As you a go to move, you hear the sudden crashing of the jungle. Bursting from the jungle flora comes the massive frame of a Kroxigor. He carries a skink in his jaws snapped in half from the presure, holding both halves he tears the pale skink in two. He looks to the group noting the defensive stance of all the warriors. He tosses the skink to Ilok, you notice immediately there is no blood pouring from the skink; and with the presence of the stench its clear its been dead for a while. The Kroxigor clearly not threatening the party, is given the allowance to speak to tell his side of things and his name. As he does this Ilok examines the skink, he finds that its canine teeth are much larger than the average skink, also it has bite marks on its neck, it also appeared that the color of the scales where not its natural shade, but appear to have paled since it was dead. It also carries religious symbols from an unknown god.
Xapati'tli stood in the clearing examining the group before him, they didnt smell like the one he just ripped apart. he took a more freindly stance noting their wariness of him. Xapati'tli welcomed the group and introduced himself as Xapati'tli and told the group of how he was spawned not long ago but had run away from his temple city in search of something only he explained he didnt know what that somthing was. Noticing one of the skinks examing his kill he told the skink how he had followed the little one but seeing him use bad magic to raise the others trigured his instinct to kill all evil and procedingly ripped the skink in two. Xapati'tli belly rumbled it had been a long day and all he had tasted was rotted skink
Huaroc stepped up to the towering Kroxigor, his chameleon eyes swiveling up to look upon his face. Reaching out he patted the giant on the thigh with a three fingered hand and then dissapeared into the jungle to scout the area. Huaroc agreed with the newest member of their group.
Hexec looked up at the towering Kroxigor and instantly felt happy to have another warrior on their side. He did not like fighting in the front lines too much, so another warrior that could was very welcome. He bowed to show respect to the lumbering beast and then went to sit on a branch of a tree, remaining alert to his surroundings while preparing some more javelins.
Ilok was amazed at the calmness of the great Kroxigor. After his initial fury, he came to rest. And the skink he was carrying was pretty much intact. Foul magic? Ilok thought as he examined the skink. This one was way more beastly and ferocious. Although it did not last long. The long teeth were scary, his pale skin was odd. To Ilok, it seemed this ferocity only lasted for a while, before it died of together with the Skink. The symbols intrigued Ilok, but he did not knew what they meant or to what god they belonged. Ilok thought of the matter for a brief moment. An icecold shiver went down his already cold spine. If these really were skinks, but they were more ferocious in battle; how could they be defeated? It was obvious. The mighty kroxigor could crush them. Ilok also accepted the hulking beast to the group, for he knew he would be a welcome addition. The skink priest then gave a small blessing to the skink, hoping it would not rise (again). He also blessed the kroxigor and the party. Continuing the blessing, he gazed upon the sky. But it was dark, nothing could be read. Instincts took over again. He told the group of his thoughts, something out of the ordinary due to his status. But Ilok thought this was necesarry. Then, he ordered the group to move onwards, carefully. The Hunted OOC((+2 Magic))
The rain continued making the ground very muddy, and hard to move in the downpour. Everything seemed almost gray. The group moved quietly yet slowly through the jungle. Going in the direction they perceived to be vampire coast the came upon a large bridge it had and archway the shape of a snakes hear, and the bridge itself made of stone was painted to resemble a snake. There were icons inscribed in Lustrian saying "Only Cold Ones May Pass" The group looked on it wondering if there was hidden meaning or not. The party discussed the bridge before making any rash decisions...
Huaroc, being somewhat educated in the ancient knowledge of the Old Ones awaitted the group to discuss the meaning of the inscription. He wracked his brain, trying to think of when and where he had heard that saying before...'Cold Ones.' The thought struck him suddenly, like stepping on a rake and the handle comes up to slap between the eyes! He stalked forward, exiting the mist like an etherial being. "Ancient texts describe the Guardians of the World as 'Cold Ones' " He said with a little finality.
Hexec was not an expert on magical runes and their meanings and thought it better to leave that up to Ilok. He knew that Ilok would make the best decision and waited to hear his thoughts. Hexec did wish that he had his Terradon, it would making bridge crossing a breeze.
Ax-rodriq, remembering the mighty Cold One Riders from his home in the Tomb of Gold, wondered what made these creatures so special that only they could cross. With a downwards glance at the Carnosaur egg lashed to his waist, he moved to cross the bridge.
With the heavy rain Xapati'tli truged through the heavy mud wishing he was free swimming in the rivers of the jungle. when the group came upon a strange bridge he waited anxiously to see if the group decided to cross, Xapati'tli was ever uneasy with bridges and preferred solid ground or the flowing rivers. Xapati'tli surveyed the patterns but could find little meaning in the symbols and waited to see if any of the skinks could understand their meaning.
((Phewie, I feel slooow. While in fact, it's not even thát late . Sorry for keeping you guys up!)) Ilok gazed at the bridge, it was a fenomenal sight. The saying kept him busy though. Cold Ones, he thought. Ilok knew that, compared to humans, the lustrians had cold blood. Does that make you a cold one for this bridge? Cold Ones, the ferocious creatures from the jungle and ridden by some Saurii. There were none around, and none in their party for sure! Cold ones, as Huaroc explained, are also the Guardians of the Old World. Which this party was, in a way. Ilok pondered over these options. Again. He could not find a suitable reason why they shouldn't be able to cross the bridge. They had cold blood and were guardians of the old world. Sure, they did not have Cold One beasts, but if it was this reason they may not cross; the Druchii could pass it too... Ilok ordered the group forwards, and told Huaroc to go last and Xap to be in front of Huaroc. That way, the speed of Huaroc could help break the fall, whilst the Power of Xap could bring the whole group back on surface. And the two happened to team up well in case of a fight, Ilok knew. Then, they move forward. The Hunted
As the group gets halfway across the bridge, tiny slots open in it revealing hidden compartments. From the holes slither dozens of poisonous snakes, they hiss, but move around the party harmlessly, then move back into the compartments. It seems that all lizardmen have the right to pass this bridge. The group reaches the other side of the chasm with no further incident. The begin the move through the jungles again, as the rain subsides. Marching for a while the group comes to two distinct paths. One has gold stones that can be seen placed in a seemingly random order. The other has poisonous red flowers on the sides of the path, a single barb from one of those plants can paralyze a saurus for hours. Again the group faced a decision on which path to take.
Hexec wanted to speak, knowing that his voice could be very important in their decision. "I think the flowers are the best choice, we have no need for gold and it will just lead us astray." Having said that he waited for the group to say their opinions.
Ilok listened carefully to his party, as he always did. There were his advisors, in a way atleast. Hexec made a good point, and Ilok could do nothing more but agree. Ilok asked to his fellow skinks*; can these plants be used for poison? Finally, he checked if the skies had something to tell. But there was nothing of importance to read, if anything at all. Ilok blessed the group and on they went; slowly. OOC( *: I'm asking this to my fellow skinks and the almighty Craken . )) The Hunted
Ax-rodriq looked towards the gold pieces. Since he hailed from the Tomb of Gold, he easily recognized the trap; it was likely that there was a quicksand pit, or sharpened stakes, or some other crafty trap to ensnare any greedy warm-bloods. The other path, however, looked like it would be troublesome to cross. It would take all his skill to move through the jungle without disturbing the venomous plants. However, the group had decided to take that path, and Ax-rodriq would not be the one to argue.
((I thought I had already posted this but apparently it didn't go through because I don't see it on here)) Huaroc's grip on his blow gun tightened nearly inperceptively. He's been through a lot with his balistic weapon and it was like an extension to his body. "I could scout down a path as I've done before. It would aid in eliminating a path and should I fall then only one of us would pass instead of the entire party." He offered.