Hello all. I was thinking about color schema for my future Lizardmen army when I was lost deep in thought ruminating about the state of the Slann. After a gentle nudging from my patient Skink attendant - erm I mean my brother - I realized that while rather common, the vanilla 'bullfrog' color palette of the typical Slann is rather boring. These are the leaders of a civilization of tropical rainforest lizards/amphibians... so why doesn't your typical slann look more tropical? What I had in mind was something of the Poison Arrow Frog pattern to not only look more striking and unique, but to also be something that would seem more appropriate for where the Slann lives. Here are some great pictures I gathered for reference. I'm rather fond of the blue mottled one myself. Which of these would make a breathtaking Slann?
They do look tropical lol and iguanas are green. And honestly everyone says they look like big frogs, but to me they look like large bloated iguanas. The patches on there cheeks like iguanas have, and there mouth is toothed and lizard like. Plus they have lizard like hands and feet. while the old slaan model looks like a big tree frog, the new one definitely looks like an iguana so the green and vanilla fits well
Go for it! My poison dart frog Slann looks awesome! (Well, if I do say so myself) Mine is Black w/ Blue stripes and that looks really nice ans striking. So you might want to try the speckely one!
I like the strawberry dart. I think the slann would look very powerful with that color scheme. It would definitely stand out
I don't know if you know this, but I can tell you from personal experience that yellow is really, REALLY hard to pain brightly and consistently (which is why I don't play Imperial Fists any more), so you might want to consider that.
Yeowch. Never painted yellow before. What would you suggest to get as bright a yellow as possible? I usually prime in a light-grey so I don't have the issue with the black GW Primer.
All I found that worked was four or five thin, even layers on a white basecoat. (I'm sure their is a better way, but not one I could figure out.)
Bronzed flesh, Vermin Brown and plain old white all make for good base coats for Yellow. Around 3-5 coats depending on what you want. Black is a big no, I did try myself and I can only say that what little sanity I had left when I realised after 5 times that it still wasn't yellow wasn't very much. I voted for the Strawberry frog myself, I'd use that scheme if I got a Slann, so... Cheers!