Scum and Villainy on the high seas!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by strewart, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Scum and Villainy Rules!
    Aim of the game:
    There are various background settings to give them game more character and allow roleplaying, but essentially the aim is the same; figure out who the assassins are and remove them to save the innocents! Or if you are an assassin, keep suspicions away from yourself and try to kill all the innocents.

    How to play:
    While this is not strictly a roleplaying game, you should get in character. The more you post, the more fun it is. Chat to other people, develop a personality for your character, and watch other people closely. Anyone could be an assassin, so keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour and discuss whatever you may see with others to gather suspects. During each day, make a vote for someone in order to try to have them executed from the game on suspicion of murder. To vote, in a different colour or bold, write
    Vote: Name
    Of the person you are suspicious of. Excluding Day 1, you must vote for someone every day. I give sufficient warning of when each day will change that there should be no excuse for taking the 30 seconds to vote for someone. Miss two votes and you are removed from the game. You can avoid this if you are going to be away by letting me know in the thread or via PM the dates you will not be here.
    Remember, assassins will also be discussing suspects and voting. It requires a 50% overall majority to execute someone.

    When you die, either by vote or assassin, you can no longer post in the thread until the conclusion of the game.

    How the Days will work
    Every game day will last 4-5 real life days. I will try not to end a day on a weekend which is where the fluctuation may come in. During my updating post for each day, I will make it clear how long the game Day will go for, you need not worry about timezones just look at the time my post was made (should be in your own time) and count forward how many days I say it will go, and you have the exact end time. It may vary by a few hours depending on when I update.
    There will be no time allocated to night, since the assassins make their marks during the day. When I update, it will be night in terms of the story for the killings, then play will continue from the next morning.


    Assassins: The main bad guys. These will have a way to mark innocents for death, and will post as normal. They will know each other’s identity, and be able to communicate via PM. Each day they will also PM me the name of someone in the game who ‘sees’ them at night, and thus gets 2 votes for the next day. Assassins cannot choose themselves, and in the case of two people named the first will be chosen. The two vote person will be revealed when I count the votes.

    The Elements: This game’s version of disease. Essentially another assassin working independently, if his target is the same as one of the assassin’s then the assassin will die.

    (Depending on numbers, I probably won’t let too many people die per night. It will come down to me rolling a dice for which hits are successful.)

    The Knight-Marshal: This is the investigator of the game. No one knows who this person is except them, which of course means anyone can try to pretend to be them. The Knight Marshall marks a suspect. I will then tell them whether that person is evil or not! It is then their job to convince the others to vote for the assassins without revealing to the assassins who they are or they are sure to get killed. Be subtle, don’t just appear to blindly vote for your suspect.

    The Witch-Doctor: Every day this person can choose (again in secret) to heal any player they want including themselves. The person they choose is immune to assassinations that night, and immune to being killed by voting during the following day. I will mention the saved person in updates, but not the saver.

    This thread will act as the game thread, and the game starts as of now. It is day 1, simply post in here and you are in the game automatically. Day 1 will last exactly 7 days from the time of this post, during which time I will PM roles to people and explain in more detail how they carry out their role.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Well, I have completely rewritten the rules and made it a lot clearer and more concise, still fairly long though.

    Anyway, no being locked in a castle this time! The setting is a ship, sailing from the Empire to Lustria in search of treasure and fortune. However, Lustria is not without its spies and allies, and there are people who seek to stop the ship reaching its destination.

    It is now Day 1
  3. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    I'll start this off, and if I'm doing something wrong I'm sorry but the light bulb is floating above my head, and I gotta start writing!

    Lybithian started across the deck of the swaying ship. Something in the very dark corners of his mind stirred, it was almost as if he shouldn't be here. He had witnessed a many times people return from this far off jungle realm called Lustria rich beyond comprehension. But that isn't what terrified him. Usually when a group of people would leave for Lustria, only a handful would return. And if one were to question the survivors, all they would get in return is, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Am I right in doing this? Will I come back alive? He thought. He not only was nervous about the monstrosities in the jungles, but the greed of the people on the ship. He knew it was only a matter of time before people suddendly started dying, and everyone was to blame. This would happen because of a greed for gold. Less people, more for someone. And then suddendly someone else would die because they would be accused of the original killer. He must be prepared and not trust anyone. It was time to survive.
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Gawain was a soldier in the Empire army. But not your ordinary soldier, Gawain had a tic.
    The man could (and would!) juggle with anything he can lay his hands on. He prefers knives, though.
    But chairs do just as well!
    Gawain was a huntsmen. He would scout and report back, and in battle he would harass the enemy.
    Though, usually, in battle most enemies would simply laugh at Gawain's tricks and ignore him. This would angry Gawain and sometimes it would send him into a battle/juggle frenzy. The man would pull knives and other stuff to throw from everywhere.
    On an average day, Gawain would carry about 27 knives on him. At all times. Most of the time of that average day, 6 of those knives will be in mid-air.

    This was nothing more than an average day; Gawain was juggling his knives around deck.

    The Hunted
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ronan was a tracker back on the mainland, he and his trusty dog Solum, hunted and killed enemies of the empire. Very skilled was he that he was asked to come on the expedition to Lustria, to make sure they didn't get lost in the dense bush. He came, with a price, but he was exited for the mission. He was however not thrilled to be on a boat, neither was Solum, the two were uneasy on water, land was where they were at home. Ronan also wasn't a fan of all the unsavory looking folks aboard this ship; and the way Solum whined and growled didn't ease his emotions neither.

    He sighed and moved to the edge of the ship with Solum, watching the waves, and looking for land.
  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Eithon Shadowvale was a Shadow Warrior, who was requested by the captain of the crew to venture to Lustria with them. He had visited Lustria once before, and only him and his fellow Shadow Warriors had escaped death at the hands of the Lizardmen. Knowing that his knowledge of Lustria would be crucial to help the crew survive, he had accepted the challenge and was assigned his quarters. He sat there now, staring out into the sea, wondering exactly what waited ahead.
  7. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Robin was a soldier from Kislev. Foolish and hasty he didn't always think things through properly, so he found himself on a boat heading towards Lustria, and most possibly his own death. None the less he didn't care, as long as he could get his hands on some gold he'd be happy.
    At all times he was carrying a small white towel around his waist. When someone asked him why he would say that it's necessary when you travel around and is a valuable tool, upon where this someone would ask him if there was anything beyond all the other things he must have that he may have lost or otherwise could use.
  8. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    Lybithian leaned on the deck of the rocking ship, staring out across the ocean. He had been remembering his past life, and remember why he was here. He had been a noble from Bretonnia with much wealth and power. He was strict on the common goings and fierce on those who disobeyed him, but was not a cruel leader. After being allowed drink from the cup of the fabled Lady of the Lake, Artex ran into some trouble. When he returned to his castle, he found it besieged by a goblin raiding party. Sneaking back inside the castle through the secret entrance, he mustered his knights and laid waste to the goblins with a glorious charge, the exhiliration of combat and the charge was incredibly addicting. After defeating th Goblin raiding party he had to order many repairs around his castle and the outlying towns. The raiding party had done more damage than he thought. This required more gold than he could afford to spend on his tight budget so he loaned gold from a fellow Lord. Now, not having enough to pay him back in the alloted, Artex was aboard this damn ship, on some treasure hunt to regain his title as Noble. It was his duty to his people to return with the money, no it was his duty to Bretonnia that he returned alive and rich.
    He walked over to his trunk and equipped his leather armors he had brought with him, but under his shirt and breeches, to avoid suspicison. After that he strapped his sword that had been his grandfathers to his belt. He had to survive this journey, and he knew he could mentally take anything that came his way, but physcially, this would have to be proven in hand to hand combat with his assailant.
  9. lizardninja
    Temple Guard

    lizardninja New Member

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    Colthan was a soldier from the empire traveling to Lustria for the gold GOLD!
    Colthan came out of his rooms onto the deck and thought "nice day to start this long journey to Lustria although some people will stop at nothing to stop this expedition."

    ((OOC are we going to be PMed if we have a role))
  10. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Cairn Morentz had been a sailor since birth, with a talent for the fiddle and the kindness to entertain his shipmates with a tune as they hauled ropes and weighed anchor and furled the sails and all such seafaring activities. They fled from combat less often because of this :p
  11. crimsontide

    crimsontide New Member

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    Crimsontide woke up in the belly of the ship surrounded by crates of food and supplies. He thought groggily *Where am I? I must have been drinking last night? Where in the blazes am I now?* Little did Crimsontide know that in his drunkenness last night he signed up for an expedition to Lustria. Crimsontide, coming from a poor family with horrible drinking habits, had enrolled with the thrill of adventure that any good pirate had; for Crimsontide's profession (though he hardly seems like one) is a pirate. Crimsontide plunders the seas in his sloop of war. Recently, Crimsontide has been helping the Empire by killing any marauders. Though Crimsontide doesn't sound fearsome, some wonder why had Crimsontide gotten the nickname Crimsontide, if in fact he wasn't fearsome? You see Crimsontide is only a nickname. But how did he get his nickname? He's never told anybody. But rumors and names spread from facts and events.

    Crimsontide wakes up. Feel groggy. Looks around. Wonders where he's at. What's with the rocking? Am I on a boat? Wait?! Last night! I remember.... O SH%^ WHAT THE F^&* did I do! I don't want to go to Lustria! Only the foolish or the extremely brave go there! I"m sure not one of those! O MY GOD! Well, I guess I better find out what I'm supposed to do. As much as I don't want to be here. I signed up and gave my word. I'm a pirate. I keep my words! ARGH! *Heads off out of the cargo hold and onto the deck to find out his duties.*
  12. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Revered_Guardian (were supposed to keep our own names I think, to avoid confusion) climbed down from the crow's nest, walking across the bow towards the front of the ship...there, far off, lay the land of lustria.

    Slowly but surely the sailor raised his hand towards the great scar covering the left half of his face...there were creatures unlike any other was they that had almost taken his life so many years ago...

    "Beware my comrades!" He screamed, turning to adress his fellow sailors...he was one of the only veterans on board....he had to tell them of the dangers of lustria!

    "This is no ordinary jungle we travel too lads! No! There is treasure beyond your wildest imaginations, yet I doubt a single one of us will survive the journey unscathed. The land is filled with roaring beasts, all capable of killing a man in a single bite, whether by poison, or swallowing him whole!"

    "But the beasts are not the only dangers of the jungle lads! I've seen the strongest men fall ill with the many diseases that infest the cursed land! There the sand can swallow a man whole...."

    Once he began to saw the terror creep upon several of his fellows faces he continued.

    "Yet these are not the most dangerous things in the jungle lads...there are roaming savages. Lizards that walk on two legs, sentient creatures that gather under one banner, and hunt down any interlopers that dare enter their jungle! Not the strongest man is a match for these savage beasts when it comes to brute strength, and not a single man I have seen, other then I, have survived the encounter to tell the tale!"

    "You see this scar lads? This scar was given to me by one of these foul beasts as we fought in that accursed jungle. The things scales are like armour, defelcting your blows with ease. It took a dozen good men to bring this one warrior down..."

    He removed his hand from his face.

    "Out of the hundred men I set sail with to lustria, only me and 5 others survived, the rest lay, their corpses rotting in the jungle. Let this be a lesson to ye all!"
  13. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    A huge burly man reclines on a coil of rope in the shade of the quarter deck, nicknamed "Dreadgrass" for the rank smelling pipeweed he smokes, he wears the uniform of the Emperors Marines. A thick oaken staff, bound with iron, rests against the bulkhead beside him and a collection of pistols festoon his belts.
  14. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Alright awesome, we have 10 people signed up so far and still 3 days until day two starts! Good to see a few new faces, welcome to the game I hope you enjoy it. Remember to keep checking back for updates.

    I'm going to try to get a little badge/icon system going as rewards for the game. Survivors, Winners, First Killed, killed twice, discovered the assassin etc. My artistic talent is not all that good so if anyone wants to give a hand, fell free to let me know. ;)

    I know its difficult to keep posting now when nothing is really going on, just remember to keep an eye on your PM box if I give you a role and keep posting. :)

    Signed up so far:
    The Lybithian
    The Hunted
  15. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Is it too late to sign up? Please for the love of Sigmar let me join! (i sort of forgot about everything that was IM after i left my laptop on my school bus last weeked, scary buisness.)
  16. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    (yes, you can still join, up until day 2 when roles are given I believe).

    Revered Guardian saw the others paying little attention to him.

    "The young uns never listen to me...we are doomed...DOOMED..." he muttered under his breath.

    And so, the verteran retired to the cabin with a swig of ale.
  17. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    I'm in.

    Lukas was once a noble knight, but his family was destroyed by roving chaos warbands. With his wealth gone, Lukas was stripped of his knighthood and reduced to a common solider of the Empire. He constantly strives to regain his lost title and honor.

    "Move it now, keep up!" bellowed a captain. The regiments were moving far too slow for his taste. The vile green skins had gotten to close to a nearby city and they were to defend it. Bringing up his spyglass, he spotted the regiment bringing up the rear and saw that there were soliders falling out of ranks. But just as quick as they fell out, a solider keeping pace pushed them back into formation. A solider in a brightish orange color.

    "Lukas." He muttered. "Always keeping things going, good solider he is." Then the roar of crazed orcs came up on the wind and the captain realised that battle was coming sooner then he thought.
  18. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Gawain told a story..

    Once, I was on this sea, with waves so high it would swallow a whole castle! The waves foamed like a madd monster! Mad, I say, Mad!!
    Our ship cracked and buckled, the sails nearly ripped in the wind. But we held strong, this ugly monster wouldn't catch us, not this time, no! Some sailors were thrown overboard, others jumped off; hoping for a quick end!
    Yes my friends, it was one of those days...

    Then, all of the sudden, out of nothing, seemingly out of nowhere; an island. With beaches so white and pure, as if nobody had set foot upon it. The storm settled down, the sea came to rest.
    We came ashore and simply couldn't believe what we saw.
    Golden coconuts, GOLD I say! Silver stones, pure silver! Once we moved on, the beach appeared to be made out of Diamonds, DIAMONDS I SAY!

    We moved further along, but as we moved further; our ship had a mind of its own and started sailing away! A Ship with a mind of its own I say!
    Now, we were stuck at this island. All the riches you'd ever need, nowhere to spend it. Soon, men died of thirst and hunger. Hunger I say! Thirst!

    That island and the overwhelming sea nearly got the better of me, but heh, then I wouldn't be here to tell you this, eh?

    And well, since then; I'm also known as The Hunted.
    *stops juggling with his knives, grabs a random object and starts again*

    The Hunted
  19. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "I'd be careful with those Knives friend, you nick a rope or slice a sail, I'll have y' hide to replace 'em..." Dreadgrass stands with a slow and deliberate motion, walks to the rail and carefully taps the ashen remains of his pipes last load over the edge. "Fires a real hazard out here." he explains to those around him "Being careless with your tinder or ash is a flogging offence on the seas, whether your sailor, marine, passenger, knight or noble..." he says it pointedly but in a quiet, matter-of-fact voice that carries to all who are on deck.

    With that he re-fills his pipe, and reaches into a pail set beside the rail, within which a slowmatch burns, floating in the water that half-fills the bucket. Re-lighting his pipe he heads back to his place in the shade.
  20. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Eithon stood silently, just barely in the light, listening to crew talking. He wanted to maintain a distance between himself and the crewmembers, Lustria was a dangerous place. He knew only too well. The juggler seemed very handy with his knives, hopefully he would not lose control of them, they needed everyone to brave the jungles of Lustria.

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