KO 1v1v1 1.5k Short Battle Report

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by DeathBringer125, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    So me and my friend who plays Khorne and friend who plays LoN did a 1v1v1. Don't know what the full Khorne list was but he had 2 priests, Skarbrand, Bloodthirster of Insensate rage, and 30 blood letters. The LoN had Nagash, Arkhan, 20 Skellies, 5 Black Knights (it isn't a good list at all but he doesn't have much and that's all he can play rn). And my list was this
    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
    - Sky Port: Barak Urbaz

    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Grudgebearer
    - Command Trait: Tough as Old Boots
    - Artefact: Phosphorite Bomblets
    Brokk Grungsson Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar (240)

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun: Sky Cannon
    3 x Endrinriggers (100)
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1x Drill Launcher
    3 x Endrinriggers (100)
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    - 1x Drill Launcher
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Skypikes
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns
    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1x Skypikes
    - 1x Light Skyhooks
    - 1x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    Arkanaut Ironclad (510)
    - Main Gun: Aethermatic Volley Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks: Breath of Morgrim (Barak-Urbaz)

    Total: 1500 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 74
    This isn't a tourney list (at least I don't think it is). But it's really fun as practically my entire army teleports (fly high and hitchers)
    The game ended early before we could get to last man standing (so I won due to points killed). But anyways here is the short quick summary. Also now Both my friends hate me and my KO as I murdered Nagash, Arkhan, 3 Bloodthirsters (Skarbrand and 2 Insensate rage), and a squad of Black Knights. They will never forgive me

    basic summary)
    Khorne ran up Skarbrand and an Insesnate rage, I mowed them down with all my shooting (yes killed both in 1 turn it was hilarious) then he swarmed me with blood letters. I used my fly high ability and teleported my entire army (but 2 squads of arkanaut company which weren't Hitcher models) behind the LoN player (his list was Nagash, Arkhan, a squad of 20 skellies and a squad of 5 black nights. It isn't a good list but he is newer into Warhammer and doesn't have much). He had just moved up since he thought I was pinned in behind the bloodletters. So my entire army was now behind his defenses. I murdered poor Nagash in one single turn. Then long story short much pain was suffered for me as curse of years dropped my Ironclad from 18 to 4 wounds (I was dumb and forgot to keep gunhauler near it for 6+ FNP). And the next turn he was gonna curse of years my general (he had killed Brokk and my only other hero in battlw was fighting skellies and on combat range of his knights) and by killing my general he would free up knights to charge and finish my Ironclad (which would have been the end of me). However he rolled a 3 and failed his spell allowing my general to be alive, and the knights to be held in combat, and thus my Ironclad lived. Then I mowed down poor Arkhan (who was at like 4-7 or something left) and also killed his black knights by dividing up my Ironclads attacks. After that he had a few skellies left. Then Khorne showed up with a freshly summoned blood thirsters who killed my general and the skellies (death was out of game). But that made my Ironclad angry so it happily nuked his bloodthirster off the field. Right after that the game ended
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Was your Khorne opponent @TheCrazyKhorneGuy? If so I’d be interested to hear his thoughts too.

    Great to see Kharadron kicking backside now! Obviously their new tome isn’t as bad as people are saying! :joyful:
    DeathBringer125 likes this.
  3. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Yes it was lol. In the end he had most of his army left and I just had an Ironclad at 12 wounds and two endrinriggers. I definitely won by points killed however if we had gone on I may have also won by simply spamming fly high and shooting him. I would have went for his priests first then whittled him down. Great thing about Ironclad is it's wound chart does not effect it's shooting damage potential at all lol. It just removed use of fly high and such and slows it.
  4. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    three words: KO are Broken
    lol the issue was we weren't playing an objective game, which we wanted to but felt it would be imbalanced.
  5. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    although, when i ran my bloodthirsters up i was hoping for a double turn and the LoN player won the roll off so he could have given me a double turn. but he decided to be a turd and took it for himself and then @DeathBringer125 won the roll off between me and him so he just obliterated Skarbrand and my Bloodthirsters. The LoN player thought i was the scary one. He was soooooooooooooooo wrong
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    I think I traumatized our LoN player. He's never gonna want to face me again lol.
  7. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    lol very true. i know i can beat you in an objective game but he will just die lol

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