Looks like I find a kindred spirit in regards to music lol. I love World of Warcraft music (I would say it's some of the greatest video game music ever) and imagine dragons is great lol they do everything. Some of their songs are just weird lol but they have alot of good ones. If you want a disco song they got it, emo song, they got it, happy songs, they got it lol. And as for classical music I like too much to type up. I'm a big fan of Bach (mainly Bach's Chaconne), Beethoven, and alot of other scattered ones (lesser known)
These guys are fantastic. Check out all of their skits, particularly the airplane seatbelt light one and the "I said biiiiitch" one.
Ok so I'm giving up memes for Lent (starts this evening) so pls send as many memes as possible before then. I can browse memes on Sundays though, so keep a nice supply lol Edit: change if plans, my mom is having me give up Laziness for Lent which means excersize, though extra memes are always wanted
The reason Key and Peele didn't last very long on TV is that most of their core fans watched their skits on Youtube instead of Comedy Central. At the time time, Comedy Central could not monetize Youtube. Even now, the big media company barely have monetized Youtube. K&P have some really some really great sketches. Also some very forgettable ones. Ergo it's not that enjoyable to sit through their 30 minute show with commercial breaks. I'd rather cherry pick their sketches on Youtube... Sorry guys. You deserved better fans than me.