Scum and Villainy on the high seas!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by strewart, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    OOC: Hey guys, remember there is less than 1 real day left and only 4 people have voted today, EVERYONE must put in a vote. Doesn't mean someone will die every vote since over 50% is still needed.
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    The Hunted was surprised, he thought he was telling nice stories.

    But seemingly, Craken suspected him of unspeakable crimes, and with him; the rest did too.

    "Those stories" he said "are just to keep you entertained, this is a long journey; so pleasure is nice to have aboard".

    The Hunted was most dissapointed in Craken, how could such an 'ordinary' man accuse him of these crimes?
    He could only think of one reason; Craken was the assasin himself. To disguise his own crimes, he accused innocent people!

    The Hunted brought this forward, and named his vote:

    Vote: Craken

    The Hunted
  3. crimsontide

    crimsontide New Member

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    Though you all seem to be very intent on The Hunted, I'm not so sure. Look at Hellbreaker's last conversation with KroxigorsFTW.
    You see he mentions both the victims name (KroxigorsFTW) and an item to kill him with (mace.) Or was the keyword "smashing?" It doesn't matter, either way I think this is pretty clear evidence.

    Vote: Hellbreaker
  4. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Those who speak first often try to hide there own crimes.
    Craken accused Hunted first thus I choose him as my vote.

    Vote: Craken
  5. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    "Crimsontide. How can you even dare accuse Hellbreaker when he is already dead!? He was a good man! And you know it...or were you just looking for something to divert attention, hoping we would overlook the fact that our dear comrade is dead!"
  6. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Aye, I was holding my tongue till you had a chance to speak for yourself lad, but I cannot allow a day to go by and nothing to be done about this problem, I'm not entirely convinced of your guilt, but in the interests of keeping the morale of the crew and moving forward...

  7. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    You're not even convinced?

    Then how dare you even voting against me? The 'morale of the crew' is playing you apart?

    If some people aren't even convinced of me being guilty, then why are we doing this again?

    Let's take a look at what words he spoke:
    Iron bound staff, breaking heads, suspended on a hook, trapped, murderer, terrifying, removal, fear, panic, sharp, killer, pinned.

    Still not convinced?

    One of the first words he spoke.
    Again, all are against me; and back here I was just amusing everybody. And everybody seemed to like it, bar the real murderer.

    Crack’em yourself ánd KroxigorFTW and ‘settling it’ in a single sentence. He talks nice, he acts nice. But we all know better than this.

    Did I mention Dreadgrass likes to bark orders to everybody on this ship? He seems to enjoy being in command, as the commander would never do anybody harm…or would he?
    Let me give you an example:

    First he orders, then he plays nice. Pretty classy, I have to say.

    In fact, the more I think about it, the more I realize that Craken is not the assassin. No, Craken has just a bad friend. I will be changing my vote:

    Vote: Dreadgrass

    The more you talk, the more you just reveal yourself.

    Now, this is usually the time to tell a story. Anyone interested?

    The Hunted
  8. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    "Your reasoning is very interesting and merits further investigation. I will keep my current vote for Craken, for those who speak quickly often hid many things.

    And yes, I would love to hear a story."
  9. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "Yer' barkin up the wrong mast there friend, as I have already explained, I'm with the emperors marines on this voyage, I don't even have a stake in your adventure to Lustria, I'm only here to protect you all, as are the rest of the marines."

    He gestures to the men about him, "I give orders to avoid panic and chaos, would you prefer I left the crew to their own devices? If so I'd say half of you would've been lynched by now! I've been on these seas since I was a wee fella, and I know the minds of this crew, I'm only trying to keep this ship from degenetating into bedlam..." he fixes The Hunted with a hard stare. "I was re-thinking my decision of voting for you, doubting myself as it were, but now I see your simply jumping from person to person trying to find a place to lay blame... my vote stands."

    OOC: I'd just like it noted that some of what The Hunted has referred to was before we were allocated roles, I don't know about others but I'm avoiding trialing anyone on stuff said on the 1st day.
  10. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    My vote stands firm.

    Vote is still: Hunted
  11. crimsontide

    crimsontide New Member

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    My vote my sound silly, but think about it.... O wait.... I guess we lost him.... i think he killed KroxigorsFTW, or set a trap for him, and then was pushed over by somebody else. Well, I guess I don't know who to vote for. I feel kind of stupid now. Wow, why did I forget the Hellbreaker went overboard? I feel really stupid........... Wow....... I'm so insincere. Even if he did kill Hellbreaker..... O well..... Now who to vote for? I, I don't know.... The Hunted talks a lot..... I guess we should get SOMEBODY killed. I feel bad. I don't know what to do. If somebody can gather enough evidence I'll vote legitimately. As of right now I'm going to vote for me just so my vote doesn't really count.

    Vote: Crimsontide
  12. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    The day be ending, lads! What have you concluded after the dual bloodbath last night? Lets have a look shall we? (Sorry if this becomes a bit brief, I am short of time)

    Lets see we have 10 people still alive, thus a majority is 6 votes. Two men to count the vote to validate it!

    The Hunted: 5 votes
    Craken: 1 vote
    Dreadgrass: 1 vote
    Crimsontide: 1 vote

    No vote from Eternity_Warden or The Lybithian, both will be put on notice.

    The Hunted appears to be clear favourite here. As the votes are counted, extra strength is added to Craken's vote. He appears to be in the know this particular day. (OOC: Remember, assassins nominate someone every day to get an extra vote) Craken had voted for The Hunted, thus the vote is pushed to 6 people and a majority is found!

    The Hunted is pulled forward to answer for his crimes. Investigating him more closely reveals that he was responsible for hellbreaker's death, not an assassin but in some way in control of the weather! This is troubling news to the crew as he is executed, however, comforting that he has been discovered and will not kill again.
    (OOC: I bet no one can figure out what his mark was. As a further clue since I don't think it will effect the game, his next target was to be Craken.)

    Everyone aboard is pleased that a big threat to the journey has been removed, yet still somewhat uneasy at the likely presence of assassins among the crew. Several turn to look at the main mast to ensure a repeat of yeasterday has not occured while everyone's attention is drawn, but it is clear.

    Everyone begins their shift work into the night with some keeping watching and others falling into light sleep. Dawn breaks with no more crew harmed.

    Day 4!

    The Lybithian - Must post and vote this day or be removed
    The Hunted - guilty and executed day 3
    hellbreaker - killed by the elements day 2
    Eternity_Warden - Must post and vote this day or be removed
    KroxigorsFTW - assassinated day 2

    Tuesday looks like the finale of this day, since the other assassin(s?) didn't strike, you will have to go back to KroxigorsFTW's death to look for clues. Well done getting The Hunted, and to The Hunted bad luck on one of your votes doubling, you very nearly survived.
  13. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Revered_Guardian took a seat on the barrels.

    "Well lads, we have sucessfully avenged our ear hellbreaker me thinks. May his soul rest in peace."

    He made a qucik prayer.

    "Now we must look into the death of our other comrade. The assassins did not strike last night, which is truly suspicious, they have already revealed themselves. Why would they suddenly lift the pressure? Think. You are walking through the forest, and you step on a twig. The deer you were a huntin looks up. You don't move fowards. You don't breath. I think it is the same in this case. We may have stumbled upon one of the assassins in our accusations yesterday, so, in order to avoid creating more evidence against themselves, they didn't strike again...."

    He took out a pipe.

    "So what do you think lads?"
  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    "I am truly relieved that we put to death a person who was guilty, I'm glad my suspicions were correct."

    He sits down by the rails, and pats Solum

    "No only if I had more evidence of the murderer, and yes hell_breaker it does seem odd that the assassin did not strike again, very smart move on his part."
  15. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Offering Revered_Guardian some tobacco, Dreadgrass joins them by the rail, "Well done all round lads, one down eh?" he takes a longdraw on his own pipe and exhales slowly before continuing. "Still, gotta be another about, just need ta find 'em... you lads may live to brave the jungles yet!"
  16. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    "Why thank you dreadgrass."

    He took the tobacco, and began to smoke.

    "Craken, would ya like some?" He said after taking a few puffs. Offering the rest of the tobacco to the sailor.

    Waiting for him to take it or not, Revered_Guardian began to ponder the recent events.

    "We managed to defeat one of the threats we have already, but I think that it might not be as easy with the next. We need more evidence, surely, but I don't wish for another murder to take place. The only way to stop them is to lynch one of those amongst us, but, the problem lies in the fact that, without evidence, we may just be killing off one of our own!"
  17. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    "Aye, a tricky thing indeed, on the one hand, we may string up the guilty party, on the other we condemn an innocent man and, in doing so, we're doing the killers work for them..."

    "All we have to go on is any shifty behaviour on behalf of any of the passengers, I'm fairly certain its not a crewman, most of this lot have been together since before I came aboard, and they've run the "Lustria Leg" a fair few times without misshap, so that narrows it down to the few of us who came aboard at the last port..."
  18. SaurusWarrior

    SaurusWarrior New Member

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    "Yes, you're right Dreadgrass... perhaps one who hasn't said anything for or against when we killed Hunted. May I suggest the Lybithian? He has said pratically nothing since the start of the voyage." Lukas said.

    Lukas flipped a coin in the air. Completely uneasy about who might be the assassain after all.
  19. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    "Yes, but that could simply be his way of reacting to the sudden murder of one of his comrades."

    Revered_Guardian knew all to well about the pain of losing his closest friends....

    "Let's find im and see what he has to say about that then"
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    OOC: Just over 24 hours left, make sure you get your votes in. Remember, you don't have to kill someone if there is no majority.

    Also, just to let it be known, I didn't wait until the end of day 1 then dish out all the roles. Any post any player has made in this thread is fair game for suspicion.

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