Squared to Circle bases tips please

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Kaughnor, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    The drop of new book has me looking back on old project of mine I never finished during 8th edition. I'm wanting now to go back and finish my old project using army painter dip method. Here is a link to blog posts on lustria online from back in the day:


    This is a current photo of where the army stands now:


    Not sure where to start back. Priority is converting bases from square to round. Not sure best way to do that though. Could not find slotted round bases being sold on gw website. Thinking perhaps I should use clippers to cut away square bases so they are flat then glue onto new solid round bases. Or clip feet of models away completely from base and set on new round bases. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Also... debating to finish painting up models as they are on square bases using dip method. I recall after dipping models in the turpentine I had to use pliers to aggressively shake the excess fluid off the models. Not sure if the models would hold up to that part of process after they were rebased.

    Anyway any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Infernus

    Infernus Member

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    I have the almost the same issue with the bases. But I don't want to convert my square bases if WFB were to come back with square bases...
    I have no urges to convert them yet since I only play with a friend of mine who is ok with my square bases so far.

    I found some kind of adapters but they cost you more than regular bases and I don't know how well they do work.
    But if you want you can give it a try here is a link to those :
    I think a found some for oval bases on this site too.

    There is this shop from etsy who I think is more expensive.


    I hope this helps!
  3. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Thank you for feedback! I hear ya on not wanting to mess with models built for old game systems.. For example, my block of saurus warriors above all have magnets in their bases so they stick to the magnetic strip i put in on the bottom of thier movement tray. If I hack up bases that is a lot of work down the drain. As i linked above, my army was built with 8th edition in mind. I'm thinking that going forward I may just bite the bullet and buy new models.

    As it stands - from my old collection - I have 20 unbuilt saurus, 18 unbuilt saurus knights and 10 unbuilt saurus guard. I just picked up a start collecting box with 12 more saurus, 8 more knights and carnasour. I was thinking I would add these models to old square based army but now think a fresh start is called for.

    As for hobby/painting project, was going to finish up what I started with army painter, but 5 years after my original project GW contrast paints dropped. I've used them for kill team/war cry projects and may plan a paint strategy around them rather than army painter. Though If I go with new paint system, I want to keep the paint scheme similar to old project.

    Looking at the links you provided, I wonder if those conversion bases might be the way to go. I don't like how the corners stick out though. But with a solid set of clippers, a fella could cut the corners of the square bases in short order. Would require an extra step filling in the gaps with some type of putty though. And no more square bases left incase old game system comes back into fashion...


    dare to dream an 8th edition square based like game returns again.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
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  4. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Well, I took the plunge and put clipper to square base. The great square base purge has begun lol. Now time to find decent new bases to use. Any idea? Also just did a final tally, I'v 27 painted saurus with spears and 37 un built ones. My plan is to finish spears up to 40 saurus and two squads of 10 saurus with clubs to set up sunclaw. that a good idea?

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
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  5. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    And that is 27 saurus with spears off their square bases. Have to stop there as the 9 skinks have not been dipped yet. I need to find some quick shade stat. It's taking all my will power not to dip them in the 5 year old tin I found again on my shelf lol.

    My goal is to get 500 points painted and based. This is list I've come up with.

    Old one
    Skink priest

    20 Sausus with spears and full command
    10 skinks with blow pipes and clubs
    1 Salamander.

    Most models are almost done painted (but for bases off course). I figure this small list will get me going with good options for warcry, a base to build up to 1k for meeting engagements and of course... dare to dream, a painted 2k aos army.

  6. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    So, been stuck in house last 6 days unable to leave. Not going to rebase; rather starting fresh. I want to use contrast paints. Been digging into blogs on this forum and love some of the results of contrast paints with lizards. Here is a freshly assembled army ready to paint:

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  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    If Reaper minis is still open they have bases for reasonable prices.
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  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    This was something I was contemplating for a long time. I wound up using magnets and small discs of metal to magnetize a lot of my samurai bases, in order to allow me to use them in both round-base skirmishes as well as larger, squared-based full army confrontations.
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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