his sides still shaking with suppressed chuckles. "I have not seen you around much." Running his taloned hand through the jaguar's fur, he marveled at how soft and thick it was. "I suppose break time is over. What task do you have for me?" When the jaguar motioned for him to follow, Tiqxoltiq nodded. "Lead the way, master feline," he murmured as the cat grumbled at him, "and I will follow." As Choleque padded off into the ruins, the priest followed, not knowing where he was being led but prepared for anything.

    [As a side note, Tik does not have the Dusk Shadow with him. He left that with Zuztle because it needs to be processed and prepared.]
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “I have much to think about… As to do you... Yuxa has surely spoken through you, But first I must see to communicating with the slann of Tlaxtlan..…”

    The seer reaches out, signalling to Xolek before ordering Talock in a blur of words.

    “As for the Xa’kota, For the Anathema. Kill. them. All. Reclaim what is firsts, what is ours. Talock assign two mor-”

    Izqux's words fading behind Xolek leaves the tent, Images of the moon, of Axlotl swirling in his head like the thick saliva in his frothing mouth and burning blood that gushed around his body, both the word of ‘Skaven’ But also the recent visions keeping him on edge as he left the tent.

    Now outside the midday heat beats down suppressing the oracles strides as he heads to the camp plaza, the destruction and smouldering ruins around reflecting his rage but also prophesying the end of the Skaven race and all of their twisted creations.

    As Xolek’s eyes dart around he can almost feel his hand draw down to the whip on his belt, his fingers itching in anticipation. As the skink picks out Xlauax’s mangled form in the far distance the sheer power of Chotec’s rage sends waves of dizzying heat onto his back, a heat which could only remind him of both the Sunray flower and Xiuhcoatls breath, one that the intruding Skaven may soon have to face.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  5. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The pounding within Hakal's head steadily grew worse as he tried keeping up with Quas and the skinks. Each step felt like he was scaling mountains with immense strength.Yet the distance between himself and Quas widened. The chatter of skinks and Quas' singing blended into the jungle's orchestra of birds and insects evermore.

    Gusts of air creased Hakal's scales; sensations washing over him. Though he knew he was all alone, the sensations felt as if something was touching him, beckoning him to answer. The roars of gusting winds sounded like yelps of skinks, and the kroxigor's mind turned convinced of what was happening.

    "Wh... who's laughing?" Hakal growled. "Wh... what's to laugh at?"
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    All around him, destruction, the testimony not only to Chotec's power but to the power that the Old Ones planet and its elements held. Xolek looks around, in awe at the destruction, as if it was the first time he saw it. Smoke could still be seen billowing out from some buildings, but the sky above looked blue like the Great Pond that separated them from their kin in the Southlands...'The Southlands' Xolek thought to himself, memories of a journey there and to the Dragon Isles themselves, feral place that it was.

    As memories bombarded him Xlauax came into view, though his body mangled Xolek still found beauty within it. The amount of torture he endured, but still alive, a testament to the chameleons resolve no doubt; he would make a fine ally in arms against those most unclean.

    Walking through the crowded what could hardly he called streets the Oracle walks closer to Xlauax, each step feeling like destiny is being fulfilled. The anger inside him swelling more and more, and with it the luminosity of his tail, the feathers on it absorbing the light that didnt escape past them. Skinks and Saurus alike looking at the Oracle, though he gave no indication he noticed.

    "Xlauax!" Xolek calls out as he is now in ear shot of the Chameleon, the one eye darting to the side to see the Oracle, "Xlauax! We must speak urgently!" Closer he strides as skinks around him begin to part as the name of the High Scout Master is ranged out. Upon reaching the Chameleon Xolek gives a gesture of Respect and then one word escapes his lips before the burning rage escapes from his eyes as they also light up slightly before returning to their natural state, "Skaven..."
    Sevesh, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax froze in mid step. What was happening? He was being called? It was strange to him. One of his eyes slowly turned to the skink priest approaching him. (OOC remember Xlauax is confused and thinks Xolek is a Priest not an oracle). Xlauax's hands dropped to his daggers wary, he wasn't used to being approached. For years he had been the ambusher, whether to slay Druchii or to inform Lizardmen. Now he was being ambushed and he didn't like it. Instinctively Xlauax used his camoflauge, blending suddenly into the grass below. (-1 Blend) He dropped prone and didn't know what to do. Xolek looked quite confused and slowly approached Xlauax, calling his name questioningly. After a few minutes Xolek finally tripped over Xlauax as he was slowly crawling away. This jolted Xlauax back into reality as he stood up and de(un?)camoflauged. "U-u-uh P-Priest Xolek-z-z-z-iiii, I d-didnt s-see you th-there. H-heh what do y-you n-n-need?". Xlauax was very flustered and paced back and forth nervously, his eyes not breaking from Xoleks, which made Xolek quite uncomfortable from the constant eye contact.
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  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Meeting the Gaze with the Chameleon Xolek felt an unease within himself, he never liked meeting with another's gaze, infact he often avoided it. However this was different he felt, he knew or hoped Xlauax would respond well if he kept his confidence, and anger.

    "While in the midst of a meeting with the Great Seer Izqux, the Saurus Talock came and declared that more Skaven had breached the tunnels beneath Kara and broken into numerous chambers." Already anger raging through him, Xlauax could see Xolek-Zi's tail gribbed within the three ends the Carnosaur tooth swayyed side to side, as if it looked for a target, "I was instructed to go below and eliminate any and all of the rat spawns. You with great stealth and speed I wish to enlist in the endeavour before the Saurus group and lead their own expedition downwards. Talock told me of an entrance where a brook from the swamp empties down below and will lead us to the tunnels and close to where the skaven have already ravaged. Many should not be close at first, but we should except heavy resistance, if you agree to come with me" Xolek takes but a moment before turning around. "If you decide to come with me to slaughter those most unclean, meet me at the entrance. I go for my pipe, and then to find sacrifices of those we do not kill for the God I long to bathe in their blood and bring Praise to her to reigns within the skies above the clouds, her wings the Stars and her eyes of the Moon"

    Xolek turns and walks into the crowd back to the medical makeshift hut soon after he would leave for the beast handling to inquire about Xiuhcoatl, hoping Xlauax would join him
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  9. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    A hero of the jungle, a glorious hunter-wanderer welcomed the pleasingly burning sun as he stepped out of the wall of trees and returned to the camp. Surrounded by the hungry cohorts of Skinks, a sea of blue on the ash covered ground, Quas slowly strolled towards the center of the encampment ignoring the world around him. Smaller lizards realizing his purpose aligning with theirs, that is filling their bellies with delicious cooked meat, escorted him with eager eyes.

    Few would know his joy as he approached his cooking spot, his weary look now gathering a spark of hope and happiness that lit his fiery yellow-orange eyes looking at the restored goods, spices and other ingredients. Not much later the dinosaur body was left at the cooking table only for Quas to gulp the whole bucket of water to quench his thirst before taking care of his new-hunted prey. Fires were started and meat was cleaved to portions small and big, to each of their lizard own. Shortly after the pieces were covered in sprinkles of spices and what powders was the kitchen short, various fruits took their place, just as the warm-blood cooks Quas observed during his spawn-hood errands did. Wandering around gives benefits and is certainly much more fruitful than hitting the rocks with a club all day...

    ...and ruining half of the settlement.

    Quas jaws dropped in awe as he saw the domino before him, including the Skink that gave the orders around. Not much could he do other than start clapping very slowly admiring the work put into it.
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  10. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The jaguar’s pace was erratic, slow one minute fast the next like a lazy flame. Struggling to keep up every time Choleque disappeared behind a pile of rubble or a cut stone archway... Despite the seemingly unnecessary paths and obsolete directions the pair arrived at the beast handling predict with surprising speed.

    The fire’s devastation was only more and more evident as the task of reconstruction and repair was faced, the monotonous tasks back at the plaza had made painfully slow progress which was much the same here. Though the beast handlers immediate priorities pointed to their animals above the restoration of the buildings, Perhaps Tik was partially responsible for the sluggish advancement of the huts reconstruction… As Tiqxoltiq tried to remind himself that this was a time of seriousness and action he couldn't help but fall back into another burst of laughter, There was seemingly no-doubt in both his and the other kroxigors minds that the collapsing of the huts was worth it, though in their defence the much-needed increase of camp morale could justifiably be valued over a few hours of intense work….

    With a low growl Choleque signalled to Uykar with another motion before slinking away, his tail flicking proudly in the air, a task well completed.

    Now following the jaguar’s signals Tik makes his way through a crowd of idle beast handlers, their collective gaze fixed on a horribly disfigured and burnt skink, his skin charred black and red with both heat and dried blood.

    Approaching further the priest is met with Uykar’s sharp voice, clearly, he had been expecting Tiqxoltiq to arrive. “Priest Tiqxoltiq….”

    “Choleque has guided you to me well, like a flame guiding the way forward through darkness.” The chief’s face now turns to the priest, As always his intentions and emotions unclear, his facial expressions hidden behind a wall of bone and his voice’s emphasises and emotions blocked out by a sharp, deep tone.

    As the chief continues to talk he reaches down into a pouch interwoven into the thick cloak, revealing seconds later clutching a small chunk of soft meat, the blood it was saturated dripping down Uykar’s wrist and onto his cloak. Unbothered by his savage appearance the skink casts out the meat, the huge amounts of strength and precision within the throw sending it flying.

    “If you have no other matters to attend to we are in need of your company and other such gathers here...” turning back around Uykars tail flicks toward Xahanol, the chief was clearly unfazed by the skink's wounds. Meanwhile, the meat Sailing overhead is suddenly snatched out of the air, caught perfectly within Choleque's teeth as he effortlessly leaps from a nearby tree, the creatures golden glowing fur flowing with the breeze as he gracefully lands down tucking into the well-deserved morsel.

  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Feeling a serene joy Quas was within his element cooking, a well-deserved chance to show off his developed skills both in what the pair of kroxigors had managed to hunt but primarily his cooking expertise to an excited crowd of onlookers. The skink's faces filled with wonder as the scents of spices wafted through the air were joined with the sound of sizzling meat, each skinks hunger was well warranted by the hours of intensive labour both completed and upcoming throughout the rest of the day. (+2 Cooking XP, Will be used later)

    Bone, Scales and all was cooked through, A thick layer of spices dousing out any of the obnoxious flavours. In these times of need, no food should be wasted, any scraps could happily be fed to the kroxigors or various beasts and the other, unpalatable chunks ethier due to poor taste or thick unpleasant texture would no-doubt be accepted by the saurus. They cared not for such petty endeavours, the only meaningful taste to them being both that of victory and fresh blood, whether their own or the enemies.

    As more and more skinks arrived to the scene in search of a meal Hakal could feel the effects of the hunt wearing off the chemicals in his blood diffusing away as the amassing of other lizardmen put him on edge, His already alert senses jolted by the loud noise of toppling huts and laughter…

    His words drowned out in a sea of hungry voices thoughts of sorrow and frustration began to their desperate attempts to worm their way into his mind, that combined with the fact his head now throbbed with pain causing a sensation not un-simular to that of a bird pecking into the side of his skull. With wounds stinging Hakal’s mind was occupied with the thoughts of Zuztle and the bandages he had acquired, perhaps he could try his luck with them before getting some rest or returning to help slake the Camps insatiable hunger for hard labour and work.


    With purpose in his stride, the oricle heads down into the tunnels, the smell of medicinal herbs hanging in his nose as he retrieves his pipe before looking around. Xahanol was nowhere to be seen as too where his fellow beast tamers, Perhaps he had finally built the courage and energy to get up, a good sign that he had somehow managed to push away the thoughts of sorrow.

    Hastily Xolek leaves the darkness behind, the next time he would enter these networks of tunnels the smell of blood would hang low in the air and his thirsting weapons would be ready to bite into the burnt flesh of Skaven.

    Entering the plaza the oracle pushes his way through a forming crowd with a new determination, the smell of sizzling meat sending tingles of anticipation through his veins… The only sustenance he needed was the rush of battle and the smell of Ratmen fear.

    Making his way through the path formed from the many skinks which had moved to the side in order to allow the oricle, The only encouragement they needed was the sight of Xolek’s resolute face, his silver eyes and the array of weapons clutched tightly within his fists.

    Not even turning back to see if Xlauax had decided to follow, he steps into the beast handling area. There was no sign or indication but even his bones knew it, His mind felt almost bound and tethered. As if on Cue a slight deep gurgling rumble bellows out sending a series of colourful birds flying away…
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Bowing his head, he greeted the skink handler. "Greeting to you, Uykar. What assistance I can render will be yours." He smiled up at the jaguar, noting how the light played across its golden fur. "Thank you for sending such a wondrous herald to catch my attention. Truly, the Old Ones smile upon Cloleque."
  13. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol turns and waits patiently for Tiqxoltiq and Uykar to talk, and do what they need to. Their eyes have a vice like focus on Tiqxoltiq, knowing they are one to help them on this next step. They would not be rude though, or interrupt their betters. They knew better than that. They waited, like an animal waits in ambush for its prey. Their time will come.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Not seeing any handlers around Xolekhe sees the large stone pen and makes his way to investigate, looking over his shoulder he saw a shadowy figure that then disappeared, the figure looked a bit mangled...the only thought was that Xlauax indeed had followed him instead of going to the meeting point...he was stealthy indeed.

    He soon begins to turn the corner of the large makeshift pen that held Xiuhcoatl, feeling her mind was still a strange sensation. Feral thoughts seemed almost no more than rage and hunger, although he felt the more his mind connected with hers that he could feel something else growing, companionship? Xolek thought on it and although the idea made him smile a bit he knew more work would need to be done with her for him to fully trust such a beast, for Salamanders were predators and he knew many skinks have lost their lives to them; whether by being hunted or on accident while training them. Although just a juvenile, Xiuhcoatl already showed an aptitude for trouble, Xolek liked that about her, the way she handled herself against a seasoned Handler and himself was impressive...almost too impressive. The thought of the salamander climbing up trees to escape larger predators or to hunt birds crossed his mind, such uses such a companion could have.

    As the thoughts sing through his mind Xolek hears a hiss, and then a small flame erupts, not one of aggression but of the corrosive saliva escaping out of its mouth passively. Turning the corner Xolek sees what could only be some sort of door, and next to it a very small slit that was used for viewing, dangerous since the flame could escape but also essential to know where the beast was before going in to what would otherwise be almost certain doom to any handler entering.

    Looking around Xolek sees a younger handler, his crest small and curled a bit, Xolek calls out to him and immediately the skink raises his head and looks in his direction. Walking over at a brisk pace the young handler eyes Xolek, his three ended tail with feathers catching the eye and curiosity. A moment later the handler apologizes and asks what he could help with, if anything. Xolek can feel the unease of the skink, he could sense he didnt want to help with Xiuhcoatl.

    "I need to know how she is doing and if she has been fed lately. I will be taking her down into the tunnels...for training" Xolek says confidently, fooling himself as his nerve begin to swell at the thought of taking such a dangerous creature into confined and underground place

    A brief sigh if relief exhales from the handler, "oh good. Oh good, you just want information! Yes. She has been fed but a fee days ago, she has been digesting and resting. Wounds heal well, though scars on her tail and back are prominent. Training in tunnels? No, no! That dangerous with fire breather, you should take her to head trainer and training grounds!" At that moment a loud angry hiss let's out, as if Xiuhcoatl could understand the words that Xolek was hearing, the young handler jumped back, scared. He continued hesitantly, "Or perhaps the tunnel would be Salamander dangerous and hard...better you than me" he let's out

    Xolek smiles at this and slowly tells the other skink to prepare to open the door, and then to go get another handler whether that be the head handler or another seasoned one it did not matter. With a depressed nod the handler motions to a Kroxigor who with another walk over and begin to roll the large circular boulder door out of the way, Xolek let's out a deep breath and out of a punch brings out a small sliver of the hyenadon meat he still had from days prior, now beginning to smell on the jungles heat and humidity, "She will not care" he tells himself, knowing the corrosive bile of her mouth would begin digesting it with flame before she even began to eat it anyway.

    Slowly approaching the door he makes clicking and low registered hissing sound, trying to mimic a friendly noise as best he could, and then throwing the meat into the pen towards the far side. Within an instant Xiuhcoatl rushes the meat, stops and then let's out a small wave of flame...Xolek takes the moment and slowly enters, not to spook her...still making the noises in hopes that he will not have to dominate her in some form, though in his very being he knew it was likely he would need to. Preparing himself to yet again touch his hand to her head in the same place as the times before, her head turns to meet him, his hand print showing. Her mouth closed after taking the meat into her mouth, she shows no aggression towards the Oracle, but of course this could just be a momentary thing, although usually loud hissing would ensue if a salamander was being aggressive, he knew that much.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    As Xolek enters the pen, he notices a large burrow and many small digging sites along with logs and a small tree within the pen, the ground is covered in grass with a small pool of water in the center with another in one of the corners, filled by rain and skinks bringing it from the swamp. The sun beating down, Xolek could tell where her basking sites were, imprints of her body that had flattened the grass where she laid. Xiuhcoatl turns her body, and rubs the ground where the meat once was, a known behavioral trait of Salamanders, rubbing in the remains of kills or already dead bodies, possibly to mark them as their own. Her large tongue flicks into the air, tasting for the chemicals given off by those around, her head turns to Xolek and the open door but keeps her distance as the Oracle slowly approaches the lizard, a weary handler looking on from the outside of the pen, not the same one Xolek had sent to get a more seasoned beast handler.

    Xiuhcoatl's beautiful coloring shown well in the bright sun, her bright yellowish orange underbelly dirty with dirt and grass particles while her black back scales showed their reddish orange stripes better than in the cave or swamp prior when they first met. Her muzzle covered in her own bile and what little blood was left of the meat seemed to do nothing as she licked her lips slowly in a sign of appeasement. Xolek continues to inch forward, cautiously, a sudden burst of speed from her could be his undoing but felt no reason to except such a thing... it he had been wrong before, a large scare on his right leg was evidence of such an encounter long before
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Realising Xahnaols unease in talking about the task at hand Uykar begins to continue.

    “Indeed they do, Huanchi’s form and Chotec’s Wrath is truly something striking, as are his sharp claws and burning bite.”

    “As for our need of you hear, Xahanaol is in search of certain herbal mixtures and plants, most only obtainable by an expert. As my knowledge is within Kyaxa and Itzl’s hands yours is among that of the plants and flora.”

    The chief's voice is soon accompanied by not only some commotion going around the nearby stone pen but also the light footsteps and low growling of Huancli. The second panther had returned, the thick coat of black fur that covered the creatures large muscular body gleaming with a deep, calming navy. A few steps behind was one of Tik’s fellow gatherers who had evidently been called for.

    After discussing a few welcomes to Tlakeke himself Tik turned back to hear out the rest of the task. “As Such, Your skills are needed for such a task if you are willing…” Uykar now motions toward Xahanol for further details, the shine in the chief's eyes causing the skink to shed any previous uneasy feeling in the same way a snake would shed its scales.


    Carefully Xolek approaches, His eyes locked into combat with those of the salamander. He would not break his gaze as to do so was to admit defeat and reveal weakness to Xiuhcoatl’s current empty alien expression which could change at any second if the slightest scent of opportunity revealed itself.

    As the oricle neared the strange, binding sensation within his head tightened as the beast's tongue flicked out tasting the air, tasting Xolek’s resolve and will. Her nostrils taking in huge burdened breaths as her tail gently swayed in communion with the fin on her back which was now saturated in both the sun's energy but also the tension in the air.

    Approaching closer Xolek was cautious not to get into the reaching distance of the beast's tail, even with the current wounded state there was no-doubt a single swing could send him flying into the unforgiving stone walls.

    Heart racing Xolek-Zi could feel the heavy glares of beast handlers watching from the safety of the pen entrance, The pressure was on and any sudden movement could cause the beasts overarching predatory instincts to kick into gear... The oricle was but a flash away from death, a flash however that would be too slow for his similarly savage actions…

    The sickly scent of blood from the meat still hanging low in the air the creature's mouth drooled and oozed, thick globules of saliva dripped down to sizzle on the sun-baked earth as the skink continued closer and closer, The idea of fear completely replaced with a confident caution.

    With One hand reaching out toward the beast and the other tightly clutching the amulet around his neck his opponents mind beginning to faulter and loosen. his own such grip becoming ever tighter as his very glare burned into the creature's soul proving not only his worth but also his dominance over the creature.

    Itzl’s favour flowing through him each of his following steps transformed into a dance of perfect rigour and a storm of precision which caused the creature itself to slowly bow its head and apprehensively avert its gaze, providing the skink with an unparalleled authority likened only to that of a pack alpha or even greater a far more ferocious and more ancient salamander.

    Despite no indication an unseen force almost beaconed the oricle closer toward the beasts mud crusted scales, the handprint atop the salamander's forehead glowing with a dim light which pulsed to the beat of both handler and beasts synchronized heartbeats.

    A raging Harmony tethering the two’s minds Xolek could almost sense Xiuhcoatl’s soul reflecting back all that was his own. The undeniable will and gritted determination of Xolek-Zi and the savage instinct of Itzl born fury and Chotec rage which coursed through the salamander's veins now became interwoven as mind and soul, Beast and handler melded together.

    The oracle had truly touched the Kyaxa.

    Even if for but a fleeting second he felt the true power of the jungle's wrath as the heavens above seemingly flashed with the roar like crackle of lightning. Seconds later the clouds pulsed to the jungle’s Orchestra releasing fourth an unexpected torrent of fresh life giving rain, one that would no-doubt refresh both flora and fauna alike. (+5 Beast handling XP, +1 Beast handling point, leaving Xolek with 2 remaining)
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax slowly entered the beast handling pen. He didn't know why he was following the Priest, only that the tone of his voice, and the look in his eyes reminded him of himself. He heard a commotion in the pen and saw many animal handlers huddled around the entrance to a large stone pen in awe of some event occuring inside. He pushed past a few of the handlers, his scarred body being enough to intimidate them to move, and saw Xolek-zi inside the pen. He was quite intrigued by the scene inside, though he was a little concerned about Xolek-zi dealing with the salamander alone, if he got hurt Xlauax would have to deal with the skaven by himself. It would be quite a nuisance. Xlauax prepared himself to jump to the Priests aid if need be.
  18. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol approaches Uykar without question, their head nodding, eagerly in its own way. They turn to Tiqxoltiq, that same fervor in their eyes, glistening beneath the burned flesh. "W-We would require a t-t-tranquilizing agent, a-as well as a-a-a powerful antivenom. W-We seek dangerous prey, a-a-and to seek it without these in hand m-might as well be consigning ourselves to death. T-T-The benefit of capturing it though, t-they would be many. Many, M-Many uses.." The skink's voice wheezes. They were desperate in a way, to seek a release from their own thoughts. That darkness that creeped at the edges of their mind.
  19. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tiqxoltiq pondered the question for a moment, then nodded. "Well, the tranquilizing agent is not an issue. My gatherers and I found a Dusk Shadow mushroom recently. Given a day or so to prepare it, that will make your tranquilizer. Do you want something that is to be eaten, or something to coat weapons with?" As he waited for the answer, Tik thought about their current store of materials and frowned. "An anti-venom though? How powerful do you want, and against what kind of venom? Anti-venoms aren't really universal. I have to know what we're trying to stop, to some degree. Concoctions that work against spider venom often will not work against, say, the toxins from a jellyfish or spike-ball-fish..."
  20. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    "R-R-Right. F-For the agent, I-If I c-could have s-something f-for a small creature, preferably to coat darts with. I do n-not want to risk close r-range without the t-tranquilizing agent. F-For t-the antivenom.. w-we seek the Mikoapāhtli Tekuani, i-it has..m-many types of toxins a-at its d-disposal..U-Uykar, m-my knowledge of i-i-its specific venoms are lacking. D-Do you have any information t-t-that may help to which type to get?" Xahanol was flicking their tail, eyes darting about as they thought of what was needed, gripping the handling spear they had been handed still, their muscles spasm under it time to time, the grip almost painful to handle.

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