I believe that the new subfactions will be locked depending on which type of lizards you play, such as the Starborne get 3 and the coalesced have 3. So I suggest we wait and see exactly what we get before we make any great plans
As someone who played Greentide orks in 40k 7th edition (which sucked majorly). I would run that. Is there a rule of three in age of sigmar or is that just 40k?
Pardon me for not understanding. But doesnt it show that spears always outperform clubs in this setup? 4.4 vs 5 5.6 vs 6.7 6.7 vs 8.9 Or is that what you meant and do I misinterpret the sentence “still a little reason”?
Oops! Yeah, still a little no reason. Thanks! They now become a little bit better, considering rend and +1 Jaws, so maybe I will try a 20 SW with clubs for a test run. Maybe they're now even a good alternative for Guards in small games, such as Meeting Engagement. But still - spears are better than clubs.
I still feel that list shouldn't include knights The main advantage the rend for clubs brings is that 10 man units of saurus are now actually usefull. It's nothing amazing, but now a MSU of saurus can actually fight a msu of say liberators and do more than scratch the paint on their armour. Also, it opens up the possibility of bringing a couple of 20 man units with clubs. It has a small enough buffer that they become a very attractive target to quickly knock of some wounds to reduce their effectiveness significantly. Allowing them to soak up damage more reliably. And since they're so easy to knock off you might as well stick with clubs as they're unlikely to keep their double ranks for long.
Pretty close to what I expected. Glad to see the actual numbers though. Thanks for taking the time to run sims.
No rule of 3. Instead there is a separate set of limits. At 2kMPP you can only bring 6 Heores, 4 Behemoths, and 4 Artillery. You must include 3 Battleline and at least 1 hero.
Wow, I've done another little test. 10 SW with clubs are quite good now. Against Liberators (with shields, reroll 1s on save). New SW - clubs Jaws (+1 attack for ability) 3,43 dmg combined. Almost 4 dmg from attack with clubs and jaws against 4+ save and reroling 1. Impressive. And let's take a look at old SW. Old SW - clubs Jaws - 1 attack only 2,08 dmg combined. Liberators either lost 2(new SW) models in their 5 man squad or 1(old SW).
well ya 1 to 1 clubs have always been better but thats not the problem biger then 10 you still need to get every one in
Yeah, I know. But it's more of a overall performance of a new SW, rather than solid info on theirs dmg output.
Its funny to watch the contrast of this forum and my friends reaction to the anouncement. Have a friend who plays sylvaneth who thinks our new rules are super broken
they aren't (yet) a few are good a few are bad there is potential for broken shenanigans but nothing so far over all we are sitting in the fat middle