How the last dinosaur survived extinction

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by samheim, Feb 3, 2020.

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  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    You Honestly just sound jaded and angry in this whole little rant of yours
  2. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    No I was trying to big you up!

    I was saying, yes life is unfair.

    Look what it looks like to me is, you wanted to be a snob like that @xuli guy. You got to go to university and collect figures. Things were going well.
    you feel like you should be in the success club.
    Then life dealt you a bum hand.

    Take what you can from the transplant. I men look at it, as a learning process.

    You learn that life is not all going to the circus and eating candy floss. Life is not like on the movies where you have a perfect body and you get to go on fun dates with pretty girls.

    Life is a real kick in the balls. You can be a natural genius like me, physically strong, intelligence derived from testosterone.

    I got the lot, un yet, i was born in the wrong time, I was mostly over looked. Its frustrating, so I understand where you are coming from.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I see this thread is going downhill.
    Now i see 3 options

    1. level high: Moderate all the offending posts and try to take back the thread on a safer direction, with a constructive contribution.

    2. Level medium: delete a couple of posts and simply ask to tone down the tone of the debate. Waiting for the next escalation.

    3. Level easy: close the thread and discuss about it with the other mods.

    Guess my choice?
    Xuil, Quindominus Rex, Lizerd and 7 others like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Not sure how me telling you life experience and what I learned from the hospital and my Transplant team makes me a snob...other than me proving and saying you're wrong and you not liking that.

    I guess if I'm a snob for that...that makes you a child? Yup, a child.

    I never went to university/ college except for a few years before I left and had to work. I paid for my courses out of pocket. Your assumption of me is 100% wrong and misguided due to your own anger and whatever other issues you have going on that make you act like an angsty teenager.

    This also makes no sense to me, not sure why you are trying to give me a life lesson on something I learned years ago other than a form of deflection, cause again, you've been wrong about literally everything you have said here. You are a keyboard warrior who thinks he knows more than everyone else, when in fact you have not really lived but like to pretend you have and try to put people down when they correct you, even when that correction is done with tact and no disrespect.

    I know your type, you lash out at others because you didnt get yours, and when challenged you put them down or deflect. You reject peoples actual life experiences when it comes to the matter you claim to know so much about, especially when it contradicts what your "reading" had told you.

    "What kind of transplant, a hair line implant" says it all. Next you'll tell me you were just joking and I should lighten up

    Truth is you were proven wrong and you dont like it and your ego simply cant handle that inam actually right and know more about the subject than you claim and actually pretend to know.

    Grow up some, then come back to the adult table
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