I heard something from a reasonable vegan the other day. There a few reasonable vegans, but not many. Anyway, sharing a meal is the most basic form of social interaction. Vegans cannot eat a majority of the food people have at social gatherings. Therefore they kind of have to bring it up a lot. He did bring up a lot of ways to not be annoying about it. You don't make fourteen non-vegans eat a tofurkey at Thanksgiving to not offend the one vegan at the table. He admits tofurkey does not taste good. He says when he goes to gatherings with family and friends he brings his own food. But he doesn't eat it in the corner (I'm going to eat my food here). He brings lots of vegan food and he tries to pick vegan food that non-vegans would like. They do exist. Most bean dips are vegan. Vegan carrot cake is one of the most delicious deserts I ever had. That said, very few vegans I've encountered are that conscientious. Sort of defeats the purpose of throwaway contraception... I loved the talking advertisement in Robocop. "Eat recycled food. It's good for the environment and okay for you!"
Mixing iconic fantasy stories is fun. And sci-fi. This was already done years ago in the Star Wars vs. Star Trek thread, but it's worth a callback.