AoS Seraphon "What If"

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Just A Skink, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    When many fans railed against the Game of Thrones final half-season, one of the responses was "Make your own T.V. show." Although I'm not saying we should make a new battletome, I became interested in the fan-made units and rules from this site.

    This thread is likely premature, with the battletome only about 2 weeks old, but what the heck. I'm calling all of the "er" lizards; those that like to make things bett"er", or diff"er"ent, or just like to theorize about "What if..." If this doesn't appeal to you, then just pass it by.

    Here are a few to start (several are based on observations from cleverer members on this site). These might make our army too unbalanced, but that's why there here, to consider and potentially discuss.

    Seraphon "What If"

    What if Stardrake shields returned and gave -1 Rend vs. enemy attacks again?

    What if Dracothion's Tail had extra LoSaT-type ability as command ability?

    What if Shadowstrike Starhost & Shadowstrike Temple-host abilities were reversed?

    What if Zoetic Dial, Light of Dracothion and Prism of Amyntok were general Seraphon artifacts, available to either slann, saurus or skinks?

    What if the slann artifact "Throne of the Lost Gods" added 1 to the Armor (or to armor saves) instead of adding 1 to Wounds?

    What if Oldblood on Carno or Scar-Vet on Carno had a 3+ save?

    What if the Oracle on Troglodon only cost 180-200 points?

    What if the Troglodon had Rend -1 on its Noxious Spittle?

    What if the slann's Foresight worked on a 3+ instead of 4+?

    What if Ripperdactyl Rider's lost the Toad Markers (sorry toad model), but they could use the same ability every time they charged?

    What if Saurus Guard had an ability that gave them +1 armor save if they didn't move in the same round?

    What if Saurus Knights had 3 Wounds?

    What if Skink Alpha had +1 Attack to melee AND missile?

    What if Terradon Riders got 1 Boulder Marker for each model in the unit, and you could choose to use them individually?
    What if Terradon Riders got 1 Boulder Marker for each model in the unit, and could use them the entire game? However "Deadly Cargo" would only do 1 mortal wound on a dice roll of 4-5 and D3 on an unmodified 6, but that Boulder Marker is lost? (it's as if the Terradons are dragging the boulders into the enemy as they fly over them).
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Satoabe

    Satoabe Member

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    And what if all Sauruses gained +1 W
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  3. Batch
    Cold One

    Batch Active Member

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  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    What if Saurus Guard could use their "Selfless Protectors" ability on ANY Seraphon Wizard?

    What if Saurus Guard had an ability to extend "Look Out Sir" to 3" (the range for their "Selfless Protectors" ability)?
    What if Saurus Guard could provide "Look Out Sir" regardless of how many models are in the unit?
    Lizerd likes this.
  5. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    What if they brought back lord mazdamundi? Like thats an absolutely wild addition to bring an AOS mazdamundi?
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well he is the one hero we do know died in the end times so not likely
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    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    cuz no one ever comes back from the dead in this Lore lol
  8. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Meanwhile kroak....
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  9. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    I know hes dead but I wonder what his stats and abilities would be
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  10. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    he would be on the named Steg, so start with steg stats and boost them. for the characteristics lets keep the move the same so 8" move 14 wounds 3+ save and 10 bravery

    then attacks. hes going to have the standard jav wielding skinks on board. so he will get 4 8' 5+/4+ - 1 ranged attacks.
    he himself will not have a melee weapon.
    then there is the horns jaws and stomps. instead of renaming them to give them different profiles from the un named steg we will boost them in the abilities section

    wounds table would remain the same just adjusted for the 4 more wounds.

    he would have the armored crest remain the same. his steadfast majesty would be called "awe inspiring majesty" and would change the battleshock re-roll to skinks just not taking them. unstoppable stampede would do mortals on 2+ and be called crushing stampede to coincide with the crushing stomps.

    he would have an ability that says this units mount attacks get +1 to hit and +1 to wound with all attacks, with some flavor saying his mount and crew are elite and specifically trained to protect him.

    he would be a wizard able to cast three spells. in accordance with our current design he would have the comet call spell the other slann have. he would also get the +1 casting unbinding and dismissing. and he would get the 3 rolls to generate a command point on a 4+ ala kroak.

    his command ability would be to make any friendly Seraphon within 24" get +1 attacks, not just be limited to skinks.

    he would also cost about 450 points.
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  11. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    I love the look id probably bump his hp to 20 because zlaaq is the biggest baddest stegadon. So we wouldnt give him the cobra mace of mazdamundi. I feel it since hes gonna be so strong anyways. He might have ruination of cities as his own spell maybe so I can see him being 450-500
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
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  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Not going to lie, a Stegadon with a Slann on top would be pretty awesome
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  13. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    I cant remember if FW has a stegadon model.(pathetic i know because i own 3 fucking dreads)
    But id assume it would be a bigger model than the gw one so probs grab that boy for zlaaq or a regular GW one get a slan model convert a couple hauta to make the Nazi frog . boom
    Lizerd likes this.
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately, GW has no stegadon and an official model of mazdamundi was never released.

    although speaking of your dreads, we’ve never seen the gang! Send us pics of them
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  15. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    My dude you have seen one its the only one i got painted because I'm not motivated to paint at the this time but hey if I remember when i get home from work in 6 hours I'll dm it to ya my man
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  16. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    What if we had chariots? Like Aztec versions of the dark elf cold one chariots. I think that would be bonkers
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  17. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Would be a decent buff, but honestly not really needed. With the exception of the sunblood who lost -2 rend protection & gained nothing in return most of them honestly have decent enough stats.

    Given the amount of CP we can generate that'd be OP as hell, you'd end up with half the army teleporting each turn.

    It wouldn't make sense as the new shadowstrike starhost can also have its skinks strike from the sky. They can teleport from their ships. The temple-hosts can't teleport. So unless the skinks have grown wings it'd be weird.

    Meh, not a fan of one-time use artifacts. And you'd have to give up on actually good artifacts. Maybe if we didn't have to get an extra battalion just to get the artifact.

    On that note; what if you could get artifacts by paying 10-50 points. instead of needing to field the 400-500+ points another battalion would cost cost

    Maybe if it also gets combined with some extra attacks. A slann is already going to be sitting in the back surrounded by guard. He doesn't really need more defenses. If however this could be used to kit him out to go into melee and start murdering stuff sure, then the +1 to saves would become interesting. But as long as he sits in the back the wound is more valuable since it'l help against mortal wounds as well.

    It'd probably need a fairly significant cost increase.

    That'd probably be too cheap and it'd be spammed, especially in starborne lists. It would at least salvage summoning I guess.

    I'd rather see 3 attacks instead of D3.

    mwha, in between slann, starpriests, kroak, starseers & certain command traits I don't really think we'd need it.

    The way toad markers currently work means that if you can use the toad marker from unit A to buff unit B, even if unit B already used its own toadmarker. Imho, that's better & more reliable than something based around charging.

    Imho, rippers (and terradons) need a dedicated battalion where you just bring a wing of them. So say 1 chief + 3 unit of rippers/terradons. This'd help them far more.

    Never was a fan of the not moving part of the starhost. Imho, just give them +1 to armour when guarding a hero or objective.

    They're already the single best saurus unit. They'd need a significant point increase if you don't want to push out every other saurus unit.

    Meh, it's one attack. Would make more sense though.

    I doubt it'd change much, in most situations you need all the boulders to kill your target and don't have the luxury to save it for a next target as the risk of missing is simply too great.

    Fluff-wise, the terradons would probably break their own legs from repeatedly slamming into stuff.

    Gameplaywise, meh. Terradons are so horrificly squishy you probably won't see much use out of it. Plus, unless you manage to do it every single turn the actual payoff will not be super impressive. And once you bear in mind that it'l take a turn or 2 to get into range, and they'l get stuck in combat every so often you'l really only get 2 maybe 3 uses out of it per game. Which isn't going to be much of an improvement compared to now.

    Why stop with wizards? What about skink priests? Sunbloods & oldbloods are also important. Imho, the guard should be protecting any hero that isn't mounted on a behemoth (and behemoths are only exempt cuz that'd result in immortal carnosaurs which would be somewhat broken, not cuz the guard wouldn't protect it....)

    They desperatly need something to distinguish themselves from regular saurus warriors, just something that actually plays to their role as guards without chaining them to a slann would be a massive improvement.
    Lizerd likes this.
  18. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    @Canas there are not bad ideas in brainstorming... except for all of the ones I posted. Lol.
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  19. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Nah, they're not bad, I just made em better ;)

    Anyways, it's too be expected, what if's will rarely be perfectly balanced in one try, keep going and see if you can get me to no longer have objections and you'l deserve a cookie :p Plus let's be honest, not like you'l have much else to do in the current quarentine....
    Just A Skink, Dragvindel and Lizerd like this.
  20. Dragvindel
    Cold One

    Dragvindel Well-Known Member

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    What if we got some new Sculpts for Saurus and Kroxigor?

    What if we actually had some named heroes?
    I know most from the old world died to the moon, but Kroq Gar isn't confirmed dead, and I don't think Chakax is either?
    Just A Skink likes this.

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