7th Ed. The Defense of Konquata *New Game*

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Xlcontiqu, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    It appears to be much more active now. I can usually get a game with someone if I am looking for one. Sometimes the time zones differences are a little hard, because I think most people are based in the UK, but there are usually people on and willing to play. It is not too hard to start to use, it takes a little getting used to, but I find it works great for me, and allows me to get out of my regular gaming group and play against some fairly good players.
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    So just thought I would update everyone on the progress of Lord Xlcontiqu.

    I have not been able to get any games in due to finals starting and lots of studying needing to be done. I may be able to fit in a game tomorrow, but that is a definite maybe.

    Here is the big news: I will be playing a 5000 point game around the end of the month. It will still be over Lorenz, but it will feature commentary from both sides and an in-depth analysis pre-game. I will be posting my list in the Lizardmen Army List section soon, so that I can have a little bit of list review before the game starts.

    Additionally, I will post the exact time, so anyone who wants to come watch it over Lorenz can be more than welcome too!

    Thats all for now folks!
  3. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Lord Xlcontiqu felt a new presence in Lustria, one that he had not felt for many years. He felt the presence of their runic magic throughout all their bodies. But beneath all that magical feel, he felt the power of a different magic, one that he was much more in tune with. Could it be a Plaque? Well, he was about to find out.

    Lizardmen Army

    1 Slann Mage-Priest, Focus of Mystery, The Focused Rumination, Higher State of Consciousness, Bane Head, BSB, Warbanner

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran, Great weapon, shield, Light armour, Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran, Light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Enchanted Shield

    1 Skink Priest, Dispel Scroll, Curse-Charm of Tepok

    2 x 12 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Musician

    1 x 12 Saurus Warrios, Spears

    2 x 10 Skinks

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradons

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    3 Kroxigor

    2 x 1 Salamander

    The Dwarf Army

    1 Dwarf Lord, with runic equipment

    1 Thane, Rune of Preservation, and Strollazs Rune, BSB

    1 Runesmith, 3 Runes of Dispel, Shield

    2 Bolt throwers, each with an engineer with brace of pistols

    2 Gyrocopters

    2 x 15 hammerers, full command, one unit with rune of courage, one unit with rune of slowness

    15 Longbeards, full command, rune of battle

    20 Warriors, full command

    8 Slayers, 2 champions

    10 Quarrelers

    My plan was to hold off the main Dwarf blocks with some redirecters units they were at more managable sizes. I knew my Saurus may not be hardy enough to hold off the Dwarves. I was hoping my magic could reduce his numbers into more manageable sizes. I took Lore of Metal on my Slann and the Skink rolled Forked Lightning.


    From left to right he deployed a gyrocopter, the quarrelers, slayers, hammerers with courage, longbeards with thane BSB, warriors with Runesmith, hammerers with lord, both bolt throwers, and the other gyrocopter.

    After deployment he used his Strollaz's Rune to move his whole army forward. He then proceeded to get the first turn and rush forward again. Even with their stubby legs, I was still afraid they would get to my lines too soon, before I had my redirecters there. Even with his movement, I had very little room to maneuver if I did not want to charge. His bolt thrower put a wound on my Stegadon, but the rest of his shooting did nothing.

    I decided to try and set up my skink units to redirect the Dwarves, but the low movement, but possible high movement made it hard to judge where he would end up. I shuffled my higher movement Kroxigors into a charging position, hoping the overrun would end up in charge range. Both units of Terradons flew over the Gyrocopters on both sides and managed to destroy them both with their dropped rocks. The rest of my units did very little, maneuvering a little, but keeping things in positions where they could help. The first magic phase did not damage, but managed to draw out two of his three dispel runes. My shooting phase did not do anything either with the giant bow way off.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Dwarves charged into both units of skinks, the leftmost fleeing the warriors, and rightmost holding, hoping to get killed in the pursuit or ensuing combat. The rest of the Dwarf line shuffled around, the Slayers going into one long rank and the other hammerers moving up. The shooting phase saw the death of three Saurus and the impenetrable hide of the Stegadon sustaining no damage. In combat, the skinks were broke, but were not caught and did not flee far enough, unfortunately blocking the Kroxigor from charging in.

    The Saurus declared a charge on the flank of the Hammerers, but no other charges were made. The skinks fled out of the way of the Kroxigor and did not panic anything they ran through. The rest of the army made very small movements, except for the Skink Skirmishers and Terradons, both sprinting (or flying) towards the enemy as fast as they could go. Magic accounted for some Hammerers, but Spirit of the Forge did just as much as Distillation of Molten Silver. Shooting took out a couple of Longbeards, with a large overshot of the Salamanders flames. The giant bow did nothing again. In combat, the Saurus won, but being Stubborn the Hammerers did not break and their lord moved to combat the Scar-Veteran.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Dwarves did very little this turn, just a little backwards shuffling. Then disaster struck in the shooting phase! The back shuffling had opened LOS to the Slann and both ballista took aim, the frog in their crosshairs. Luckily, a strong breeze was going by and the first ballista failed to hit, missing the Slann completely. The second ballista however, managed to hit, but failed to wound. Lord Xlcontiqu, realizing that he did indeed have sweat glands, thanked the Old Ones for his survival. The crossbows took a wound off the Saurus. In combat, the lord challenged the Scar-Vet, scored no wounds with his measly S4, but weathered the Scar-Vet's attacks back. With that the initiative turned to the Lizardmen.

    Lord Xlcontiqu's skink attendant gave the order and everything charged (well almost everything). The Stegadon went into the Hammerers, the Saurus into the Slayer conga line, one Terradon unit into the Quarrellers and the other into a bolt thrower. Finally, the Kroxigor charged into the lord's Hammerer unit, my opponent finally realizing he had the Rune of Slowness, but the Kroxigor still make it in, even with their charge range reduced by five. The Slann failed to make any of spells and even miscast Spirit of the Forge (triple 1s do that to you). My opponent got to cast one of his spells and the doom that was unleashed from this spell destroyed the rest of my army (just kidding, Dwarves don't have magic). Lord Xlcontiqu laughed at the lesser life forms and their inability to master the Winds of Magic, even when there was a huge hole in his defenses. Shooting did nothing, and then it was on to combat. The Scar-Vet and the Dwarf lord exchanged blows, neither wounding the other or gaining the upper hand. The Kroxigors on the other hand, slew three Hammerers and easily weathered the pitiful counter attacks. The stubborn dwarves stayed though, unwilling to yield any ground to the Lizardmen. The Stegadon crashed into the other Hammerers, and slew five, leaving nothing to strike back. The stubborn (and fearless) Hammerers fought on though, still refusing to give ground. The Saurus killed a single Slayer due to the silly conga line (a pile of almost naked dwarves in a conga line *shudder*). The Terradon units both managed to hold, even though they each sustained a casualty, effectively neutering the Dwarf shooting for the next turn.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    No more charges were made by the stunties, and both their unengaged blocks wheeled to face the big combat. The shooting phase accounted for no causalities, the single bolt thrower completely missing the Saurus block. With that, we went to combat. The near naked conga line managed to kill two Saurus, neutralizing the attack back, but finding out that the Saurus were indeed resolute lizards (the Slann helped a bit). The Stegadon continued crushing Hammerers, still sustaining no damage. The Terradons were broken from the Quarrellers and went off the board, but the other Terradons managed to tough it out for another round. In the big combat, the lord and the Scar-Vet still did not take any wounds, but the Hammerers were squashed again, the Kroxigor receiving only one wound in return.

    With most of the Lizardmen units locked in combat, there was not much the other blocks could do. The Saurus maneuvered to face the Longbeards and the Skinks Skirmishers maximized shooting. Magic and shooting accounted for nothing this turn, not even a scroll. However, in a desperate gamble to stall the warriors, the Scar-Veteran took to the skies and flew into them, hoping to hold them for a turn. It was not to be, as he was broken, but he managed to save some dignity and not be caught. Luckily, the combat they pursued into was already fought, the monotony of Hammerer squishing only broken by a single wound on the Scar-Vet. None of the other combats went well, with the Terradons being broken, the unkillable Stegadon suffering two wounds, and the Saurus sustaining another wound. Suddenly, things were looking a little bleak for the Lizardmen.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 4

    This turn marked the critical point of the game. At this point, I believe I was up in points, but with some above average luck, my opponent could completely turn it around. The Longbeards charged the Saurus and the Quarellers turned around. The shooting phase saw a dead skink handler and a loss of two wounds on the Salamanders with some ace shooting by the bolt throwers. The Engineers shot at a Skink unit, killed three, then caused it to panic. Then on to combat. The Slayer combat went predictably, with the Lizardmen losing a couple more Saurus. The Stegadon managed to kill all but one Hammerer, sustained no damage and caused the survivor to autobreak. The Longbeards beat the Saurus and caused them to flee, but did not catch them. In the large mashpit, the Kroxigor finished off the Hammerers, the Saurus took no casualties from the Dwarf Warriors, and the Scar-Vet finally put a wound on the lord. However, the Dwarves won on number, causing the Kroxigor to flee, but the Saurus to still hold strong.

    The Skinks failed to rally, but everything else did. The Stegadon moved towards the Warrior block, hoping to save its cold-blooded brethren in time. In magic, the last dispel rune was brought out, but no other damage was done. The shooting phase saw the giant bow miss, the left Salamander to not kill anything, and the right Salamander to eat all its handlers for not allowing it to do anything all battle. It passed the leadership check though, so it was ready to fight again. In combat, the last Slayer champion died, and the Saurus were finally, unfortunately broken and run down.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 5

    The sixth turn for both sides was another critical point. The Longbeards charged the rallied Saurus who fled too far and ended up back at Konquata. The lord charged the Kroxigor, who fled out of the way and rallied the next turn. Both bolt throwers failed to touch the UNKILLABLE STEGADON! He somehow managed about three turns or more of both thrower shots, and only managed to take a total of one wound from them. He lost a couple skink crew though. The crossbows killed the last two skink handlers and panicked the remaining Salamander. The Slann then proceeded to make a small stain where the lord used to be with his magic, and the warriors got triple charged by the Scar-Vet, the Stegadon, and the Salamander. He called it there because I was already too far ahead and the Warrior block was done.

    End of Game

    MVP: Scar-Vet with Enchanted Shield. Holding off a Dwarf Lord by himself for about three turns was more than I could ever have wanted. Congrats on actually surviving this time.

    LVP: Skink Priest. He did absolutely nothing. Really in this game he could not do much, but it still was a whole lot of nothing he was doing.

    In the end I won by about 1000 VPs, so I scored a solid victory. My biggest mistake was a couple of misplacement with my units. One of my Salamanders did next to nothing the entire game, which was a big mistake on my part. Also sacrificing my Scar-Vet may not have been a fantastic idea. The Skink Priest did nothing all game, but he never really does, so that is fine. Overall, I am happy with my performance, a few errors with positioning, but the end result reflected the battle well. It was a very enjoyable battle, with swings both ways and some very intense fight. The fact that my Scar-Vet managed to live for most of the game in combat with a lord makes me happy I chose the Enchanted Shield. He is much more survivable now. I am quite enjoying the list and will continue playing it before I make any changes. As always, comments and criticism are always welcome.

    Lord Xlcontiqu floated over to the dead Dwarf lord. A glimmer caught his eye and his skink attendant ran to grab something from the body. It was the Plaque! Finally, the Plaque had found its way back into the rightful owners hands. Lord Xlcontiqu hoped he could get some rest now. But would that rest have to wait?
  4. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Good read as usual, congratulations on the win, seems like it could have gone both ways at one point!
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Good read as usual.
    That pretty much sums it up! Great reports; every. single. time.

    Congrats on the win.
    Dwarves are tough, but sooooooo slow... I find it hard to enjoy playing with stunties.

    This battle seemed great fun, the big swings in the battle make it a good game.

    Looks like you performed great again! On to the next one..

    The Hunted
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    A very unconventional dwarf list.. no organ gun or anvil, plus the marching banner. Brave, but ultimately foolish in my experience as a dwarf player. Good job teaching him that lesson.
  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    The Strolasz' banner might be foolish, but it is a heck of a lot of fun!
    Getting your dwarves halfway up the battlefield is ok gamingwise, but the look on your opponents face is worth it alltogether.
    Thing is, after your 12" sprint; the flanks are wide open.

    No OG is a real loss of power. So darn powerfull, they can wipe away every (support)unit in the game...
    The Anvil is (since the release of the newer armies), unfortunately, a requirement.
    Dwarf Lord is also great fun, but only if he actually manages to kill something!

    The Hunted
  8. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    I read all your battle reports, and I loved them.

    About the Dwarfs list:
    Wtf, no organ gun, no anvil, no brains, stupid list. You teached him that he should use his brains and make a good list, hope he'll take anvil and organ gun next time, then it'll be interesting.
  9. Etsiketsi

    Etsiketsi New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Excellent standard and detail of reporting, as always. Also, congrats on the solid victory.

    Very strange to see a Dwarven force not up to their necks (literally speaking) in organ guns. Still, nice to see some tactics that let them move briskly for a change. I agree that playing against the short stuffs can sometimes be tedious, especially if your own tactic is also a march-forward-to-engage style.

    Pity about the Skink priest not doing much; it's a shame when absolutely no opportunities present themselves to so potentially valuable a character/unit.

    Scaly regards,
  10. dustandpolos

    dustandpolos New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Excellent reports! Good combination of fluff and detail, and maps are always useful.

    I was struck by how little damage your Slann seemsto be doing; killing knights is useful, but 400+ points useful? Also wondered about the warbanner on it, seeing as you field a lone slann that successfully remains out of combat.

    Odd points on the reports - unless a Chaos Sorcerer is ItP it should've autobroken to your fear causing salamander, and your Slann was immune to the non-magical dwarf bolt thrower shots due to Higher State (unless they had runes?)

    More importantly, does the Brettonian Paladin or his magic lance give any special killing blow rules against monsters? Would be very characterful for the army, but if it had only normal killing blow it couldn't 1-shot your steg. Have no knowledge of Brets though.

    Keep em coming!
  11. walach

    walach New Member

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    there's a virtue for brets that gives them killing blow against large targets only.
  12. dustandpolos

    dustandpolos New Member

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    Nasty. Thank goodness Carnosaurs aren't large!
  13. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Hey, I joined up for Lorenz too. My name is the same and I'd love a game if you're on. There are some very skilled players on there - I've been thoroughly beaten by the US ETC captain four or five times now and learnt so much.

    Looking back over your reports I think I've played one or two of the people there.
  14. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    So I have the two army lists my opponent and I will be using for the 5000 point battle. I will be using my Skink army and he will be using Warriors of Chaos. We will hopefully finish it this weekend and the report will be up by the start of next week. So without further ado:

    The Skink Army of DOOOOM!


    1 Skink Chief, Javelins, light armour, shield, Terradon, Sacred Stegadon Helm

    1 Skink Chief, Javelins, light armour, shield, Ancient Stegadon, Stegadon Warspear

    1 Skink Chief, BSB, javelins, light armour, shield, Horned One

    1 Skink Chief, Spear, light armour, shield, Terradon, Staff of the Lost Sun, Bane Head

    1 Skink Priest, Level 2, Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods, Wardrums of Xahutec, Plaque of Tepok

    1 Skink Priest, Level 2, Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods, Rod of the Storm, Dispel Scroll


    1 Skink Priest, Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Diadem of Power


    3 x 20 Skinks, Full Command

    2 x 16 Skinks, Full Command, 2 Kroxigor

    4 x 10 Skinks

    4 x 10 Skink Skirmishers


    2 x 9 Chameleon Skinks

    3 x 4 Terradons

    2 x 1 Stegadon


    2 x 1 Salamander

    2 x 3 Razordons

    The Warriors of Chaos Army of Not-as-Special-as-Skinks!


    Vilitch the Curseling

    Valkia the Bloody

    Prince Sigvald


    Chaos Sorceror, Mark of tzeentch, Disk of Tzeentch, Blacktongue

    Chaos Sorceror, Mark of tzeentch, Disk of Tzeentch, Infernal Puppet

    Exalted, Bsb, Shield, Flail, Chaos Steed

    Festus the Leechlord


    Chaos Warriors x18, Mark of Khorne, Full Command, Great Weapons

    Chaos Warriors x18, Mark of Khorne, Full Command, Great Weapons

    Chaos Warriors x18, Mark of Khorne, Full Command, Great Weapons

    2 x 5 Maurauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, Musician, Flails

    4 x 5Chaos Warhounds


    Chosen x18, Mark of Khorne, Full Command, Great Weapons

    Chosen x18, Mark of Nurgle, Full Command, Shields

    Chosen x18, Mark of Slaanesh, Full Command, Flails

    Chosen x18, Mark of Tzeentch, Full Command, Halberds


    Chaos Warshrine, Mark of Tzeentch

    So a combat-heavy Warriors of Chaos army against a Skink army. This will be a very interesting battle. Feel free to comment on who you think will win the battle.
  15. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    I don't know the special characters, but;

    he only has slow M4 infantry blocks! Great! Just blast his marauder cavalry and hounds and proceed to dance.
    Tango, Salsa...I prefer waltzing usually.

    Should be a fun battle nonetheless. Just prepare to take and fail a lot of panic/Ld tests...And watch out for 'Panic lanes'.

    Looking forward to the report!

    The Hunted
  16. The Lybithian
    Chameleon Skink

    The Lybithian New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    That's very very cool! I really enojoyed reading your battle reports. I'm pushed to start something like this of my own. Though if I could ask what program do you use to get those pictures of the battle progressing?
  17. Nakai

    Nakai Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Watch out for Valkia she will kill an ancient stegadon on the charge and she will get the charge cuz she flies. minus 5 to your armour save cuz shes str 7 with armour piercing , oh and did i mention all models that wish to attack her are at -1 attack and that attack is also at -1 str. Shes scary and has a 2+ armour save and a 5+ ward so watch out for her.
  18. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Lord Xlcontiqu surveyed the coming battle through Chosi-Raz's eyes, his Engine of the Gods giving a great view of the battlefield. The Warriors of Chaos were arraying themselves for battle, but Lord Xlcontiqu noticed something, their lack of any knights. Good, he thought, the skinks should be able to handle this battle well. And so he gave the order and the skink horde went into action.

    So the great battle had come finally, the skink horde against the Footsloggers of Chaos. The lists are above so I am not going to post them again.

    Pre-game Thoughts:

    So after rolling for spells and having all my Skink Priests get Uranon's Thunderbolt, I was very confident that my magic would play a large role in the battle. Additionally, my list was all avoidance, and his was all combat. This meant that it was going to be a uphill struggle for him. With the maneuverability of the skink horde, it would be tough for him to get points off of me. The amount of shooting I had was also rather impressive, even with its very short range. In short, march blocking, shooting, and magic were going to be my friend. It was a cagey way to play, but with none of my units being able to beat his in combat, I would have to play like that.

    So without further ado, the Great Battle!


    Left to right: Vilitch in Tzeetch Chosen (terror) , Chaos Warshrine, Sorcerer with Black Tongue, Warriors, Khorne Chosen with Valkia (Terror), Warriors, Warriors with Exalted Champion, other Sorcerer, Chosen with Festus (MR3), and Chosen with Sigvald (4+ ward)

    Left to right: Skink Chief with Warspear, Engine of the Gods with Rod of Storm, two regular Stegadons, Skink Chief with Staff of the Lost Sun in Terradons, Skink Chief General, BSB with Horned One, other Engine of the Gods, and then Tetto’eko in the skink unit.

    After we finished deployment, I felt very same, three of his main warrior units were very out of place and were going to be unable to get into combat with too many important units on my side. My Stegadons were all lined up to take out Vilitch's unit and thus give me a huge magical dominance. I lost the roll to go first (again) and he elected to go first.

    I Baneheaded one of his Chaos Sorcerers, so he immediately flew that out of the way. All of his units moved up, the faster units moving out to threaten some of the more vulnerable skink units. After he had moved up, he started casting magic. He tried to get Pandemonium off, but with the low leadership of the skinks I knew it had to be reliably dispelled, so he brought out a scroll. The Warshrine then gave Magic Resistance 3 to the Khorne Chosen and it was my turn.

    End of Chaos Turn 1

    I response to his offensive movements, my right flank fell back and my right flank moved up, the Stegadons preparing for a charge soon. Some skinks took up distractor roles and the Salamanders and Razordons moving into good firing positions for the next turn. My magic started with the cosmic event being predicted (Tetto'Eko was a great weatherskink the entire game actually), then an Irresistible Force Comet of Cassadora, placed in the middle of his left flank. and then an Irresistible Force Uranon's Thunderbolt that managed to kill no hounds (skins of steel). Another Uranon's Thunderbolt managed to panic a different unit of hounds and my last spell was dispelled. A lone Razordon was in range of a unit of hounds and managed to take two off. After demonstrating to my opponent a fraction of my shooting, I ended my turn.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    Okay, so that is the first update. Hopefully, I will have two or three more turns up tomorrow, keep checking back!
  19. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Naturally, an awesome report so far. I just found some funny mistakes in your post; so i thought it would be worth to share! ;)

    An uphill battle
    A struggle

    An uphill struggle is VERY hard indeed!

    And the second (and last)

    So you did what? :)
    it's obvious your right flank fell back and your left moved up, but still. This is a very interesting move!

    I'm also assuming you're playing the battle right now, or just did...which is pretty cool; 'live' reporting!

    The Hunted
  20. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Okay, Turns 2 and 3 will be coming tomorrow! Sorry to keep you guys hanging!

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