Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Thanking Nik'xol for his assistance, Tik carefully secured the Ginseng Root in one of his pouches before hurrying after Quas. By the time he got to the healer's space, Zuztle had Kuoteq'eko well in hand once again, and was checking the exhausted priest over for any fresh injuries. Tiqxoltiq had other thoughts in mind though. Before Quas could leave, Tik asked him to stay for a moment. While the kroxigor stood still, Tik ran a quick check on the giant saurian and frowned. "Quas, you need to get some rest. You're working yourself too hard again." Taking a look deep into his eyes, the priest frowned at the color. "You may want to drink some blood if you can find any. I think your humors may be out of balance..."
    Sudsinabucket, Nazqua, Sevesh and 2 others like this.
  2. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    "But... friends... danger... a dream happened..." - slowly and with multiple pauses to find a fitting word, or... any word Quas explained the dream he had. When he finished he sighed and asked one more question, this time with more determination - "Where... rat... blood... is?"
    Sudsinabucket, Nazqua, Sevesh and 2 others like this.
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    "Rat blood?" Thinking for a moment, Tiqxoltiq quickly decided that sending Quas down into the tunnels after the Skaven wouldn't be the worst idea. "Yes, rat blood would work. Go down into the tunnels, follow the sound of fighting. You will find rats there! Eat your fill."
    Sudsinabucket, Nazqua, Sevesh and 2 others like this.
  4. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas clapped his giant hands so loudly that a couple of Skinks jumped out of where they stood or sit frantically looking around if something happened - "I... run.. drink... rat... blooooood!". His last word turning into a battle-cry, the giant Kroxigor hit the ground with his massive tail making even more Skinks stressed. Still saying 'blood' a couple of times with a weird arousal in his voice he darted towards the tunnel entrance leaving only dust and frightened Skinks behind...
    Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua, Sevesh and 2 others like this.
  5. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Taking no notice of the foreshadowing plants Quas quickly shoved them aside with but a push, his huge feet stomping them down in a rally of sharp cracks as stem and stick groaned in both agony and in warning to the blundering kroxigor.

    Huge nostrils taking in gallons of cool, cave air Quas lunged deeper into the darkness, uncaring to what dangers and forgotten histories lay within. The thick, unmistakable scent of blood, sweat and battle heavy on the air the kroxigor was blindly lead down twisting tunnels and coiling loops of cavern flooded with stretches of deep stagnant water. The fumes of which rose up in a thin vapour to fight with the smell of blood, tainting it in such a way to only reflect the creature’s it came from but also diluting the path which led ever deeper into the sprawling tomb of stone and darkness.


    Hakal too felt the rush of combat and bloodshed’s effects surging through him. He was once again the hunter and Skaven the prey. this time however the fight was not for glory or food, the fight held holy purpose in the eyes of the old ones, a chance to rid the world of these anathema and reclaim what is rightfully owned by lizardmen alike. Death. Such a world held a tight grip of sorrow over Hakal, a sorrow that was all but forgotten at each kill of a Skaven. These vile creatures, beasts, would have no silent prayers ushered to them as their spirit was ripped forth from their body, only to then be consumed by their vile god, a god that would in time to know the wrath of the old ones.

    Now noticing the heavy stench of death lingering in the air Xolek can't help but embrace the feeling of victory, another handful of vile Skaven souls sentenced to eternal sacrifice in honour of Sotek?.. Of... Of the light.. of the stars, sky and moon? It had been too long since the oricle had felt the taste of Skaven blood in the air and felt the surge of his weapon’s plunging into accursed flesh. This cause, however righteous should not be lingered on for this skink knew both that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer but also where one pack of Skaven can be found so to will others. Scent of blood and sounds of battle would no doubt travel far, twisting and echoing down into the seemingly endless web of lost caverns and chambers, a web that hosted a spider, which as all spiders do would detect the vibrations of prey on silk…

    Putting the battle behind him Xolek strives forward in preparation, hastily preparing a field of sharp, rusted spear spikes and piled up wall’s of Skaven flesh in the tightest stretches of the tunnel to buy the group some time and alert them of other’s presence if, or when reinforcements surge fourth from the foul darkness…. These Skaven breed and fester quickly in forgotten and dark places, feeding on the evil therein... But perhaps the lizardmen could slay them faster, that was if they found the source of these Skaven incursions and silenced it.

    Ignoring any and all of the oracles tiered attempts to regroup Xiuhcoatl remains enraptured in this frenzy of battle, the frenzy of the hunt. Each and every shout almost pushes the defiant salamander further down distant tunnels in pursuit of the fleeting shadows, shadows that had no-doubt witnesses both this blessed light and slaughter… Perhaps it was not the shadows themselves but what they housed. Now with each passing moment, the rapid sound of stomping feet began to ring out from the tunnel in which the group had come from, causing all eyes to linger and wait in rapid breaths.


    A bounty of equipment and tools laid out in front of him Xahanol scrambles for a handful of small nets before his eyes settle upon a batch of trapping equipment already partnered with bags of fresh bait that stands out from the backdrop of the burnt building but also lines of handling sticks and blow darts. Almost mesmerised at the array of utensils Xahanol is suddenly interrupted by what sounds like commotion emanating from the central plaza. In the same breath, other handlers and tamers also notice in much the same way until their gazes transform into the sound of footsteps which come to fuse and strengthen with that of the forming crowd.

    (I will do a stats update Next post, unless anyone requests or needs it/cant remember previous)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As Quas runs off grumbling about the sweet, sweet taste of rat blood, Tiqxoltiq turns to the old healer and fishes out the Ginseng Root. "Okay, Zuztle, I have procured the final ingredients. Turmeric Root, Ginger Root, and Ginseng Root."

    "D-did you g-get the g-g-ginseng root blessed? It has to b-b-be b-blessed by the Starseer..."

    Blinking furiously, Tik stopped in mid-speech. Thinking it over, he let out a heartfelt groan of annoyance before shaking his head. "No, of course I did not. I had honestly forgotten about that part. I will take the root to the Starseer now."

    "G-good. While you are d-doing that, I will start the p-p-prep work on the other r-reagents..."

    As the healer set to work, Tik returned the Ginseng Root to his pouches and set off for the Starseer's tent.
  7. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    (Xolek, and others POV)
    Xlauax joined Xolek in piling up bodies at the entrance, this would make a good perimeter.

    (Xlauax POV)
    "Pile up that lumber! The Skaven are preparing to strike!", Xlauax shouted. "Scoutmaster Xlauax! They are attempting to flank us with their cursed Rat Ogres!". "Of course..... Change of plans! Make a circle of defenses around us!". "A circle! Xlauax! We will be trapped in!". "Did is stutter lieutenant? Have faith in your commanding officer, I have an idea.".
    The forces set to work constructing a perimeter all around them, the Skaven seemed quite pleased. They charged towards the Chameleons, many impaling themselves on the wooden spikes hidden in trenches around their position, their bodies piling up to allow the others to cross. The Chameleons fired as fast as the could, but the skaven were gaining fast. Yet Xlauax had a smile on his face while the others had an expression of fear. The Lieutenant thought Xlauax crazy, how could he smile at a time like this, until he saw something out of the corner of his eye. The jungle was shaking.

    A thundering sound began to grow, the rat Ogres turned around shortly before hitting the perimeter to investigate, then they saw it. Squads of Saurus Knights began to pour out of the jungle, surrounding the skaven and slaying the rat Ogres. The Skaven began to flee in terror, but could not outrun the knights. Xlauax laughed, this was the plan. "You should have more faith in me Lieutenant, the less you knew, the more arrogant the enemy grew. Not a single Chameleon lost today Lieutenant, that's the way I like it!". He patted the Lieutenant on the back before going to greet the Saurus leader.
  8. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Rhythmic beats and scratches were mounting up as the giant hands and feet hit the ground allowing Quas to move through the tunnels relentlessly like a rolling boulder. His eyes, slowly adjusting to infra-red vision, were now glaring like two flames in the ever-lasting darkness. Missing a protruding stalagmite from time to time, the giant Kroxigor turned the obstacles into rubble. His thick scales protecting his body from pain.

    It was the last possible moment when he noticed the group of Lizardmen watching him in terror as well as the Salamander he once wanted to make a dinner from. Mighty black claws scratched the rocks as Quas began to stop his furious run and ended crashing into his brother in spawn, Hakal.

    Regaining his posture the Kroxigor cook spoke in a loud guttural voice - "Tik say drink blood. Skaven blood... drink... nooow!".
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tik stifled a single sneeze and frowned as the taste of blood filled his mouth for a second. "Huh. Someone must be talking about me..."
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal suddenly felt the cave all around him twirl and spin as something crashed into him. The pain that followed was dwarfed by the anxiousness that started drowning his entire being. With fangs bared, and rage swirling in him, he got up to rend and kill whatever rat creature was upon him. Seconds passed by instantly, and Hakal realized it was no rat, but a Kroxigor. Not just any Kroxigor, but Quas himself...

    As Hakal got up, his stomach rumbling and growling. With immediate hunger obscuring most of recent memory, he joined Quas in bellowing.

    "Rat eat now!"
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
    Scalenex, Tk'ya'pyk, Nazqua and 2 others like this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Xolek exhausted by the exertion that the battle and his spell out on him the skink couldnt help but smile after the moment of panic. He thought he had heard "Rat Ogre!" come from Xlauax but realized that the Chameleon must have been having a flashback when he saw Quas barrel into Hakal. The two Kroxigors for a moment were a mess of scales, flesh and rage seeing Hakals fangs Xolek could only imagine the power behind that bite.

    Xolek continued to drag bodies of skaven towards the spear heads that he had planted into the ground from where Quas had come from. Thankfully he somehow avoided them and didnt stab himself in his giant feet. Taking a crude skaven sword the Oracle begins to hack off a leg of the stormvermin as it had the most meat tossing it to the side and motioned for Xiuhcoatl to eat it, a small flame lets out as she begins to devour it. Keeping in mind she would need to not be full for another battle, but knowing she also needed to eat as she was still growing.

    Quas, does Tik know we are down here? Do you know if more come?" He asked the newcomer

    Looking around Xolek surveys as much as he can in the darkness, but cant see much. Feeling the tunnel walls he notices a loose stone, as if it was hiding something. It must have came loose over the millennia that these tunnels had been here, seemingly in neglect for the last how many centuries they hadn't been used...

    Was this what this party of Skaven were looking for? Or was it an ancient trap? Xolek treaded carefully as he started to see if he could loosen it more
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
  12. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas looked at the oracle processing the questions slowly while sounding something along - "Yyyyyy..." - he tasted each word like a very good meal and then responded - "Tik send here. Feel... bad. Blood... make... feel... good. Tik speak make good... blood drink... good... rat blood good and here lot rat..."
    The Skink interrupted the speech hitting ground with his tail showing his impatience then asked the second question again - "Do you know if more come?".
    The Kroxigor's eyes widened as he fought with his mind to switch from one question to another and then answered - "Mhmmm... no lizard come..." - then he raised his clenched fist to the height of his chest pointing it with his thumb - "I come!". He then reassured and raised his posture, whipped his giant tail and asked - "Can eat live rat here?"
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Raising his own fist he hit his own chest in a gesture of respect and then slightly bowed to Quas, "Your presence is most welcome great warrior and cook"

    Looking at the struggling Skaven who now looked on at the towering Kroxigor in terror Xolek nodded, "though they may not taste very good, and who knows what else. I am sure your stomach can handle it though" The skaven screeched as his broken leg would not allow him to run away, it was as if a hunt in the jungle took place, the wounded prey looking at the predator hoping for pity...but they would get none

    Xiuhcoatl looked towards the Kroxigor and then the skaven and licked her lips, and then went back to the half eaten leg she had been feasting on

    Xolek looked on as Quas closed in on the helpless half starved slave....
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His near molten scales rapidly cooling thin slices of obsidian steam flake away and enter the cold cave air for mere seconds before they disperse and become lost forever, in a much similar way to both the purposes and knowledge locked deep within this sprawling domain of the damned.

    Xolek-Zi's obsidian scales now dared to even challenge this all-consuming darkness in both navy tinted colour and depth now having been reborn anew, any impurities having been shed away in such a way that could only reflect that of a snake…

    Kneeling down Xolek swiftly strikes onto the nearby slave's leg. Immediately the impact of weak energy quickly overcomes the brittle, helpless defences of the Skaven's bone instantly breaking the creatures leg. A rally of rasping squeals rattling out, the slave’s eyes begin to lose colour with every surge of pain whilst its fur sizzles and stings in a light rain of obsidian embers.


    A thin stream of images warp and twist Xlauax’s vision as he calls out to the walls and air, his words tripping over each other as they spiral out. The mirage projected fourth by his own mind soon however begins to wax and wane, the sudden sound of a Skaven's screeches being all that is needed to break the chameleon out of the trance and to return him to this cruel and uncaring reality, a reality he must endure, not for himself… but for Qul’toq. For the great plan.

    Ears ringing the sound of screams pierces into Xlauax’s skull, the tortured tone and pitch unearthing a host of memories the chameleon had tried so hard to forget and bury. No creature, No matter how vile, how corrupted deserved to even endure a taste of what Xlauax’s soul had come to know…. Snapped back to reality the skink quickly grasped both Pain and Justice before striding over to end the slave before it was forced to suffer in even a second more of this.

    Unaware of Xlauax in his entirety Quas looked down at the squirming meal presented in front of him, his and Hakal’s words inspired by a true hunger only a kroxigor could know bounced around the cave’s wall’s in a series of echoes. Simultaneously a trickle of beaded saliva dribbles down from Quas’s gaping maw, its ‘Drip Drip Drip’ becoming interwoven with the forever present cave ambience. Drawing in closer Quas can smell the scent of fear pulsing from the Skaven with each beat of its rapid, shivering heart. Quas’s Teeth now strike down in a merciless, painful arc. They were, however, mere seconds too late.

    Drip Drip Drip.. No creature, No matter how vile, how corrupted deserved to even endure a taste of what Xlauax’s soul had come to know… Xlauax’s blades now strike down in a clean, forgiving arc. They were, however, mere seconds too late.

    Within a blink of an eye Xiuhcoatl slithers forward in a flash grabbing the slave in a clamp of fishhook teeth. Clutching her prize the salamander quickly darts further away from the group of lizardmen as she prepares to feast.

    The sound of frenzied shrieks flying into the darkness Xolek turns his attention away from the squabbles and to the nearby wall. Hand resting on what seems like a loose cobble, boulder or brick the skink claws away at the substantial layers of gravel encrusted mud and earth that had claimed the stone beneath as its own, a testament to the sheer amount of time these caverns had rested here disturbed only by the footsteps of the corrupted.

    Now able to loosen free larger chunks of more solid rock the oracles raw and burning hands manage to reach the surface of what seems like a large stone block, its smooth surface contrasting with that of the rough, jagged and bare earth. A perfect paradigm showing the raw disorder that is the world, that is the unworked raw rock fighting the structure that is the slit and carved brick, that is the lizardmen empire. Continuing further with a spark of vigour Xolek applies the slightest bit of pressure onto the stone block which causes it to slide gently further into the wall propelled by the thin film of moisture that clings to the bricks surface, gnawing away at its perfectly carved symmetry...
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It is but the trip of moments for Tik to bring the Ginseng Root to the Starseer's temporary quarters. Waiting his turn, he spoke to the Saurus in charge of guarding the Starseer, requesting an audience. That done, he found a place to sit and rest while he waited to be seen.
  16. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Quas stood disgruntled and confused after his jaws tasted only thin air instead of a raw, living meat as well as almost being decapitated by a crazy Chameleon Skink. "Eat you!" - he growled only for his attention to be drawn to the wall opening another Skink made a short while after...
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Looking at what he had discovered Xolek without looking at the group yells out, "someone go get a priest, I think they might want to see this" after seeing the paradigm and what he thought to be the Lizardmen empire. He then pushes the stone block as far in as it can go before that causes the wall to vibrate, loose soil falls to the ground, Xolek steps back to look at what had been revealed as he was unsure of his finding. As fresh soil fell away from the wall Xolek noticed a small Hieroglpyh of a winged serpent with a tri split tail in the bottom corner of whatever was being shown to him.

    Xolek called out to Xiuhcoatl to return to him, the skaven not being much of a meal she was probably done by now or done enough.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Huzzah! A post! *much cheering ensues*

    After several minutes, the guards allow Tiqxoltiq to enter the Starseer's quarters. Briefly, the exhausted, injured priest explained why he had come and brought out the ginseng root. For some time, the Starseer regarded the root as if it were a particularly interesting relic before making up his mind. Gathering a trace amount of magical power, he bestowed his blessings and the blessings of Sotek upon the root, causing it to sparkle for a brief moment.

    That done, Tik bowed in thanks and backed out of the room before spinning on one heel and heading back to where Zuztle was working on other preparations...
  19. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Muscles still burning and breaths still fast from the combat Xolek Shoves into the huge brick, Despite being a skink his strength was more than enought overcome the little resistance the eaten away, mud encrusted walls gave. Almost sliding backwards as if guided by some other force the brick suddenly topples inward revealing a dark opening into some sort of chamber, room or corridor filled only by shadow and the echoing sound of stone crunching on stone which reflected the feeling of latent unease that hung in the thick, stale air hanging within.

    Taking a step back his muscles to tense up as Xolek’s eyes strain to look through both the darkness and clouds of dust that smother the air. Already on edge senses, tingle as any faint light seems to attract and highlight a faded series of hieroglyphs carved into the chambers interior wall forming the shape of a what looked like the feathers of a winged serpent which stretched along the wall’s as if wrapping around the uncovered chamber.

    Almost leaning his head into the gap opened up in the wall the oracle can now see the hundreds, no thousands of precisely drawn and lined up characters which are bent and arranged to create the image when viewed from afar. With all concentration devoted to it Xolek can begind to decipher if but a fraction of the ancient saurian

    Al -/- the --/-s to howl are requiem- -/- -// dri- of acurs/d blo/d to chant-/- -/- ban-/er’
    ‘All--/- the -/- se/rpe/-nt t/ -/--// -/-- on-/ m-/-re under bur-/ng sky.’
    ‘All-ow/ prod-/ious sa/-af-ce to cleanse -/-- soul/ a-nd mi/d'

    His mind almost humming with thought the skink can begin to place together a series of words, each and everyone among the sea of hundreds causing his heart to beat a little quicker.

    Calling out in a voice made harsh by battle and thirst Xolek attempts to summon Xiuhcoatl to him, however, his calls remained unyielding as the beast continued to revel in the chaos, its wild, uncontrollable instincts starting to strain on the bond between the two. Meanwhile, both kroxigor;s and the other skink’s attention is drawn to the commotion and sound emanating from Xoleks direction.


    Upon entering the chambers Tikxoltiq’s name was called out by Zuztle almost immediately, despite the healers one eye and terrible vision it still seemed he could somehow detect those he was looking for with almost supernatural talent. Approaching hastily Zuztle quickly grabs the blessed root from the priest’s hand and places it with the others seconds before bringing it up to his nostrils with shaking hands and drawing in a long smell.

    ‘Y-Yes yes that will d-do. I-t it smells s-saturated ripely with magic..’

    Current Stats, Equipment, Effects and other such notes:

    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1.5(-1.5) I0 A1 Ld6. 1 skill points, 4 battle, 0 Strength
    Weapon/tools: Mining pickaxe
    Hyenadon Necklace: (Item)

    - Description: A small crude string of bloody canine teeth Mixed in with two preserved hyaenodon Paws still covered in serrated claws. (Crafted)
    - Effects:

    +6% Accuracy against BEASTS.


    2x Basic Bandage (Consumable)
    - Description: Woven from thin layers of stripped bamboo and other plant fibres these types of basic bandages can be easily made or bought, crudely fulfilling their role as shabby dressings and plasters.
    -Effects: (During or After combat)
    Decreased chance of disease
    Bleeding temporarily reduced
    50% Chance to regain the receiver with 0.1 Wound.

    Active effects:
    (Recovering from stun)

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic
    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe

    1x Fireroot (Consumable),
    -Description: Found all across Lustria these elusive and rare plants can be found usually at the base of withering trees. Said to be born of Chotec, these root like plants suffocate and cut off a tree’s supply from its roots, effectively killing it in a burning iron grip. Once collected and ground into a fine powder, the ember like particles of this plant can be ingested, providing the user with waves of fresh heat, energy and aggressiveness.
    -Effects: (Duration: 10 Minutes)
    +Cold resistance
    10% Chance of an additional battle point.


    + 1 X Quetzl Grass (Consumable)
    - Description: Blazing like battle’s fury and Quetzl’s ever-watchful protection This supposedly blessed grass is resistant to all forms of plant disease and denies the wind even the ability to move its stoic blades, each one like the sharp end of a sword or spear. Made up of thick, fibrous strands interweave with each other like a shield this chewy grass is usually boiled or cut down into a form of tea before use.
    When ingested a strange feeling is induced upon the user first instilling a resilient resistance to pain before providing them with seemingly unnatural reserves of strength and vigour whilst also helping to stimulate and bolster the user's abilities with their weapon, almost guiding strikes towards vulnerabilities and weak spots in the enemies defences
    - Effects: (Duration: 1 Minute)
    20% Chance to regain a battle point after using one.
    +1 Toughness
    +1 Strength
    +1 Weapon Skill

    + 1 X Dusk shadow (Material/Consumable)
    - Description: Elusive and r
    are, these renowned mushrooms are known for their deadly toxins. Hiding in the shadows and shade of trunks or caves the arrival and of these mushrooms often predicts and prophecies the soon death of the healthy tree, or even whole grove they Leetch off.
    Known to be carefully
    collected Dusk shadow’s renowned toxin can be refined and diluted into an undoubtedly potent tranquillizer that if ingested or admitted to the bloodstream can cause the recipient to fall unconscious within near minutes. If otherwise received in two high of an unrefined dose they risk falling into the never-ending slumber of death or even worse lapse into an unending Coma of twisted delirium.
    - Effects:
    Requires processing to be used.
    Contact, inhalation, Digestion should be avoided.


    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:

    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.

    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.

    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.5 I0 A2 Ld6. 0 skill points, 1 battle, 1 Strength Weapon/tools: Meat cleaver
    Talon of fangs (Item/Weapon)
    -Description: Created by a skilled and old skink artisan this trusty weapon is yet to taste its first battle, the malicious and serrated series of fangs and blades that protrude from the fist frame thirst for a drop of blood
    - Effects: -50% Range (Just means that using this weapon will significantly lower the user's effective strike range compared to that of a spear or traditional weapon). +10% Critical chance against small foes.


    0x Hyaenodon pelt (Destroyed by fire)

    Active effects:

    M4 WS1 BS1 S2 T1 W0.65 I3 A1 Ld4. 0 Skill points, 1 Battle, 0 Magic ,1 Beast handling.
    (+1 Exahusted state)

    Weapons/tools: Carnosaur tooth, Crude whip, Sacrificial dagger (Lost), Blowpipe

    Beasts Charm: (Item)
    - Description: This small metallic charm of mysterious origin is bent into the shape of a sharp dog like paw inside a small curved moon, the paws claws sharp enough to draw blood and the moon almost luminous with a strange, ghostly glow
    - Effects:
    +5% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.


    Silver scale: (???)
    - Description: Thirsting for magic this scale gently pulses with silver light, bathing all those near it in a sheen of luminosity so similar to that of the stars and moon.



    1x Hyenadon meat (Consumable)


    4x Hyenadon claws/teeth (Material)


    1x Fates Felicity (Consumable)
    - Description: This rare emerald pink fine powder is known to be the pure extract of The lesser emerald lotus, Supposedly one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in all the jungle. Many creatures are often attracted to its strange scent where they stand mesmerised by the huge flower suspended on a thin pad that gently drifts on the water. Some legends even go as far to say that the animals attracted to it often wade too deep into the swamp waters in a trance, resulting in their untimely demise. The Emerald Pools of Itza teem with many beautiful and rare water lilies such as this one…
    - Effects: (Duration: 3 Minutes)
    +3 Initiative
    +1 Skill point


    1(-1)x Blue Paradise (Consumable)
    - Description: Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills the air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding mainland, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.
    - Effects: (Duration 10-20 Minutes)
    -3 Initiative


    1x Sunray Flower (Consumable):
    - Description: Thought to be a blessing of Chotec onto this world, these plants flower a beautiful red-orange with white accented flower. Naturally gives energy to those affected allowing faster strikes or faster dodging, this is a flower Xolek uses before battle, a ring of smoke dancing around him as he does a ritual dance that soon turns into a fury of obsidian. They grow on trees as their vines stretch upwards, strengthening the bark it touches.
    - Effects (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +3 speed
    +20% Chance to dodge incoming attacks.


    2x Purple Moon (Consumable)
    - Description: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near riversides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often covet by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavour from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.
    - Effects: (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +1 Magic point
    -10% miscast chance

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:

    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.5 I4 A1 Ld(Intimidated) 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic (1 Impaired state)

    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    Active effects:
    - Due to the nature of your injury, you may only use one arm.
    - Your character is currently intimidated
    - +0.1 Wounds, Wounds healing.

    Spells Unlocked:

    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.

    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.

    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. 3 skill points, 0 battle, 1 blend
    Weapons/tools: 2x Druchii dagger, Darkshard crossbow.

    1x ?Crystalline fragment? (Item)

    Active effects:

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  20. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    The towering Kroxigor strode towards Xolek's direction. Ignoring the chaos the Salamander made near him as he already unloaded his frustration upon the fiery animal. Pausing for a short moment he asked if the Skink needs any help in dismantling the wall. His curiosity clouding his hunger only for a short while he now stared hungrily at the frozen eyes of the freshly killed Skaven laying near Xolek's feet.

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