AoS New pod cast

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Erta Wanderer, Mar 4, 2020.

  1. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    Great! Another one I can listen to on the way to work, or while painting!
    <adds to ever growing list> ;)
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    this would be the first and only one id listen to lol
  3. Croco Guard
    Cold One

    Croco Guard Well-Known Member

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    Hello, this is Croco. Discussion of the new book is of course going to be a hot topic for a podcast. Sharing info about any matches you play of warhammer, warcry, bloodbowl and how units perform. Probably somewhere in the first few episodes an introduction to you two and how you came to play tabletop games and Lizardmen in particular. Personal hobby setups whether painting stations or gaming tables. Any personal fluff you have behind your own armies. And if you really want to go crazy perhaps a short series of novel reviews that feature Lizardmen (The Burning Shore, Temple of the Serpent, tiny bit of Skaven Pestilens, a whole 5 minutes in Realmslayer Blood of the Old World).

    I'll be sure to give it a listen when it comes out.
  4. Dracorex
    Cold One

    Dracorex Well-Known Member

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    This is a great idea! I’d like to hear about things like cool tactics or fun lists to run, general hobby stuff like painting and conversions, and interesting fluff/backgrounds for characters and armies. I agree with what @Carnikang said about staying focused on the topic and featuring community members. I also enjoy hearing stories from games and how events from that battle effect a certain character in a narrative way. Do you have any idea when you’re going to start?
  5. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like a lot of fun! I'd definitely listen to it :)
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    we should be testing out ore set up this week and going live next monday or wedness day. hope to see you all there!
  7. Primevalivy
    Jungle Swarm

    Primevalivy New Member

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    Please pass on the details here when you have them. I am always looking for more podcasts.
  8. Nacho

    Nacho Member

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    I would suggest, if you're focusing only on Seraphon, to not go over the 30 minutes mark, as you would run out of topics soon. You'll start trying to do a big thing, but keep ot simple and stay on focus: a two or even three days review on the lore, another 2-3 on the rules, 2-3 on tactics... Don't rush it, or you'll get burned out soon, once a week, 2 tops, will do fine for starters.

    And good luck, it will be our pleasure to listeb to you
  9. Siberian Husky
    Jungle Swarm

    Siberian Husky New Member

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    The only thing I can think of to talk about is what is your favorite unit in the army and why is it the Bastildon, the model with the best smile.

    But to let you know. When you releason the podcast you will have a listener in me.
  10. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    By the tail of Dracothian! This sounds amazing and thank you both in advance for taking this on!

    Some good tips and thoughts have already been posted. The shorter the podcast the better in some ways as a lot of podcasts are way too long and have a lot of rambling in them rather than a properly structured discussion. I'm sure you'll be coming up with a list of content for Season 1 of this podcast and given we have a new battletome due for release the timing couldn't better. It'd be so tempting to delve into lots of details about all of the new tome content, here are my thoughts for content I'd love to hear about in no particular order, which I hope you find helpful:
    1. Introduction to both casters. How long you've been playing Games Workshop games, Lizardmen, Age of Sigmar, Seraphon. Why you play, how did you become interested in it. Build up to the content you're going to cover in this season, you're going to have seasons right?! :-D. Could also plug Seraphon and why they’re good to play in either episode 1 or 2.
    2. Overview of the new Seraphon battletome. Cover each element from heroes to artefacts, just not in too much detail. Enough to get us thinking about how the new tome will work for us, you could even drop the 1st and 2nd podcasts at the same time. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to begin talking about how the old rules used to work for us vs the new.
    3. Tactics 1: Focus on Starborne vs Coalesced, or both! Battlations related, the benefits/potential disadvantages
    4. Tactics 2: If not already covered, focus on the other allegiance, advantages/disadvantages. Two options to consider when deciding to let us know if an allegiance is good/bad: (a) rather than stating if one is better the other you could approach is as “if you like the idea of playing skink hordes” you might prefer X or (b) this allegiance is better because you get X more power and X more of Y.
    5. Units 1: Slann/Skink Hero units
    6. Units 2: Saurus Hero units
    7. Units 3: Battleline units
    8. Units 4: Behemoths, Artillery & Forgeworld
    9. Lists 1: Your favourites so far, 2k mainly but some 1k.
    10. Lists 2: 2k mainly and 1k options. Consider beginner vs. advanced lists
    11. Lists 3: Some crazy but viable lists
    12. Lists 4: Requests for build from the audience
  11. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    13. Lore 1 The beginning of Lizards
    14. Lore 2 Finish old world lizards
    15. Lore 3: Lizards in AOS, the latest that we know about Seraphon
    16. Lore 4: New content from latest tome? Did someone say there is more lore available in the Limited edition tome
    17. Lore 5: If not already covered in previous Lore discussion, focus on stories of particular characters like Lord Kroak who is Dracothian, Sotek?
    18. Lore 6: Where you believe the Seraphon story will go from here
    19. Lore 7: Questions from the audience on Lore, if not already covered at the end of each episode
    Seraphon in the meta
    20. Guest episode 1: draft in a famous Seraphon forum name to discuss their affinity with Seraphon, but focus on what they like about the army, how they like to play, what has worked for them and offer your own insight into their playstyle
    21. Guest episode 2 - another famous forum name
    22. Guest episode 3 - Mathhammer wizard, tips on how you can do your own mathhammer for Seraphon, what to consider when doing mathhammer, e.g. damage output or army resilience
    23. Tournament performances by Seraphon, any insight you can share or info you can gleam; lists, player commentary, maybe you can try contact them with questions or if someone did exceptionally well try to get them on the podcast to discuss their thoughts. How Seraphon are doing vs other armies
    24. Getting into Seraphon 1: Top tips when starting off, what to buy depending on playstyle
    25. Getting into Seraphon 3: Common questions from new players answered
    26. Getting into Seraphon 2: Top tips on building your first list, what to do for your first games
    27. Getting into Seraphon 4: Getting ready for your first tournament
    28. Advanced Tactics 1: Common mistakes made when playing Seraphon
    29. Advanced Tactics 2: Getting the most out of your units/synergy, audience questions on battle reports they’ve sent to help them do better next time
    30. Advanced Tactics 3: Priority targets to select when playing vs other armies
    31. Advanced Tactics 4: Tournament mindset, there’s some great motivational content out there about how you can think about situations in which you find yourself at a disadvantage in a game and how to turn things around etc.
    32. Best Friends 1: Allies we can consider taking with our armies, if not already covered in a previous episode in detail.

    OK, I think I’ve gone overboard with excitement XD
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well this was a long time coming

    yell at me if you like it or if i did something wrong but enjoy
  13. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    The volume is a bit too low imo.
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    true im new to sound mixing and i overcompensated to avoid eco
  15. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    What would guys like to see for future topics? I think FAQ/Errata is pretty likely to be the next cast. Hopefully, they're pretty quick and brief clarifications on GW's end.
  16. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    this would be great. I haven't seen this one yet as work has these sort of things blocked, but ill watch when I get home. if it wasn't covered, perhaps some basics.. like maybe do a podcast for beginners/fantasy players that came to AOS because of the new battletome and haven't played in a while. maybe even do a demo battle and showcase it, purposely playing slower and going step by step.
  17. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I might could get a club member to make a learn to play battle rep with me and Seraphon.
  18. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Listened to a few minutes, quite intrigued and glad to see it up and running.

    I'll have to give it a full watch later when I'm not running around and killing vermin.
  19. Just A Skink
    Skink Chief

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Nicely done, @Erta Wanderer and @LizardWizard! I hope you'll have enough Seraphon topics to drive multiple podcasts. To that point, maybe the podcasts should be a bit shorter to draw out topics?

    I toyed with starting a thread about a Seraphon "What If". The idea had some inspiration from the fan-made battletome that you helped make. I was thinking it would be discussing what you would do to improve/change the warscrolls, or constellations, or battalions, maybe even the lore, etc. Maybe it could work as a topic, if that interests either of you? You did a little of that on this show.

    For example: What if GW brought back a Rend reduction to all units in a Starborne subfaction? (too much? not enough?) Or what if the Troglodon was only 180-200 pts? I don't know, stuff like that.

    It's probably more than a bit premature since the battletome just came out, but I find myself becoming one of those people saying "This is what they SHOULD have done!" (like I know, ha ha ha).
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2020
  20. Cuetzpal Pilli
    Temple Guard

    Cuetzpal Pilli Well-Known Member

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    Nice! Perfect timing with all the quarantines and whatnot. Really enjoyed the discussion!

    Some suggestions:
    - As noted before, Erta's audio was a bit low, but luckily not too low to where turning up the volume distorted LizardWizard's sound.
    - Not necessary, but if you could add an intro & outro song/soundbite I think it would elevate the final result a good bit.

    Looking forward to the next one and overall great job guys!!

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