this is how it feels to be a true servant of Sotek. To want the blood of our enemies flooding into our altars!
Hey guys, should we put together a volunteer group of more experienced players to update sections of its a decent resource and who better to fix it than the oldones themselves!
I don't think it's needed to recruit people here, it's seems to be active enough, most of the other ones got updated fairly quickly when something was actually released.
I appreciate that there is a long history with this army that precedes me and was hoping that the would be a version of this army that had flesh and blood lizard men for those that missed it. That being said, I'm new to aos, and I thought it was so awesome that these guys were memories so powerful that they took physical form from starlight. It is what drew me to the army in the first place. I hope that version of the lore is not wholly expunged add it seems to be from the article, with suspended animation filling the gap between end times and spawning pools rather than memory magic. I guess I always have the option of going off in my own direction and having a rogue Slann driven mad by the loss of his servants who remembers them into being for comfort (and to kill stuff). Oh well, I guess we'll see.
Well, that page is, for a good part, a copy and paste of many tactical threads of this forum. We're even credited for it. In the moment we'll develope the updated tactics for the new battletome (in which i will surely take part), no doubt d4chan will follow us.
yeah, it's a shame they're apparently completly doing away with the memory bit. It was rather unique, and imho kinda interesting. It's a shame they seem to have completly dumped it in favour of just "they're super magical from being in space for ages, hence mere mortals think they're not of flesh and blood". Imho, a combination of memories & physical ones would be most interesting. Now it's just physical ones, and physical ones in space.
Yeah, why couldn't the Starborne be memory daemons and the coalesced be the real ones? I do think it's easy enough to interpret the Starborne being made from spawning pools and "suffused in the magic of Azyr" (the heavens) as meaning something along the lines of what you and I are thinking, but it is a bit of a stretch.
We don’t know what summoning will be fluffed as yet. It may be that only those summoned by the Slann are ‘memories’, which I’d be perfectly okay with!
Unfortunatly the summoning has definitly been fluffed as " they sit around in space a lot, and thus mortals mistake them for magic"
I always felt like the notion that they are "remembered into existence" to leave room for doubt. I saw it as GW's trademark ambiguity (to give them time to come up with something), which makes their settings cool. It was a subjective impression, even if it wasn't written as the voice of a mortal on the ground. I like it when GW does that, so I don't mind that they've basically said "that's just what it looks like, but they're physical."
So, I'm guessing it's safe to say that changes in lore are 100% dependent on the direction GW is taking the overall AoS story in, and in no way with player feedback? I ask because IIRC, when AoS was first introduced and the Seraphon were announced as "good daemons," GW got a bit of flak for it. Wonder if this is them course-correcting (or over-correcting IMO)...but deep down, I know this is just them pushing the overarching story forward and for verification of new rules changes...*shrug*
It could go the other way too I guess. You could flip things and saying that how they are described is an attempt to explain something much more magical, ie. being remembered into being. In that way it is flexible which is cool.
Yeah, I don't believe their fluff has any purpose beyond selling more models. Which isn't to say that GW hasn't put out some good content. So it could be that the backlash had an effect. It is likely just to justify the rules changes to their units, or help continue the arch of the Soul Wars? I thought them being deamons of order was neat. It put Slann on par with Chaos Gods. It also removed the abstraction of chaos and order and put them both into literal terms.
It could be that through the act of remembering their servants of old that the Slann were able to rematerialize them. They are called the coalesced.
So couple things I picked up on in the lore article. Says some work with the free cities. Possibly able to cities of sigmar as allies Also the subfactions being Constellations didn't the original rumour last year say that? Fairly obvious guess though