AoS 2.0 Firelance

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Womboski, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Coalesced, Koatl 's claw, Hysh


    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (210)
    General - Dominant Predictor
    - Warspear
    -Eviscersating Blade

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)
    -Aetherquarz Brooch

    Saurus Sunblood (130)

    Lord Kroak(320)

    Skink Starpriest (120)

    Skink Starseer (140)


    10 x Saurus Knights (200)
    - Lances

    10 x Saurus Knights (200)
    - Lances

    10 x Saurus Knights (200)
    - Lances

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    Firelance Starhost (160)

    1980pts, could grab bound maelstrom(have Kroak huck it down field towards enemy wizards, keep it away from your army eventually it will probably blow up) or bank it for possible triumph.

    Skinks screen army and or zone out enemy teleports.

    Start the game with 2CP, In your hero phase roll 4 dice any 4+ is a CP and roll one more if it's a 5+ gain a CP. Any command points spent by the Scarvet on carno are refunded on a 4+ and as long as AB is alive another CP on a 5+. This should net a near infinite amount of CPs. Use the generals command abilities first to fish for extra CPs. Even if you only have 1CP but have a command ability the general can still use, he has a 50% chance of getting it back and then a 33% chance after that.

    Turn 1 general gives every buff he can to all the Knights, himself and if CPs are still high sunblood can get buffed too. If rolls are really unlucky this can change. Turn 1 I plan on sending a fully buffed unit of knights into something juicy. So the general will dump everything he can into at least 1 unit. If nothing juicy is avaible to charge turn 1 spread the buffs with what is most important same probably goes for turn 2.

    Knights fully buffed - +1 to save,+1 to save from missiles, +1 bite attacks, +1 to hit, +1 wound(won't be active turn 1 due to range), spears dmg 2 on charge, 3d6 charge and can roll from 18 inches, +3inches to the charge, +1 inches to the charge, can fly, nat 6s to hit count as 2 hits, mortal wounds of nat 6s to wound, reroll 1s to hit, reroll 1s to save, 6+ fnp

    That's 14 buffs for those counting. Who likes buffs? We like buffs!

    So I have a unit of 10 knights with 20wounds and a 3+ save, 2+ vs missiles, 6+ fnp, moving 8 inches with +4 to charge being able to charge from 18inches away on 3d6 who FLY! 2 spear attacks 3s/2s, 2dmg, 2 bites 4s/3s 1dmg, 4 mount bites 2s/3s 1dmg. Any natural 6s to hit are 2 hits and natural 6s to wound do 1mortal wound in addition to any normal dmg. Others have done the math, it's a lot of dmg.

    So you give a unit of Knights every command ability in existence(well almost) and send it in turn 1 to do a lot of dmg. They kill some stuff, your opponent most likely takes them out, but there are situations where they will survive. Especially if you go 2nd and can pick off a valuable target( but that assumes for bad movement or deployment so best not to bank of that).

    Turn 2, the other 2 units of Knight should be in position to charge, try to fully buff both units and run up AB and Sunclaw to support them. Carno can be sent in as well, but no reason to be too hasty. Even sending in 1 unit of knights turn 2 and maybe a carno will be a lot to deal with for your opponent. As always the objectives will mostly determine what happens after turn 1.

    Remember tho, if the carno dies, our ability to spend crazy amount of CPs is basically cut in half. So try and get the most out of it and try not to lose the carno untill after at least turn 3 or all your knights are dead/whittled down.

    Sending in 1 unit of knights a turn while skinks try and roadblock in-between waves will probably be a great strategy, but no plan survives contact with the enemy.

    Kroak will be Dishing out mortal wounds the entire time. Turn 1 will be limted, but he can start focusing down some units. Skink starpriest can push up ahead of Kroak to increase range plus the extra 6inches from AB.

    Turn 1 +1 to charge for the consolation, turn 2 could go the same or +1 attacks for carno if he is going in or +1 to cast if Kroak is in range to deliver some Celestial Deliverance.

    Should be competitive against friends, local hobby stores and small tournaments. I have no experience at large events so no comment there.

    I'd love any additional ideas for strategies with this list or ideas for replacements.

    I really like the idea of bound endless spells, Gargantuan Jaws is only 40pts, is d3 mortal wounds, big base to block up the board, and -1 bravery (which we ignore). Carno terror, plus knights banner and Jaws nets -3 to bravery. Will at the very least force your opponent to use CPs to ignore battleshock (unless you know, they just don't take.battleshock...)

    Stegadons are also dope. I don't have our fire lizards or I would highly consider those.

    Also a unit of 40 or even 20 skinks getting the mortal wound buff turn 1 and shooting something could be good, cuz with all the other buffs that first omega unit of knights will probably pop what every they land into, mortal wounds will be needed against high save or other durable units.

    I think I've rambled on enough. What are y'alls thoughts?

    Edit: not sure where I want broche to sit. Maybe AB of Starseer.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
    Foodstamp, Lizerd, Tombomb7 and 3 others like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Kroak can not take any artefacts sadly. He is a name unique hero.

    Liking the Firelance though. And great usage overview.
    Lizerd, IggyStarhost and Womboski like this.
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Excellent. I too like the list. Easy fix for the brooch though. Just put it on the Astrolith Bearer who's going to hang out by Kroak.
    Lizerd, IggyStarhost and Womboski like this.
  4. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    I love the list. Want to run something similar, but will need 7 more knights. The only thing that confused me is why are you not taking an oldblood? I'd drop astrolith, since he is going to fall behind anyway, switch scarvet on carno for oldblood and take scarvet on cold one. This way you'll have all your abilities. And hitting on 3+, rerolling 1's, and hitting on 2+ rerolling 1's is a huge difference. The only problem for this list is high save - all other things should go down by sheer amount of attacks.
    Lizerd, Womboski and IggyStarhost like this.
  5. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    I think the AB will still provide utility despite being slower than knights. Turn 1 if I send a unit in they will be out of range, but the rest of my army should be able to take advantage of it. Helping protect me if my opponent gets to go first in turn 2 and past turn 1 he should be able to help the knights.

    Plus sheer number of attacks do a decent job of getting through high saves.

    I wanted to fit in an oldblood but the Scarvet can also give them +1 to hit. Putting knights down to 2+ to hit does sound very very tasty tho.

    The Scarvet has the more valuable buff imo. Since he can also give +1 to hit and exploding 6s he will be our buff machine. Putting him on a carno negates watch out sir but gives him more wounds to survive.

    AB should really limit my failed casting as well as increase the range of Kroaks Deliverance which along with mortal wounds via the starpriest buff will be how I deal with durable units.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
    Lizerd and IggyStarhost like this.
  6. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    There is no such thing as enough offensive buffs. 3+ to-hit, rerolling 1's, may sound reliable, but in critical moment you may simply roll a bunch of 2's (happened to me quite a few times).

    Scar-Vet can give +1 to-hit only in prolonged combat. It will not be cumulative with Koatl's Claw battle trait. Astrolith is great, mind you, but Oldblood is such a great power multiplyer.

    The choice is yours, but I strongly recommend to try both variants.
    Womboski and Lizerd like this.
  7. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Luckily I'm not locked into one list and have most of our model range outside of razzordons and sallies. So I will try variations
    Nart likes this.
  8. Foodstamp

    Foodstamp Active Member

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    I like firelance the best option so far.. I'm going the skinks route as you mentioned, but still have a few points to spend.. maybe rippers + chief to help flank

    Scar-Vet Carno (210)
    Oldblood carno (250)
    10 knights (200)
    10 knights (200)
    10 knights (200)

    Starseer (140)
    Starpriest (120)
    Priest (70)
    20 skinks (120)
    20 skinks (120)

    Firelance (160)

    so far only 1790.. Maybe 3x rippers for 80, ripper chief for 80 and a command point for 50? Or 20 more skinks, buff each unit to 30?
    Womboski likes this.
  9. Foodstamp

    Foodstamp Active Member

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    I run a lot of 1k games so the 1k variant would be

    Scar-Vet Carno (210)
    Oldblood carno (250)
    10 knights (200)
    10 knights (200)
    Starseer (140)

    But not sure how well I could control objectives with that.
    Womboski likes this.
  10. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    What do you have available to you? I would take 6rippers over a ripper and a chief. A Slann with some endless spells can help provide mortal wounds and try and shut down enemy casting. Could make 1 unit of skinks 40 for more dmg and use the starpriest buff on them turn 1 and then if they are still alive and healthy they can continue to receive it or switch it over to a unit of knights.

    The skink priest isn't doing too much for your list right now. Again making a skink unit 40 will net you more from his +1 save buff and +1 hit.

    You could add a stegadon either normal or with a skink chief and he could take advantage of the skink priest, would have to drop 10 skinks to fit him I believe.

    I do like double carnos with Firelance, but I opted for Kroak in order to up my magic game. I play against Tzeentch which will allow me to go toe to toe with his casting in order to have a chance at unbinds. I also play against some slannesh and kroak allows me to hurt them outside of close combat.

    For your 1k list 2 carnos might be a bit much or maybe not. Hard to tell without play testing the new book. I got mine today so I'm excited to get to it!

    Really depends on what match ups you think you will face and what you have available to you. Let us know and I, as well as others I'm sure, will do our best to help.
    Foodstamp likes this.
  11. Foodstamp

    Foodstamp Active Member

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    Thanks. 90% of the time I play against nurgle so no magic really. I still need to buy a bunch of knights so maybe i'll grab a stegadon too. Are we limited on number of heroes we can take? I feel like having 6 is too many.
    Womboski likes this.
  12. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    You'll probably want some rend/mortal wound output. I'd try to fit in a Slann or kroak and/or some salamanders.
    Womboski and Carnikang like this.
  13. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Yes 6 is the limit and that is a large investment to heroes. If you make good use of their abilities it can be worth it, but once the unit they are buffing dies or our heroes doing the buffing die, our combat efficiency suffers so it is important to strike hard while we have the synergies available.

    Nurgle is really really slow. You can use that to your advantage. I think a Slann/Kroak plus some endless spells would be good for you. Have the Slann, and your skink wizards throw shackles and 1 or 2 additional dmg predatory endless spells upfield along with say a unit of Rippers while your unit of skinks and Knights grab objectives.

    Try and hold them back in their deployment for as long as possible while you have free range of the rest of the board.

    Sallies will probably do wonders against Nurgle(as well as anyone, MVPs of our new book but horrible models imo)
    Carnikang likes this.

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