7th Ed. Comet of Casandora

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Hex, Jun 12, 2010.

  1. Hex
    Jungle Swarm

    Hex New Member

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    Hello, this is my first post, i am a long playing lizardmen player started way back when the saurus didnt have crests, but i haven't played so solidly, i am by any accounts noobish, except on background story but anyway im getting side tracked

    I had a question about comet of casandora and wondered if it still remained in play after the comet hit. i had the idea of fragments of a huge comet flying off hence the varied amount of damage that could be inflicted by the spell.

    I recently played my mate a WoC player (Boo :p) and he insisted that after it struck after much build up that the spell was canceled. My skink priest cast the spell with irresistible force unlucky for him :p but have read no where in the rule book where it says that the spell ends after it strikes it simply is rolled to see if it gets more devastating or strikes ( so i thought)

    I was under the impression that the spell could only be cancelled if i "attempt to use another spell, leave the table or is slain" to quote the remain in play rules from the rule book.

    My friend asked other lizzy players and his gaming club and even a dud in GW who seemed to say that it ended after it struck - even though this is not stated in the rules

    I think that if the spell was to end after it strikes damage that it would be a massive killjoy to the game, and envisioned players having to change battle plans to hunt down wizards focused in the incantation of the said doom spell, i mean its pretty bad odds to do damage anyway with that spell and seems ridiculously absurd that the spell ends after damage. Even worse that i can find no mention of it ending in the rule book - correct me please if i am wrong

    as many annoying people have already stated to me i know yes its comet of casandora not comets but still one could imagine fragments of a comet of it being torn from it by the mage to kinetically guide it to its foes.

    what do you guys think?? xD
  2. Kurlin

    Kurlin New Member

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    Yes the comet ends after it hits, there is no valid way to argue that it doesn't. It would be extremely overpowered if it continued to build up and hit multiple times. You could theoretically wipe out his entire army with a single cast. It is not meant to be a doomsday spell, just a powerful spell that can build up to be powerful if not gotten rid of.

    And your opponent can attempt to dispel it every turn after it is cast until it hits, on his turn he can use PD to attempt to dispel it, like any other RIP spells.
  3. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    Kurlin is right. It's answered in this FAQ. 5th page on the right side ;)
  4. Hex
    Jungle Swarm

    Hex New Member

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    alright cheers guys, if thats the rules. seems a shame

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