Quick Coronavirus comment. People are already starting to act a little crazy in the Midwest of the USA. I work for a big box store (that shall remain nameless for now). We sell (among other things), tools and safety gear. Dust Masks. We have been consistently out of them for 3 weeks now. A shipment comes in, it is sold out less than two hours later. Mostly to people panicking about the virus. Contractors are SCREAMING at us because we have no dust masks that they need to do their jobs. We're also seeing shortages on lots of imported product at the moment. Don't know if this will influence anyone on anything, and I'm not trying to spread any kind of panic, but to be on the safe side I decided to stock up on canned food just in case supply issues crop up. That said, I think people are a little too ready to assume the worst about the virus. I don't think it is going to turn out to be as bad as people fear it will.
So is the corona virus a skaven attempt to delay the old ones plan and the upgrade of seraphon? Also ive played competitively with dread saurian hes great at camping your own objective and protecting itt from danger, go with him defensively!!
Now, imagine to live in Italy like me, and multiply your current craziness by an order of magnitude. For a Flu. The few dead here were basically all old men with previous different health problems. But schools, theaters and museums are all closed. I cannot wisit my cousins, despite the fact that the road trip is far more Dangerous. At least with a new battletome i would have something to read...
Regarding dread saurian - its size just kill him. It should have some kngiht-like rule, which virtually gives it fly, when he retreats and allows it to charge again. Or have a pseudofly to move through terrain and models freely, because it's so large, that just ruins everything on his way and enemies or allies step away in fear, when it is close. And his warscroll doesn't match modern standards too. It is 20 pts cheaper than Vampire lord on Zombie Dragon and 100x worse. Attacks are just too random. It is smalamander pack, but in melee. One unlucky fail or lucky save and 6 damage are wasted. I'd prefere high rend with lower damage, because current one makes it just a horde killer. It would be good enough, if it would be more survivable, but 3+ save with 16 wounds is a joke. It is basically Nagash, but can deal damage only in close combat. The killing blow is that it is neither saurus, nor skink, which even further limits it's synergies in an army that works through synergies. I doubt, however, that there will be any scroll changes, but it can benifit from our allegience abilities, who knows. And this could make it at least more playable.
COVID-19 is not scary and i am not scared of it. Unfortunetly my grandmother (really old), my halfbrother (4yrs old and prior health problems) and my stepmom (Current health problems), i worry about.
Just go down to the army fluff page, that should keep anyone entertained for days as for the dread Saurian, it’s so big how about some ability where it could level smaller terrain pieces! It would be kinda cool to have a massive living wrecking ball ploughing through the field
GW doesn't do surprise pre-orders anymore. Which is honestly a good thing.... I do not miss the days of being blindsided by am army book/model release.
I will be a judge on a local 40k tournament tomorrow and will be free just by the pre-order announcment time. At least, I won't have time to wait.