AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Well then, countdown reset. But I don't get it. They have already showed Hammerhall Herald. Why wait now? At least, I will be able to run old thunderquake at least once or even twice. Finished assembly of an Engine of Gods today (it was a pain and I won't bother with gluing skinks till I paint it). Gotta show these Ossiarchs who's the boss!
  2. LordBaconBane

    LordBaconBane Well-Known Member

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    I don't know why the wait. Maybe anticipation? Not sure.
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  3. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    I'm honostly now under the impression, that we only got to see the battletome and terrain piece because of the leak. Otherwise GW seriously hates us
  4. Random Lizard
    Cold One

    Random Lizard Well-Known Member

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    The same thing that happened to sylvaneth is happening to us. Our book is stuck in a boat or plane somewhere and we won't get it till july.

    If we get it next month i'll be a happy lizard but i won't get my hopes up.
  5. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    I really don't think they expect you to buy every single army though xd probably one or two, and the more varied the range is, the more people it will attract. I get the feeling that gw is focusing a lot of energy into bringing new people in. I've never seen so many kids playing wfb than what I've seen playing aos
    Dr.Doom, BobbyHobby and Lizerd like this.
  6. inakue

    inakue Well-Known Member

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    The won't be releasing the new book until we guys buy out all the kroxigors and razordons!!! The yield! The yield!!!!!!!!
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well then they should really just tell us that. black mail only works when you know the conditions
  8. Lord Skal'terakk
    Chameleon Skink

    Lord Skal'terakk Well-Known Member

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    Guys, guys. What about: gw saw that we were disappointed by the lack of new models and they decided to finish some on-going Seraphon projects before releasing the book to have us satisfied?
    Zunhs, ńiłs, Dr.Doom and 4 others like this.
  9. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    No, but each added army is another one you need to keep track of and at least vaguely understand. For strictly gameplay reasons you need to know what each potential opponent is capable off. For lore-reasons you need to at least understand the basics of each faction, plus you need to follow the "big" stories like Nagash's activities even if you don't necesarly care for Nagash, otherwise you'l end up lost and confused.

    this is getting more and more likely to be true. Either that, or an intern was in charge of marketing for the seraphon :p
  10. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    Ok, as a young spawn, where do I find this information out in one succinct source? Or do I need to troll thru multiple Wikis for hours trying to parse it all together?
    Dr.Doom, Lizerd and Erta Wanderer like this.
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    1d4chan has most of it scroll to the botom for the other facttions and the warscrolls are on the azer app
    Dr.Doom, Imrahil and Lizerd like this.
  12. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    yeah, you're going to have to scroll through wiki's, books, white dwarfs etc. to get the full lore, and more than a very very basic understanding of what's going on. What @Erta Wanderer wanderer linked is usefull for the basic tactics of a given army. But for the lore there's virtually no coherent summary anywhere.

    Best I can do is this as a short summary of the important events affecting every single race:
    - Old world blew up
    - Sigmar floated through space, Seraphon hung out in space ships, Chaos chaos-ed somewhere, mortal races didn't really exist
    - Sigmar bumps into a giant space dragon, they become friends.
    - Sigmar creates the mortal realms, punches things, allies with varies gods, various mortal races settle under their guidance.
    - Slaanesh is captured by the aelven gods, they use her/him/it to create aelves.
    - Chaos shows up and screws stuff up.
    - Sigmar and his god-friends are petty and stop being friends
    - Sigmar throws his hammer through a portal after being tricked, Forces of "good" are defeated.
    - Sigmar retreats into Azyr, sulks & builds the SCE.
    - Chaos does its thing to the realms
    - Sigmar shows up with the SCE
    - SCE reclaim sigmar's hammer
    - Nagash decides he's insulted cuz he deserves all the souls
    - Various armies march on Nagash's capital cuz reasons (destruction's just looking for a fight, the others are trying to stop nagash)
    - Skaven stop Nagash's ultimate plan on accident cuz they're skaven and he's nagash and that's kinda what they do
    - Necroquake empowers magic, releases the nighthaunt & endless spells, mortal races attempt to deal with that.
    - Nagash sends out more Legions
    - Sigmar sends out more SCE.
    - Aelven gods are insulted cuz Sigmar used a thing they made "wrong"
    - Various dangerous artifacts, daemons etc. are released as a consequence of the necroquake & the following fighting over special vaults where said artifacts where stored.
    - Nagash decides to make bonepeople
    - Bonepeople attack Archeaon
    - Bonepeople are defeated, sorta? This is somehow still a victory according to king bone-person

    The other races I haven't mentioned eplicitly mostly just play along at the sidelines. Occasionally an important city is overrun and it turns out to contain one of those vaults or something. But by and large it doesn't really matter if that happened to be a human city that was besieged by orruks, or a chaos stronghold besieged by undead. On the whole:
    - Cities of sigmar try to stay alive in this mess
    - KO, try to make money no matter the horrors they might awaken
    - Fyrelayers, try to make ur-gold & betray everyone for it if there's the slightest promise of more ur-gold (i'm still annoyed at that short story...)
    - Sylvaneth, try to make more trees and turn everything that isn't a tree into fertilizer
    - Idoneth, try to stay alive and steal souls
    - DoK, try to ressurect khaine/empower morathi

    - Orruks: go around punching things
    - Goblins: go around punching things
    - Ogers: go around eating things

    Various chaos forces just try to corrupt everything for their respective god and/or ascend to godhood themselves.

    Undead: try to claim all the souls for Nagash, with the exception of the Flesh eater courts who do random stuff depending on what their madness tells them to do now. Resulting in some interesting alliances, with flesh eaters heroicly coming to the rescue of poor peasants. Flesh eater courts are nearly

    As for the role of the seraphon in all this, we occasionally show up in a random place and randomly join the fighting or protect some artifact or do some other nonsense the Slann deemed to be usefull.

    So that, hopefully it's somewhat usefull.

    On another note: new aelven teaser
    Dr.Doom, Nacho, Chico and 15 others like this.
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    at this point im thinking they might come out before we do
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  14. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    So, tl;dr; :p:p:p:p
    GA Order is more or less allied by rare circumstances.
    GA Death is Days of Our Lives: Undead Edition.
    GA Chaos is Who Wants To Be A Deity.
    GA Destruction is UFC meats Chopped.

    And, specifically, Seraphon are deus ex machina written across an entire race.

    And this is what I've jumped into the middle of.

    It's a sick world and I'm a happy guy! o_O
    Spawn, whatever. Time to get to work.
    Dr.Doom, ILKAIN, Nart and 11 others like this.
  15. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    If you think AoS is bad, just wait until you learn about 40k!
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    this site probaly has the most lore in one place
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  17. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    This is not allowed to be this accurate, especially destruction
  18. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    If you want more 'in lore' look at things 2+ Tough on YouTube explores the lore and the going ons fairly well.

    He just finished going over the Wrath of the Everchosen book.
    Dr.Doom, Zunhs, PadawanNinja and 3 others like this.
  19. Cuetzpal Pilli
    Temple Guard

    Cuetzpal Pilli Well-Known Member

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    This. The "tease-it-cause-they-leaked-it" theory is starting to feel like reality at this point. But if I remember correctly, didn't they say something when this happened with the Sylvaneth tome? Like they clarified there was a delay or whatnot? I hate that GW does this just to try and get ahead/own the news. Just let the leak stand and let people theorycraft/gossip about it, letting hype slowly climb over time and tease it only when your closer to the actual release. Else you just pique interests too early only to have a disheartened/less interested fanbase once you actually release the damn thing. (I say this because I believe this is what normally happens, but we are cold-blooded and patient lizards accustomed to the ever-slow grind that is the Great Plan, so we're a bit more resilient/accustomed to this ;)).

    Anyway, I definitely feel this week's pre-order announcements were lukewarmm at least for me. I honestly forgot the Banshees/Incubi had gotten new models, and I almost thought of getting the "value" box they were originally released in...then I saw the price of it lol. I'm seriously getting a little annoyed at them constantly teasing Ghazghkull without actually debuting the new mini and announcing a pre-order for it. I really hope for the sake of all you Space Orkz out there that they release something in addition to him once his preorder is announced, maybe a new SC box or something, just to make up for the constant wait/teases.

    PS: Curious, does anyone else find the new LumenLord cavalry a bit, underwhelming/generic? I like the Warden models a fair bit, but the cavalry just doesn't cut it for me (I know one reason is the wonky straightened leg on some of the 'full gallop' horses).
  20. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    Its best to make up your own canon to justify it all. Thats the only way it will make sense. I like to think the Old ones and the Chaos gods are multi-dimensional beings and they are fighting a cosmic battle and all the fantasy gods and the 40k emperors and primarchs are just pawns in this massive never ending war.

    The problem is they keep retconning the fluff every time a new writer gets a hold of it. Its almost as bad as comic books. Like I remember reading a story somewhere in the wood elves fluff about how when Alarielle was a child, her mother the then everqueen made a deal with Durthu to take her children through the tree network to saftey. It was kinda forbidden and Durthu told her there would be a price all wood elves would have to pay one day and she accepted. So Alarielle was saved. End times happened, Souls of the wood elves turned into the sylvaneth to eternally guard the woods as payment for their debt. Fast forward to now. Its all forgotten like it never happend, never mentioned again.
    Dr.Doom, Nart, Dreamkeeper and 4 others like this.

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