Then lets move on, shall we? Ilok said. The mighty kroxigor should go up front, his power would be best in the front line. The skinks could seek protection behind the front line then. The group knew this, and instictivly moved in a formation. "lets go" The Hunted
Hexec sighed. He really was starting to dislike being underground. "Let's press on," he said. "The quicker we are out of here, the better."
Ax-rodriq pulled the arrows out of his hide. He cared not whether the arrows stuck in his skin - it would take more than a boobytrap to puncture the skin of a mighty Saurus. However, if an arrow had punctured the egg strapped to his waist, he would be deprived of his prize before it even hatched. Double-checking that the egg was alright, he followed the party down the hallway.
with no time to react xap moved on as the arrows struck his thick scales bouncing harmlessly off, seeing the group could be in danger xap moved to take the lead to help protect the rest of the group with the last door slamming shut the group movd to the next door passing the dead evil thing xap stood infront of the next door a pungent smell filled the senses choking xap getting used to the smell he opend the door when the group was ready.
Xap pushed the door open, revealing a square room. Inside six putrid slave rats jumped up, ready to strike at Xap with their crude weapons. The group moved quickly to slay them, not having the patience for the tunnels or rat men. BS 3+ - Kill a slave rat - 1 skill BS 2 or less - Kill a slave rat - 3 skill WS 3+ - Kill a slave rat- 1 battle WS 3+ - Kill a slave rat- 3 battle Magic - Kill a slave rat- 1 magic You can only kill as many rats as you have attacks.
Hexec unsheathed a javelin, quickly bringing it up to his shoulder, then throwing it at a slave rat charing Xap. It pierced the rat in the neck killing it instantly. Hexec sighned, he was getting tired of these pitiful rat creatures.
Huaroc, ready for the ambush pushed the openning of the blow pipe to his lips and took aim upon one of the rat men. A puff of air, and the dart lanced into the vile but simple creature's throat. THe blow struck the corodid artery and spread the poison of the wooden dart through the evil being's body. The results were nearly instant. The creature fell to the floor, white froth spewing from it's mouth amidst girgling squeeks of terror and pain. The beast started to shudder which got inexerably worse until it was convulsing so violently that it's back bone snapped and it finally lay still.
Ilok saw it coming all the way. He was preparing a spell as Xap opened the door, a bright white flash erupted in the room. Blinding everybody for just a moments notice. 2 Rats did not see the other end of that flash, as they fell to the floor; their paws reaching for the eyes. It was to no avail, for them. The Hunted ((-2 magic))
Drawing his twin swords, Ax-rodriq brought them together in a scissor movement. The rat that got caught in between the two blades fell to the floor in three separate pieces.
as soon as xap opend the door his instinct to kill quickly kicked in, recognising the creatures not made by the old ones xap charged into the room knowing he was coverd by the rest of the group, grasping a evil rat in his giant hand he kept running and using his full force smashed the little rat creature into the wall, the creatures bones shattering in an instant. (-3 battle)
After the last of the slave rats crumbled into smelly bloody piles, the group had time to take in the room. The room itself was filthy even aside from the rat droppings, the floor had no stone and was just bare dirt. There was a door on the Western wall but no door handle of any kind, and was sealed tight. Beside the door was a statue, one that sort of resembled a slann holding a large cup. On the base of the statue was a inscription reading. "Before you can enter here you must place on the altar, the thing which can pass under the sun yet leave no shadow" ((Can you guys all 3d6 and let me know the result of each dice in order in a PM. for example. Rolled 6, 1, 5))
"The thing that can pass under the sun and leave no shadow...." Ax-rodriq pondered the riddle for a while. Wind passed under the sun, and air never left a shadow. Could that be the answer to the puzzle? But how could one place wind on the altar? Thinking of a solution, Ax-rodriq filled his reptilian lungs with the stagnant underground air, and blew hard over the altar, blowing a cloud of dust up as he did it.
Huaroc puzzeled at the inscription. Though a skink and amoungst one of the quick witted of the Lizardmen races he was never really good at these things. He mumbled softly and low in his throat as Ax did was Huaroc had thought over. Then his mind clicked. "What about a snake?" He asked llok.
Even Ilok was puzzled by this riddle. He'd never really like riddles, they put you in a spot where you have no choice... Ilok thought about Huaroc's suggestion. To him, it didn't make much sense. But it did make sense. Then he started thinking. Ax-Rodiq was close, but Ilok thought he had it. "water" He said. "Every morning and every night there is water that passes under the sun. As far as you can see and beyond, there is water passing under the sun." And everybody knew that the ocean didn't had a shadow. A dark side, at best; but no shadow. Ilok forgot about the snake for a moment, and poured a bit of water on the altar from his waterskin. He despised the absence of the skies, but maybe this would work... The Hunted
xap for a reason unknown even to himself picked up a handful of dirt from the bare dirt filled room and said earth
Ilok poured the water into the cup, and it seemed to pour out the bottom of the chalice. However to everyone's surprise when dirt was put in the cup the door began to open, the more dirt opened the further the door opened. Past the room the was a room, looked simple stone on the floors ceiling and walls. With a single door to the north of the room.
Ax-rodriq nodded in congratulations to Xap for solving the clue. A classic example of the party being unable to see the jungle for the trees - Xap's seemingly dull mind came up with the simplest answer, which turned out to be the correct one. Ax-rodriq proceeded into the next room, wondering what sort of challenge would meet them here.
Huaroc patted Xap's leg in congratulations and thanks. Then he moved into the room with stealth and silence, his blow gun ready. He didn't see any apparent signs of danger and so motioned the rest of the group inside. Then he made his way to the far wall and prepaired to face what was beyond the next door.
Even Ilok was surprised to see what happened. Dirt, he thought, who would think of that? The group moved on towards their next challenge. The Hunted ((+3 magic))