Yep, not even kidding. Coalesced - no subfaction (don't need the bonuses, don't want the restrictions for traits/artifacts) 150 - Warscroll Batallion Shadowstrike Temple-Host 70 - Skink Priest (Command Trait: Master of Star Rituals, Artifact: Feather Cloak) 240 - Skinks x40 Boltspitter/Star-Buckler 240 - Skinks x40 Boltspitter/Star-Buckler 270 - Terradon Riders x9 120 - Skink Starpriest (Spell: Hand of Glory - RR1 to hit) 150 - Warscroll Batallion Shadowstrike Temple-Host 70 - Skink Priest (Artifact: Gryph-Feather Charm) 240 - Skinks x40 Boltspitter/Star-Buckler 240 - Skinks x40 Boltspitter/Star-Buckler 70 - Terradon Chieftain (Artifact: Rockjaws) 120 - Skink Starpriest (Spell: Celestial Harmony - autopass morale) ---------- = 1980 So, instead of paying CP for the Parting Shot command ability from Fangs of Sotek, we are leveraging "The trap is sprung" from the Shadowstrike Temple-Host for a free +1 to hit against one target enemy unit, so that all our boltspitting small bois are hitting on 3s, to get as many hits as possible to fish for those sweet sweet 6s to wound to capitalize on the Starpriest's Serpent Staff ability. With one use of the Priest's command ability for free due to Master of Star Rituals, we can have two units of Skinks blasting at full power every turn. Additional Terradon bomb available too. Four drops is about as low as we can get. All the while having 160+ warm (well, cold-blooded) bodies on the board with the additional staying power awarded by Scaly Skin. Use Celestial Harmony and farmed CP courtesy of the two Starpriests to mitigate morale problems. options: - reduce Terradons to the minimum 2x3 and invest the points into something else - reduce one Skink unit to 20 or 10 and invest the points into something else
I like it. I think trying to keep your drops to 4 is a good plan. But I'd you don't, you can expand further, by adding a Skink Starseer for more CP generation and spells. Don't have the points in front of me, but it may be doable.
How about fitting in a dread saurian? It’d give auto-pass battleshock to a massive bubble of skinks so your Starpriest would be able to take a different spell, would give you something to hit really hard, and would make your opponent panic between attacking the hordes or the massive monster, I just really want to make him useable in the new Battletome, and I don’t see any other way a dread saurian is really all that useful any more? Makes me feel even worse because I just finished painting it although I’m not really sure how you’d even fit it into the list
It's Warscroll has not been updated as of yet. Probably won't see changes until after the Battletome is officially out.