Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Falling silent, Tik stared, slack-jawed, at Xahanol. It took him a while to process that information. When he finally did, he started shaking his head. "You're... looking... for... the... Tekuani..." Thinking hard, he bit his lower lip and thought. "I am going to have to confer with Zuztle about this one. The tranquilizer we have will work fine, but that little frog has powerful toxins! I will process the Dusk Shadow while Zuztle and I try to find an anti-venom that may work." Continuing to ponder the issue, Tik wandered off to confer with the healer...
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Mikoapahtli’s venom is true, The poison beast is known to fear off even the mightiest beasts with but its very presence… Indeed, To risk such close range without preparation would be a failed pursuit from the very start. As for the Antivenom, things are an even greater challenge… Caution and well-covered skin would be the first step, though I'm not sure what little more we could do other than gathering a number of plants which could boost the body's defensive function. Xol swamp roots could be the answer…However, my expertise is lacking, placed rather within that of Itzl’s and Huanchi’s beasts… “ Uykar hisses as his thoughts flicker in between words.

    Nodding gently Tik understands, his words a blur as he hastily heading off in the direction of the tunnels in search of Zuztle and his more experienced gathering knowledge.


    Now among the sea of other curious eyes that watched the oracles every move Xlauax could feel his whole body tense with each passing second as his torn emotions waxed and waned like the moon's phases. However, any doubt that Xolek would not be able to tame the salamander instantly evaporated as the beast becomes seemingly subdued, willingly bowing its head to the oricle as the heavens above crack and rumble, a storm of short-lived rain bombarding down soon after.


    Making the journey quickly, Tiqxoltiq’s steps into the darkness, the sound of his footfalls echoing and mixing in with the sound of heavy chatter which reverberates throughout the largest chamber, the one of which was used to hold patients and store many of the items rescued from the surface above.

    The smell of medicinal balms and oils slithering into his lungs Tik could feel his airways clear and burn, allowing more of the cold, gentle underground air flow freely with each breath as he allowed himself to relax, the solid roof of stone and soil providing a welcome relief from the beating heat of mid-day. Soon the priest is able to pick Zuztle out, the erratic pitch and seemingly random, disjointed movements a clear indication that the skink infront is indeed the healer.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Zuztle," he asked as he stepped over to the aged healer. "We have a bit of a dilemma. I need to make an effective anti-venom for the poison of the Mikoapāhtli Tekuani. Any ideas?"

    For a moment, Zuztle continued what he was doing, but did eventually stop to think. "Hmm. That is a v-v-very strong poison. We are g-going to have to employ a m-mix of m-magical and m-m-mundane components for this. It is a g-good thing you brought back the Unicorn Vine horn when you d-did, we will likely need it." Pursing his lips, the old healer pondered what they had on hand and shook his head. "We're g-going to need to g-gather some ingredients. Ginseng root, for one, and you'll n-n-need to see if the Starseer can invoke b-blessings on it before we start. We will n-need raw almonds to make a p-p-paste from, p-pulque infused with lemon, fresh g-ginger root, and some t-t-turmeric if you can find it." Tapping a claw against his chin, he frowned. "Hmm. I h-have a b-blessed mortar of r-r-rock crystal we can use for the m-mixing. There are t-two things we should g-get that I d-d-do not have. Teeth from a saw-shark are n-not needed, but would be helpful. Such beasts eat z-zebra fish, and their t-t-teeth retain some of the resistance t-to such poison. Alas, we w-w-will need a b-bezoar, preferably from a g-g-goat or b-bison that has eaten p-p-purple snakegrass. If we were in Tlaxtlan, it would n-not be an issue, but I do n-not know where we can g-get one nearby."

    Nodding, Tiqxoltiq rummaged around the clutter in the healer's... tunnel... and found a scrap of parchment. It was but a moment's work to jot down the list of ingredients. "Thank you, Zuztle, I was at a loss for where to start. I will ask the gatherers to keep an eye out for the ginger, ginseng, and turmeric. Lemons we have, so I will prepare the pulque infusion before I leave."

    "G-good. The longer it sits, the s-s-stronger the infusion will be."

    "Shark teeth should not be an issue. I will check with the fisher-skinks. But the bezoar? That will be an issue."

    Nodding, the old healer turned back to his patients. "M-m-maybe check with the h-herders or hunters? They m-might have one lying around. We d-do not need much, just a piece the size of m-m-my c-claw," he added, holding up the digit in question. "L-let me know when you have g-g-gathered those items, and w-we will s-see what we can d-d-do."

    Nodding, Tik found a gourd of fresh pulque and poured a measure into a clean infusion jar. Running out to the pantry, he grabbed a pair of fresh lemons. The cooks gave him an odd look, until he explained what they were needed for. While they were a little annoyed, the cooks let him take them on the condition that any leftover lemon-infused pulque be brought back to the pantry to be used for cooking fish. Tik readily agreed to that condition, and soon had slices of lemon floating in the jar of pulque. That done, he sealed the jar with a square of wax-coated silk tied about the top before heading out to talk to the gatherers...
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Feeling the rain begin to fall from the heavens Xolek offers up a silent prayer to Itzl and other Old Ones who spared him this day. Xiuhcoatl's head still slightly bowed Xolek gives a few clicks to her and then slowly reaches out his hand and begins to do the unthinkable: pets her. His hand toughing her rough scales begin to steam as he runs his hands down her head onto her leathery neck. The heat felt more like a warm bath to the touch, her fire within not built up due to not hunting or being aggressive. As rain hits her sail, steam rises from her, and as Xoleks hand come back to her head she slightly rubs it, the first sign of what could be called affection. Xolek knew this is but the first of many more times he would have to show his dominance, but for now he bathed in the moment and was happy.

    Taking his eyes off her but for a moment he noticed the large crowd that was behind him, Xlauax among them. Looking at him he smiles, and then puts his pipe in his mouth. Slowly going through his pouch again he brings out another small piece of meat (-2 so far, have 2 remaining after this I believe) and dangles it slightly above the Salamanders maw, corrosive juices begin to flow out from it and then he let's go and with a lightning fast snap the beast devours it. Knowing where he stands in the new hierarchy Xolek motions for Xiuhcoatl, their mind still linked, to go about her business. She then goes to her baking spot and lays down, at that moment the rain stops and the sun comes back out, her scales soaking up the rays.

    Turn around slowly, but keeping an eye on the lizard, Xolek walks towards the group and stands before Xlauax and asks a simple question: "Are you ready?" A wicked grin escapes Xoleks face as he packs the Sunray Flower into his pipe (-1 flower. 1 remaining) and at the same time checking to make sure that he had the Purple Moon Flower properly dried incase he needed it, which thankfully it was.

    Looking back briefly at Xiuhcoatl he sees her looking at him curiously, rises up, and slowly with her powerful legs makes her way towards the group non aggressively. Xolek meets her gaze, understanding seemingly to flow through both of them still, though tenuous he was sure.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    With an opposing grunt, Xiuhcoatl heeds the Oracles command, getting up on her four legs before following, releasing a series of gentle hisses to the many beast handlers around causing many to step back. Each and everyone knowing the salamander’s destructive powers through ethier shared stories or first-hand experience.

    Continuing forward, his eyes ablaze with the power of Chotec Xolek-Zi needs not to signal the beast behind and instead looks down to the sunray flower stuffed within his pipe, as he does so he can almost feel the sun’s heat burn with an ever greater intensity as his obsidian scales dance with Chotec’ss rays. (-1 Flower, 0 remaining)


    Zuztle’s knowledge and experience in the arts of gathering and medicinal herbs were the greatest throughout the camp, but as his frail body began to fail him such tasks were left to Tiqxoltiq who, after many years, can begin to parallel that of the ancient healer. Having completed yet another task in a storm of expertise and experience (+1 Healing XP) Tik successfully makes his way towards the gatherers. Upon the sight of the priest and Tlakeke who had accompanied him in his tasks the skinks immediately put down thier current tasks and dropped conversations before eagerly awaiting Tik’s well-respected voice.
  6. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol knew that the antivenom would be done as best as it could be. They had to trust in the gatherers, and that was alright with them. They trusted them implicitly, just as they knew they would trust Xahanol and the beast handlers in the dealing with the wildlife overall. That was just how things were. They had other things to prepare for though. They thanked Uykar once again, and gave a parting statement. "I-I-I will p-p-prepare." With that they left, seeking the items they felt they would need to hunt this beast. They sought out familiar supplies for such a hunt. Scent maskers, nets, if they were allowed they took the beast handling stick that had been given to them. They sought a replacement blow pipe and other basic supplies. They had no idea if the flames had spared any of their own gear, but they would not take chances. Even with the screaming pain of the burns, mellowed by the medicine, they would not let the darkness consume their thoughts once again.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at the large lizard that was however still a juvenile, Xolek Began to walk through the crowd after motioning and then in a series of hisses and clicks as if he was able to communicate with the Salamanders own language weaved with that of the skinks. Turning and looking into Xiuhcoatl's eyes the Oracle gives a dominance filled glare to make sure she did not stray from his instructions of following and staying by his side (-1 beast handling point, 1 remaining). Knowing the dangers she could posses while walking through the crowded paths he left nothing to chance, or as much as he could. His eyes burned with the power of Chotec still, Xiuhcoatl complied, even if seemingly grudgingly.

    Looking at Xlauax the Oracle smiles and motions him to follow, "Let's go rid our tunnels of these filth with our blades and Xiuhcoatl's flame" saying enthusiastically and as if the idea gave him pleasure, because it did indeed. The idea of skaven burning and screaming from the undying flame or the blades of the skinks gave him much joy, what was better than destroying Skaven and their plans? Nothing in his mind, killing chaos was the only thing that came close. Riding the taint of the horned rat brought so much joy to Xolek that he unknowingly got high off of it, as if he himself became empowered the more he rid the world of their presence.

    Skinks began to part and run at the sight of the salamander as she strode through the winding paths and causeways through the burned down sections and parti6rebuilt seconds of the camp. The sun beating down felt good on their backs, Chotec seemed to bless them this day, or so thought Xolek, looking around Xlauax seemed to have disappeared but he wasnt sure if it was another elusive trick of the chameleon or if he had indeed parted from the journey ahead. Xolek continued towards the entrance that Talock had mentiond....
  8. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "Skaven 'ou... speak?" - a low, tired voice of a Kroxigor cook responded to one of the Skinks that let the rumor out of his white-black painted muzzle.
    "I heard a lot of Skaven assaulting the ruins. More than our Saurus can hold off. And..." - yellow eyes scanned the Quas' body - "more than you can eat!".
    Giant Kroxigor slumps his hands down and sighed with resignation - "What a... day. Can't it end? I feel... I sleep now. Cook rats later. Hakal, you think?" - his last sentence was thrown to the other slowly approaching Kroxigor that helped him with the hunt.

    Not really waiting for the answer, Quas turned and walked towards the still warm oven and sat heavily his protruding scales on his back scratching against the stone's surface. Eyes slowly closing he drifted away from the camp and indulged himself in a short nap.
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His trust within the gathers and thier abilities made manifest in a fire in his eyes Xahanol was motioned off by Uykar, heading around the smouldering ruins of the beast tamers where a pile of salvaged prices of equipment and tools lucky enough not to get burnt lay.

    Among such tools were small racks of handling sticks, Nets and other basic supplies, all of which could be claimed by the beast handler.

    Meanwhile, Quas settles down, the heat of the sun dissipating over his scales as his thoughts pass and fade.

    Quas - M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.5 I0 A2 Ld6. 0 skill points, 1 battle, 1 Strength
    - Your Characters Wounds are ‘Healing’.(0.3 Wounds.)
    - Your characters Exhaustion stat has been healed. (-1 Exhaustion State)
    - Your Characters points have begun to slowly regenerate now out of combat and 'Resting'
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Overhearing Quas as he was running by, a curious thought stole through Tik's mind. "Can you even EAT a skaven? I thought the local ones were so full of poison and sick as to be practically inedible..."

    Shaking the idea out of his head, he went to confer with the hunters. He found them surrounding the pit of smoldering coals they used to smoke their catch. "Greetings," he called to them carefully as he approached. "I dislike having to bother you, especially with all of the work you've been putting in to replenish our stocks, but I have need of an oddly... specific... item... for a medicine I must brew." Settling in near the fire, he laid out the specifics for the bezoar's origins and waited for a reply...
  11. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal trudged on with one stomping step after another as his guts felt like spilling forth. It took what seemed hours to realize no was laughing at him, but the roaring winds. He mistakenly took a few gusts of the winds as a skink laughing.Though he grew wiser of what was going on, the pain still shook him to the core like an earthquake. He questioned what use he was of, but breathing the numerous air. He soon heard the skink conversing.

    With confidence as his bulging muscles, and fear his pained growling, he stomped on over to the skink.

    "What rats attack? Where? Wh-where can I go?"
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    The green light was not far away, shimmering on the wet walls of the tunnel. Quas felt as if he already had run forever. From something, or towards something he moved his hulking figure. There were rats, giant rats, two legged rats, four legged rats, brown rats, white rats, grey rats. All running around, following and being tasty when put into mouth and squeezed out of their blood. So full of poison and sick yet irresistible. Familiar blurred patches of blue occasionally were blinking in the sea of grey and the green shimmer around. Giant crocodile feet crushed the smaller rats, black feet talons teared the larger. Whenever blue color appeared, the red followed as well.

    The tunnel ended and Quas found himself in a much larger and artificially crafted space. The green shimmer illuminated the complex, but unrecognizable figures carved on the walls. Not only the glow intensified, but also the rats were seemingly pouring from any other entrance to the hall. More than you can eat...

  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Voices swirling like a storm above his head, the endless buzzing chirps of skinks like a wasp hive Hakal felt the word ‘Skaven’ stand out to him, each and every syllable causing his eyes and ears to burn. The ratmen had no right to this world, no right at all…

    The kroxigors words coming out louder than expected he was met with a sea of eyes, each one seemingly probing into his soul. Eventually, an answer could be gathered, even if requiring strenuous amounts of concentration.

    A wave of voices, “The northern chambers?
    “Filthy Ratmen!” I, I think the saurus are headed toward there?” “I Heard we h-have a salamander…”

    Within an instant, the location clicked within the kroxigors mind…. These pests had to be stopped.


    Still feeling a little sick from the thoughts of eating such a vile and disgusting creature, Tik awaited the hunter’s responses, many of which had finished thier tasks and approached the priest. “Medicine… Indeed, such a time as this the camp is in need. Bezoar… Well..”

    Greeting the hunters confused expression Tiqxoltiq further clarifies the important need of such an ingredient. “Well... Snake-grass is a stretch but we do have a bezoar, several in fact. For such a purpose... Perhaps this will do..:” Upon further thinking, the skink rushes into a tent to the side, the noise of rummaging draws and racks before he renters the priest’s vision, the material clutched in his worn hands. “Thornickle roots practically can serve a similar purpose….”
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Xlauax smiled as the Priest passed, he saw a fierce gleam of righteous anger in his eyes, and Xlauax could respect that. Xlauax quickly drew his Pain and his Vengeance as he fell in line behind the Priest, this salamander would make a good ally. Xlauax was prepared to rid these tunnels of skaven once and for all. He followed Xolek-zi through the winding maze of tunnels, skinks jumping out of the way of the salamander so as not to get burnt. Xlauax laughed, this would be fun.....
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A short walk was all that was required to reach the so-called entrance to these ‘Infested’ shafts and tunnels, many of the beast handlers had all but dropped or parted away, both due to the seeming air of danger around both the salamander and Xlauax himself.

    The entrance itself was a maze of tangled roots and loose boulders which had fallen from their grace amongst the now abandoned and dilapidated temple above, a testament to times unwavering grip eternal. The way in which the vines and plants did thier best to obscure and hide the way fourth into the darkness was yet another sign, a foreshadow of what lurked within such shadows. A shield line of broad, thick leaves guarded the flanks of the rough cave-like tunnel whilst a legion of sharp thorns readied thier daggers for the incoming intruders, each and every one reaching up to challenge the tree’s which lurked in anticipation.

    As the trio of skink and beast approached nearer, having to push some of the large plants aside or cut through tangled vines both the tree’s and shadows whispered in conspiracy, the exited leaves flickering above watched the creatures move. It mattered not to them who or what was wounded only that they were near and could provide sustenance to their tree’s nutrients thirsting roots.

    Taking yet another deep breath Xolek’s spine tingled, not only from the coming bloodshed but also the feeling of being watched. His stomach curled and rumbled not in hunger but with a different strange apprehension, almost as if something or someone was watching from the scattered ruins which surrounded him. Not only this but the oricle could similarly pick up on Xiuhcoatl’s nervousness, her normally raging and disobedient instinct layed low, allowing the eerie silence to surround it and the two skinks.

  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Picking up on Xiuhcoatl's nervousness Xolek places a hand on her shoulder and silently clicks to her while in mottled words told her to be strong and worry not. Hoping his own confidence would help bolster hers, he looks at Xlaunax and silently motions around, indicating he thought perhaps something was watching them, or someone. Knowing the chameleon could blend in much better than he, he hoped Xlauax could take a peak around as they entered the tunnels or to make sure nothing was lurking behind them.

    Promising Xiuhcoatl a large feast when they were done in the tunnels Xolek moves forward into the dark, his eyes adjusting though it did little. As if on cue the salamander walked infront of Xolek, her eyes made for both the light of day or the dark of caves, she would be his eyes until light could be found. Flicks of her tongue could hardly be heard at even a close proximity, her low hisses whenever she would pick up a scent, and seemed that there were many. Images began to flood into Xoleks mind as if Xiuhcoatl herself was showing them to him skaven hit her tongue though he was unsure if they were slaves or something more formidable.

    Claws of the salamander scraped against the tunnels floor and into the small creek that flowed downward, roots from trees and plants above suffocating the cramped space. After what seems to be half an hour of pitch dark they came to an opening to what seems to be a main linking tunnel, a few torches were lit....

    Looking around Xolek did not see Xlaunax, but he figured the chameleon was near by, Xolek knew the Skaven were also near, as something echoed down the tunnel, and a smell of filth began to hit his nostrils...

    Taking his pipe out, he puts it in his mouth and prepares to light it...readying himself for the slaughter ahead. Placing another hand on Xiuhcoatl's shoulder the lizard looks at him and he and her and nods...together they walk forward into the depths of the ruins, to free it from the rats clutches....
    Nazqua, bOdziO Wolf, Sevesh and 2 others like this.
  17. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    In Hakal's mind, the words gradually coalesced into a meaning that drove him towards a clear purpose, albeit frequently tripping along the way. His vision still swirled with confusion as the tents and lizards all around him either danced incessantly with joy, or watched his hulking figure go on as if a show was playing. He never knew whether or not such a vision was truly happening, but it vividly reminded him of his skink spawn mates long ago teasing each other with such joy, laughter, and carelessness, the fighting that always followed never wrought any pain.

    Hakal let out a deeply bestial growl, trying to push away the memories. But they still lingered. Still played on and on.

    Eventually, the growling, roaming kroxigor reached the entrance whose form was mostly enshrouded by the jungle's tangling roots, vines, and boulders. The darkness emanating from the opening invited his curiosity and fear and 'clear purpose' forth.
  18. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    ... eventually the rats and Skaven became interested with Quas. Chipping away his scales, slashing with their weapons. The Kroxigor suddenly realizing he is covered in blood and it was his blood.
    Few seconds later, a time that he thought its taking millennia, he felt warmth as the filth on his body was getting set on fire and the sea of grey was teared by the lightning. Rats that resided on his back fell down and on its place the blue blurred shimmer he saw before jumped on. Looking above, Quas noticed gold and other colors adorning its frail body. The Kroxigor moved further and the bursts of lightning swirled around them and were set towards then entrances. Using his own claws he teared through the sea of grey. The rats seemed to stop pouring and eventually every rat turned into a sizzling coal.
    The pressure on Kroxigors back eased out as the figure jumped and materialized before him, resembling the figure of a Skink priest. It took Quas' muzzle by his both hands and spoke intimidatingly: FIND KUOTEQ'EKO. FRIENDS IN DANGER.

    The Kroxigor opened his eyes, the familiar sight of the cooking slab and the camp greeting him again. He stood up and asked one of the Skinks he could find still lingering in the camp: "Kuoteq. Where... find?".
  19. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    After a gesture from Xolek-zi, alerting Xlauax of the potential threat, Xlauax slipped off into the shadows, blending as he did. (-1 blend). He crept forwards at a faster pace than the Priest, and checked the various books and crannies where a skaven could hide. He thought he spotted one numerous times but then he questioned if it really was a Skaven or his imagination. Nonetheless he crept deeper into the tunnels to scout for Xolek-zi.
  20. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Pondering the idea for a moment, Tiqxoltiq nodded slowly. "Ye-ess, I think that will do just fine. It should have the same anti-toxin focus regardless of what the originating creature consumed, but having eaten from toxic plants should make the bezoar that much more potent. We do not need a lot of it, a piece perhaps the size of a cashew-nut pod. Larger would be better, but not necessary."

    Nodding in reply, the hunter slipped away and soon returned with the bezoar chunk. Placing it into Tik's hand, the hunter smiled at him. "We are glad to be of service, priest. Remember us kindly to our gods."

    "I will," Tik replied in a solemn tone. "Again, I thank you, as does our healer. Would you, perhaps, have any saw-shark teeth?"

    That garnered a negative reply. "We are sorry, Tiqxoltiq, saw-sharks do not frequent this area. If we were further to the south, perhaps, but not here."

    "That is all right, we can do without. The bezoar is the key ingredient for our needs." Thanking them again, he took his leave of the hunters and went to speak to the gatherers about the trio of roots they needed. As he walked, he had to smile in amusement. Here Tik thought the shark's teeth would be the easy one and the bezoar hard. Truly, life was full of surprises...

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