Discussion Lustrian Dino Ecology

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Dragvindel, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    I haven't seen a thread discussing the potential biology/ecology of our beloved Dinosaurs.
    Me being the nerd I am wanted to start one both for future campaign planning and personal indulgence lol
    Post your ideas and thoughts on how you think our dinos would hunt, where they'd live etc.
    As an example I see the Troglodon as being potentially subterranean/nocturnal.
    Given the acid spit coupled with the implied heat sense. The feelers I love the idea of bioluminescence but it's unlikely on such a big predator.
    Nazqua, Scalenex, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    For me, I always imagined there were sub species and that each species differences were also influenced by the region in which they lived.

    You mentioned Troglodon, which is perfect given my love for them.

    I agree that a sub species (possibly the most prominent) of Troglodon indeed is more subterranean and nocturnal as the lore would suggest. I however like to think there are other sub species that are neither of those.

    I kitbashed my first Troglodon a bit, taking inspiration from Kentrosaurus. I took the spikes from the Carno Thrown and put large ones on the hips and 4 medium ones on the tail. This makes my variant of Troglodon more able to defend itself in more open terrain. I imagine my Trogs to be of the Highlands, criss crossing rivers and pine forests, with open fields of green grass. I imagine them staying close to the rivers and ambushing from them and the ponds around, but also able to ambush in the forest and use its tail to fight off contenders.

    In such a forested area, being able to hear and feel vibrations might be a better way to get around than eye sight, perhaps?

    Pic below showing said Troglodon

  3. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    1st off I agree
    2nd by the old ones that's a good looking Trog! The Blues are mesmerizing tbh. And the Skink Oracle's whip is intimidating
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  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I love your idea of the sail and feelers (what I call them) being bioluminescent, I feel that plays really well into the whole being blind part and being able to attract prey or even scare off larger predators or rivals (other same sized Trogs or Carnos).

    It would also be terrifying in battle I think as the enemy. Random lights in the darkness seemingly coming and going at a whim until it's right in top of you...I feel it would be a little disorienting too.

    If ya dont mind, might borrow that from ya
    Nazqua, Lizerd and Dragvindel like this.
  5. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Feel free friend, I'm trying to find places for Sallies and Razors, Razordons I think for best in a craggy rocky region. Camouflage/compliments it's strengths
    Salamanders are much harder to place, fire sparked from venom can still light up a jungle. Any ideas?
    Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I picture Razordons, or at least one sib species more in rugged low lands, with some swamps/bogs, as one of their favorite foods are giant dragonfly. The browns and earth colors would also blend in well with forest and a rocky low land setting

    Salamanders....being aquatic I see them being near large swamp areas, possibly ones that connect to the ocean somehow? I could see them hunting the beaches where forest wouldnt necessarily be an issue. Salamanders to me are giant fire spitting komodo dragons, with the added bonus of being like a croc/alligator in the water.

    Smaller Salamanders would be able to climb trees for protection from predators and other salamanders, so them being in a forest/jungle setting makes sense, at least as a juvenile and younger before finding a "home swamp" or bayou
    Nazqua, Lizerd and Dragvindel like this.
  7. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    I can see that, in Total War they do have the aquatic quality lol.
    Now I'm picturing what kind of aquatic creatures live in Lustria
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  8. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Are Arcanadons different than Thunderlizards?
    Things are very vague, because if I'm not mistaken the Arcanadon has a model to it
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  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    They are indeed different, not sure on the lore for the Arcanadons
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  10. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Me neither, based on the model it was a sauropod but actually had sharp teeth.
    Potentially a omnivore.
    Given the name they could be resistant or have a unnatural ability to channel magic.
    Nazqua, Lizerd and Sudsinabucket like this.
  11. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    lfmzFU68DbHZApq2ZKQ066JWpUs7Ud_Vw_I4WFt8JBw.png Looking at the Model i wonder what it would look like in AOS......now I'm thinking to high in Ayzr

    (Edit was a idiot and linked 3 files)
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Food for thought on razordons because species variation is cool; razordon spine structure and size would be really awesome to see. My guess is razordons in jungles and forests would have smaller spines and be more adept at flinging them with precision and accuracy while razordons on open areas would have larger spines better suited to be flung at higher forces
  13. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    I like that, I can picture the jungle variant to be smaller and could glide with a membrane inbetween their legs
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I got another thought; maybe razordons and cold ones share a common ancestor, with cold ones opting for speed while razordons became heavier and more oriented to defense
  15. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    Maybe, Cold ones of Lustria resemble Abeliasaurids to me. With the claw structure and skull.
    Razordon I actually don't think are traditionally dinosaurs at all, more another branch of Arcosaurs from the Crocodillians.
    Kinda like Kaprosuchus maybe
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    This makes me think about Stegosaurus vs Kentrosaurus. One was larger and more open plains where the other was smaller and more forest oriented. Love your comparisons
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    I'm curious about are the more Rare creatures that navigate the Lustrian Jungles, Skies and beyond.

    As In painting a Coatl (Technically Quetzalcoatl) Model I cant help but think about them.

    How big were they? What did they eat? What was their favored hunting tactic? Did they use their magical affinity while hunting or just in defense against predators/rivals? How powerful were they actually?

    My thoughts: I picture them being Apex Predators and being among the larger creatures in both Lustria and other areas they can be found. I imagine the older ancient Coatls being upwards of 60 feet long, average adults around the 30ft-40ft, sub Adults 20ft, juveniles around 10ft and hatchlings around 5ft. I imagine their growth being slow and dangerous, as they shed their feathers fall out making it so they cant fly and lose much of their magical prowess (I imagine their magic being stored in their feathers). The feathers grow back but it takes months, during this time is when they would take to either the trees or the swamps for more terrestrial ambushing.

    I imagine they would be able to take on almost anything in their territory, save the largest Apex creatures like the Dread Saurian (though I imagine it would be an epic showdown), but I imagine they would go for more medium/Large sized dinosaurs like Parasaurolphalus and less intimidating creatures like the Stegadon. I can see them swooping down and grabbing its prey and coiling around it to squeeze it in midair either killing it by suffocation or being dropped to its death. I also see them hunting both Ripperdactyls and Terradons in the air, breaking the wings or again coiling around them while biting their jaws shut so they cant attack back. I cant decide if they would be venomous or not, possibly different sub species are, but not all of them?

    As for their magical affinity and how they used it...they're supposed to be ridiculously strong (and I believe thought to be the Avatar of Tepok) but I'm not sure how strong. I feel its primary use of its magic would be for defense or when hunting large or difficult prey. Why use something that likely tires you faster than just regular physical exertion? Or I imagine it would.

    I see them inhabiting more plains with dotted forest/jungle than deep in the jungle, at least for older adults and depending on sub species. Once adult sized not much would pose a threat so being in the open wouldnt be much if an issue, for juveniles being in the canopy of the jungle would serve as protection, this is assuming Coatls dont look after their own young...do they? Good question.
    Nazqua, Dragvindel and Lizerd like this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Would be awesome if someone sketched some anatomy stuff for razordons for sure, I'd love to see that! And for basically all the species lol
    Nazqua, Dragvindel and Lizerd like this.
  19. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    I’d be willing, what kind of sketches would you like? Maybe still frames?
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  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Perfect! However you want to do it lol was not expecting that, ha. Different poses would be nice: how they look attacking, eating, sleeping, walking, running, etc.

    Not sure how detailed or whatever you were planning to be, but would be interesting to see different sub species and how you imagine them looking.
    Nazqua, Dragvindel and Lizerd like this.

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