Scum and Villainy on the high seas!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by strewart, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Revered Guardian stumbled on the creeky deck of the ship. He had a very good feel for the ship and the sea, but no matter how good of a sailor you are, when your drunk, on a boat bouncing on the waves, your going to be stumbling around.

    Somehow the verteran managed to make it over to where Eithon was, and managed to lower himself so that he sat against a barrel.

    "yu wants sum champagn?" he exclaimed, clearly drunk.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ok thats day 1, great to see some interesting characters appearing on deck.

    As the ship sails into the sunset on the first day of the voyage, the speck that was land begins to disappear and the crew know now that there is no turning back..

    Day 2

    Signed up so far:
    The Lybithian
    The Hunted

    Roles are going out now.
  3. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Mort leaned silently against the deck. Staring silently out at the seas. His spikey mace at his side. He remembered what he did to get on this damnable boat to damnable Lustria. His mates always said that he belonged in Lustria - joking about how the only way a woman could give birth to a man as muscle bound as him was to mate with one of the inhabitants of Lustria.

    They told him that him and his mace would be useful in a raiding party, able to bash a few skulls with it. They told him they'd come with him, so they could get a lion's share of the gold. He took them up on the offer. However, they ditched him at port, leaving only him and his mace going to Lustria. He couldn't wait to get to Lustria and start taking it out on the first things he sees moving.
  4. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    Wiping his face clean with his towel, Hellbreaker walks up to KroxigorsFTW.
    - Nice mace you've got there, mate. Makes for a smashing first impression I say. he says and awaits a reply as he leans back taking a deep breath and looking up in the sky. A few stray clouds, then never ending blue.

    OOC: Replaced character names with usernames, obviously. for simplicity's sake, as I believe Revered_Guardian pointed out.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Watches Hellbreaker as he moves to KroxigorFTW, then turns to look at the other folks on board. Craken looks at his pup Solum and wonders what possessed him to accept this mission. Then he remembered; should they find the gold and survive to bring it back he would have the money he would need to higher a physician or even a more powerful healer, to heal his daughter who was dying of disease. He sighed and turned to around facing the folks on the boat and thought if he made it back...
  6. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    OOC: I will be doing the same. Feel free to call me Xlcontiqu.

    "Looks like Revered_Guardian is not the only drunk one," whispers Xlcontiqu quietly, as he stepps out of the shadows. "Nice to make your acquaintance, we will need all the help we can get," he says ominously. "Lustria is a dangerous place, one that should not be taken lightly." He too turned to stare out into the sky, wondering just what lay ahead.
  7. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    "Aye...I've been there once ...the daemons that haunt the jungles are not something I wish to see again...."

    Wrapping his arm around his new friend he spoke again.

    "Xlcontiqu, take a good look at KroxigorFTW and Hellbreaker. We all feel it. There are many dangers to lustria yes, but for those who love a challenge, there is no better place in the world...especially if you can make it back with a bit of gold."

    He smiled. After years of drinking, he was immune to having hangovers.
  8. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Dreadgrass's broad shoulders filled the doorway as he emerged to the deck. Rolling his shoulders and flexing his arms in the manner of men who are accostomed to sleeping in hammocks. Sighting the gathering of passengers he walks over to them, his seasoned feet easily accostomed to the roll of a ship at sea.

    Sizing up the excited group of adventurers he wondered who'd be the first to offer their breakfast over the side to the gods of the sea and excessive drink... He had to admit though, that big fella looked formidable. He wondered how much service these lads had seen... "G' Mornin Gents!" he said as he approached, "I'm Lieutenant Raynefield, but the only name you'll here me called is Dreadgrass." he pulls his pipe from his pocket and starts filling it. "I have the honour of being one of the Emperors Marines detailed to this voyage, so if a head needs cracking or some rum needs drinking, I'm your man...! Not that some of you don't look like you could crack'em yourself," he nods to KroxigorFTW, "but if you give me a holler we can keep it settled, all by the book like..."
  9. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    Lukas relaxed in his new chair, his back net to the wall, in a spot where there was only way to get to him. Beneath the stairs. His parinoid mind uneasy with the feeling of being aboard a small ship for a few days with other adventurers whom he has never seen before.

    But suspisicion turned to relaxation in the mess hall as they served a good mug of brandy.Lukas nodded politly to a rather large adventurer who dwarfed him by far. Wouldn't want him mad Lukas thought to himself. Then he grabbed a book and moved to his stair position.
  10. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    The Lybithian wandered over to where KroxigorFTW, Hellbreaker, Xlcontiqu and Reverned Guardian were chatting.
    "How goes it shipmates! Good to see some people here share the same taste for alcohol as me," as he withdrew a large bottle of Brandy and took a swig.
    Maybe this journey wouldn't be so terrible after all with all these nice shipmates. With his paranioa thrown out the window, he was enjoying himself, the cool air, the rocking of the boat...Or was it because of the comforting feeling of hard alcohol? Regardless, he didn't care. His stress was gone.
  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    OOC: I don't mind if you make up your own names, but I will only be referring to you by your username and I am sure others will do the same.

    Also, I forgot to mention when Day 2 would end. I posted it on thursday, so monday a bit after midday will be it. Almost exactly 3 days from this post.
  12. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ronan looked at the small group of men, then glanced at the new comer, who called himself Deadgrass a fitting name for someone who wreaked of it he thought. He looked to Solum who was turned sniffing the sea.

    "Aye, my old friend. Smells better out there than out here." He looks back out at the water searching the seas for land.
  13. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    "Aye mate, though, hopefully, we wont need to find out how smashing it really is" he grinned briefly "perhaps we should stick to a better way of getting smashed?" he lifted up a bottle of ale, shaking it about.
    OOC: Not drunk, just typing at 1 in the morning (sorta like i am now....)
    Also, i'll keep to usernames as well.
  14. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    The Hunted slowly stopped juggling. His knives went back into his pockets one by one.
    It was best not to upset any other sailors, he knew from experience...

    That experience, combined with the sight of men drinking, reminded him of this story...

    That man was so drunk, he couldn't even get his own boots on!
    He stumbled across the entire bar, sometimes he lay on the ground, sometimes on one leg,
    sometimes nobody knew what he was doing!
    So finally, he got a boot on. Guess what? The wrong one! His left foot now rested in his right boot,
    hah! Can you believe that!?
    Now, what do you think this guy does?...
    He yells: "Bartender!, get over here!"
    And that, my friends, was a seriously bad move.

    So, now everybody who listened knew; that hellbreaker looked a bit like that bartender.
    Not everybody on board could appreciate that.

    But, as a good sailor would, The Hunted went on with that story...

    So when we were finally back in our home port, what do you think?
    His wife stands on the dock, along with a few more neighbours. And let me tell you, they did not look happy at all!

    To make it up to hellbreaker, Xlontiqu found himself in the angry wife role!
    Not everybody on board could appreciate that.

    But, as a good sailor would, The Hunted went even further with his story!

    Back at sea, homeless, wifeless, nearly out of rum, we had this massive stroke of luck.
    You see, we saw this island; and somehow knew it housed some form of creature.
    Guess what!? It did! We moved ashore, rum in one hand, sword in the other, and came on this, this...
    thing. It had 3 arms, 5 legs, and I tell you: 2 mouths sitting above it's 5 noses!
    It looked surprised, and that was pretty normal, seeing the circumstances...
    14 sailors, somewhat drunk, led by a very angry captain, and a dog, all gazing upon him, before one of us yelled:
    "Oi, let's get 'im!"

    Yep, even Craken found himself in this story. How he managed to combine this all; nobody knew. Fact was, everybody was listening now; and most of the group had a blast listening to The Hunted's story.

    The Hunted
  15. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((just curious are we supposed to vote already?))
  16. lizardninja
    Temple Guard

    lizardninja New Member

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    Colthan came up on deck and went to join the group, phew what is that stink as he walked past deadgrass. I'm staying away from you mate, that smell would just about kill anybody.

    This story mateys shows what the dangers we are going to be facing.

    One day in the town of santanas we were in the local pub, me and a 6 friends when suddenly the door burst open and in spilled 5 of the most hideous things we had ever seen, they were tall, scaly, green and had axes and spears. We fought them and slowly we realised we were not going to win then, one of the Lizardmen hit me and scored a gash down my leg. After that it got worse, all of my friends except one were struck down, it was then me and my friend realised we ain't gonna win this so we ran and ran.

    This is the scar he said as he pulled up his trouser leg

    Let this be a lesson to you all we will have to fight strong and in large groups.

    After this long recount Colthan picked up his bottle of rum and took a large swig.
  17. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "Personally I think y'er all daft going ashore in Lustria. Fer' every man who goes a wanderin' in them jungles and makes a fortune, theres a thousan' who don't come back! Its the sea for me me lads! I've fought pirate and norseman, I've seen beasts from the depths and monsters aplenty, I've swig'd a dram with dwarves and filled me pipe with the best elven tobaccee, but there aint nothing that'd bring me to set foot into that dank jungle..." he stops to take a long draw from his pipe. "Better the devil ye know an all that, but I'd rather face down a fleet of pirate galleons in this trading sloop than risk the fevers and fiends of them there woods..."
  18. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Technically, yes. But since I only gave the roles at the start of this day I don't think voting should really start yet, not until the first death.

    Less than 24 hours until the day changes over. I forgot the monday is a public holiday here, and Australia's first world cup game is at 4am so it might be a couple hours late.
  19. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((k thanks, just making sure))
  20. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    "Why so much with the stories and the telling? We didn't come on this mission to be preached fables at, we came for profit and glory! Quit reminiscing and let's start cookin' up a plan for as how we's going to get in and out of the jungle alive!" Eternity_Warden said after hearing one too many memoirs.

    He promptly sauntered over to the side and took a nap on a coil of rope.

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