Help How to base the Arachnadont?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by caligolas, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. caligolas
    Jungle Swarm

    caligolas New Member

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    Hello everyone,

    Hive fleet Gorrok reporting.
    We have a problem in basing this big octapod creatures.

    As you will see my stegadon got some extra leg as a gift from his mama-nyd, and does not know where to put them.

    The body of the model is the araknarok spider from the GLOOMSPITE GITZ.

    As we know the kit comes from the old edition with rectangular base and beautifully fits a 16cm round base.
    Since I'm using it as a stegghy i need to fit it in a smaller base, and clearly does not fit.



    By now I'm trying to put the steggy over a cliff in order to gain space, but it doesnt really helps the situation.

    Any Suggestion or tricks to fit big boyz over small bases?
    Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
  2. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Umm I see your problem going from 160 to 92 wide....have you try making it go uphill and have the small leg down and bigger one up ?!? 2 long legs up in front with 2 set of smaller one in the middle and the back leg up as well ?!?

    Best of luck!!

    Looking great so far!!
  3. caligolas
    Jungle Swarm

    caligolas New Member

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    It totally slipped out of my mind.

    So this morning i tested a bit with the steggy and this happened


    Now the idea is to keep him like this,
    green stuff the joints, and find a way to keep him standing on 4 legs,
    the balance is not 100% stable and I'm thinking where to pin it.

    Last but not least i still have to decide what to put on top....
    bOdziO Wolf and Imrahil like this.
  4. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    If you drop the back 2 leg down to base level and then work your way up from there you may be able to put something under the 3rd row of leg so just having the front 2 up and ready to strike ....

    Got any cork bark? They make nice rock could build it up to those legs.... making it look like it’s crawling over a rock/cliff to strike its foe!!
    Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.

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